The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 19, 1991, Image 8

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    Health News is published as a community service by Humana Hospital Brazos Valley.
The Humana Seniors Association:
Providing for the special needs of older patients
Humana cares about
the special needs of our
senior patients. That's why we
haw a program designed with those
needs in mind. Our Humana Seniors
Association otters a variety ot hen-
el ns and services to help you live life
to the fullest. The association is avail
able to anxone 55 years or older.
Meet interesting people and make
new friends at monthly Humana Se
niors Association meetings. Kach
month >ou can attend a program \\ ith
guest speakers. You'll have the chance
to exchange ideas, and the opportu-
nii> to join in on the planning of fun
social events and other activities, like
exercise classes and exciting trips.
You'll also want to take advantage
of your chapter’s regularly scheduled
health screenings. These tree screen
ings are an easy way to keep a check
on your health.
Should a hospital slay be neces
sary. all of our members receive VIP
treatment including discounts on ac
commodations. Your benefits include
prixate rooms at semi-private rates
and an extra bed for your spouse or a
friend at no additional charge, both
subject to availability. You will also
enjoy a complimentary TV and tele
phone in your room as well as compli
mentary meals lor your spouse. All
this and even complimentary trans
portation when available.
When you become a member you
qualify for vision and hearing care
benefits including discounts on
eyewear and hearing aids. We also
have an in-home emergency response
system to ensure your safety 24hrs a
day. Discounts to local merchants
and convcnicniprcscripiions by mail
are all part of being a member.
Discounts arc also available at
Hampton Inns, Ramada Inns and
LaQuinia Inns. As a. Humana Se
niors Association member, you’re
automatically enrolled in the Places
Travel Club by Carlson Companies’
Places Travel. As a member, you
earn bonus points every time you
book a llight through Places Travel.
You can use bonus points immedi
ately, or save them toward a more
valuable gift. Places Travel Club
also offers discounts on cruises and
lours exclusively for Humana Se
niors Association members.
For help in filing your health in
surance claims, come visit your In
surance Specialist - - Free. This
trained professional will help you
sort through all the confusing paper
work involved with insurance and
Medicare forms. Just call for an
These and other benefits are avail
able today. For more information
call the association at 776-0884.
Van Service:
Free transportation is
By M
available to seniors
The Seniors Association offers free transportation for
doctors appointments and other health related trips. The van is
available within the Bryan/Collcgc Station city limits Monday-
Friday 8:30am to 3:30pm.
Just call the Seniors Association office at 776-0884 ami give us
at least 48 hours notice. Our friendly van driver will take you to
your doctor's appointment and then home again. Wc also take
members to pick up prescriptions from the drugstore.
Don’t miss out on your Association’s activities. Have the van
pick you up for monthly meetings and chapter events.
Call the SENIORS VAN at 776-0884.
This is a free service to all members.
The Comfort of Home:
The Security of Humana
Humana DaySurgery of
fers an innovative and conve
nient alternative to a hospital visit.
Da>Surgery is specifically designed
and staffed for surgical procedures
that can be performed the same day
the pauent is admitted.
With DaySurgery. you're admit
ted. have surgery, and go home the
same day. so your health care costs
are substantially less than those for
the same, operation performed on an
overnight basis. You’ll be back in the
familiar surroundings of your home
before nightfall. That means greatly
shortened absences from family,
school or work. Parents arc back
home with small children and busi
ness people can stay in touch more
easily with their offices.
If you have a child w-ho needs
surgery, you'll probably feel more
comfortable having him or her at
home. Recovery is eghanced in fa-
Common DaySurgery Procedures
Biopsy: diagnosis of
lumps and bumps
Diagnosis of moles, cysts, or gan
glia (swelling beneath the skin),
enlarged fatty tissue and swollen
lymph glands can safely and easily
be done in DaySurgery.
Arthroscopic Diagnosis
and Treatment
Arthroscopy is the examination
of the interior of a diseased or dam
aged joint, by means of a lighted
instrument known as an
arthroscope. 'The arthroscope is a
small, flexible tube that is inserted
through an incision near the af
fected joint. Using an arthroscope,
a doctor will be able to determine
what is affecting the f unction of the
joint when symptoms fail to re
spond to medical therapy.
Myringotomy for
serious Otitis Media
Fluid buildup in the middle ear
is a common disorder among chil
dren from birth through around age
six. If left unattended, this condi
tion can cause learning and speech
disabilities, even permanent loss of
hearing. However, with a trip to
DaySurgery, correction of serous
otitis media can be performed in a
matter of minutes.
Foot Surgery
Today, foot surgery to relieve
pain, correct deformities and to im
prove function can be done safely
and easily in DaySurgery.
Arthroplasty is the removal of a
portion of the text joint to straighten
a “hammeruxt.”Fiborous tissue fills
in the gaps.
Nasal Surgery
Minor aesthetic rhinoplasty can
be done to correct the appearance
ofa large bulbous tip of the nose, an
obvious bump or hook, or flared
nostrils. Sometimes these and other
deformities are inherited at birth,
yet may not be fully evident until
years later. Reconstructive sur
gery of the nose is done to correct
deformities resulting from birth,
trauma, tumors or infections. The
end resul t is improved function and
a more desirable appearance.
Hernia Repair
A hemia is the abnormal protru
sion of part of an organ or tissue.
Hernias may develop in various
parts of the body and are common
in thcgroinandabdomcn. Although
various supports and trusses can be
tried, the best treatment is surgical
repair of the weakness in the muscle
wall through which the hernia pro
trudes. This procedure is called
herniorrhaphy and can be done
safely and easily in DaySurgery.
Rectal Surgery
Rectal surgery may be recom
mended by your doctor to relieve
bleeding and pain caused by
hemorroids (dilated anal veins),
fissures (anal ulcers) or fistulas (a
tunnel or abcess between the wall
of the anal canal and outside
skin). Procedures to correct these
problems can be done safely and
easily in DaySurgery.
A tonsillectomy at Daysurgcry
means you can enjoy the popsicle
in the comfort of your own bed.
miliar surroundings with a loving
family nearby.
DaySurgery is’ a concept that
represents advances in surgical
techniques and hospital care. Many
different types of surgical procedures
are now being performed on a same
day basis. Most people find their
insurance not only covers the majority
of charges for DaySurgery, but also
enourages the use of same day surgery
to hold down health care costs.
Only your physician can decide
whether you are a candidate for
DaySurgery. However, surgery on a
same day basis is a choice more and
more doctors are able to offer their
patients. DaySurgey provides a high
quality, low cost alternative to regu
lar hospital care.
Humana DaySurgery is now of
fered in two locations: Humana
DaySurgcry-Bryan and Humana
Hospital-Brazos Valley.
I f you or a member of your fam i ly
is anticipating surgery, discuss
DaySurgery with your doctor. This
innovative service could be the time
and money-saving alternative that’s
right for you.
Self-Service Vs.
Emergency Services
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Just Minutes From
Your Home
When you think youri
jury or illness is minor, ii
tempting to treat it yourself. Butg
ing to a professional has its a<
tages. Like x-rays to be sure
"sprained" wrist isn’t really broke
itely. Conse
fall sent the
poll Mon
Or professional advice to make si: |j U eeze hu!)*
your chest pains really are nothin:: replaced To
worry about. Sinkings.
The emergfency departmem. Defendin
, t ,, . , . , .more victoru
Humana Hospital is staffed with si Q )em t h e unz
daily trained nurses and independc Ohio Stat
doctors who understand andean:
spond to your needs in an emergen (22-‘fi 'Ire Vi[
situation. And because our emerge:; (25-2), which
department is backed by theresoure |8 points ant
of a quality Humana hospital, r I. , Aflei ,ii< ’
prepared to handle almost any met ’f Syracuse
cal emergency—-just in case whaljtj qence and B
think is a minor injury requires mar North Carol
• J J ^ j Wake Forest
attenUon - fctwo places, cf
So when you need more than "stillm Kansas (1
service" medical care, don’t woirjj ing Missouri
We’ll always be here for you-- t< ! Na ^ a * T te
Dlarps to No
hours a day, 7 day a week. Andwt:"
conveniently located so you can res'
us quickly and easily.
The Sect
tate, Nebra
LSU and Vii
“How do I find a doctor
who is perfectly suited for
my needs?”
“Which doctors will ac
cept my insurance?”
“We're expecting our first
child. Can you tell me
about the Humana Cradle
Club SM ?”
“Where can 1 find a CPR
The answers to these and other
healthcare-related questions are now easy
to find and as close as your telephone through Humana
On Call SM , a valuable new community service from the
healthcare professionals at Humana Hospital-Brazos
Now with one phone call, you can be referred to
quality physicians and specialists, as well as a wide
range of community and hospital-based programs and
services matched to your specific needs. Your
healthcare referral questions will be answered promptly
and reliably by our specially trained healthcare repre
sentatives from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday-Friday. And
best of all, this service is free.
Humana Hospital-Brazos Valley
1604 Rock Prairie Rd.
College Station, TX 77845
Humana On Call SM
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What's more important than your health? 81 *