The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 11, 1991, Image 6
\ \ Page 6 The Battalion Monday, February 11,199 The Battalion Classified Ads Phone: 845-0569 / Office: English Annex I Wanted Wanted Contact Fairfax Cryobank A Division of the Genetics & IVF Institute 1121 Briarcrest, Dr. f Suite 101-Bryan TX 77802 HEALTHY MALES WANTED AS SEMEN DONORS Help infertile couples; confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desirable, ages 18 to 35, excellent compensation. 776-4453 Help Wanted ■ Help Wanted LANGE MUSIC CITY 1315 Texas Avenue 822-2334 20% off accessories 30% off Yamaha guitars Bring ad when you come! a ill mi— Schlotzsky's Is now accepting applications for part-tims evening and weekend shifts. Apply In person only be- tween 2-5 p.m. 12t/2/11 INTELLIGENCE Jo5i7 Allbranches. US Customs, DEA etc. Now hiring. Call 1-005-962-8000. Ext. K-9531. 8t/ 3/1 Earn $108.00 CASH monthly donating plasma. Safe, hewing Aggie tradKIon. Most of the thousands of A&M student donors study during their visit. Westgate Plasma Center. 4223 Wellborn Road 846-8855. 41/2/ HOME TYPISTS, PC users needed. $35,000 potential. Details. (1)805-687-6000. INTELLIGENCE JOSS. All branches. U.S. Customs, DEA,etc. Nowhiring. Call(1)805-667-6000, Ext.K-9S31. Healthy males wanted as semen donors. Help Infertile couples. Confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desir able. Ages 18-35, excellent compensation. Contact Fairfax Cryobank, 1121 Briarcrest Suite 101, 776-4453. Services PATELLAR TENDONITIS (JUMPER’S KNEE) Patients needed with patellar tendonitis (pain at base of knee cap) to participate in a research study to evaluate a new topical (rub on) anti-inflammatory gel. Eligible volunteers will be compensated G&S Studies, Inc. (close to campus) 846-5933 Professional Word Processing Laser printing for Resumes, Reports, Letters and Envelopes. Typist available 7 days a week ON THE DOUBLE 113 COLLEGE MAIN 846-3755 WORD PROCESSING: PROFESSIONAL LASER QUALITY REPORTS, RESUMES, ETC. LISA 096-0958. $ 1/page typing, laser printed, double spaced. Call Editing Services 776-5560. O'BRYAN PLUMBING AND HEATING 24 HRS, SMALL OR LARGE JOBS. 822-6735. TYPING In Macintosh computer. Letter-quality printer. Done 24 hrs. or less. 696-3892. Roommate Wanted THE PSYCHOLOGY DEPARTMENT at TAMU is conducting research on group dynamics and needs participants. We will pay $30.00 for 6 hrs over a three week period. If interested, instructions and sign up sheets are posted outside Room 409 in the Psychology Department. Southwood Valley large house. 3B/2Ba, yard, pets, $167/ mo. + utilities. Shuttle bus. Very nice roommates! 764- 2968, Kelly. For Sale 3/4 Karat diamond engagement and wedding band, sota, entertainment center. Paul 693-8555. 31/2/15 IBM Compatble, 640k, 2 Floppies, $350. Ideal for word processing. 845- 5132. Kawasaki EX 500. Only 1983 miles. Uke new, $2100? 775-0316. PIANO FOR SALE: Wanted; responsible party to take on small monthly payments on piano. See locally. Call Manager at 800-635-7611. Roundlrlp plane tickets to New York from Houston, avail able until Feb.13, 1991, Call Chris 646-6618/a 5 p.m. Centurion Racing bike Shlrmno 105 system, 88 model, condition Is excellent. Call 693-7762, pries is negotiable. For Rent n 1991 Grads ^ '\ Get A Job - In ^ \ Silicon Valley! u. Job Hunt on - ^ Your PC! "The Silicon Valley Profiler” - a Hi-Tech Employment DataBase o Over 1600 Company Profiles, o Prints Cover Letters/Labels, o Runs on IBM XT/ATs. Order by Mail today from: InfoDiscs 3687 Bryant/# 204 Palo Alto, CA 94306 415-493-2212 800-755-2212 $ 39.95 + $2.71 CATax Updates Qrtly. Specify: 5 1/4‘ or 3 1/2" Format OVERSEAS JOBS. $900-2000 mo. Summer, Yr. round, all countries, all fields. Free Info, write IJC, PO BX 52- TX04, Corona Del Mar CA 92625. MAKE LOTS OF MONEY- The University Treasury Corporation Is seeking campus representatives for UTO Jobline. Please call Maureen at (708) 205-1099. H you are not interested In becoming a campus rep, but would like to showcase your resume to over 100,000 employers worldwide, please request a form at (800) 333-0385. Prestigious northeast summer camps near NYC seek specialists In circus, sports, art, theatre, dance, music, magic, circus, science, waterfront, horsemanship. On canpus interviews 2/18/91. Call 800-869-6083 or write French Woods, PO Box 800, Pomona, NY, 10970. Resort Hotels: Cruiselines, Sumer Camps, and Amuse ment Parks, NOW accepting applications for sumer jobs, internships and career positions in the U.S. and Mexico. For more Information and an application, write National Collegiate Recreation Service; PO Box 8074; Hilton Head SC 29938, Part-time hep - Part-time bookkeeper. Apply In person. Piper's Chevron Texas at University. COUNSELOR/STAFF FOR CAMP COBBOSSEE - Surn- mer positions available for general counselors and spe cialists, at competitive sports caurp In MaUne. Must have strong skills & ability to instruct, coach, or atsslst in one or more of the following; Baseball, tennis, batsketball, soc cer, hockey, lacrosse, archery, rlf lery, arts & crafts, martiaU arts, English horseback riding A all waterfront activities Including; swimming (WSI), sailing, waterskiing, windsurfing, scuba. Located on abeautltul lake in Central Maine, near Boston, excellent fausUkiee, top salaries, room/ board/laundry, and travel allowance. Call or write: Steve Rubin- 5 Silvermine Dr., South Salem, NY 10590. • (914) 533-6104. (ON CAMPUS INTERVIEWS - FEBRUARY 18th ad Memorial Student Center.) NEW ENGLAND BROTHER/SISTER CAMPS - MAS- SACHUSETTS Mah-Kee-Nac for Boys/Dambee for girts. Counselor positions for program specialists: All team sports, especially baseball, basketball, field hockey, softball, soccer and volleyball; 25 tennis openings; also archery, rlflery, weights/fitness and bking;other openings include performing arts. One arts, newspaper, photogra phy, cooking, sewing, rollerskating, rocketry, ropes, and camp craft; aUl waterfront activities (swimming, skiing, sailing, windsurfing, canoe/kayaking). Inquire: Mah- Kee-Nac (BOYS) 190 Linden Avenue. Glen Ridge, NJ 07026. Call 1-800-753-9118. Danbee (GIRLS) 16 Horseneck Rood, Montville, NJ 07045l Call 1-800-776- WANTED - STUDENT TO WORK PART-TIME MANAG ING A 10-USER NOVELL NETWORK. WORKING EX PERIENCE WITH NOVELL UTILITIES, DOS. SPREAD SHEET. WORDPROCESSING, PROCOMM AND DATA- BASE. 775-2193 FOR INTERVIEW. General help. Easy. Typing, etc. Also house cleaning. Both weekends. 683-4437, TIMBER LAKE CAMPS located In NY'S Catskill Moun- taUns seek General Counselors. Athletic Instructors, amd WSfs. On-Campus Interviews. TOP SALARIES/TRAVEL ALLOWANCE. 1-600-828-CAMP (9-4:30 weekdays). 1412/14 Medical! technologist needed part-time to lull-time. Veteri nary Teaching Hospital. Call 845-9180. 131/2/11 COTTON VILLAGE APTS Ltd. Snook, TX 1 bdrm $200 2 Bdrm $248 Rental Assistance Available Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5 p.m. Equal Opportunity Houslng/Handicapped Accessible A 2B/1,1/2Bath, luxury four-pfexes. Close to carrpus, shuttle bus, washer/dryer available $350.00. 693-0551, 764-8051. Travel Spring Break! Canciin plus $39 taxes 1-800-BEACH-BUM (CaU Now 1 800-232-2428) : FLY FOR LESS AS A COURIER! Major Airline. Houston to: London $275 roundlrlp. Tokyo $375 roundtrip plus first-time registration fee $50. Call NOW VOYAGER 713- 684-6051,212-431-1616. Campus Directories Aggielands Available If you ordered a 1990-91 Campus Directory and haven't picked it up, you may get it in the Student Publications business office, room 230 Reed McDonald Building, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday. If you did not order a Campus Directory, you may purchase one for $3, plus tax, in 230 Reed McDonald. If you ordered a 1990 Aggieland and haven't picked it up, stop by the English Annex between 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Yearbooks will not be held and refunds will not be made on books not picked up during the academic year in which they are published. What’s Up Monday MSC ALL-NIGHT FAIR: general meeting at 8:30 p.m. in 404 Rudder. Call Michelle at 847-1757 for more information. POLITICAL SCIENCE SOCIETY: Dr. Dixon will speak about internships at 7 p.m. in 229 MSC. Call Melissa at 764-6586 for more information. R.C.I.A.: formerly the Inquiry Class, meets from 7:30 to 9 p.m. at St. Mary’s Stu dent Center. This course is designed for all those interested in becoming Catholic. Call 846-5717 for more information. PHI THETA KAPPA ALUMNI: general meeting at 7 p.m. in 230 MSC. Call Juiie Cowley at 845-1957 for more information. TEXAS A&M SAILING TEAM: meeting and yearbook pictures in 104 Zachry. Call Ron Rogers at 764-1929 for more information. BAPTIST STUDENT UNION: Transfer care group and freshman care group meet at 7:45 p.m. in the Baptist Student Union, behind Loupot's. Call Craig at 846-7722 for more information. ALPHA ZETA: meeting at 7 p.m. in 113 Kleberg. Call Tracy at 696-1064 for more information. STUDENT ORGANIZATION FOR ANIMALS AND ANIMAL RESEARCH: Dr. Duane C. Kraemer presents “Animal Research for the Preservation of En dangered Species” during general meeting at 7 p.m. in 113 Kleberg. UNITED CAMPUS MINISTRIES: will have an information table in the MSC main hall from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for all those interested in retreat, Aggie Supper, Bible study and Sunday study groups. For more information, calTStacy Miles at 847-5300. TAMU HISTORY CLUB: will have a general meeting and view the Martin Luther King Jr. movie, “I Have A Dream” at 7 p.m. in 507 Rudder. For more informa tion call Eric Lopez at 693-8561 LAMBDA SIGMA SOPHOMORE HONOR SOCIETY: will have a make-up informa tional session about Lambda Sigma requirements and qualifications at 7 p.m. in 208D Pavilion for those who missed the previous meeting. Applications will be handed out at this meeting. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: will have a general discussion at noon. Call the Center for Drug Prevention for more information; 845-0280. STUDENT COALITION AGAINST APARTHEID AND RACISM: will have a general meeting and lecture by Joe Smith at 8:30 p.m. in Rudder (check monitor for room number). There will be further organization of the benefit. All new members welcome. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY WOMENS VARSITY SOCCER TEAM: to try out for the NCAA Division Varsity Soccer Team for next fall’s team and to play in tourna ments this Spring meet at 4:30 p.m. at the Rugby field at Zachry. Call Debbie at 845-1731 or 775-2071 for more information. Tuesday ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: will have a general discussion at noon. Call the Center for Drug Prevention for more information; 845-0280. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS: general discussion at 8:30 p.m. Call C.P.D.E. at 845- 0280 for more information. UNITED STATES STUDENTS ASSOCIATION: general meeting and talent show preparations at 7 p.m. in Bizzell Hall West Basement. Call 846-4629 for more information. TAMU HORSEMEN’S ASSOCIATION: meeting in 115 Kleberg. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY WOMENS VARSITY SOCCER TEAM: to try out for the NCAA Division Varsity Soccer Team for next fall’s team and to play in tourna ments this Spring meet at 4:30 p.m. at the Rugby field at Zachry. Call Debbie at 845-1731 or 775-2071 for more information. ALPHA KAPPA PSI: director’s meeting at 6:30 p.m. and general business meeting for ail active members at 7 p.m. both in 158 Blocker. BRAZOS VALLEY CAGE BIRD CLUB: general meeting and film over Cockatiels at 6:45 p.m. at the Bryan Public Library, 2nd floor meeting room. Call Darrin at 778-1154 for more information. COLLEGIATE FFA: special guest speaker: Scott Vernon, Auctioneer in 208 Scoates. NRHH: meeting at 6 p.m. at the Tomato. HISPANIC JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION: general meeting at 7:30 p.m. in 214 RDMC. Call Ana at 846-9464 for more information. PROVOST COMMITTEE: Open Forum meeting on English Language Testing for International Students from 5 to 6:30 p.m. in 410 Rudder. BIBLE STUDY: This week's topic: The book of James at 7 p.m. in St. Mary’s Stu dent Center. Call 846-5717 for more information. PAX CHRISTI: weekly meeting of this international peace organization at 7 p.m. in St. Mary’s Student Center. Call 846-5717 for more information. RACQUETBALL CLUB: general meeting and dues due at 6 p.m. in Ct. 7 Read. Call Miss Johnson at 693-1074 for more information. STUDENTS FOR THE EXPLORATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF SPACE: meet ing at 7 p.m. in 502 Rudder. Special speakers George Trues and Scott Sim mons from NASA. Call Sean at 847-1704 for more information. PRSSA: meeting at 8 p.m. in 003 RDMC. Call Donna at 696-3762 for more informa tion. SPEECH COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION: general meeting with guest speaker at 7 p.m. in 153 Blocker. Call Carrie at 693-5540 for more informa tion. STUDY ABROAD OFFICE: informational meeting on educational internships in London and Paris from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in 251 Bizzell Hall West. TEXAS STUDENT EDUCATION ASSOCIATION: general meeting at 7 p.m. in 601 Rudder. Bring a friend! Call Amy at 776-4242 for more information. MEDICINE TRIBE: grape boycott and discuss protest of Joe Barton at 5:30 p.m. be hind Sul Ross statue in front of Academic Building. Call Irwin Tang for more information. BAPTIST STUDENT UNION: Aggie Growth Groups at 5:30 p.m. and Survival for New Christians at 6:30 p.m. both in the Baptist Student Union, 203 College Main. Call 846-7722 for more information. CHI ALPHA CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP: general meeting with speaker John De- isher at 7 p.m. in the All Faiths Chapel. Call 846-3119 for more information. AG ECO CLUB: general meeting at 7 p.m. in 113 Kleberg. TRI BETA: meeting with Dr. Fife speaking on the use of hyperbaric chambers at 8:30 p.m. in 504 Rudder. New initiates please attend! Call Frances at 845- 5968 or 847-5892 for more information. UNITED CAMPUS MINISTRIES: weekly choir practice at 8:30 p.m. at A&M Pres byterian Church. Everyone is invited to participate! Call Beverly at 847-0743 for more information. SOCIETY OF WOMEN ENGINEERS: meeting with guest speaker on “Going Back to Graduate School After Working” at 6:30 p.m. in 103 Zachry. DPMA: ICDP: Information on Careers in Data Processinq by Valic at 7 p.m. in the Former Students Center. Call 845-1616 for more information. ASSOCIATION OF BIOENGINEERS: meeting at 7 p.m. in 203 Zachry. PEOPLE FOR PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST AND SWAP: a joint meeting to or ganize MSC tables at 7 p.m. in 504 Rudder. Call Cara at 693-3663 for more information. LE CERCLE FRANCAIS: short meeting and Mardi Gras Party at 7 p.m. in 123 ACAD. Call Christy at 847-2029 for more information. BIOCHEMISTY SOCIETY: free pizza, general meeting, guest lecture— "A&M Bio chemistry Graduate School" at 6:30 p.m. at the Flying Tomato. Call Peter al 693-5985 for more information. Items for What's Up should be submitted to The Battalion, 216 Reed McDonald, no later than three business days before the desired run date. We publish the name and phone number of the contact only if you ask us to do so. What's Up is a Battal ion service that lists non-profit events and activities. Submissions are run on a first- come, first-served basis. There is no guarantee an entry will run. If you have ques tions. call the newsroom at 845-3316. Beat out the competition this Valentine’s Day with some terrific strategy Just call your FTD® Florist and send the FTD Flower Basket Bouquet. And to be sure your Valentine gets one, send it a day or two early. And she may ask you to stay late. ®Rcgistercd trademark of FTU. ©1991 FTD. Monday, F< Lots to C( A&] Abac baseball car Skip Bayles Times Hera I had to the card ct so that I cot swer som Bayless’ bt questions why a footh cruit would to Texas AS Mr. Ba said he d understand recruits s come to C Station, whii inaccessible Fayetteville. He said tl Aggies get s signing day "Sure, Ai farmer or vi captain of ii player? On< L.A. or Mia Dallas?” Well, I ca L.A., aloi could fall ol minute. Wh kind of pres .*4- I don’t kr player woul Miami foot! Hurricanes death row ii antics were disr isplay of sj Austin? 1 Austin is foi Texans eith Football pla of Texas go generally cc If you ml do, the only Houston is t It’s easy to i| of the NCA hanging ov< also can ove campus is b; and nas no 1 spirit. Dallas pn Southern M Gee, Mr. Ba would bolt 1 showcases. 1 What’s so Granted,th to be desirei Austin or H driving thei That’s wl to be in Dali Sloe Bayless tl Slocum’s sta flashy likej; think he’ll e NCAA like I True, Slo coach like Ji Slocum isn’t la Holtz. Fu nicer than I deciding fa< recruits. Bayless d late in the c< the splendo athletic dor there. Whal such nice rc Bayless tl the A&M st borderline: “Excuse i said, “but I many fine y especially b choosing to College Sta For the s no Aggie tn fun to be a A&M J Anyone i atmosphere hi something s The people are prettier supportive i nation. Contrary the recruits think about college if th they know t take them f; sheepskin ii Employe spirit that A surroundin athletes as v True, AS crowds that Michigan d hasn’t alwa; With ove the A&M st leaps and b A few years has gradua classes, the So, Mr. I understanc come to AS stop by this