The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 11, 1991, Image 10

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    Page 10
The Battalion
Monday, February 11,199
Continued from page 1
Continued from pagel
Well, she mentioned
a guy named NEIL!
the voter registrar would destroy old
Ogden says the bill will be re
ferred to the Committee on Elec
tions for hearings.
“We want to be consistent with the
public policy of the United States
and the state of Texas in the last 20
years, which encourages voting,”
Ogden says. “I was absolutely em
barrassed that students who may
have been voting for the first time
were confused.
“In the case of college students, I
think the ‘permanent address’ tends
to confute,” Ogden says.
“I think the bill will receive bipar
tisan support because with this bill,
you couldn’t say ‘that’s just a
trick,’ ” he says. “We deliberately
wrote it so people of different politi
cal stripes wouldn’t think it’s poli
Because the bill affects the state’s
17 million residents, Ogden says he
would not be surprised if some peo
ple say the bill will create a problem
for their voting district.
Ogden says he doesn’t expect the
bill to sail through the Senate, but he
remains optimistic. Sen. Jim Turner,
D-Crockett, will sponsor the bill in
the Senate, Ogden says.
The Brazos County Voter Regis
trar’s Office turned over last month
a list of 200 to 300 potentially illegal
voters in November’s elections to the
district attorney’s office for investi
District Attorney Bill Turner said
a large number of them are A&M
students who were not registered to
vote in Brazos County but mistak
enly signed voting affidavits.
oceanography department, said the
holiday has been celebrated for
more than 3,000 years and is one of
the major Chinese^ festivals of the
Peng said because of modern so
ciety and people’s work lives, the
Chinese don’t celebrate the holiday
for the entire 15 days. Today, the
Chinese celebrate for five days.
Peng said 12 animals represent a
different year. The goat, which rep
resents the eighth year, symbolizes
Peng, born under the dragon,
said the 12 animals in order by year
are the rat, cow, tiger, rabbit,
dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey,
chicken, dog and pig.
“For the new year, family ties will
be reaffirmed and families will serve
tradional dinners which are for cast
ing luck and happiness,” she said.
Family elders prepare a red pape
bag filled with money for each chiH
in the family, Peng said. Thebagti
symbol of security.
At midnight on the eve of tin
Chinese New Year, families setoff
long string of firecrackers to
away all the “ill omens” and hope
start with a lucky new year, she said
Ben Chiow, a mechanical eng
neering graduate student fromTa
wan, said the celebration isawayd
“It’s a time for family to get
ther,” Chiow said. “If you have kid
then this is the time for them
come home, similar to when stt
dents go home for the Christir;
For more information about
holiday or the Chinese Student As
sociation, contact Chieh Peng at Mi
1525 or Chih-Lan Lee at 268-1510
Recreational Sports
sponsored by
M C D O n a I d ’ S * Mickey D's Arcade
Monday, February 11. 1991
This Weel&s'
Game Plan.
February 11
□ Entries for Free
Throw, 8-Ball Doubles,
and Slam Dunk open to
day at 8:00 a.m. in the Rec
reational Sports Office.
February 12
□ Registration closes
for Pre-Season Softball,
Softball, and Sweetheart
February 13
□ Pre-Season Softball
brackets posted at 3:00
□ Corps Athletic Cor
porals Softball Captains’
Meeting at 5:00 p.m. in 167
□ Residence Hall Reps
Meeting tonight at 6:00
p.m. in 164 Read.
February 14
□ Happy Valentine’s
Day from the Department
of Recreational Sports!
□ Softball Captains’
Meeting tonight at 5:00
p.m. in 601 Rudder.
□ Pre-Season Softball
begins tonight at 6:00 p.m.
□ The First Annual
Sweetheart Run is today
at 5:00 p.m. in front of G.
Rollie White.
Next Week....
The following events are
OPENING on Monday, February 18!
Hrseshoe Singles
Weekend Racquetball Tournament
The following events axe
CLOSING on Tuesday, February 19!
Free Throw
Slam Dunk
8-Ball Doubles
RegistrationFee: $4.00
Intramural Softball
Closing Tomorrow!
Tomorrow is the LAST day to sign up for
Intramural Softball!
Stop in at 159 Read Building by
5:30 p.m. to register.
TAMU Outdoors
Have you seen a
Rec Sports Pho
tographer taking
your picture or
seen a picture
you like? You
can order any
photograph on
file at the Rec Sports Office in
159 Read Building. The cost for
a 5 x 7 is $2.00 and an 8 x 10 is
To sign up for any of the TAMU Outdoor adventures, stop in at the
Recreational Sports Office in 159 Read Building. If you have any questions
concerning the TAMU Outdoors program, feel free to call Patsy at 845-7826.
Rock Climbing Clinic: Join Recreational Sports for an introduction to the exciting
sport of rock climbing. Experienced guides will teach basic knots and rope
handling techniques, protection and belaying systems and a variety of climbing
techniques at the TAMU Climbing Wall. The $15 ($18 for non A&M) fee includes
experienced instruction and all equipment. The clinic is limited to 10 participants
and entries close tomorrow!
Backpacking: Registration continues this week for an exciting backpacking
adventure! Join TAMU Outdoors in exploring Turkey Hill Wilderness located
near the northeastern corner of Angelina National Forest. Enjoy the wild beauty of
East Texas, its striking terrain, diverse plant life, and forestland. The $45 ($50 for
non A&M) fee for this backpacking adventure includes transportation, rental of
camping equipment, backpack, food and experienced guides. This trip is geared
for the beginning and intermediate backpacker. Entries close on February 18!
Canoeing: Enjoy paddling the beautiful and scenic San Marcos River! The water
remains a constant 72 year-round and this lush, almost tropical environment plays
host to a wide variety of plants and animals. The $25 ($30 for non A&M) fee for this
outing includes transportation, rental of canoes, instruction while on the river and
experienced guides. This trip is geared to the beginning canoeist and is limited to
12 participants. Registration begins today!
Spring 1991 Outdoor Schedule
Pictured above is the design for the Sweetheart Run T-shirt availablefoi
purchase at 159 Read Building.
Sweetheart Run Closes Tomorrow!
Entries for the Sweetheart Run, the Department of Recreational Sport;
newest event, closes tomorrow, Feburary 12. This event, approximately
miles, isopentoallTAMUstudents, faculty, staff and spouses. Each tear
consists of a male and female member who must turn in a predicted rac
time BEFORE the race begins. The team with BOTH members finishing
closest to their predicted time will be winners. The winning team wil
receive a floral arrangement from University Flowers, dinner for 2 at Rd
Lobster and a male and female "Cut-N-Style" from Benefield & Company
No watches will be allowed during the race. There is no entry fee, butl
shirts will be available for $5.00.
The Texas A&M Judo Team captured their second straigh
State Collegiate Championship on Saturday, February 2. The Aggie;
finished with 17 points while Southwest Texas State had 16 pointsfo
second place. Representing the Aggies were:
Bob Perez
132 lbs.
David Schmidt
189 lbs.
Justin Barger
143 lbs.
Jack Long
189 lbs.
Jake Johnson
143 lbs.
Derek Balfour
189 lbs.
Juaquin Ketchbaw
156 lbs.
Grant Pector
209 Ib.s
Hiram Hodges
172 lbs.
John Hughes
Gary Berliner
1st Open Division
Trip Date
Entries Close
Rock Climbing Clinic
February 16
January 30
February 12
Backpacking Trip
February 22-24 B
February 4
February 18
Canoe Day Trip
March 2
February 11
February 25
Spring Break-Color ado!
March 9-16
January 30
February 28
Intro, to Hang Gliding
March 23-24
February 25
March 18
Mt. Bike Day Trip
March 24
February 25
March 18
Rock Climbing Trip
April 5-7
March 18
April 1
Kayak Workshop
April 13-14
March 25
April 8
Rock Climbing Trip
April 19-21
April 1
April 15
Canoe Trip
April 20-21
April 1
April 15
Intro, to Hang Gliding
April 20-21
April 1
April 15 ,
Family Camping Trip
April 27-28
April 8
April 22
Kayak Workshop
April 27-28
April 8
April 22
The Judo Team will travel to Newark, New Jersey on April!
for the National Collegiate Championship. If you have any question;
concerning the TAMU Judo team, please contact Bob Perez at69i
* Trip Rating:
Beginner- requires no previous experience in the activity.
Intermediate- requires prior experience and/or instruction and mastery of
basic skills in the activity.
This price is for non A&M affiliates.
McDonald's® Rec Sports Highlights is sponsored by your local
McDonald's® Restaurant at University Drive, Manor East Mall, Hwy
21, Texas Ave. at SW Parkway and Post Oak Mall. This ad is a
creation of Jason C. Rogers and Judy Steffes. Photographs are by Rec
Sports photographers.