1989-90 LOOKING FOR A AggieVision CAREER? MAY GRADS Order during SALES/ summer school registration. STOCKBROKER F.N. WOLF ,111 be interviewiig April 5th on campus! We're looking for hardworking enthusiastic individuals. Option 23 "Two thumbs up!" Apply at Placiment Center. Pages The Battalion Wednesday, April 4,19S; Nicklaus has golden eye on Masters AREA STUDIES AT A&M g ' . ■ "i 1 "” , Does your major field or future career involvt parts of the globe beyond the boundaries of Texas*} If so, study about those areas by enrolling in one cf the regional geography courses offered next fall. LATIN AMERICA—GE(3G 322—Physical and ck- tural characteristics of Latin America. PACIFIC RIM—GEOG489—Economic, cultural, geo political, and physical aspects of the region. GEOGRAPHY OF THE US—GEOG 301—The geo graphic personality of the United States. THE DIVIDED WORLD—GEOG 202—Resources, poverty, overpopulation, and environmental prob lems in the major regions of the world. AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP) — The Olden Bear turned Golden again, and now he’s on the prowl for still another Masters title. Sam Snead was 52 when he won his eighth Greensboro Open in 1965. He was the oldest man to win on the PGA Tour. Julius Boros was 48 when he won the 1958 PGA championship. He was the oldest man to win one of golfs Big Four events: the Masters, U.S. and British Opens and the PGA. Jack Nicklaus was 46 when he won the 1986 Masters, the oldest man to win that title. Now he’s 50. And, confident and enthusiastic in the wake of a triumph in his first start on the Senior PGA Tour, Nick laus says he’s ready to take on the younger players in the 54th Masters that begins Thursday. “1 think my chances are pretty good,” he said. “I really think they are.” The statement came in the cheerful, confident, rosy review of his victory in the Tradition at Desert Mountain. But that was against a field restricted to golf s over-50 set. Gary Player, a three-time Masters winner and Nicklaus’ playing com panion over the last two rounds last week, thinks it is more than possible Nicklaus can win here. “Extremely likely,” Player said. “He’s playing very, very well. I thought his putting was excellent. He’s doing the things you have to do to win. I don’t care what they say about all those younger players. There’s not a one of them can play anything like the way this man plays.” At the core is his new-old swing. In the years since his sixth Masters victory, he said, his swing changed to accommodate back problems that, at one time, threatened his playing ca reer. Those physical problems are cured, he said, and he has slowly worked his way back to the swing of an earlier era, a swing that product! 70 American PGA four titles and; record 18 major championships. “I’m very confident with wnatl'i doing,” he said after reaching t| halfway mark on a goal he’d set ft 1990: a victory on both the Senioi and regular tours.“If I’m going win on the regular tour, the Master is the tournament for me to win. “I’ve won there six times. 1 knok the course and the tournament what it takes to win there. I’m com fortable there. I don’t have (lit strength I once had, but strengtl isn’t a factor at Augusta. You have the rough there you doattlj Open and the PGA. Sports Focus: Pro Baseball No place but Texas Texas’ ace to lead club in season opener O MSC Political Forum SOUTH AFRICA SERIES: Part II ONE MAN ONE VOTE by: SHUPEVG COAPOGE Member of the ANC Observer Mission to the U. N. Thursday April 5, 1990 7:00 p.m. 100 Heldenfels Free Admission Refreshments * This program is for educational purposes only and does not necessarily represent the views of MSC Political Forum. MUSTER April 21 Come by our table in the MSC this week ARLINGTON (AP) — Nolan Ryan begins another season of destiny on Monday night, just 11 victories short of a milestone he covets. The 43-year-old Ryan will be 11 wins short of 300 victories when he takes the mound at 7:35 p.m. against the Toronto Blue jays. “There’s some records I don’t are that much about, but I do \ant to win 300 games,” Ryan sid. “It’s probably the only time % ever gone into a season shoting at a statistic.” yan won 16 games for the Tebs Rangers last year and re corded his 5,000th strikeout whe\ he cut down Rickey Hen- ders