The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 30, 1990, Image 5
Pages wish Studer < Will Er Set 2l5formi- 416 for (Me the contrite- n. in (Me in 108 Har- lorado Stale ti or. Call 845- WhatAtebl for more in- from 51010 ion. ay.CallSlu- 11846-3811 a.m.-3p.nv ation. icon at tte on. 17:45 a.m. 10:40 a.m. ::30 am-5 arianna al r rally at 1 tion. ml Call 778- on in Col- 6 p.m. in i. i Student Call 3 will de eseSo- :afel on. aim itudy al 687 fot ingat? p.m. if at 822- )Mov fl 111845- lonald wblirf > Up is tip SPADE PHILLIPS, PI. X PLEDGE /\LlE6lflNCE To FLAG oF THE UNITED STATE* oF RICH, dioPDE biHBaS, TO ZE REPUBLIC Z4T Ones Away free Bee/?, ONE NAKED, Connie chong. / 1 7^ Y Rolf!Dole! StzpJ THAT IS Homo . v/HERE PiO Too LErtRN s Tri AT FFtoM? t?>y Nlatt Hjowa^Ki s/E iMPfiov/ SEO.VbcJf _ wersioN Was BoRin'c & 5/T Down Tonv*y! You'Re, next'. ffoLF AHD boLE, T AM APPALLED', r THINK YoO should L-ISTCN rt/4C> leaan TPoE p/^rRioriSM from .YOOR classmates:... Pta! Poor! Foot! b To THAT FuNkY, (S' - Co L D,0.s>. FLA Cl, ?TA! P°6T! ” — T The restaurants listed below were inspected by the Brazos County Health Department between March 19 and Friday. Information is from a food service es tablishment inspection report. SCORED BETWEEN 95 AND 100: Pizza Hut Delivery at 4207 Wellborn Road. Score — 98. Points were deducted for unclean non-food contact surfaces and unclean walls and ceilings. Farmer’s Market Sandwich Shop at 329 Univer sity Drive. Score — 96. Points were deducted for outer openings unprotected from insects and ro dents. Carney’s Pub at 3410 South College. Score — 95. Points were,,deducted for unclean non-food contact surfaces and outer openings unprotected from in sects and rodents. Ferreri’s Italian Cuisine at 1808 Valley View. Score — 95. Points were deducted for unsatisfactory food protection during storage, unclean floors and unclean food-contact surfaces. Ptarmigan Club at 2005 South College. Score — 95. Points were deducted for unsatisfactory storage of utensils, unclean non-food contact surfaces, un satisfactory waste receptacles in the restroom, un clean food-contact surfaces and lack of hand cleanser in the restroom. SCORED BETWEEN 90 AND 95: The Cow Hop at 317 University Drive. Score — 94. Points were deducted for unclean non-food con tact surfaces, unsatisfactory single service articles and inaccessible toilet and handwashing facilities. Flying Tomato Pizza in a Pan at 303 University Drive. Score — 94. Points were deducted for im proper storage of toxic items and unclean walls and ceilings. Wingjoint at 315 University Drive. Score — 93. Points were deducted for unsatisfactory plumbing, unclean floors, outer openings unprotected from ro dents and insects and unclean walls and ceilings. Tom’s Barbecue and Steak House at 3610 South College. Score — 91. Points Were deducted for un clean food-contact surfaces, unsatisfactory walls and ceilings, unclean non-food contact surfaces and im proper storage of toxic items. University Tower at 410 South Texas Ave. Score — 90. Points were deducted for improperly labeled food, unclean non-food contact surfaces, unclean floors, unsatisfactory food protection during storage and outer openings unprotected from insects and rodents. SCORED BET WEEN 85 AND 90: Mario and Son’s Pizzeria at 405 West University Drive. Score — 89. Points were deducted for unsatis factory food condition, inadequate hand drying de vice, litter on the premises, unsatisfactory food pro tection during storage and unclean floors. Whataburger #43 at 902 South Texas Ave. Score — 89. Points were deducted for unclean food-con- tact surfaces, inadequate hand-drying device, un clean walls and ceilings, unsatisfactory non-food contact surfaces and uncovered garbage containers. SCORED BETWEEN 65 AND 70: Casa Ole at 1500 Harvey Road. Score — 66. Points were deducted for improperly labeled food containers, unsatisfactory food protection during service, unsatisfactory personnel hygienic practices, inadequate hand-drying devices, unclean floors, po tentially hazardous food temperatures during stor age, unsatisfactory food storage, unclean food-con- tact surfaces, unsatisfactory storage of clean food equipment, inaccessible handwashing facilities, un clean floors and improper storage of toxic items. David Jefferson, a registered sanitarian at the de partment, said restaurants with scores of 95 or above generally have excellent operations and facilities. He said restaurants with scores in the 70s or low 80s usually have serious violations in the health report. Scores can be misleading, Jefferson said, because restaurants can get the same score by having several minor violations or a few major violations. He said the minor violations can be corrected during the in spection. Point deductions or violations in the report range from one point (minor violations) to five points (major violations). Jefferson said the department might close a res taurant if the score is below 60, the personnel have infectious diseases, the restaurant lacks adequate re frigeration, there is a sewage backup in the building or the restaurant has a complete lack of sanitization for the food equipment. The department inspects each restaurant every six months. Jefferson said a follow-up inspection is sometimes required if a restaurant has a four- or five-point violation that cannot be corrected during the inspection, or if there are numerous small viola tions. Inspectors at the department are registered sani tarians. A niijft't wit/i a eufe-AlJazztya/tor-ist/ April 1,1990 Rudder Auditorium 7:30 P.M. Tickets on sale now at the MSC Box Office for $4 For more information call the MSC Box Office at 845-1234 92 March 31,1990 Live Music at Waivers 3 Bands for 3 dollars! Spin Saturday Night the bands:White Bread Tracers NME All proceeds benefit MSC Literary Arts .• P/Wrt .*A*...... $35° •Dolt, -O— MATINEE ALL SHOWS BEFORE 6 P.M. * AFTERNOON TIMES BELOW FOR SAT. AND SUN MANOR EAST MANOR EAST MALL 823-8300 KXMBAtM PRETTY WOMAN mm 3-8300 | R 2:11 4*5 7:18 8*5 jv,?/,;itta ' Mr** R 2:05 4*0 7-05 9:40 PLAZA THREE I 225 SOUTHWEST PKWY 893-2457 1 HWNT EOR m m 4Y* RGfl jCfcrOBEH:*?!^ PC. Too »*5 ROGER AND ME* PG-13 2:15 4:35 SCHULMAN SIX 1 2000 E. 28TH STREET 775-2463 jHI LOOK WHO'S 2:15 4.O0| TALKING PG-13 7:15 9*51 tM m | 'WMM -'"T %WM - The Prime Rib of Your Life $8.95 -jfe 4 m**, ‘H. Complete Prime Rib Dinner $8.95 For the Prime Rib of Your Life Bombay Bicycle Club is the only place in town. For an extra treat try our Prime Rib and Scampi or Prime Rib and Jumbo Fried Shrimp for just $10.95. Complete Prime Rib dinners include soup or salad, baked potato, rice or french fries; and horseradish sauce. R BOMBAY11 oaiiaull RESTAU RANT & BAR A BIT WILD. 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