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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1990)
Thursday, March 29,1990 Thumbs hip Page 17 Frank’s Bar & Grill DRAFT BEER 11 am-7 pm Daily Live Jazz: Friday & Saturday Alex Coke Yastrzemski work rises above other baseball books 505 E. University Dr. 846>5388 By David Hinckley special to Thumbs Up Sports books, particularly au tobiographies, often tend to read like assigned essays on “how I spent my summer vacation,” and there’s a lot of that going around now. One that rises above, happily, is YAZ: BASEBALL, THE WALL AND ME (Doubleday. $19.95) by Carl Yastrzemski. The former Red Sox left fielder’s description of his fa mous showdown against Goose Gossage in the 1978 playoffs, for instance, is only a couple of para graphs, but tells volumes about a man consumed by his work, which was being a great ball player. Yes, Yaz says, he understood the larger drama. This would de cide the American League East; it might be his last best shot at a World Series. But he came to bat as a craftsman, whose concern was doing a very specific job. He was a fastball hitter, Gos sage a fastball pitcher. There was a hole between first and second, !■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Begin your career training for the glamorous world of COSMETOLOGY Career Training Includes: • Hair Shaping & Styling • Hair Coloring • Sculptured Nails • Manicures & Pedicures • Hair Weaving & Relaxing • Facials CHARLES & SUE'S SCHOOL OF HAIR DESIGN 1711 BRIARCREST DR. BRYAN, TX 77802 (409) 776-4375 Try new Grand Pan Pizza. The ultimate pan pizza with IjQ toppings! I With pepperoni, ham, Italian sausage, beef toppings, pork I toppings, mushrooms, onions, black olives, green peppers I and real bacon pieces. Buy one medium Grand Pan™ Pizza for just $ 9" Better yet, get two for only $ 13" i ordering. One coupon per party, per DiTTZl Pizza Hut® restaurants. Not valid with * * 4fut. Present coupon when ord visit at participating any other offer. 1/2 4-30-90. O* cash redemption value. Offer expires $2°° Off Large Pizza Buy any large size pizza and receive $2.00 off the regular price. Present coupon when ordering. One coupon per party, per visit at participating Pizza Hut® restaurants. Not valid with any other offer. l/20< cash redemption value. Offer expires JUaj# 14-30-90.^ bi-|b ^ J because the Yankees were hold ing a runner, so he decided he would try to pull the ball to right. And sure enough, he got the in side pitch he wanted. But he didn’t get far enough around on his swing, and he popped it up. In the book, he praises Gossage and second-guesses himself. Did he make the right decision? Should he have waited? Still consumed. There is much about Yaz and the ’60s-’70s Sox here: what a good guy Luis Tiant was, how some of those teams were closer than people think, how the mag nificent 1967 pennant run felt. Once more, Yaz gets the Job done. Conversely, three great pitchers don’t. Sparky Lyle, who wrote an au tobiography already, tries fantasy with THE YEAR I OWNED THE YANKEES (Bantam. $17.95). Lyle’s funny enough, and when he spices up this hypothetical sea son with digs at and anecdotes about real baseball figures, it’s amusing. But there’s little to hang them on; the fantasy is so routine it drags the book down. • Peanut Butter Butter Finger Cookies • Spiced Pecan Cookies • Shortbread Cookies • Brownie Point Cookies • Oatmeal Heath Bar m SWEET TEMPTATIONS Featuring Gourmet Chocolates by Melissa" 404 University Tucs.-Pri. 9-6 pm 693"7381 Sat. 10-3 pm Apartment Living NOW LEASING FOR SPRING 2 BR, 2 BA $ 399 1/2 mi. from A&M, tennis courts, 24-hour maintenance, pool, laundry, shuttle. 401 Anderson, CS 693-6505 M-F 9-5 Sat. 10-4 Sun. 1-5 The Living is Easy & so is the rent QtV- Graduation Has Created Limited Vacancies For Spring/Summer. Prelease Now! • Ell., I Sc 2 • Shuttle Route • Sauna • Unfum. • Rec. Room • Pool • Central A/C • Exercise • Lighted Tennis Sc Basketball Courts RENT STARTING AT’215/MONTH Doux Chene /roo -inn/i 1401 FM 2818, C.S. byd-iyUb WE’VE BUILT A COZY NEST 1 FOR YOU IN THE GROVE WITH CONVENIENCE (tucked a\va> in the huh of the city with all the amenities including washers, drvers & microwaves). PRESTIGE (beautifully designed and located in the up and coming area of Bryan). AFFORDABILITY (Prices start at '400 with a *150 security deposit) 0VE spacious two bedroom apartments 3132 East Twenty-Ninth 776-6622 ©ahwood —apartments— • 1, 2 & 3 Bedrooms • W/D Connections • 2 Large Pools • Outside Storage • Professionally Managed 696 503 SW Parkway College Station • 3 Laundry Rooms • Tennis Court • Basketball • Volleyball • Shuttle Bus • Affordable Rates 9100 Office Hours: M-F 8:30-5:00 Sevilla Now Offering Spring Semester Leases 9 Mo. Lease Starting at *305 12 Mo. Lease Starting at *275 Studio Apartments, 1/2 mi. to A&M, on shuttle, pool, laundry mat, 24 hour maintenance. 1501 Holleman, CS 693-2108 M-F 9-6; Sat. 10-4; Sun. 1-5 . • Pool • Hot Tub • Lighted Tennis Courts • Shuttle Bus Route 904 University Oaks 764-0504 BROOKSIDE APARTMENTS It's no juggling act — management does ^ make the difference • 1 & 2 Bedrooms • s 100 Deposit • Unique Staff— Because We Care • Young and Old Blend — To Make Life More Enjoyable Come See Us Soon - A Real Class Act!! 1525 East 29th Street (Between Coulter & Villa Maria) 775-6777 JPV Professionally managed by Republic Management Inc. G=J | Equal Housing Opportunity We have a new look! Come by and see! 3902 College Main 846-0515 Now preleasing for summer and fall confidence. I hate her. She laid down on the floor right in front of me and began her routine with slt-ups. I hate sit-ups. I hate her. I went home. I did learn one very important thing at the gym. There axe only two kinds of people there - hard bodies and large bodies. Not a lot of average people. I figure the hard bodies were born that way and only go to the gym to look at themselves in the wall to wall mirrors. Once the large bodies become average they don’t go anymore. I didn’t belong there. I had another plan. Maybe I could purchase a swim suit that would cover my flaws. There are tons of new looks this year. There had to be one that was right for me. What about the wet suit look? It might Just work. They definitely have a lot more material than a string bikini. Many of them were black and everyone knows black makes you look thinner. I felt great. No diet. Not exer cise. Just the right swim suit! But this wasn’t it. The sales lady suggested that I unzip it a little. “They’re not really supposed to zip up to your neck,” she coa ched. She changed her mind after I unzipped it. “Let me bring you another style,” she said. Why not? V/hat did I have to lose - okay be; ;ldes a few pounds. We spent hours in the dressing room. We tried the leopard look, and neon, polka dots, and stripes. By the time I had tried on every swim suit in the store we were both exhausted and frus trated. “We have a new shipment com ing in next week," she consoled. I had a better Idea. I called my best friend. We went for ice cream. The sun is really bad for you anyway. Don Drysdale and Bob Feller, meanwhile, prove that a guy who was mean and tough with a base ball can turn pussycat when you hand him a pen. Drysdale’s ONCE A BUM, AL WAYS A DODGER (St. Martin’s. $18.95) is a slick recitation of his career, phrased in the careful and inoffensive style of his current profession, sportscasting. Yes, some Dodgers were treated badly over the years. But it wasn’t that bad. No, he doesn’t think today’s pitchers are tough enough — but he doesn’t discuss that intriguing subject in any more depth than a 15-second sound bite. He does admit throwing a spit- ball. Stop the presses. Feller’s NOW PITCHING: BOB FELLER (Birch Lane. $18.95) may be a little more interesting, simply because the Indians have been less overcovered than the Dod gers. Feller was also an extraor dinary star, a Dwight Gooden of his day. But like Drysdale, he nar rates his career with little fresh insight, and at the end he almost casually tosses an odd curve: bit terness that his wife became ad dicted to uppers and downers, as if she did it primarily to under mine him. His happiest years, clearly, were back on the farm when he was young and the world was uncomplicated. That’s also the best part of the book. There are many good parts to Danny Peary’s CULT BASEBALL PLAYERS (Fireside. $10.95), in which famous and odd people write short essays on their favor ite players. Yes, Mickey Mantle and Babe Ruth are here, but so are Vada Pinson, Vic Power, Steve Bilko, Luke Easter and No-Neck Williams, as remembered by the likes of John Sayles, Pete Hamill and John Lithgow. (Reviewer’s note: I’m here, too. But that’s not the reason to buy it. The opening essay on Steve Dalkowski by Ron Shelton, who wrote “Bull Dur ham,” is reason all by itself.) Meanwhile, unless you have a high tolerance for recycled anec dotes, skip DODGERS! THE FIRST 100 YEARS (Birch Lane. $19.95) by Stanley Cohen. Be sides, the Dodgers are really much more colorful than this primer (And in 1955 they won the Big One ...) would suggest. But to end on an upbeat note, do seek out NINE SIDES OF THE DIAMOND by David Falkner (Times Books. $18.95). Falkner examines the craft of great fiel ders, which he proves is one of the most misused descriptions in baseball, and creates fascinating pictures of what players we never saw on TV must have looked like on the field. Top-level stuff. David Hinckley writes for the New York Daily News. Video Cassettes These are the best-selling videocassettes listed in the March 19 issue of Video Insider maga zine, compiled from a sampling of the nation’s top retailers in both Beta and VHS formats. Title, Manufacturer, Catalog Number: 1. LETHAL WEAPON 2 — War ner 11876 2. INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE — Paramount 31859 3. THE WIZARD OF OZ: THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION — MGM/UA 60001 4. LETHAL WEAPON — Warner 11709 5. ROLLING STONES: 25X5 — CMV 49027 6. BAMBI — Walt Disney 942 7. INDY TRILOGY PACK — Par amount 12774 8. NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK: HANGIN’ TOUGH LIVE — CMV 49030 9. BATMAN —Warner 12000 10. RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK — Paramount 1376 11. PAULA ABDUL: STRAIGHT UP — Virgin Music 50141 12. NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK: HANGIN’ TOUGH — CMV 49022 13. AN AFFAIR TO REMEMBER — CBS/Fox 1240 14. DIE HARD — CBS/Fox 1666 15. THE LAND BEFORE TIME — MCA 80864 RENTALS These are the most popular videocassette rentals listed in the March 19 issue of Video Insider magazine, compiled from a sam pling of the nation’s top retailers in both Beta and VHS formats. 1. LETHAL WEAPON 2 — War ner 11876 2. PARENTHOOD — MCA 80921 3. INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE — Paramount 31859 4. UNCLE BUCK — MCA 80900 5. TURNER AND HOOCH — Touchstone 911 6. THE PACKAGE — Orion 8747 7. WHEN HARRY MET SALLY — Nelson 7732 8. PINK CADILLAC — Warner 11877 9. RELENTLESS — RCA/Columbia 9049 10. THE KARATE KID, PART III