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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1990)
( PUBLIC NOTIC6 NOTICE The Battalion Classifieds HELP WANTED Delta Gamma’s-if you have transferee! to TAMU please call 693-3901. ' 103t3/5 WANTED: Highly motivated individual to do full or parttime radio sales work in B/CS for a bet ter than average commis sion. Experience preferred. Good transportation. Call Bob Whitten or Bob Price 825-6484 for appt. College Station Parks and Recreation is now accepting applications for pool person nel. Applications are available for lifeguards, pool cashiers, water safety instructors, splash camp leaders, tennis camp leaders and tennis pro fessional. For more informa tion, Please call the Parks and Recreation office at 764-3773. lOOttfn PHARMACIST-Director of Pharmacy. The Sandstone Center. Texas Licensure required. Contact Innovative Pharmacy Services, Inc. 7719 Wood Hollow Drive, Suite 200, Austin, TX 78731 or call 512-346-3306. 104t3/20 EARN $500 TO $1500 STUFFING ENVELOPES AT HOME. NO EXPERIENCE. FOR FREE INFORMA TION SEND SELF ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVE LOPE TO : EE C POST OFFICE BOX 550 ALLEN PARK, MICH 48101. lOlttfn CAMP WEKEELA FOR BOYS/GIRLS, CANTON, MAINE. One of America's most prestigious camps, seeks creative dynamos for staff positions June 18 - Au gust 19 for tennis, landsports, gymnastics, waterskiing, competitive swimming, water polo, small crafts, piano, dance, drama, song leaders, campcraft/ropes, ceramics, art, photography/yearbook. Also office, kitchen and maintenance positions. If you think you’re tops, con tact: 130 S. Merkle Rd., Coluptbus, Ohio 43209. (614)235-3177. 85t02/28 Daytime delivery drivers needed 1 lam-5pm, 6 days a week. Apply in person. Mr.Gatti's 107 South College . 96t3/l Healthy males wanted as semen donors. Help infertile couples. Confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity de- sirsable. Ages 18 to 35, excellent compensation. Con tact Fairfax Cryobank 1121 Briarcrest Suite 101 776- 4453. 72t5/4 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Gold watch at Garfields 'Thursday Night Live, Feb. 15. Reward offered Call 696-2167, no questions asked. 104t3/6 SERVICES COLD STUDY Patients needed with sneeezing, runny nose, nasal congestion wa tery or itchy eyes and itchy nose or throat to participate in a 5 day research study evaluating a mar keted medication. NO BLOOD DRAWN. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. G & S studies,inc. 846-5933 (CLOSE TO CAMPUS) SKIN INFECTION STUDY G&S Studies, Inc. is participating in a study on acute skin infection. If you have one of the following conditions call G&S studies. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. •infected blisters ‘infected cuts •infected boils *infectedscrapes •infected insect bites (‘road rash’) G&S Studies, Inc. (close to campus) 846-5933 96ttfn The following information appears in compliance with the 1987 State of Texas Hazing Law: Texas Hazing Law Texas A&M University On August 31,1987 a new law went into effect in the State of Texas regarding HAZING. Below is an abbre viated summary, in question and answer form, of the contents of that law and the applicability and implications for students, faculty and staff at Texas A&M University. THIS IS ONLY A SUMMARY. Certain points in the law have been omitted in this summary for editorial purposes. For the full text of the law, please see Appendix XI of the 1989-90 University Regulations. What is the definition of Hazing? “Hazing" means any intentional, knowing, or reckless act, occurring on or off campus of Texas A&M University, by one person alone or acting with others, directed against a student, that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of pledging, being initiated into, affiliation with, holding office in, or maintaining membership in any organization whose members are or include students at Texas A&M Uni versity. The term includes but is not limited to: (a) Any type of physical brutality, such as whipping, beating, striking, branding, electronic shocking, placing of a harmful substance on the body, or similar activity. (b) Any type of physical activity, such as sleep deprivation, exposure to the elements, confinement in a small place, calisthenics, or other activities that subjects the student to an unreasonable risk of harm or that adver sely affects the mental or physical health or safety of the student. (c) Any activity involving consumption of a food, liquid, alcoholic beverage, liquor, drug, or other substance which subjects the student to an unreasonable risk of harm or which adversely affects the mental or physical health or safety of the student. (d) Any activity that intimidates or threatens the student with ostracism, that subjects the student to extreme mental stress, shame, or humiliation, or adversely affects the mental health or dignity of the student or dis courages the student from entering or remaining registered in an educational institution , or that may rea sonably be expected to cause a student to leave the organization or the institution rather than submit to acts described in this subsection. (e) Any activity that induces, causes, or requires the student to perform a duty or task which involves a viola tion of the penal code. In addition, Texas A&M University has also defined hazing to include: (a) Misuse of authority by virtue of your class rank or leadership position. (b) Any form of physical bondage. (c) Any form of “Quadding'’. How do I commit a hazing offense? A person commits an offense if the person: (a) Engages in hazing. (b) Solicits, encourages, directs, aids or attempts to aid another in engaging in hazing. (c) Intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly permits hazing to occur. (d) Has firsthand knowledge of the planning of a specific hazing incident involving a student of Texas A&M University, or firsthand knowledge that a specific hazing incident has occurred, and knowingly fails to report said knowledge in writing to the appropriate University official. Does it matter if I did not intend to hurt anyone? No. Texas A&M's policies state that if one of the above occurs, it is HAZING, regardless of the intent. Does it matter if the person being hazed agrees to the activity? No. The new law and Texas A&M's policies state that if one of the above occurs, it is HAZING, regardless of the consent or cooperation of the recipient. What is the penalty if I’m found guilty of hazing? (a) Failing to report hazing: Fine up to $1,000 and/or up to 180 days in jail. (b) Hazing resulting in no serious bodily injury: Fine.of $500-$1,000 and/or 90-180 days in jail. (c) Hazing resulting in serious bodily injury: Fine of $1,000-$5,000 and/or 180 days to 1 year in jail. (d) Hazing resulting in death: Fine of $5,000-$10,000 and/or 1 -2 years in jail. (e) Except where the hazing results in death, the student may be required to perform community service in lieu of confinement in jail. (f) The student may also be subject to University disciplinary action, up to and including removal from the Uni versity, in addition to or regardless of any penalty imposed by the state. Can an organization be found guilty of hazing? Yes. An organization commits an offense if the organization condones or encourages hazing or if an officer or any combination of members, pledges, or alumni of the organization commits or assists in the commission of hazing. Can I get into trouble for reporting hazing? No. Any person who reports a specific hazing incident involving a student to an appropriate University official is protected from civil or criminal liability. However, a person who reports in bad faith or with malice is not pro tected by this section. Where do I report hazing? Office of the Commandant 845-2811 if the hazing was committed by members of the Corps of Cadets. Department of Students Activities 845-1133 if the hazing was committed by members of a Greek organiza tion or other recognized student organization. Student Judicial Affairs Office 845-5262 all other incidents of hazing. The following information appears in compliance with the 1987 state of Texas Hazing Law shown above: Student Organization Hazing Violations: Organizatton Name: Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity v Date of Incident: April 6,1988 Description of Incident: Three pledges were involved in incident on April 6, 1988, which involved being "pop ped” with a paddle. One ended up at the hospital because of bruises and pain to the legs. The actives did not suggest, approve, or have knowledge of the paddling. The pledges obtained the idea from a mdvie entitled “School Daze,” which has scenes in which pledges paddle each other. Action Taken: The fraternity was placed on one year’s probation by the Student Organization Board effective August 11, 1988. The president and pledge trainer were to take the Greek Leadership Class and visit regu larly with the Greek Advisor. Organization Name: Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity Date of Incident: April 25,1988 Description of Incident: A pledge received a bruised pelvis while participating in a “Pete Rose Slide" at the Pi Kappa Alpha House. The slide involves covering the grass with water, and then the pledges do a head-first slide on the grass. Five to ten students were involved in the incident. Action Taken: The Texas A&M Interfraternity Judiciary Committee placed the fraternity on probation for the 1988-89 academic year, required the chapter to present an educational seminar concerning hazing each se mester during the probation, and the three-year publication notice. Organization Name: Phi Kappa Theta Fraternity Date of Incident: November 14,1989 Description of Incident: Two pledges of the Phi Kappa Theta Fraternity were taken by 13 members on a “snatch" breakfast in the back of a pickup truck. They were told to remove all of their clothes except their un derwear. They were caused to purchase syrup, vaseline, and crisco at a convenience store. They had some syrup on them when stopped by the College Station police. Action Taken: The Interfraternity Council Judicial Board placed the fraternity on one year's probation from the date of the hearing (Nov. 20, 1989), mandated the chapter to incorporate hazing educational seminars into their pledge program, to present a university -wide program on hazing issues and laws, name a new IFC rep resentative who is an A&M student, find a chapter advisor by spring 1990 rush, and have the new chapter president meet with the IFC Advisor twice monthly during the probation period. SERVICES Resumes, cover letters, re search papers, flyers, etc. For more information about typing call Notes -n-Quotes at 846-2255 ALTERATIONS The Needle Ladies & Men’s clothing Off Southwest Parkway ’ 300 Amherst 764-9608 TYPING 7 DAYS/WEEK. WORD PROCESSOR, FAS T/ACCURATE. 776-4013/846-3273. 92t5/4 Experienced librarian will do library research for you. Call 272-3348. 9U3/30 PATELLAR TENDONITIS (JUMPER’S KNEE) Patients needed with patellar ten donitis (pain at base of knee cap) to participate in a research study to evaluate a new topical (rub on) anti-inflammatory gel. Previous diagnoses welcome. Eligible volunteers will be com pensated. G&S Studies, Inc. (close to campus) 846-5933 i69Wn STREP THROAT STUDY’ Volunteers needed for streptococcal tonsillitis/pharyngitis study ★Fever (100.4 or more) ★Pharyngeal pain (Sore Throat) ★Difficulty swallowing Rapid strep test will be done to con firm. Volunteers will be compensated. G & S STUDIES, INC. to campus) 84(5-5933 12ttfn WORD PROCESSING: PROFESSIONAL, PRECISE, SPEEDY - LASAR/LETTER QUALITY LISA 846- 8130. 85t5/40 Professional word processing, light editing. Carla 690- 0305. 102t3/30 Cat’s Body Shop, 35 years experience. 10% off labor to students wiht I.D. . Phone 823-2610. Wrecks wel comed. 87ttfn FOR SALE LABRADOR Retriever puppies, chocolate wormed, shots, six weeks Feb. 24. $250 to $300. Excellent blood lines 693-9990. 102t3/2 Bicycle for sale. Panasonic DX-1000 Cro-moly frame. Best suited for touring or road races. Must sell. Call Mark 764-9782. 100t2/28 FOR RENT COTTON VILLAGE APTS Ltd. Snook, TX 1 bdrm $200 2 Bdrm $248 Rental Assistance Available Call 846-8878or 774-0773 after 5pm Equal Opportunity Housing/Handicapped Accessible eottfn SWIMMING POOL MANAGERS NEEDED Salary Range $725.00-1,000.00 per month. 30 hours per week. You will lifeguard as well as be in charge of the other life guards. (713) 270-5946 10413/21 Proffessional Word Processing Laser printing for Resumes Reports, Letters and Envelopes Rush service available ON THE DOUBLE 113 COLLEGE MAIN 846-3755 Large Country Home needs roommate $250/month in cludes utilities Call 845-2878 anytime. I04t3/06 Female Roommate needed immediatly. Rent $100 2B- 1 1/2B near shuttle 696-9017. 104t3/6 ROOMMATE WANTED Spring Break apartments South Padre Island $500.00 512-761-7035. 102t3/2 Real Bargins! Two bedroom apartments south of cam pus. $135.00. 696-2038. 10H3/22 don't let your business bomb. Call 845-0569 to advertise The Battalion The Battalion Classified Call 845-0569 COME TELL AGG1EVISION WHATS ON YOUR MIND! SIT IN THE HOT SEAT March 7th«10am-4pm 1 st Floor MSC The Battalion WORLD & NATION Page 8 Wednesday, February 28,1990 Sandinistas lose power; defend revolution gains MANAGUA, Nicaragua (AP) — President Daniel Ortega demanded the immediate disbanding of U.S.- backed Contra rebels and set tough conditions Tuesday for a peaceful transfer of power to the coalition that won the elections. “A change of government does not mean the end of the revolution,” he told thousands of cheering sup porters after a meeting of Sandinista _ party leaders. Ortega said the party would relin quish power because of the election x loss Sunday, but would defend the ' gains of the revolution. “The Sandinista National Liber ation Front demands the immediate demobilization and disarming of the Contras so there can be a peaceful transition,” he read from a statement by the party leadership. It said the Sandinistas would “de fend the integrity and professional ism of the army and the police forces.” President-elect Violeta Barrios de Chamorro and her United National Opposition alliance have promised to eliminate the military draft and reduce the size of the armed forces. Control of the military and police is considered the most delicate issue in a power transfer. They are closely identified with the Sandinista party and the army is known as the Sandi nista People’s Army, not the Nicara guan army. Rafael Solis, a military com mander, said earlier Tuesday the Sandinistas would not give up con trol of the armed forces and police unless the Contras were disbanded. Rank-and-file Sandinistas held demonstrations and some de nounced the election results, while grudgingly saying they would accept the party’s loss. Others urged Ortega not to give up power. Solis said of the Contras: “They have to come back without arms. This is a necessity in Nicaragua. We need this in order to continue dis cussions about our army.” He urged Chamorro’s coalitionto press for disbanding the Contras, who have been fighting, particularly with the backing of the former Rea gan administration, to overthrow the leftist Sandinistas since 1981. White House did not conduct secret talks to release hostages WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House today denied a report that the United States and Iran held se cret talks in Geneva aimed at securing the release of Americans held hostage in Lebanon. “We are not aware of the source of these stories or any talks that fit this description,” said White House press secretary Marlin Fitzwater. The report was carried by a London-based Lebanese newspaper, Al-Hayat. An editor at the paper said the Arabic-language story reported that Sheik Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, a key Lebanese Shiite Moslem cleric, had. said contacts took place between Iran and the United States, through third parties. Fadlallah, said to have spoken in Beirut after a trip to the Iranian capital, Tehran, is spiritual leader of the Iran-aligned Hezbollah group. Some Western hostages are believed held by factions linked to Hezbollah. Fitzwater said the administration continues to pursue leads and contacts that might glean information about potential release of the hostages, but he would not re veal what they were. Fitzwater talked around the question of whether President Bush had authorized any officials to conduct talks on the hostages, except to say there were no talks between the U.S. emissaries and Iran. “There are no direct talks between the United States and Iran authorized by the president,” he said. “I don’t know who’s talking to who,” the spokesman said.“But I guarantee you I’m never going to say that nobody’s talking, because I know a lot of people are. “I will never rule out meetings anywhere, anyplace, anytime by anybody on the hostage question. Because there are meetings happening. But high-level U.S. offi cials, direct secret talks, no. Do I expect a breakthrough or anything new happening? No.” Fitzwater said the administration knows “of no new evidence” to support hopes that the hostages’ release might be forthcoming.’’ Last month, a Kuwaiti newspaper, Al-Qabas, said “an American personality” had met in Geneva with a rep resentative of Iranian President Hashemi Rafsanjanito discuss the hostage issue. None of those supposedly in volved was identified. Eight Americans are held hostage in Lebanon, in cluding Terry Anderson, the Associated Press chief Middle East correspondent whdse captivity is nearing the five-year mark, the longest period of any of those held. Former owner of Greyhound changes name NEW YORK (AP) — Dogged by an unclear corporate image, Grey hound Corp. announced Tuesday it is changing its name to Greyhound Dial Corp. to distinguish itself from the troubled nationwide Greyhound busline that it formerly owned. “This name change will help clar ify who we are and what we do,” Greyhound Dial Chairman John W. Teets told a news conference in New York. The company, a diversified man ufacturing and financial services concern based in Phoenix, sold the bus line in 1987 to Dallas investor Fred Currey, who later merged it with the Trailways bus system and renamed the operation Greyhound Lines Inc. Its drivers have threat ened to strike on Friday in a wage dispute. Teets said the new name was cho sen because of the importance of the company’s Dial Corp. subsidiary, a consumer products maker with brands ranging from Dial soap to Purex detergents to Lunch Bucket microwave meals. He said the word Greyhound was retained as part of the name because it is an integral part of the name of several other subsidiaries, such as Greyhound Financial Corp. and Greyhound Food Management. Exxon Corp. charged with five indictments for Alaskan oil spill WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department announced a five-count indictment against Ex xon Corp. and its shipping sub sidiary Tuesday night in the Ex xon Valdez oil spill that fouled Alaska’s coast last year. U.S. Attorney General Richard Thornburgh and deputies said that if Exxon is convicted on all counts, criminal fines could total as much as $ 1.6 million. However, the government could also seek as much as $700 million more under federal laws that allow recovery of twice the amount of the proven loss caused by the spill, U.S. Attorney Mark Davis of Alaska told a Justice De partment news conference. Thornburgh said the indict ment was presented to the grand jury after a proposed plea deal fell through. However, he did not rule out the possibility of a deal in the future. “You’d have to ask the de fendants,” Thornburgh said. Assistant Attorney General Dick Stewart said the federal in dictment, brought by a grand jury in Anchorage, accused Ex xon Corp. and its shipping sub sidiary of two felonies and three misdemeanors. The felonies, each of which carries a maximum fine of $500,000, accuse the company of violating the Port and Waterways Safety Act and the Dangerous Cargo Act. The latter charge al leges that Exxon “willfully and knowingly violated a regulation prohibiting any person from be ing engaged on a crew if such person is known to be physically or mentally incapable” of per forming his or her duties. Joseph Hazelwood, captain of the Exxon Valdez, faces criminal charges in a separate action in Alaska, accused of being drunk and letting his ship get away from him. The three misdemeanor counts accuse Exxon of: • Violating the Clean Water Act by illegally discharging pol lutants into Prince William Sound. • Unlawfully discharging re fuse, the oil. • Violating the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Each of the misdemeanor counts carries a maximum pen alty of $200,000, the Justice offi cials said. Bad brakes blamed for crash WASHINGTON (AP) — Top federal safety officials urged tougher standards for DC-10 jetliner brakes Tuesday and blamed inadequate government reqi ire- ments for a 1988 Texas runway crash that destroyed an airliner. The National Transportation Safety Board also raised doubts about Federal Aviation Administration certification and test procedures for all airliner brakes, which it said may fail when airliners abort takeoffs at the last minute. The action came in the board’s investigation of a May 21 accident involving an American Airlines DC-10 at Dallas-Ft. Worth Airport. It was the first time the board had blamed inadequate FAA certification of an airliner for a crash, said board member Jim Burnett. Certifica tion of the DC-10 brakes system was made when the model was introduced nearly two decades ago. The NTSB also blamed the brake manufacturer, Lo ral, in the aborted takeoff that injured eight of 254 peo ple aboard the aircraft. The plane, which was scheduled to fly to Frankfurt, Germany, was damaged beyond re pair. The problem is that brakes near their wear limit do not have the same margin of safety as new ones, and the FAA did not consider this when it certified the brakes on the DC-10, said board members. “We have already lost an airliner and we face the real possibility of losing a plane full of people,” said Burnett after the four-member panel approved a series of rec ommendations to the FAA and airlines for improving brake safety. Burnett said the problem could be costly for the avi ation industry because without new brake designs it might involve reducing the capacity of airliners, the dis tance they could fly, or increasing the length of run ways. Airlines have about 3,000 aborted takeoffs each year. Most are executed at a low enough speed that braking power, combined with reverse engine thrust, is ad equate to stop the plane without damage. But an average of about four high-powered reject ions result in accidents each year, board members said. Board investigators testified that only the newest brakes are adequate to safely stop an airliner which has to abort a takeoff near “V-l,” the velocity at which the plane ordinarily must continue its takeoff. The Ameri can plane was near that speed when a warning light and audible signal indicated a wing slat problem. The signal proved to be false, but the board did not fault the pilot for aborting the takeoff.