Help welcome Clayton Williams back on the campaign trail at an . . . AGGIE RALLY FOR C LAYTO N WILLIAMS REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR Tuesday, Feb. 20 5-6 p.m. The Grove (RAIN SITE: RUDDER AUDITORIUM) HELP ELECT THE FIRST-EVER AGGIE GOVERNOR E Me EAS man presse( crumbl day f' talks u with th II. Heh chance ment l tern as as a m< Koh East C to con rally o will pr P By P/ 1 OfTh< Poi with 1 but th Jod Stude Poi amou The s Se\ lege 5 also o “O coinn Re; mont Re; bpth abilit; Natio Ro ad mi had t H Pi By A! OfTh Mi guste In the Tries “Mor Entei there “T busir ditioi Ai V h ByC OfT cane up t A&P firm on d \\ his I the | ness I Wee T I crov I erin i bis 1 you style enfi : dru V ; disc i fror Cor | a gr« V licai Rail Tor Rai Stai 1 prii \ do bac rars saic stre me bet \ Pd. Pol. Adv. for Clayton Williams Campaign, 1122 Colorado, Suite 307, Austin, Texas 78701