The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 08, 1989, Image 9
Wednesday, November 8,1989 The Battalion Paged TAjlCW FIKE lEPAKT/AE-A/T- M, WHERE'S -m FIRE? THAT BK05H FILE ACKD5S DIE . 5TKEET7 OKAl, WE'KE 0/V OUR WAT OVEK. Wo/wE wa/tt ya> to hose PDWW g PO WHAT? VEAH, THE C/HPERS AXE SLOWIN' OVE* HERE AHP MIGHT by Scott McCullar © 1939 1 VOO BOYS HAVE HAP THOSE HELMETS’ ON TOO LONG. .ADSTONE HAS INSTRUCTED LDO TO CATCH ONE OF THE BATS THAT HAVE MOVED HO THE RUDDER TOWER... By KEVIN THOMAS HEY, NEATO/ YOUR TIMEX IS STILL working! \dventures In Cartooning by Don Atkinson Jr. back to Hj£KN£5S KINGDOM': :*M R£X AAflNLV. mqv WE RE talking V MirnpON EDITOR, aSCOT WILHER! SCOT. R RECENT "UTTER TO THE EDITOR" SUG GESTED THAT THE BATTALION IS JUST LIKE THE NATIONAL iNQUIRER/ Hey, scot f did vou HERR THAT PRESIDENT M06L6V WAS OUST CAUGWT IN A BCARHE Love-FEsr wnN vwpowifl AND SEVERAL SMALL RNIMALS ? (^ALTTJALL^rWAS KIDDING/ SCOT LOOKED UHC HE COULD USE SOME CHEERING UP! DOCXIN v\ lOHSI t&hr \DE PHILLIPS, PI Hold it due. T Gotta w/ikm Vfl. r Vi R?l/s h. I >Y 12 a; HAS ty M?Yf~ K^skJv, Don't Worry, T'lL tell it Real slow. / 1 When you f inish reading The Battalion pass it on to a friend, but please... don’t litter! ..— Imagine Imagine a state law that forces pregnant teenagers to tell their parents if they want an abortion, even in families plagued by physical violence and sexual abuse. Imagine a state law that drives pregnant teenagers away from safe, confidential medical care. Imagine a state law that makes abortion impossible for many pregnant girls and forces them into teenage motherhood. Imagine a state law that devastates the future of young women by stunting their education and career opportunities. Stop imagining Parental consent or notification statute enforced Parental consent or notification statute enjoined [IXX^yN] Parental consent or notification statute not generally enforced These laws are real. The American Civil Liberties Union fights laws that violate a teenager's right to privacy and equality - laws that violate a teenager’s right to choose between childbirth and abortion. Imagine the difference we can make with your help. Write us. ACLU Reproductive Freedom Project, 132 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036 SUPERCUTS The Nation’s #1 Hair Styling Salon Now open in Culpepper Plaza! Bennigan's Supercut - $8 • Students & Professors with I.D.-$7 • Children 13 and under-$6 introductory Offer for Texas A&M Students & Faculty Texas Ave. 3 Supercuts I Safeway" Harvey Rd. $2.00 " A Regular $8.00 Supercut with this coupon Expires Nov. 29,1989 Mon.-Fri. 9-9 Sat. 9-8 Sun. 10-6 CALL 696-1155 1519 S. Texas (Between Bennigans and Cowhop Junction) - Culpepper Plaza DON’T LET THE FLU GET YOU! To Protect Yourself Against the Flu, Come In For Your Flu Shot Now >00 No Appointment Necessary ONLY $ 1 2 CarePlus^ftf MEDICAL/DENTAL CENTER 696-0683 1712S.W. Parkway (across from Kroger Center) Open Sam-8pm 7 Days A Week Short on cash $$$ Want to Travel? Come see How to Make *P IHTTT f Inexpensive Speaker: Dr. John C. Groth, Professor of Finance, Texas A&M University Date: Wednesday, November 8, 1989 Time: 8:30 p.m. Place: 206 Memorial Student Center MSC Jordan Institute for International Awareness The debit card Points Plus Is a service with the convenience of Aggie Bucks all over Bryan-College Station It’s Easy to get your New Points Plus Card Follow these Steps: 1. Call 846-9085 to pre-register for your Points Plus card. 2. Check your mail for your New Points Plus Card. 3. You can activate your account at any time by sending your deposit check. 4. You are ready to use your card at businesses all over Bryan-College Station. Pre-register Ags f for your Points Plus Card. Call 846-9085 4341 Wellborn Rd. (Next to Cargo Bay)