The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 08, 1989, Image 6
Battalion Classifieds ANNOUNCEMENT EXCITING NEWS DECEMBER GRADUATES OF TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENT ORDERS ARE HERE !!!!! THEY CAN BE PICKED UP BEGINNING NOVEMBER 8,1989 MSC STUDENT PROGRAMS ROOMS 216 G & 216 F PICKUP TIMES :NOV 8-16 FROM 9AM - 7PM ON NOV.17 ORDERS CAN BE PICKED UP IN THE STUDENT FINANCE CENTER - SAM to 5PM. EXTRA ANNOUNCEMENTS WILL GO ON SALE TUESDAY, NOV. 14, 1989 Sam to 4pm MSC STUDENT FINANCE CENTER ROOM 217 FIRST COME —- FIRST SERVE FOR RENT WE ARE JAZZING IT UP!! PLANTATION Oaks • 2 POOLS •HOTTUB • LIGHTED TENNIS COURT • VOLLEY BALL COURT • GREAT LOCATION (ACROSS FROM POST OAK MALL) • Eft. 1,2,&3 BEDROOMS FROM $225 SPECIAL DORM RATES FOR SPRING M—F 8-6 SAT 10-5 SUN 1-5 Po*t Oak Mail Harv#y «a iHwy 30i 1501 Harvey Rd. 693-1110 Cotton Village Apts. Snook, TX. 1 Bdrm. $200., 2 Bdrm. $248. Rental assistance available! Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5pm. 147ttfn HELP WAN TED ATTENTION: EARN MONEY READING BOOKS! $32,000/year income potential. Details. (1) 602-838- 8885. 45t 11/09 EARN $500. TO $1,000 Or MORE WEEKLY STUFFING ENVE LOPES AT HOME NO EXPERIENCE FOR FREE INFORMATION SEND SELF AD DRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE TO: NATIONAL P.O. BOX 130: WAYNE, Ml 48184. uttfn SERVICES CASA BLANCA APAR1 MENTS: 2 bdrm, furn. & un- furn. units. SPECIAL PRIVATE BEDROOM DORM PLAN. 4110 College Main. 846-1413, 846-9196. 180ttfn 2B-1.5B duplex and 4-plex units. Options: fenced, EP, VVD, big closets, shuttle bus, low utilities. Wyndham 846-4384. 31111/9 2 Bedroom. 1 bath Apt. lot deposit paid. Call 693-4415. $355 mo. $200 I8tl 1/13 HELP WANTED The Houston Chronicle is currently taking applications for route carrier positions. Gas allowance provided with routes earning $400.-$700. per month. If interested, call James at 693-7815 or Julian at 693- 2323. 09109/29 R-R-R-Ring Hi! I’m Jill Mutscheler-Fonte- not, your AT&T Student Cam pus Manager here at Texas A&M. I would like to tell you how AT&T can help lower your long distance bills. I can also answer any of your long dis tance questions. The best time to reach me is 11:30 to 1:30 (M—-F) but, you can call anytime! 696-0276. CRUISESHIPS NOW HIRING for spring, Christmas and next summer breaks. Many positions. Call 1-805-682-7555 EXT. S-1026. AIRLINES NOW HIRING. Travel Agents,Flight Atten dants, Mechanics, etc. Entry level and up. salaries to 105k. Call 1-805-682-7555 EXT A-1058. PATELLAR TENDONITIS (JUMPER’S KNEE) Patients needed with patellar ten donitis (pain at base of knee cap) to participate in a research study to evaluate a new topical (rub on) anti-inflammatory gel. Previous diagnoses welcome. Eligible volunteers will be com pensated. G & S Studies, Inc. (close to campus) 846-5933 i69ttfn Farmers Market, Northgate, is now hiring in-store and delivery drivers personnel, 846-6428, 2-5pm. 49tl 1/10 SKIN INFECTION STUDY G & S Studies, Inc. is participating in a study on acute skin infection. If you have one of the following conditions call G & S Studies. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. * infected blisters * infected cuts * infected boils * infected scrapes * infected insect bites (“road rash”) Registered Nurse, Medicare Experience. $1500 Hiring Bonus. Call 776-1768 Fulltime position. 39tl 1/8 Looking fin a fraternity, sorority or student organiza tion that would like to make $500 - $1000 lor a tine week on-campus marketing project. Must he organized and hard working. Call Lisa G. or Mvra at (800) 592- 2121. 47t 11/14 G & S Studies, Inc. (close to campus) 846-5933 76 SERVICES STREP THROAT STUDY 5 Volunteers needed for streptococcal tonsillitis/pharyngitis study ★ Fever (100.4 or more) ★Pharyngeal pain (Sore Throat) ★Difficulty swallowing Rapid strep test will be done to con firm. Volunteers will be co/hpensated. G & S STUDIES, INC. (closeta campus) 846-5933 12ttfn ALLERGY STUDIES DO YOU HAVE??? ALLERGIC RHINITIS Patients needed with runny nose, na sal congestion, sneezing, itch nose, itchy and watery eyes to participate in a seven day research study evaluating an over-the-counterantihistimine. NO BLOOD DRAWN Eligible volunteers will be compen sated G & S Studies, Inc. (close to campus) 846-5933 MIGRAINE HEADACHE STUDY Patients needed with migraine headaches to participate in study with new investigational medication. Must have previous diagnosis of migraines. Eligible patients will be compensated. G & S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 391 ON THE DOUBLE Professional word processing laser jet printing. Papers, resumes, merge letters. Rush services 846-3755 1 1 /O WORD PROCESSING: PROFESSIONAL, PRECISE, SPEEDY - LASER/LETEER QUALITY. LISA 846- 8130. 49tl l/2I TYPING 7 DAYS PER WEEK. WORD PROCESSOR FAST/ACCURATE. 776-4013. 07(12/01 Word |>i messing liom $1.35/|>age LASER PRIM ER! PERFECT PRINT. 822-1430. 47(12/08 TYPING: Accurate Prompt, Professional, 15 years ex perience. symbols. Near Campus. 696-5401. 45(12/13 Professional word processing, lighi editing. Carla 690- 0305. 48(11/06 MISCELLANEOUS Dependable people lot Houston Post routes, carh morning. $200 to $850 pet month 846-2911.846-1253. 34tl 1/14 VISA OR MASTERCARD! Even if bankrupt or bad credit! We Guarantee you a card or double your money back. Call 1-805-682-7555 EXT. M-1054. TRAVEL CRESTED NOVEMBER 22-26 * 4 NIGHTS' STEAMS JANUARY 2-12 * 5 OR 6 NIGH IS>, BRECKEN JANUARY 2-7 * 5 NIGHTS WINTER PA JANUARY 2-7 * 5 NIGHTS VAIL/BEAVER JANUARY 5-12 *5 OR 7 NIGH BUI ANNUAL COLLEGIATE WINTER SKI BREAKS TOLL FREE INFORMATION & RESERVATIONS 1-800-321-5911 NOTICE d extra Arkansas 696-7326. : liekets foi visiting t ela- 48t 1 I /22 FORSAiLE Siezed Cars trucks, 4 wheelers, TV’s, Stereos, furniture, computers by DEA, FBI, IRS, and US CUSTOMS. Avail able in your area now. Call 1-805-682-7555 Ext. C-1201. REPOSSESSED VA & HUD HOMES available from government from $1 without credit check. You repair. Also tax delinquent foreclosures CALL 1-805-682-7555 EXT H-1445 for repo list your area. (iumbv s Pizza’ now hiring delivei \ drivers. Flexible hours, take home $50-$ 100 every night and food dis counts. Immediate opening. CAI! 76-Giimln 47tl 1/10 Attention third year students: Opportimitv available at Special Effects Waterbeds for aggresive.success minded student. 20-30 hours, salarv plus commision. Bring resume in person, applv Ik*tween I0ain-5ptn Fri day. \ovem»K*t 10,1989. 4Ht 1 1/10 ALTERATIONS The Needle Ladies & Men’s clothing Off Southwest Parkway 300 Amherst 764-9603 Sofa $75.00 call 822-3206 Leave message. 49(11/14 Ba(man comics forsale : Col( #1 .Dark Knigh( #1-4. 764-7100. 49(11/14 Sony 26 inch (rinnon console TV $225 or bes( offer 696-5735. 45(11/9 WORD PROCESSING — Reasonable ra(es - (hesis pa pers, resumes, rush services 764-2931. 37(12/6 Battalion Classifieds Call 845-0569 Don’t forget to checkoff ■ AggieVisionS I j 1 Texas A&M’s I video yearbook I j | Fee Option 23 j : PICK UP YOUR j1989-90 j STUDENT j DIRECTORY |230 Reed McDonald i if pre-paid : or buy one for $2.50 at MSC Bookstore Experienced librarian will do library research for you. Call 272-3S48. 30tl 1/12 * % don't let your business bomb. coll 845-2611 to advertise The Battalion LONDON $229 PARIS $269 MADRID $269 TOKYO $509 RIO $379 St. Maarten $205 ONE WAY FROM HOUSTON ALSO TEACHER and BUDGET FARES! EURAIL PASSES USSR / Europe Tours Language Learning Centers Councilfravcl —1 -800-777-2874_ Page 6 The Battalion Wednesday, Novembers, ffc*< What’s Up THURSDAY CLASS OF ’90: will hold yell practice at 9 p.m. at the bonfire site and then have Class of ’90 stack night. AMERICAN MEDICAL STUDENTS ASSOCIATION: Dr. Richard M. GrimesviS speak on AIDS prevention at noon in lecture hall 1 of the Medical Sci ences Building. Call Patricia Joyce at 845-2887 for more information. STUDY ABROAD OFFICE: will have information on study abroad opportunities from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. in the MSC main hallways. AGGIE PLAYERS: will have first presentation of Blithe Spirit in Rudder Forum Admission is $4 students and $5 general public. MSC GREAT ISSUES: will meet at 7 p.m. at the Flying Tomato. POLITICAL FORUM: will present a summary and consequences ol the Eure I pean community's changes in 1992 at 7 p.m. in 701 Fludder. ||| CLASS OF '90 GIFT COMMITTEE: will take suggestions for class gift from if Hi J a.m. until 3 p.m. at MSC tables. Call Kristen Hay at 696-3290 formoreir fr formation. RADIO—TELEVISION NEWS DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION: will meetat6pm in 014 Reed McDonald. it’ It f MSC HOSPITALITY: will have a lost and found auction from 10 a m. to 1 p.m r; No the MSC Flagroom. the n; woulc CHINESE STUDENT ASSOCIATION: will meet for yearbook pictures at 8151 Bu p.m. in Zachry lobby. Members are encouraged to bring friends and far Th ily. T-shirts will be sold afterwards. j t; PHILOSOPHY CLUB: Dr. Herman Saatkamp will speak on "Santayana ar: American Philosophy" at 7 p.m. in 352 Rudder. ^ ^ BETA ALPHA PSI: will have a professional meeting with Deloitte & Touche* Iif 6:30 p.m. Dress professionally. ij| HP’ll abilh' MEXICAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION & COLLEGE OF BUSINESS: will have; worst Latin American Debt Conference at 5 p.m. in Rudder Theatre. CallKarer ^ 0- Eindorf at 845-3618 for more information. Hour recon OMEGA PHI ALPHA: will have Aggie Hour on Star 92 at midnight. Call Chi * r. r. Michaels at 845-0011 for more information. H IF ‘ sent c JUNGIAN SOCIETY OF BRAZOS VALLEY & DEPT. OF PSYCHOLOGY:* Th have works by art therapist and psychologist Luanne Lee called Dra* Sund; ing on the Dream: Art Therapy as a Bridge” from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in 102 the Ri College Station Community Center. Call Mary Stone at 776-8755 for more victor information. Hire recciv BAPTIST STUDENT UNION: will have a revival at 7:30 p.m. in Rudder Audilc ^ sa rium - Co i FOURTH DAY: will have a staff reconciliation in the Church followed bylina *' staff meetings at 6:15 p.m. at St. Mary's. there Ht th PRE—MED/PRE—DENT SOCIETY: will have a Texas Tech Medical Scho: Johns presentation at 7:30 p.m. in 105 Harrington. Call Tammy Gerdes at 845- about 1243 for more information. , AGGIE FREE THOUGHT SOCIETY: will look at "Evidence That Demands Ve or winni diet" at 8 p.m. in the usual place. mi< ca AGGIES FOR CLAYTON WILLIAMS FOR GOVERNOR: will have a sooa or ^" meeting at 5:30 p.m. in the Flying Tomato. Call 775-3018 for more into: , mation close« talkin BOLIVIAN STUDENTS ASSOCIATION: will have a "Saltenada" at 10 am * I9«9. Diana Galindo s house. For more information call Jaime at 823-5228. Ins ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGIATE ENTREPRENEURS: will have offic* elections at 7 p.m. in 165 Blocker. For more information call Dan at 845- \M as i, 3 ° 37 ‘ RIO GRANDE VALLEY HOMETOWN CLUB: will take pictures forAggieMU , “ h! 6:30 p.m. in Zachry. H K YOAKUM AREA HOMETOWN CLUB: will meet to take pictures for 1990 Aggie land at 8:15 p.m. in the Zachry lobby. FORT WORTH HOMETOWN CLUB: will take Aggieland picture at 6:20 p m the Zachry lobby. INTERNATIONAL STUDENT ASSOCIATION: will have a slide show andds cussion about India at 8:30 p.m. in 228 MSC. Call Vikram S. Torpunurial 845- 5982 or 846-2757 for more information. Items for What’s Up should be submitted to The Battalion, 216 Reed McDonald no later than three business days before the desired run date. We only pubis 1 ! the name and phone number of the contact if you ask us to do so What's Up is a Battalion service that lists non-profit events and activities. Submissions are ran on a first-come, first-served basis. There is no guarantee an entry will run. IIyou have questions, call the newsroom at 845-3315. In Advance Students can air grievances at open forum Any student wishing to voice concerns about campus issues to members of Student Government is invited to attend an Issues and Grievances Forum tonight at 8:30 in 601 Rudder. The open forum is sponsored by the External Affairs Commit- Lte oi tiie student Senate. Student senators and executive vice presidents will answer ques tions and take suggestions abom campus issues that students warn addressed by student leaders. For more information, contact the Student Government office at 845-3051. Conference focuses on Latin American deb! A conference on Latin Ameri can debt sponsored by die Col lege of Business Administration and the Mexican Students Asso ciation will be Thursday through Saturday. The educational conference will discuss all aspects of the Latin American debt problem, Confer ence Chairman Luis De La Garza said. The conference will begin at 5 p.m. Thursday in Rudder The ater with three speakers and an opening address by Texas A&M University President William H. Mobley. The lectures will resume at 9 a.m. Friday and continue until 4:30 p.m. A banquet will be held Friday night at the Ramada and the conference will conclude with a luncheon Saturday at the Mil ton. About 250 students from all over the country will participate- De La Garza said. The confer ence also will include workshop: to allow participants to further discuss the debt problem. “We want a lot of audience par ticipation,” De La Garza said. There will be no admission fer for the speeches, but students must register to participate in the workshops and attend the ban quet and luncheon. The fee is$25 for A&M students and $50 for non-students. Officials try to interview officer who shot woman HOUSTON (AP) — Houston Po lice Department internal affairs in vestigators tried for the first time Tuesday to interview an officer who fatally shot a woman during a free way shootout last week but failed be cause he was “too medicated,” offi cials said. Officer Alex Gonzales, 25, has re mained in Hermann Hospital since the shootout Oct. 31, in which he was wounded and Ida Lee Delaney, 50, was killed. Both the FBI and the police 1 ® partment on Monday acknowledge Gonzales had consumed nearly tv® the amount of alcohol allowed by® before he shot and killed Delaney , A police official confirmed G% zales’ blood tests — acquired frPfv Hermann Hospital through a Haf County grand jury — revealed a percent alcohol-blood content. 1 state law, a person is consideredf toxicated with at least a .10 perctf measure of alcohol.