(I The Battalion OPINION Wednesday, November 8,1989 Come to open forum EDITOR: B The External Aff airs Committee of the Student Senate is holding an Issues and Grievances Forum tonight at 8:30 p.m. in 601 Rudder. The forum Ivill be an opportunity for all students to give their input, gripes, grievances, etc. on a wide variety of student issues. If you want to learn more about what issues the senate has been addressing, if you have issues you think the senate needs to address, if you want to meet your senator, or if you have any other questions about the University, please attend. Your representatives need your input. Jody Manier — Public Relations Chair pKenny Gossett — External Affairs Chair Guardroom: escorts, etc. EDITOR: I Regarding the letter in Mail Call from Gretchen Thompson ’93 about females in the guardroom, I would like to correct her misinformed view of the luardroom’s main function. I The main purpose of the guardroom is not to serve the civilian population, but to serve the Corps of Cadets. The guardroom acts as a switchboard to relay mail and other pertinent information to and from the military officers in tin: Military Sciences building and the corps. The guardroom is responsible for raising and lowering the flags at the Academic Building and the Systems Building, for designating the uniform of the day Sjiased on weather conditions, to secure the lounges and to monitor the fire alarm systems for the corps occupied dorms. The guardroom serves as the main point of contact between military officers and cadets if an emergency situation were to arise. These are not all of the responsibilities of the guardroom, because they are too numerous to mention. i The Cadet Officer of the Day is responsible for determining whether or not there are enough individuals in the guardroom to provide an escort service and still perform the required duties. The Mail escort service is not the only required duty of the guardroom, however, the corps has magnanimously offered their service whenever possible. The high number of calls the guardroom receives nightly makes it difficult to meet all of our obligations. For your information, there are other services available that offer an escort service: Dial-A-Ride (847-RIDE) and the university police system. If you really are concerned about your personal safety, then by all means call the guardroom or one of the other services to safely escort you to your destination. But please, don’t abuse the service the corps offers — we don’t have to do it, but we do. April Bishop ’90 accompanied by 50 signatures Mine is a restless heart EDITOR: This letter is just one of your basic thank you letters from one Aggie to another. Tuesday night/Wednesday morning, October 25, I had one of the most wonderful experiences of my life. While sitting in line for tickets to the upcoming Restless Heart concert at G. Rollie White, I met a young lady who, for a few short hours, single-handedly brought me out of my depression on school and on my life. We introduced ourselves rather quickly and from that moment, until we parted some 11 hours later, we became close friends. All I wish is that other people could have an experience with someone special like the one I had that night. This is one moment in my life I will tuck away in the back of my mind and savor for the rest of my life. This letter is just to let her know she made a lasting impression on me and that anyone who feels lonely should never give up hope on meeting that certain someone who could affect your life. I find it ironic that we stood in line for tickets to “Restless Heart,” because since I met her that is what has been pounding inside me. Thank you, Julie for making that time so special Call and bringing me back to life! J. Kyle Jones ’90 Story was discriminatory EDITOR: I was appalled when I read the article about anonymous gay sex in the Academic Buiding. It is disgraceful that this university would let something like this happen. It is blatent dicrimination against heterosexuals. If anonymous gay sex is going to be allowed to occur in the Academic Building, then a building should be designated for anonymous heterosexual sex. I’m sure the Board of Regents will agree with this unless they want to face a discrimination lawsuit. So here is what I propose. Let homosexuals have the Academic Building and heterosexuals will take Blocker. I picked this building because it has the most girls-per- classroom ratio on all the campus. From now on, starting around 7 p.m., people who want to participate in anonymous heterosexual sex should meet on the second floor of Blocker. A lot of people will probably show up, so I don’t think the bathrooms will do. Beds will most likely have to be brought in to make things more comfortable. Maybe a stereo system could be brought up, too. Well, the details will have to be worked out later. That is all I have to say on the subject right now, but I hope the Board of Regents and everybody at A&M takes this seriously. Discrimination is a serious offense and it should not be allowed to continue here. Ronald Selvage ’88 Setting the facts straight EDITOR: I commend the actions and conduct of the yell leaders and the Twelfth Man at the Rice game. Also, I’d like to set the facts straight to the self- righteous, ignorant members of the student body at A&M. Part of being an Aggie is knowing tradition, remember, Ags? Therefore, before you judge what happened Saturday (especially those of you who weren’t there), may I inform you of past occurrences:^ 1973 (Rice Stadium) — Rice band stepped in block formation to an out-of-tune “Aggie War Hymn” as the “unknown band” and formed a fire hydrant while playing “Where Has My Little Dog Gone” after the recent death of Reveille 1973 (Parade) — a recently released P.O.W. reviewed the Corps of Cadets while Rice students wore swastikas and goose-stepped 1974-1980 — Rice band did not travel to Kyle Field 1983 (Rice Stadium) — Rice students displayed a 10-foot phallic symbol with “A&M” on it and confused the Aggie band by blowing whistles during their performance 1988 (Kyle Field) — Rice band gave a mock salute to patriotism for the purpose of getting “40,000 Aggies to say the pledge of allegiance” as quoted by the Rice band director the next day in the Eagle, Aggies responded and degraded themselves further by giving them a standing ovation. No wonder they call us nerds! Which, by the way, was their halftime show on Saturday. We accept the abuse and say, “That’s their freedom of expression, they’re cute.” They don’t realize the Aggies they spit on gave them this freedom by defending it in wars. C’mon Ags. Don’t be ignorant of the facts. Brush up on “Aggie history.” I’m proud we’re different from other schools and that our yell leaders exemplified this by conveying “enough is enough” without violence, pervertedness or pro fanity. Susan Rowland Rice ’85 Letters to the editor should not exceed 300 words in length. The edito rial staff reserves the right to edit letters for style and length, but will make every effort to maintain the author’s intent. Each letter must be signed and must include the classification, address and telephone num ber of the writer. TERRIFIC TUESDAY! * • ' v -* '-'zT-s "'••l'.VT',..” " TWO MEDIUM PIZZAS With Cheese Gc Pepperoni ONLY - 99 Plus Tax NO COUPON NECESSARY! Limit one per coupon. 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