The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 08, 1989, Image 10
your business deserves some prime-time exposure. readers use these pages to see what's happening on the tube. let them know what's happening with you. call 845-2611 to place advertisements in TbatUttaHon Come Play VOLLEYBALL Live Oak Nudist Resort Washington, TX (409) 878-2216 LEARN TO FLY Airplane • Helicopter Professional Flight Training Private Instrument & Commercial Aviation Flight Center EASTERWOOD AIRPORT 846-5636 Lunch Buffet (11-2 Daily) Dinner Buffet (5-8pm Daily) w/coupon Regular Lunch Price $4“ and Regular Dinner Price $4 65 Gourmet Chinese Food, More than 15 items All you can eat • Free Iced Tea Free Delivery Pacific Garden Chinese Restaurant Between Chimney Hill Bowl & The Hilton Dine in only, with coupon Salads & Desserts New Items Added: Varies Daily Chinese Fajitas on Sunday One coupon per person per visit Not good with any other coupon Offer Expires 11-16-89 excel 'so % Excellence uniting Culture, Education and Leadership (Formerly Minority Freshmen Orientation) ExCEL is a (wo day program designed to assist the incoming ethnic minority student with making the transition to Texas A&M. ExCEL also seeks to actively involve parents by providing special sessions which address the parental concerns. Applications are available for Chair positons listed below: Parent and Student Programming Chairs Parent and Student Orientation Assistant Chairs Entertainment Chair Operations Specialist Chair Support Services Chair Publicity Chair Parent and Student Recruitment Chairs Finance Chair Applications are available in the Multicultural Services Center in Room 148 MSC, and are due November 10. 1989. An interview process will be required upon completion of the applications. If you have any questions, please call 845-4551 Floriculture-Ornamental Horticulture Club Plant Sale NEW LOCATION Ficus Trees - Hanging Baskets - Various Indoor Foliage Saturday, Nov.11, 10a.m.- 2p.m. Plenty of Parking s^wrticuliuni- Fire Science. ?>LLUdi\ nq ± St floor v; ^ T>esujn Lai)S □ Bicn\#eLieA.I Soil CdTOp SeWntts CLUB 913a HARVEY ROAO DAILY HAPPY HOURS/CALL SPECIALS 693-1989 ^^EDNESDg|g“ EAT THE WORM Won^^^fema $2.00 Mezcal with Worm Free diploma from the order of the worm. The Battalion WORLD & NATION 11^ Wednesday, November 8,1989 Army surgeons learn by treating J! gang gunshot victims in Californr LOS ANGELES (AP) — The car nage of gang gunshot victims at a Watts-based hospital with one of the busiest emergency rooms in the country has become a training room for U.S. Army surgeons learning trauma treatment skills. The County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday approved a motion to expand the presence of military phy sicians at beleaguered Martin Luther King-Drew Medical Center into other areas, including obstetrics and pediatrics. The county-run hospital has been under fire and its director was re cently removed following reports that it was understaffed and under funded. Tuesday’s motion by Supervisor Kenneth Hahn, whose district in cludes the hospital, calls for the Health Services Department to de velop a proposal within two weeks for expanding the military physician training program. Army doctors usually receive their trauma surgery training at public hospitals near their home bases. But military officials say that the young surgeons rarely see the kinds of gaping, multiple wounds caused by automatic and semiautomatic gunfire, like those common to gang shootings here, where more than 353 gang-related slayings were re ported last year. of U.S. A pair of U.S. Army resident phy sicians from Texas recently com pleted a two-month training pro gram at King-Drew, where officials say gang mayhem creates a virtual steady stream of gunshot victims. “Here, you’ll see a case where a .22 (-caliber gun) accidentally dis charged,’’ Dr. John McPhail, chief of surgery at William Beaumont Medi cal Center in El Paso said Tuesday. “But at King, the typical shooting was a victim shot multiple times by someone trying to kill them with large in the patients." The 430-bed, county-op® teaching hospital treated, 3,500 trauma victims in l! nearly 40 percent of the t trauma patients, hospital i said. Cash shortage forces Braniff to sack workers, cancel flights ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — Financially stricken Braniff Inc. sacked many of its remaining employees and stranded a few of its remaining passengers Tuesday, af ter the carrier abruptly canceled its last 46 round-trip flights. A severe cash shortage short-circuited the Orlando- based company’s reorganization plan and forced it to halt all passenger service as of midnight Monday, said Chairman William G. McGee after an emergency meet ing of the board of directors. Braniff is looking for a buyer, officials said. Braniff, which sought protection from creditors Sept. 28 under Chapter 11 of the Federal Bankruptcy Act, was dismissing many of its remaining 1,800 em ployees Tuesday, said spokeswoman Sandy Smith. “The situation is confusing, to say the least,” Smith said. “Most people, I assume, are losing their jobs right away . . . I’m not getting a lofof information from our executives.” Tom Volz, senior vice president of marketing, said discussions were under way “with potential investors." The immediate objective is “to attempt to continue re organization under the Chapter 11 code as a viable charter entity,” he said. “There are no plans at this point to give consider ation to liquidation,” he said. The abrupt stoppage surprised and angered pilots and other employees and left a few unsuspecting cus tomers frustratea in Orlando, Kansas City, Dallas, Los Angeles and other major airports. “We’re all in shock,” Jim Hamilton, a Braniff pilot based in Dallas, said. “I didn’t expect something like this to happen. We were hoping that someone would buy Braniff and want to run it, but maybe there was nothing left to buy. It’s just a case of complete misman agement.” -ay Peel stampsof will soon sti I in*: Wi 1 on envelope?! bW WASHINGTON (APi- U.S. Postal Service isaboui gin testing peel-and-stickp stamps in 15 cities, but bun have to pay extra for the nience. Eighteen of the 25-cenii will lx* sold in a sheet lha: into a booklet. 1 he price $5, 50 cents more thantli value of the stamps. "It is expected to appeal sumers willing to pay exit; deluxe product,” the Posii | ice said in announcing ti marketing program. The stamp, which elispli work of an eagle and shie go on sale for the first time at a stamp show in V; Beach, Va. Collectors may orde stamps from the agency's? lie Sales Division, Wash: D.C., 20265-9997. rei 1 V# vof cat' 1 he 3 6r) set* tur< laff m* 1 1 en C( lie^ Din bl3‘ tur ntfi' po* me 1 it 1 do* 1 will me L ma> red tm m ov Serving Aggies from three convenient locations. Come on by Aggies! CHECK OUT OUR BRAND NEW SOUTHGATE STORE —Featuring our own private parking for your CONVENIENO cot 11 ie' ut< >un nd< Hi v° Remember, we're already paying cash for your used bo* As Always - your business is appreciated and your Satisfaction is Guaranteed at Loupot's. ait. Off Campus Centij Off Campus Aggif^, S.H.A.R Rep rei ture or f October 8,1!' By I Moving Out? Holiday Crime: An Unexpected Surprise 0f Many of you will be moving out in December, please follow these steps to insure the return of your deposiL STEPS TO FOLLOW TO GET YOUR SECURITY DEPOSIT BACK Christmas vacation is a time of unexpected surprises; somepx Ri 1. Write a letter of intent of vacancy at least 30 days prior to the end of the lease. Make sure all roommates on the lease sign this letter as well. Give the letter to your 4. 6. 7. 8. 10. 11. manager and keep a copy signed by the manager. If you prefer to send the letter by mail use certified mail with a return receipt requested. Make an appointment with the manager to inspect the apartment. You should be present during the inspection. Pay all rent owed until the end of the lease. Give your forwarding address in writing to the manager. V acate the apartment at the end of the lease. Clean the apartment according to the lease agreement. Inspect your apartment with your manager. Wait 30 days for security deposit to be returned. If you don’t receive your security deposit after 30 days, call or visit the manager to remind him/her Cleaning Tips To get most of your security de posit back you must clean the apart ment before the managers inspec tion. The following tips may help: Dust all furniture. Vacuum the carpet. Wipe windows and mirrors first with a soft wet cloth and then a dry clean one. Take out the garbage. Empty, defrost and wash re frigerator with a soft cloth and warm water. Sweep and mop kitchen and bathroom floors. Clean kitchen’s burners and surfaces with a soft wet cloth and detergent. Rub afterward with a dry cloth. Clean toilets, tubs and sinks with warm water, detergent and a brush. and some bad. After finishing exams most students will be leaving for the holidays. This means that many apartments, mobile homes, 3 U( duplexes or houses will be left unattended for several weeks. With so tude many students away for the holidays some homes become prime targes for burglary. Although some apartments complexes provide security! — their tenants, others do not. The types of security that do exist varyfc one complex to another. In order to protect you belongings from theft, you should begin immediately by taking steps to insure their safety. Renter’s insurance; one type of protection for your personal property. Here are some additional security steps which might be taken. 1. 2. 5. 7. 10. Strong locks are the single best deterrents to break-ins. Useaf 1 to “double lock” sliding glass doors or windows. Do not leave hidden keys outside your home. If you can find them so can an intruder. Never leave notes indicating that you are away. Keep an inventory of your valuable possessions including serir numbers, brand names, and model numbers. Send a copy toy® parents or a relative in case your copy is destroyed. You migk ; also take photographs of valuable items. This is good support" insurance claims. Operation I.D., is a program supported by local police depart ments that enables one to protect personal property by engraviti an identifiable number on the object. Engravers can be chccl*; out from the University Police. If possible take all valuable items with you especially stereos, TV’s, cameras, typewriters, and bicycles. You may wish to use an automatic (on/off) timer on a lamp, timers can be purchased for as little as $7.00. Stop all deliveries including mail and newspapers. If possible ask a trusted friend to watch your home. Leave a number where you can be reached in case of emergency. Don’t panic if your apartment has been entered. Contact the police immediately. Do not ‘tidy up’. Even the smallest detail might prove valuable information for tire police. 12. 13. 14. of the return of your security deposit. Write a letter to the manager to reminding him/her of your security deposit. Have your manager sign your copy. If you prefer to send the letter by mail use certified mail with a return receipt requested. Wait 30 days more. If you fail to receive your security deposit back stop by the Off Campus Center in Puryear Hall (across the street from the YMCA building) or call for an appointment. We urge you to check with your apartment manager or property owner prior to the installation of any security devices and for addition*! security steps. We hope that you have no unexpected surprises when you returnt Aggieland. For brochures and other information on crime preventioa contact the police department, or come by the Off Campus Center located in Puryear Hall, Drop by or give us a call between 8 a.m. and' p.m., Monday through Friday, 845-1741.