Thursday, October 5,1989 The Battalion Page 9 WRD C'MOA/, MERRITT, DON'T WORRY. WtfEW MR. ZONE AND I FIRST STARTED FIXING THIS ALIEN SHIP AFTER IT CRASHED HERE.... by Scott McCullar © 1989 WALDO By KEVIN THOMAS WALDO AND DR. GLADSTONE HAVE RETRIEVED PRESIDENT MOBLEY'S BRAIN AND THEY IMPLANT IT BACK INTO HIS BODY... THE ROBOT THAT REPLACED MOBLEY IS TAKEN BACK TO THE LAB this is Ncrr YOUR FATHER’S OLDSMOBILE; n Adventures In Cartooning by Don Atkinson Jr. OKflM. POP QUIZ. TIME!!! VW TM£T fl STWENT At£ TH£V W TO ASK FOR "PROFESSIOMAL COJfKTWUSH * Because thor frther is ft Police officer, vou Resfbnd mi QTHCR: a) "6CT OUT OF MV ffcc, pod putrid Piece OFjrvccm JCUM///> -OR- t fa.) T A/&C&2C/ LET U€ DESF9CR THfrf neper since sour TUmOAl ffus my SftLPRVffS WHflT? DfD I 6CT IT WPCNO?J SPADE PHILLIPS, Rl. by M a"f{ fsk> ITS my father lentil Helsinki, he DlSRPEARED Two WEEKS Abo.TWAur Him FoojwO MR PHILLIPS 1/ PRoF 60R1S W'(D£Bottom WM-L PR0M6LY 0E VERV Helrfll . wecl spApe... jrcav call, roo •sP/iDE CJ)H'T I?... W(I.L roo TAKE THE C/KE? YES. Now HERE IS IMY NAME Amo MomoeR; Pinkie Helsinki, its All ... my word, SPADE, where Did voo £vE« DCtSocH A STRAN6E LooKioifr HoLYCXoi P > KK ° T? SPBDElCXD You SEE THESE , / SHe's Actually' lA clieht.gbe! n— ; Go With Battalion Classified 845-2611 4- 89-90 Yearbook PICTURES CLASS OF 1992 October 2-6 everyone CLASS OF 1991 October 16-20 A-M October 23-27 N-Z GRADS, VETS &MEDS November 6-10 Everyone Class of 1990 To Be Announced Yearbook Associates is located at 707 Texas Ave S. Suite 120B (at AR Photography) Hours are 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday. 693-8183 <0> <0> ATTENTION AGGIES! Would you like to travel to Germany next Summer? as a cultural exchange student in coordination with the Georg August University in Gottingen, West Germany. Trip is from May 22 to June 19, 1990. Fluency in German is not reguired Program is a cultural exchange. Room and some meals provided by host families. In Gottingen. Trips available to other locations in Germany. Applications available: in room 223G MSC Browsing Library Due-October 9, 1989 at 5:00 p.m. MSC Jordan Institute for International Awareness SUPERCUTS The Nation’s #1 Hair Styling Salon Now open in Culpepper Plaza! Supercut - $8 • Students & Professors with I.D.-$7 • Children 13 and under-$6 Introductory Offer for Texas A&M Students & Faculty Bennigan’s Texas Ave. Supercuts I Safeway $2.00 off Harvey Rd. Mon.-Fri. 9-9 Sat. 9-8 Sun. 10-6 A Regular $8.00 Supercut with this coupon Expires Oct. 26,1989 CALL 696-1155 1519 S. Texas (Between Bennigans and Cowhop Junction) - Culpepper Plaza MSC Town Hall Presents AT A&M rmz'fy ‘Dst'ts vn istms i Tickets on Sale Oct 7th at 10:00 A.M Tickets Only $15 G. Rollie White Coliseum Sunday, October 29th 8:00 P.M. Tickets available at MSC Box Office CA3//& D/V^ and all Phone orders should be done through 1-800-284-5780.