Thursday, September 21,1989 The Battalion Page 7 MAKE US YOUR CHOICE FOR VIDEO ENTERTAINMENT! WED YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND OUR EQUIPME.NT, OUR TERMINOLOGY, OR OUR PATA STORAGE. AT ms TV STATION...* ..YOU DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND OUR - , COMPUTER LANGUAGE} GET OUT// by Scott McCullar © is, T * ALL PART OF A CRASHED ALIEN spfiCE.SHI?,Z NIGHT AW WALDO By KEVIN THOMAS Adventures In Cartooning Ljrr— by Don Atkinson Jr. I7 OHAV.DOH. WHEN! ASKING FOR A DATE. ACT MACHO AMD BORED / DON'T BE TOO EAGER f BE •SUBTLE / N077CE 77C LOOK OF PURE TERROR, SINEFnV PRIMS. gCGASY STOMACH AND OVERALL D£5IR£ TO RUN THE OTHER DIRECTION/ ’eai T'M A SENIOR AT AfM MV MAJOR IS JOURNAL ISM AND MV MINOR IS THEATER ARTS' r UHE JAMES BOND films, music 8V Philip GLASS AND \57AR TREK,' BOTH EG^J£RR^ONS. , UVANNA GET MRPRlED, HAVE RJD5, GROW OLD AND DC TOGETHER? •GET ©(2 ... 3ll (Jems,you TT 6col6 Some ncv“ma( cases- rj mu^Jer mayloeHS -fco mock Te(( me ^och^ujlny oldn't X" E/sfeoTomy Uncle.LOhy Set op '-office «vi To ((ege GrtetiosT. / -ip ask? ^ tieyjTlhxicjrfi 3 !-> Vhe' nc&fiec I IT N^csWmaUooO Heistar\ exciting csse^ Dad 0/asf Ul I want a Bogart case'. x w'/lA/r A LONG- LEGGED FEHALE TEMPTRESS To \WALK NYj O FF/ceI r*Y >ck [ Look, T cv? time ■for small -fslk.Someone ■Criple my embalmed. iroii-b&i collection. ^ Sp^e.yoor -temptress, i S ■—- here. Pogues (Continued from page 5) that just about everyone in the band got their chance to sing. From Mac- Gowan’s “Cuchulainn” to Terry Woods’ “Young Ned” to drummer Andrew Rankin’s raucous version of ‘Star of the County Down v ” During the concert it was obvious that two birds of the band were having a Dlast, the other third was blasted. MacGowan sang when he could re member the words, Spider Stacy iang and played the harmonica and in whistle when he could find them tthe base of his mike stand. But the imperfections were part )f the experience and the audience ieemed to be having a grand time we were), because there was a defi- tite sparkle in the performance, ith the versatile James Fearnley, Ferry Woods and Philip Chevron molding together the whole rol- ^Hicking mess. Not even our early "■ailed attempts to get to the Pogues m oran ' nterv ' ew dampened our spir- llS ij ts We still harboured hopes of talk- rllI 'i n g to them, despite the horror sto- , mies we’d heard of what jerks they ^'pre, stories of drunken Pogue wrath. ‘ If mnd yes indeed, we were scared spit less. After the last encore, through sheer persistence, our Battalion press passes and furious name-drop ping, we finally found ourselves going through the gloomy “Hospi tality Room” backstage and up the dark stairs to where the real action was after the concert. Our first en counter was Chevron, a charming and graceful man who, while tired, was sober. MacGowan appeared unconscious on a couch in a side room, obviously in no mood to speak to the press. The rest of the Pogues were horsing around playing pool and making machine gun noises with Spider Stacy animatedly com plaining about the lack of tequila, but not the drunken debauchery ex pected. These are accomplished profes sional musicians that, while ob viously disposed to a certain amount of drinking and partying, seemed to know when to ease off. Very agree able people, actually, our conversa tions revolving around such topics as Converse tennis shoes, Pogue videos (which unfortunately rarely get shown here in the States), wedding plans, L.A. police helicopters, other Irish bands and the Pogue movie “Straight to Hell” (which Chevron said the Pogues were dismayed at be cause it made no sense to them). We got out with our lives and our esteem of them intact. See them when you can. movie (Continued from page 5) “The Big Easy” with Dennis Quaid, is exotic, intense and be lievable in her role as Helen. Pac ino is great. There’s no other way to say it. You like his character and feel sorry for him. Besides being a powerful ro mance, “Sea of Love” is a well- written mystery. Is Helen a killer? Will she kill Frank? You probably won’t figure out the mystery, and that makes the film more fun. “Sea of Love” was directed by Harold Becker. He generated fresh suspense using old tricks such as dark hallways. Another pleasant surprise was John Goodman’s (from the TV sitcom “Roseanne”) performance as Sherman, Lrank’s friend, and later partner during the murder investigation. Goodman provided most of the funny moments and was a needed tension breaker. This film is not a mirage. It is an excellent example of a good movie that somehow made it to the Bryan-College Station movie desert. There’s a new movie in town, and surprise, it’s actually good. Don’t miss it. sprouts (Continued from page 5) made an exact transcript from the tape. Now everyone will know what you’re really like, Dave, because I’m about to print that very transcript right here in front of the entire world. Transcript from 05-09-89 phone call with Dave (placed at 3:23 a.m. CST): Da\e (after sexenth ring): “Uhhn . . . uhmm . . . yeah. Dave here. ” A/e: “Da\e.' It’s Dean. What's up, guy?" “What!? Who is this?" “It's Dean. You know. Dean Suel- tenfuss. ” “ Gene? Gene who.'” “No. Dean. Dean Sueltenfuss. Re member, I sent you those clips last month and asked you about getting that newspaper job? Did you read 'em. Dare? What'd you think about ’em?" “Oh, Lord. “ “Dat e, you still there? E\ ei \ thing OK?" “How the hell did you get my phone number?” “Well, /— ” “If yon ever call me again. I'll see to it that you nex er xvork at a nexvs- paper for as long as you lix e! ” Lor you folks who joined us late, let me explain what just happened. Dave Barry, the famous syndicated columnist, upon realizing that I knew he was stealing columns from me, panicked when he was con fronted with the truth and then threatened me. I know that’s not what it sounded like from the transcript, but the tape was kind of fuzzy. Just trust me, Dave was scared. Damn scared. And he should be scared. Every night I spend several hours at my typewriter, slaving away, straining my creative genius to pro duce a humorous, well-written col umn. And when I get up the next morning and retrieve my copy of the Harold from the doorstep, what do you suppose I find? That’s right — my column with Dave Barry’s name and picture on it! Dammit, Dave, enough is enough. If you can’t think of your own col umn ideas, you’ll just have to starve. I know what you people are think ing. You’re thinking, “This jerk is ly ing. What a geek. He’s obviously made up this whole story.” Well . . . well . . . you’re right. Dave Barry hasn't been stealing my columns. It’s just that the guy is so funny. He doesn’t leave any material for the rest of us writers who occa sionally try to write something funny. I mean, there are only so many humorous ideas floating around out there. And frankly, Dave, you’ve been taking more than your fair share. This isn’t a threat, Dave, but if I were you, I’d start being a little more careful. You never know when a dis gruntled columnist who’s run out of material might retaliate against you. But hey! I don't mean me. I love ya’, Dave. You’re the best. Life is full of little surprises, though. Y'ou could be run over by a bus the next time you walk across a street, or an engine could fall off of a DC-10 and come crashing through the Hairnet newsroom. Or you could be sitting in your car, getting ready to turn the igni tion switch when — BOOM! —your car explodes. Hey, I’m not making any threats, Dave. Not me. I’d just be a bit more careful if I were you. Being a syndi cated columnist can be a dangerous business. Next w eek's topic: Prunes and you. The Battalion Wait! Don't line the bird cage with that Battalion! There's a coupon in it that I want Ads that get action qSgggpg, Why be Overwhelmed by Reading Assignments?? Cut Your Study Time in Half! 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