The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 23, 1989, Image 12
Lunch Buffet (11-2 Daily) Dinner Buffet (5-8pm Daily) £HL!i Wedr^edey . Auyuet 23,1BB9 Alamo graffiti could be from defender w'coupon Pacific Garden Chinee# ^Restaurant SAN ANTONIO (Af> — vattun wwlupt* at the dhcowered grafTai that mar have been left by an Alamo dtfriwatr on a door of the mi—ion dating Co the 1700s. “We found origiaai mnelnn pbM> “There is graffki in whkh the d—e« 1894 and 1897 are wirnea In pencil, and the name Mills the surface. The naaM inches kmg and 1.5 inch The name may have by WUharn MOs of _ among the 189 asen known to i 6. 1856. defending in the struggle for Texas ■nee i’e don't have any solid proof it WiHiam Mills, but it’s a good ty,“ Beck told the San Anto- softer mortar more compatible with the histone limestone The door on tehich the carved name was found dates to the early 1 700s and initially was built as part of a corridor leading from the church to the building now known as along with stnne mason Bal- the Long Barrack where the Francis- tazar Espinosa discovered the graf- can brothers lived. Beck said fki — the two worked on the north All the stone in the 8-foot door side of the Shrine of Texas Liberty was cut by hand as part of a massive, ongoing preset Discovery of the door was not a vacaoo protect. surprise. Beck said, because turn-of- They have been working for the-century photographs showed it weeks so remove hard mortar pia< rd existed However, the curator said, there decades ago and replace it with there was no way of knowing the door's condition until tha aid i It is not the first door at the Alamo this other was found in July when and Espinosa front ot the shrine, revealed a window filled in The other which also was filled in. about 8 feet to the east of where th*. latest one was found. Back said. The Daughters of the Republic of Texas is funding the Alamo prtwm- WANTED: Enterprising Self-Starters When business •tarts booming it's time to think about expanding your operation. Adver tising in the Classifieds for the right person to fill the fob not only makes good sense, it nets results! When you an item to seO, a message to get across, a product to buy, a service to advertise...en terprising people use our Classi fieds for fast, economical and effective results! The BattaUcm Come Join ev;.. U s Our W elcome Back Aggies Celebration Chuck Redden will be hostipg a live remote broadcast located af the mall entrance from 10 to 2. Look For The Balloons • • to register for Over $ 3800 In Giveaways! Begin Registering Thursday. Take advantage of our 50 % off all summer merchandise sale. Choose from a large selection oi mens, womens, juniors and kids fashions. Also Don’t miss our Back-To-School Prep Rally in the Junior Department from 1:00 to 4:00. • Treat yoursaf to a beauty makeover and fragranoa layering from your favor*# names in bsauty. • Have your price© taka m your favor*# junior outf*. valued up 10 *200.00. and V me draw your nama. you wSt Via ouB*t • Pop an Esprit balloon and win a prize I • Guess ths number of Snickers bars in our jar and win tha jar fufl of Snickers! Winners wM be armouncsd at 4 p m Ctiniqug Cosmetics •75 Misses SK & Co. Wardrobe •150 Estee Lauder Cosmetics •200 Misses Petite Dress •75 Lancome Cosmetics •50 Women’s World Dress *71 Georgio Gift Basket •75 Misses Leather Jacket *180 Chanel Gift Basket •50 2 Leslie Lucks Dresses *100 ee. Joy Gift Basket •50 Misses Better Dress •180 Fw* Gift Basket •50 Women’s World Wardrobe •100 K/UJa Gin Basket •50 Misses Moderate Dreas *100 Elizabeth Arden Cosmetics •50 2 Misses Moderate Wardrobes*100ea. Fashion Fair Cosmetics •50 Misses Chaus Wardrobe •200 Ctwtes Of The Ritz Cosmetics •50 Misses ChausSport Wardrobe *100 Morrtaii Cosmetics *50 Mens Ultima II Cosmetics •50 Mens Levi Wardrobe hoo Obsession For Men Gift Basket •135 Mens Duckhead Wardrobe •so Georgio for Men Gift Basket •68 Mens Zeppkn Wardrobe *101 LaudeTfor Men Gift Basket •50 Mens Generra Wardrobe *100 Accessories Dooney & Burke Handbag •210 Mens Op Shirt *80 Liz Claiborne Handbag *96 Horn, Riviera Hair Ornaments •100 Beach Towels *100 Trifari Jewelry •50 Cantina Mexican Set *40 Napier Jewelry *50 Cantina Cooler •10 Monet Jewelry •50 Roma Pizza Pan ho Juniors Flatware Set *25 4 Junior Wardrobes MOOaa. CiaoTotebag •40 We're celebrating the Aggies return with special events Saturday. Aug. 26thl Sign up for drawings anywhers you find baSoons to raceiva frae gifts listed above. Find specially-priced beck-to echod merchandise. Have a free coke and popoom on us. Dillard's is pleased to be a contributing prize sponsor of the first Texas Aggie KenDucky Derby benefiting the American Cancer Society. Places will begin in the mall at 11 a.m. and end at 6 p.m. with a grand final race of all heat winners competing for five spectacular prizes. Rubber Ducks may be sponsored for each race at the Dillard's mall entrance.