The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 23, 1989, Image 10
A 10 Th« Battalion Wednesday, August 23,1989 Battalion Classifieds white could begin career in G reece • HELP WAMTED I AVOIDS THE NOID Donano • Cotton Village Apts. Snook. TX. J Bdrm. $200.2 Bdrm $248 "Mental assistance available' Call 848-8878 or 774-0773 after 5pm. ** ««h SVrfI »*im jh.viajmth >Hk _ r ” * r « f a ■SSST' ■ I * rfltttriMt kn< hra %Ti'\ Mair ura- •«-*rrH mltx , $ |> \| |N6t<M'» *mm i r oa < tram foot, taumi.. imMty. *4 hr onmr ■ 11 no off Vrp« rrrH S«S 11 as I7SHMOI Ciwawnod IB/IS HI apt unmM- I STisSr* - p«» pool on W THE HOUSTON CHRONICLE is taking applications for immedi ate route openings and summer routes Pay is based on per paper rate & gas allowance is provided Tbe route requires working early mommg hours 7 days a week and earns $500 $700 per month If interested call: James at 683- 7*15 or Julian at 683-2323 for Immediate Openings We need 20 cooks A SO drivers. Apply in person at any Bryan- College Station Pizza Hut t ASA SLANCA APA* 1 Ml MS 2 hrfrn. turn A mm- turn onav SPfX.IAl P1tl\ AIT BtDHOOM tKMtM PtAN «l IO« nilr«r Mam *4<v I 4 IS MAO I •« I 2 A x Adrm rfaptmn - aAtnn rfntarv r to i Amt tl4U>.t2U<l »mlt a t2W rlrpowi Btairo Uuptran. 7TA-MWX >81 i MANAGER TAMU VOLLEYBALL PROGRAM Femaie undergrad preferred. Apply in person M-F 2-5pm at Department of Women s Athletics G. Rollie Whrte Fall practice 11 -2pm daily. Little Caesar’s Pizza Now accepting applications for all positions, all stores. Apply in person ^aeoxn Rmaurant ncrtlt part-«imr krip AN ttoftt ' ~ . €*9<4T SKIN INFECTION STUDY Q a S Studies. Inc. m participating in e study on acuts skin infection if you have one of the foNowing condtttoos call O A S Studies ENgibie volunteers e ■ —*- - - - -* > miwciea Dots * infected cuts ifected scrapes ( road raah") Q & S Studies, Inc. (cloae to campus) 846*5933 miei PATELLAR TENOONITtS (JUMPER S KNEE) Patients needed with patellar ten donitis (pain at base ot knee cap) to participate in a research study to evaluate a new topical (rub on) anti-inflammatory gel. Previous diagnoses welcome Eligible volunteers will be com pensated GAS Studies, Inc. (close to campus) 848-5833 i.caprXNvr Rmau a.iiLtilr (-all mk I Fapmmrd I 4m a run »4I So Mirwv r«c»rrll for yam » Jl 272-5X48 ismosmi ■ n „T.:~ v^oro rwCKW'tK wgr itttm AiaJi •n tm» ■wTSTT | laaer jn prmun« Paprr. trmrc*. MS-5755 At XM KOA5 <a brnkinf lot a pan « r preferred Cl 77S-I240 F O F aprriro. r OtlST cHto-pHo^rd « ROOMMATE WATfTCD jfitl dancfas it antponanoa Mum hr Srpmtlatitr Own TTOmmni »mod lui. «H5-5Sr>4 IMAOMI both 5275 mo 4 1/5, Vara na (Foar to TAML f 5 I40AI7S4AM8 S. htnaak. » n now a. .rpting port omr tlnfu Xppta m prraoo at m mi, for fuM nme A ■ml, bwnrrn 2-5 p n> | *7,<*9417 Irmatr to Uvair 2 hdim apuiimrra 5255 . all haSa puad <Wa*-7X25 altrt 5:15 p m IMWI825 r . aa, nrraoai '* Fairm A C, FVnMr hnura .'r;« I87KMV25 ROOMMA PE WANTFD Nonh^mr 4-ptra panK Mao. CAR Saarr. MS-A42 I l8At0S25 r mpamaatatf I .260-9772 I orrcini CoR foa I8AIOS5I CARE e FOR MEMT RECISTFRTD CHILIX XRF. m m. Mtm-Fn. uarkrtnla 695-2190 am aor INOtOA I I • Nonce ■,.::zzz riANO LF5SONS ■aatroSoraor.. bamainrr. mm-Aryin- nar. XarmMa.puoo Al l HFRFORX) PI A NO STt DIO 822-a4t(Sama^ AopmSaaKT 19601 Wl Bl X «4t gtmd ua 50*45 $25 Batipaai I furmaurr Thrrr tfrawar At-ak atr Atroaa froaai I hat km OS. I 84108.5 1 $59 iviig style in units. 6 Unique Floorplans from $225 All Bills Paid (oxcspt otoctnoty) No Utility Deposit 2 Pools* Volleyball Court • Hot Tub • Basketball Courts - Lighted Tennis Courts •Across From Post Oak MaM I'RICA .hair Y5R NOT A MOPED ratr rami. 60 MFH ♦ Brant foa AAM $700 otoo 764-AA66 IMtOAAM 54 I9R5 TRAVU 1RAIITR NICE 5tUF-CON TAINED WITH RFNMORF V. ASHF RTHtX LR MANY EXTRAS 14.060 OR BES1 OFTTR RfC ENOUOFI FOR 2 TO LIVE IN 409-A46-II7S PIANO FOR SAUE-WaaMorf: II SaahxalK CaS $5,195 K $4,140 Sar at 920 Oanrienf # 147 Itmuua i : or t*S f» 151944-621A nichu (915IS49-M11 Imam Sari' 1961 Saaaaalu CS 6500 Nan hmaar* aaad FUNTITIOR 693-1110 iSMt.-nn s-6 sh io-s s« for rent. Sandy Point Rd (By Lutec Hell) ♦ Can Rudy 779 7052 or pager# 775-1462 anytime . In the Heart of the Brazos Valley ★ 36,000 students ★ 9,700 faculty/staff The Battalion 216 Read McDonald Texas AAM University College Station, TX. (409) 845-2611 Manat ITfttFh SALON 1C A. Greece (AP) — PAOK Salomes dvrs guardedly opti mistic Tuesday that Randy White, the Dallas Mavericks' No. 1 draft pick, would begin his professional basketball career with the Greek team “He'd have to be very naive to turn down PAOK for the Maver icks." said the team's press officer. Plato Thoropoulos “In effect we have offered Randy 2V4 times what the Mavericks have That’s why we’re guardedly optimistic. ” The 8-7 power forward, who played college hall at Louisiana Tech, left suddenly for the United States on Monday alter spending the weekend in Greece negotiating with the team But before he departed Mondax afternoon White told a Salon k-a television interviewer that he was 65 percent certain that he would accept the Creek team's offer Thoropoulos contacted Whites mother in Dallas on Tuesday and he said she upped the percentage He quoted her as saying her son was ”70-80 percent sure he would play for PAOK. despite “the feet that he'd been talking xvith the Mavericks since his arrival PAOK president Nikos Vezirteis told White on Monday that White has until Wednesdav morning to re ply to his team's offer The player was offered 91.3 mil lion for one year, a condominium with luxury furnishings and several other perks during meetings xvith the Greek team's management. “We could put all the money up front if he wanted it. and he wouldn’t be taxed the xvay he would be in the NBA." Thoropoulos said in a telephone interview "What's more, he would be play ing with one of the two best Greek teams and xvith three international players" hr said "And he would be the most expensive player in any Eu ropean team " A report in the daily Ethnos news paper Tuesday said that White promised Vezirtzis that he would sign a contract on Monday af ternoon but that after a telephone call to his manager he decided to re turn to the United States Mrs. White told Thoropoulos that Randy had returned home tiecause he is very Hose to her. “When 1 told her that PAOK xvntild like to have her come live in Greece xvith her son. she expressed pleasure." Thoropoulos said The team has also offered White’s friend and personal trainer 950,000 a year to join him in Greece. PAOK. considered the second- most powerful Greek team after Arts, also of Salon tea. will represent Greece in this season's European CupofCupxvinners championship The greatest pressure on the team to hire White is coming from Panayiotis Fasoulas (PAOK’s star center) xvho has always wanted someone like him for support Coach Costas Politis also xvants him. because hell fill in the team's weak spot," Thoropoulos said “We will accept White with all the warmth shown to him by- the fens last week when he arrived to nego tiate." he said “As long as he replies by the deadline." AVAILABLE NOW A for faR 1*2 hrrlroooc ap.n mamu froai $22Vnw SPAR I MEM LIVINO CEN- H*- 5914 CRd t.oB»B» *'’•<1 846-9198 npro 10-6 IROttfn \«* I I III IX IHISKII 4-FI<M>R IM \\S To (IHMISI tRO\| fllBIMHM PX H M IFVMV I XI MXRX I X< It I I UN Mil I tit Al V 24 HR ON Mil XIXIM MXRIINI. XI SiXI IXIJ. \oxnecv4vvix Brucker first U.S. girl in Little League series Bugs down Astros, 4-1 WILLIAMSPORT. Pm (AP) — Victoria Brucker is a Little League slugger xvith pierced ears and shoul der-length hair. She is the leading home run hitter for San Pedlb. Calif . one of eight teams competing in the Little League World Series, which begins Tuesday And she’s also the first girl from the United States to play in the se ries "She's just one of the guys." team mate James Santos said Not exactly. While the rest of the team sleeps in a bunkhouse on the little League complex. Victoria stays with a chap erone at a nearbv hotel. Victoria, a first baseman, led San Pedro xvith nine home runs as the 12-year-olds advanced to win the Western Regional title and a spot in the series She all ally. Victoria is the second girl to plax in the 43 years the Little League World Series has been held. Victoria Roche, a substitute for European champion Brussels. Bel gium, was the first in 1984 Lately. Victoria has been gaining respect In one of San Pedro’s 17 tourna ment games cn route to the Little League World Series, the opposing team walked her intentionally after she hit a home run. For her part. Victoria appears most excited about her first trip out of California "Who xvould have thought in the first trip out of state I’d lx- in the World Series r'" she said San Pedro play s its first World Se ries game Wednesday against South ern Regional champion Tampa. Fla TANK MCNAMARA PITTSBURGH (AP) — Robbs Bonilla went 3-for-4. hit a txvo-run homer and drove in three runs and John Smiley cooled off Houston by pitching a six-hittter as the Pitts burgh Pirates beat the Astros 4-1 Tuesday night Smiley, 10-7. won for the first time in five starts with his eighth complete game as Pittsburgh ended Houston's four-game winning streak The Astros lost to the Pirates for just the third time in 10 games this season Glenn Davis ho me red xvith one out in the ninth inning to spoil the shutout. The homer tied a career- high of 31 by Davis, who has con nected in all four Houston games at Three Rivers Stadium The Pirates, who xvere 0-3 against Houston at home, got to Astros starter Jim Deshaies. 11-7, for two runs in the first Jay Bell xvalkcd and scored one out later on a single by Bonilla Barrs Bonds, who also went 3-for-4. followed xvith a BBI double Deshaies pitched out of a base- loaded. none -out jam in the fourth, but got in trouble again in the fifth by Jeff Millar & Bill Hinds also pitches occasion MO 9 M * Sun., August 27 KILLER BEES Tuss., August 28 PARTHENON 764-8575 W Wickes Lumber BUILD YOUR OWN 11X7 LOFT Complsis with plans and asssmbly Instructions. Soma cutting and drilling rsqulrsd. REDI TO ASSEMBLE DESK REDI TO ASSEMBLE SHELVES 4R- . 4 SMEI f $1999 BO" - $ SHELF $22" NEED SPARE KEYS? WE CUT ’EM 88 0 »«. FLIPOVER jwiv* BRASS .av DOOR SHELVING.<-T < LOCK ] CLIPS 66 c e «M FOR EXTREME SECURITY —llW. 590 UC h ' CREATE A SHELF DESIGN WITH CLIPS CONCRETE BLOCKS $ 1.09 9“ x 8- x16- 693-1300 STORE OPEN Monday-Friday 8-6 Saturday 8-5 JUST SOUTH OF A&M ON WELLBORN ROAD Wickes Lumber