The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 02, 1989, Image 5
SALE!!! 286 Systems Starting At $ 895!! All Monitors On Sale!! NEC, Mitsubishi, Sony, Magnavox, Etc. d Esa— Q ICS INNOVATIVE COMPUTER SYSTEMS 404 University East SCHULMAN r$O50 ALL SKATS FAMILY NITE Ph. (409) 693-7115 THEATRES •DENOTES DOLBY STEREO Tuesday, May 2,1989 The Battalion Pages Right-to-life teams oppose abortions based on fetus’ sex PLAZA 3 SCHULMAN 6 226 Southwest Pkwy. 693-2457 2002 E 29th 775-2463 DEAD CALM R rMAJOR LEAGUE R $ DOLLAR DAYS $ MSSISSIPPt BURNING R WORKING GIRL LEAN ON ME pg-is LEVIATHAN R Biai TED’S EXCELLENT ADVENTURE pg J T0YER BOY r 7:20 0 45 IHAINMAN R 7:00 I 9:40 MANOR EAST 3 1 Manor East Mall 021-0300 THE RESCUERS o 7:00 TETSEMATARY R 7:15 DANGEROUS UAS0NS R r.49 SEE YOU IN THE MORNING pg-u 7:20 *45 ClNEPLLX OOf ON THEATRE GUIDE / if SELECTED FILMS NOT INCLUDED CHECK LISTING BELOW... POST OAK THREE 1500 Harvey Road CHANCES ARE (PG) 7:10 9:20 SAY ANYTHING (PG-13) 7:15 9:30 DREAM TEAM (PG) 7:00 9:25 CINEMA THREE 315 College Ave. 693-2796 K-9 (PG-13) 7:10 9:10 CRIMINAL LAW (R) 7:00 9:30 SHE’S OUT OF CONTROL (PG) 7:20 SPEED ZONE (PG) 9:20 SUMMER VACATION MOVIES ARE COMING, CALL FOR 1NFQ1 s 4 s N N l 1 $ s N r rew black iups. rishi; uctui have isri' ies.H mens idii loot' iin^ : >> »>»>>>» r>. ATTENTION HORSEMEN: SADDLE AND TACK AUCTION (FREE DRAWING FOR SILVER SADDLE!) by American Saddlery to reduce their inventory by $50,000.00. We will be selling 50 western sad dles, 6 cnila's, and 4 English. There are Circle Y, Tex-Tan, Billy Cook, Santa Fe, Longhorn, Smith, and American Sad dlery saddles - 14", 15", & 16", including several full silver show saddles. All adult saddles have a 5 year written guar antee. ! Partial Tack Listing: Electric clippers, spurs, bits, pads, blankets, tubs, buckets, ropes, roping gloves, C.Y. reins & headstalls, halters, leads, horsewormer, fly spray, all kinds of grooming equipment. Also, Circle Y silver show halters and bridles. Hundreds of items too numerous to list. Tack to be sold individually and in group lots. TERMS: Cash or check with proper I.D. MasterCard & Visa - 5% charge added INSPECTION: 6 p.m. Auction Day AUCTION: 7 p.m., Thurs., May 4th V F W 2818 W. Bypass Bryan, TX Don't miss this sale - Dealers welcome. Sale con ducted by F. T. Hutton Auction Co., licensed & bonded - TX #054-1.9.98 N N S >> S i: 5 N s s: C Students! Work Smart. Work Simply... With Hewlett-Packard! 10B ... 12C... 14B ... 17B ... 19B ... 20S ... 22S ... 32S ... 27S ... 28S ... 41CV. 41CX. 42S ... ...$37.50 ...$71.25 ...$60.00 ...$82.50 .$132.50 ...$37.50 ...$45.00 ...$52.50 ...$82.50 .$176.25 .$132.00 .$186.75 ...$90.00 HEWLETT HM PACKARD AUTHORIZED HEWLETT-PACKARD DEALER 505 Church Street • College Station, Texas (409) 846-5332 on the basis of gender is “the most frivolous use of abortion yet in vented,” the president of Texans United for Life said Monday in sup porting a ban on such abortions. Meanwhile, the Texas Abortion Rights Action League’s executive di rector said the measure would hurt women and is not needed because the procedure is not performed for that reason. Bill Price of Texans United for Life distributed newspaper articles on the subject to the House State Af fairs Committee, which had before it several abortion measures. One article said national surveys indicate the percentage of geneticists who approve of prenatal diagnosis for sex selection rose from 1 percent in 1973 to nearly 20 percent in 1988. “It is deeply distressing that the abortion mentality in our country has resulted in such a trivializing of the value of human life that even that tiny unborn baby’s gender is now enough reason, in some peo ple’s minds, to kill her,” Price said in prepared testimony. Phyllis Dunham, TARAL direc tor, said the bill, and another sup ported by Price that would require minors to get parental consent to have an abortion, are “really de signed to confuse the public. “The bills actually are blatantly bad for women in the long run, and yet on the surface they seem very, very reasonable,” Dunham told re porters. Women who have abortions after tests such as amniocentesis, which may be used to determine the sex of the fetus or the presence of disease, are “dealing with severe fetal abnor malities or severe health problems,” she said. “What this bill would mean is that that handful of women, and it’s only a handful each year in this state, would be subjected to justifying to the state their motives for having those abortions,” she said. “Women don’t seek these kinds of abortions and physicians don’t perform abor tions on the basis of gender selec tion. It just doesn’t happen.” Price said in his testimony that “maybe there are only a few unborn babies being killed for the most friv olous reason ever invented, but let me ask you, how many of these sex- selection killings would I have to document to get your support?” Of the parental consent measure, Dunham said at least 80 percent of minors already involve at least one parent in the decision to have an abortion. Those who do not, cannot for such reasons as incest or violence in the home, she said. “You’re talking about kids hurting themselves, self-inducing, throwing themselves down stairs, using knit ting needles or going across the bor der,” she said. “The bottom line is it’s going to hurt some kids and pos sibly kill some.” Price said a Texas Poll survey showed 70 percent of Texans sup port parental consent legislation. “Frankly, I am surprised that we are still debating the issue of paren tal consent,” he said. “This Legis lature has shown no reluctance to enact laws in other areas for the spe cial care and protection of minors.” Suspect remains jailed on two murder charges FORT WORTH (AP) — Police on Monday examined evidence from the scene of a television station exec utive’s robbery-slaying while a man accused in the death and other kill ings over a two-year period re mained imprisoned. Ricky Lee Green of Azle appeared before Judge Joe Drago on a capital murder charge filed Sunday. The 28-year-old ^inan also was charged Saturday with one count of murder, Mark Barta, Tarrant County assis tant district attorney, said. Green remained Monday in Tar rant County jail in lieu of bonds of $500,000 and $750,000 on the two charges, Dorothy Greene, a sheriffs spokesman, said. Prosecutors said Green also was suspected of stabbing to death two women in his Boyd mobile home in 1985. Green was charged in the Decem ber 1986 death of Steven Fefferman, a 28-year-old sales manager for KXAS-TV in Fort Worth. Fefferman was found tied to his bed and buried under a pile of cloth ing in his Fort Worth town house, authorities said. He had been cas trated, slashed and stabbed, law offi cers said. “It was murder in the course of robbery,” said Barta. He said a slay ing committed during commission of another felony qualifies under state law as capital murder, punisha ble by death. The murder charge was filed against Green in the death of a 16- year-old boy who lived with his mother in a Fort Worth trailer park on Lake Worth, authorities said. Cult kidnapping rumors prove false, officials say PECOS (AP) — Rumors that a band of Satan worshipers planned to kidnap some children in West Texas proved false, officials said. Similar gossip circulated in South and East Texas last month following the arrests in Mexico of four mem bers of a drug-smuggling cult ac cused of performing human sacri fices. The rumors in Brownsville, Har lingen, McAllen and Hemphill were unfounded, but parents still rushed to school to pick up their children before the end of the school day. Pecos parents called the city police department and the Reeves County Sheriff’s office to ask about the kid napping reports. “The rumors going around about children being kidnapped are not true,” Pecos Police Chief Troy Moore said. “We have had no re ports of missing children.” The rumors indicated a group of Satan worshipers planned to meet Sunday somewhere between Pecos and Fort Stockton. The reports said 17 children under the age of 4 were to be used in a sacrificial ritual, but police said they were aware of no such meeting of Satan worshipers Sunday. “What we’re working with in the first place are only rumors about al leged Satanic activity,” Moore said. “We don’t discount rumors. We check them out. But at this time there has been nothing found to substantiate the rumors.” Chief sheriff’s deputy Jack Brewer agreed the reports were un founded. “We’re concerned about the po tential problem and are alert, just in case,” Brewer said. Tuesday HILLEL JEWISH STUDENT CENTER: will have a campus-wide Holocaust service at 8 p.m. at All Faiths Chapel. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: will meet at noon. Call the C.D.P.E at 845-0280 for more information. Wednesday MUSIC PROGRAM/ DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY & HUMANITIES:will meet at noon in 402 Academic Building for a brown bag concert. Contact Char lotte at 845-3355 for more information. EPISCOPAL STUDENT CENTER:will meet at 6:15 p.m. for Holy Eucharist fol lowed by dinner at the Episcopal Student Center. UNITED CAMPUS MINISTRY:will meet at 6 p.m. for a supper honoring graduat ing seniors at Texas A&M Presbyterian Church. TRIATHLON CLUB:will meet at 6 p.m. for an end of semester gathering and of ficer elections at Parkway Circle Apartments # 401. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUSrwill meet at noon. For more information call the C.D.P.E. at 845-0280. S.O.T.AJSTUDENTS OVER TRADITIONAL AGE):will meet at 8 p.m. in 440 Heep Complex. For more information contact Nancy at 845-1741. /ferns for What’s Up should be submitted to The Battalion, 216 Reed McDonald, no later than three business days before the desired run date. We only publish the name and phone number of the contact if you ask us to do so. What’s Up is a Battalion service that lists non-profit events and activities. Submissions are run on a first-come, first-served basis. There is no guarantee an entry will run. If you have questions, call the newsroom at 845-3315. $$$ FOR YOUR BOOKS AT LOUPOT’S Bookstores Northgate • Southgate Redmond Terrace rtmarm^rmmrmmnmmx Creating A New Image Beauty Solon 1501 EM 2818 #115 764-0487 Student, Fraternity &= Sorority Special Great Savings for Promo, Graduation, Ring Dance, f Etc! Cut Curl ...$35.00 Leisure Curl &> Cut $45.00 I Relaxer &= Cut $35.00 Manicure (reg.) $5.00 Nail Tips w/Sculpture Overlay $25.00 Student I.D must be presented to receive specials! By Appt. or walk in Visa/MC, checks, cash TT* CLINICS AM/PM Clinics Minor Emergencies Weight Reduction Program 10% Discount With Student ID Minimal Waiting Time College Station 845-4756 693-0202 779-4756 BOTHER’S BOOKSTORE Spin Wheel of Fortune ■ „ ■.a/V . v'.'U, ■ at Bother’s 304 Jersey 901 Harvey MAKE US YOUR CHOICE FOR VIDEO ENTERTAINMENT 1’ The Paramount Theatre 99* Movies on Tuesday & Thursday including NEW RELEASES • VHS& BETA • Free Memberships • Players & Camcorders Also Available Located on the corner of Texas & SW Parkway in the Winn Dixie Center, College Station CPA OUR PASSING RATE IS 70% in over 100 cities throughout the nation. Send to: 15760 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 1101, Encino, CA 91436 OR Call Toll-Free: (800) 423-2470 or contact: Deborah Wright (713) 692-7186 Name: Address: City & State: Phone: ( ) FOR YOUR FREE INVITATION TO THE FIRST CLASSES 130,000 BECKER CPA ALUMNI HAVE PASSED THE LAST PART OF THE CPA EXAM SINCE 1957 The Bridal Boutique has an excellent assortment of sequinned gowns for pageant and evening wear. Pageant accessories also available. We invite you to come see our selection. ~Tli Bridal Boutique Formals and Evening Wear 2501 South Texas Ave. • College Station • (409)693-9358 Pakk Plac e Pea/a (next to Winn-Dixie) Contact Lenses^ Only Quality Name Brands (Bausch & Lomb, Ciba, Barnes-Hinds-Hydrocurve) $«yQ00 pr.*-STD. DAILY WEAR SOFT LENSES ) SPARE PR. $5.00 J ) pr. *-STD. EXTENDED WEAR SOFT LENSES $ QQ00 pr. *-STD. TINTED SOFT LENSES DAILY WEAR OR EXTENDED WEAR SALE ENDS MAY 19,1989 apd Applies to clear std. Daily Wear Soft Lenses Only Call 696-3754 for Appointment with purchase of 1st pr. at reg. price CHARLES C. SCHROPPEL,O.D., P.C. DOCTOR OF OPTOMETRY 707 South Texas Ave., Suite 101D College Station, Texas 77840 1 block South of Texas & University * Eye exam & care kit not included vtsa-