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College Station 104 University 696-6427 Bryan 914 S. Texas Ave. 779-1085 O 1989 SONIC INDUSTRIES. INC. Shopping for a contact lens expert? 'Vfoull find TSO a custom fit. The contact lens experts at TSO know precisely how to fit yxir special needs. We offer the widest variety of hard and soft contact lenses available. Including bifocals and soft lenses for extended wear or astigmatism correction — even contacts that can change the color of your eyes. For over 26 years people have made TSO their first choice for contact lenses. Make it yours. Fifty 'feara of Professtcxvil Eyecare Tt-ixas State Ohticai; 216 N. Main PoM Oak Mall Bryan. 77*27*4 Collffc Slat Ion-764 0010 The Battalion WORLD & NATION Page 10 The Battalion Tuesday, April 18,1989 Teachers on strike to protest pay cause closing of schools MEXICO CITY (AP) — Thou sands of teachers went on strike Monday to back demands for higher pay and an end to corruption in their union, defying a government appeal to stay on the job and par alyzing up to half of Mexico’s public schools. The strike was called by the Na tional Education Workers’ Coordi nate, a dissident group within the National Education Workers Union. The dissidents claim to have the sup port of about half the union’s 1 mil lion members. At a plenary meeting of delegates late Sunday, the coordinate rejected a government offer to increase pay by 10 percent and fringe benefits by 18 percent, insisting on the 100 per cent raise they have been pressing for since early December. Coordinate leaders are also de manding the “democratization” of the union, headed by Carlos Jongi- tud Barrios, a senator from the rul ing Institutional Revolutionary Party, as well as the removal of other government-backed union leaders they claim are corrupt. The union, largest in Mexico and one of the biggest in Latin America, for decades has been considered a si necure to reward loyal party officials like Jongitud. Education Secretary Manuel Bart lett Diaz called the strike “unjusti fied” in a nationwide television ap pearance late Sunday and urged teachers to stay on the job. “It is unjust and not right that school work be affected when chan nels are still open for seeking a solu tion to the conflict,” Bartlett said. Negotiations between the coordi nate, union leaders and the govern ment broke down last week. The coordinate, headed by junior high school teacher Teodoro Palomino, issued a statement accusing the gov ernment of “lacking seriousness.” “The strike will last indefinitely, until we obtain a positive response to our demands,” Palomino told re porters Monday. He said a total of 8,000 grammar and high schools in Mexico City and in 18 of Mexico’s 31 states — half the national total —sus pended classes because of the strike. According to government figures, there are 1,100,000 teachers and 25,444,000 students in the nation’s federal public school system. Ten schools visited by journalists in the Mexico City area on Monday were closed by the strike. However, teachers at a school in suburban Ati- zapan said they would stay out only one day, and others said they would reconsider after three days because teachers can be fired after four days’ absence. Education Department spokes man Gerardo Campos said the de partment had no accurate informa tion on how many schools were out Monday afternhon. “We are check ing,” he said. Dissident teachers accuse Jongi tud and other union leaders of rig ging union elections and taking bo nuses and other government perks while Mexico’s 7-year-old economic crisis has crippled the living stan dards of the rank and file. Teachers receive $150 a month, with take-home pay at about $ 142.50 after taxes. A recent study by the lib eral magazine Proceso said 80 per cent of Mexico City’s 100,000 gram mar school teachers could not afford homes or cars. Nearly all had to moonlight, and many drove taxis, to make ends meet, the study said. “They’ve turned us into peddl ers,” said Juan Buendia, a teacher at Jose Clemente Orozco primary school in Atizapan. “Some of us sell things on the street to buy chalk and erasers for the students.” In 1980 teachers made eight times the federal minimum wage; they now receive 29 percent more. The government boosted salaries by an average 20 percent last year, when inflation ran at 51.9 percent. Noe Garcia, a coordinate spokes man in Mexico City, said the pay hike offered by the government amounts to little more than 80 U.S. cents a day. “We do it for love, because if we did it for the money we’d die of hun ger,” said Oralia Cinta Valdez, an other teacher in Atizapan. World Briefs Investigator killed by explosion of bomb WIESBADEN, West Germany (AP) — A bomb similar to the one that destroyed Pan Am Flight 103 exploded while being examined Monday, killing an investigator in a case involving Palestinians sus pected of terrorism. The federal prosecutor’s office reported evidence contradicting U.S. media reports that a Leb- anese-American passenger inad vertently carried the bomb onto the jet that exploded over Scot land on Dec. 2 1. All 259 people on the plane and 11 on the ground were killed. Another officer was criticall)' wounded in the explosion Mon day at federal police headquar ters, said spokesman Arno Falk of Bundeskriminalamt, the police bureau. It was not clear whether the bomb was seized in connection with the Pan Am investigation, hut the manner in which it was disguised was said to be similar. Two sailors missing after cargo ship sinks BOSTON (AP) — Two sailors were missing Monday evening af ter a 652-foot freighter en route from Greece apparently sank in rough seas 400 miles southeast of Cape Cod. Twenty-three crew members were rescued. The 23 sailors from the Star of Alexandria were found on a life boat and picked up by the mer chant ship Ravenscraig, Coast Guard Petty Officer Randy Midg- ett said in New York. “They’re all in good shape. some minor cuts and scrapes,’’ Midgett said. The two missing sailors were believed to be on a life raft, which was the object of a hunt Monday evening by the 950-foot Ravens craig and five Navy and Coast Guard planes, officials said. The Ravenscraig’s crew spotted a second life raft, but it turned out to be empty. The cause of the sinking was not immediately known, officials said. Stadium deaths may lead to section ban SHEFFIELD, England (AP) — Criticism increased Monday into the police handling of the soccer stadium disaster that killed 94 fans, and the government launched its own inquiry and said it may ban standing-room-only sections. Officials and fans accused the South Yorkshire police of letting thousands of late arrivals into Hillsborough stadium — and then responding too slowly when the surging crowd was crushed against a steel anti-riot fence in one of the standing-room-onlv terraces. Home Secretary Douglas Hurd, speaking to a hushed House of Commons, said the in- quiry headed by Lord Justice Taylor would begin work Tues day and “make recommendations about the needs of crowd control and safety at sports grounds." Hurd told the Commons the decision of a senior police officer to open the gate because he “con sidered that there was a possible danger to the lives of the specta tors at the front” would be a cen tral question for investigators. Group wants to leave nostalgia in past CHICAGO (AP) — Does “The Big Chill” leave you cold? T ired of hearing “oldies” older than you on TV commercials? Three exasperated young upstarts say, “Right on!” The reminder that the cal endar says 1989 comes f rom the National Association for the Ad vancement of Time — three guys in their 20s who say “We want to end the ’60s in your lifetime.” LOUPOT’S OFF CAMPUS OFF CAMPUS o a □ CENTER AGGIES CONNECTION Q □ □□on 30 DAYS NOTICE OF INTENT T< VACATE Ad residents occupying apartment (or unit) number in Apartments or the residential unit located at (address) , hereby give notice of intent to vacate the unit in agreement with the lease contract on or before the day of , 19 This written notice to vacate is delivered to owner’s representative at the place where rent is paid the day of , 19 All residents acknowledge their security deposit refund shall be governed by the terms and conditions of their lease contract. Signiture of Resident of Residents Forwarding Addresses or Permanent Address GET INVOLVED! -S.H.A.R.E. Students Helping Aggie Residents Everywhere) is currently receiving applications for new members. Applications are available at the Off Campus Center, Puryear Hall, 845-1741 CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEW 1989-1990 OFFICERS! -S.O.T.A. (Students Over Traditional Age) new officers are; Frank Platt, President Rick Francen, Vice-President Doug Wehmeyer, Secretary -O.C.A. (Off Campus Aggies) new officers are: Curtis Rick, President Keith Powell, Vice-President Millicent Thompson, Secretary Loray McKay, Treasurer MANAGERS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF NOTICE TO VACATE (To be returned to and retained by residents) Receipt by owner on the day of , 1 9 , of resident’s written notice of intent to vacate apartment (or unit) number in the Apartments or the residential unit located at (address) on or before the day of , 1 9 , i s hereby acknowledged. Owner’s representative agrees that the resident’s/residents’ security deposit refund shall be governed by the terms and conditions of their lease contract. If resident fails to furnish forwarding address in writing, then all security deposit refunds, notices and/or itemizations will be mailed to resident at the apartment which resident is vacating for the U.S. Postal Service to forward it to resident. This receipt should be retained by resident as verification that written move-out notice was given. Owner’s Representative or Manager: Signiture Do You Want Your Security Deposit Back? Please follow these steps: 1. Write a letter of intent of vacancy at least 30 days prior to the end of the lease. A sample letter is published to the left of the art work. 2. Give the letter to your manager and keep a copy signed by the manager. If you send the letter by mail, use certified mail with return receipt requested. 3. Pay all rent owed until the end of the lease. 4. Give your forwarding address in writing to your manager. 5. Vacate the apartment according to your lease agreement. 6. Clean the apartment thoroughly. 7. Inspect the apartment with your manager. 8. Wait 30 days to receive your security deposit back. 9. If you fail to receive your security deposit back, stop by the Off Campus Center, at Puryear Hall (across from YMCA building) or call for an appointment 845-1741. Acknowledgements “Loupot’s Bookstores” sponsored the “Connection” THANK YOU, MR. LOU! Stories and artwork are provided by the Off Campus Center April 18,1989 Editor: Erika Gonzalez-Lina Texas A T Vol.88 No. Wr WASH 1 NUT' |ini Wright, opt string of ethics Tuesday to rally told them, “I hit win." He said that mistakes in juds anything to disl never will.” In a half-hou: of the Democr diamber, and la Pro; to A WASHING 4' North was porti Tuesday as a lia and as “the Jo ment” who folh that “the victor ' he told the truth “If Ollie Noi done, he didn’t law,” said prose final arguments But, in retn Brendan Sullivs links Colonel N is not credible a lieved.” He cal outrageous. “This man is Sullivan said, ‘ things like Adol The defense Civil ceas< BEIRUT, Eel fled west Beirut nets held their t severely wounde Hundreds of and blankets spe east Lebanon as the home of act i Eight people as the city’s divk bomb shelters h 270 killed anti March 8. Pillars of Hat sky and the city units and Syriai capital with rod France’s Pres dent Bush, Sovi other world leat Sov ofg By Melissa REPORTER Confusion vailed in the the new glas Soviet dissid Moscow sine ghsnost said gram sponso Forum. Dr. Alexa the most obv confusion di the Soviet Ur with a repoi weekly Sovr Goldfarb car questions ab Soviet Unioi him the edit to publish th reasons for It “She sak censorship w farb said. “T of the press government, chief was an - ernment.” This type resentative o viet Union is farb said. “The Sovk ceased to bi entity,” he sa the Soviet 1 eclectic entity Goldfarb the confusio: satisfaction t geographical Union. The i Soviet Social threatened a