ClNEPLEX ODEON THEATRES POST OAK THREE 1500 Harvey Rond 003-2790 CHANCES ARE (FG) 7:10 9:20 Say Anything GLENJ R&LUCTAKJTLY CL£CT6£P EXCLUSIVELY OM Tnl£ OF vTi-lClf? PLAY Otd T4£ Fi£LP Pro! By Melissa Nau REPORTER A Texas A&M Exxrtn to serve on effectiveness of tl oil spill in Valdez. Dr. Roy Hann, mental engineerh neering departmi in five other majo an oil spill respo consulted about i France and the 1 Magellan involvir rying oil for a Chi The Houston ( that 9 percent of t but Hann said t in figure. “Having been spills in the worl mass of the mater the people who : A basketful of cash is better than a garage full of 'stuff' Have a garage or yard sale this week - Call 845-2611 Caddyshack MS- Friday, April 14 - Rudder Auditorium Saturday, April 15 - MSC 201 Ail shows $2.00 w/TAMU ID Tickets on sale at the Rudder Box Office Official over \i cleanuj VALDEZ, A1 and federal offl xon’s cleanup j of miles of shor environmental cleaning methc rocks blackem worst oil spill. Oil from the Ion spill, mostly balls and me threatened He ports on fish-ri Kodiak, the nat port, herring ft er y were exami nation. Horner resic of delays in p they have built town. Exxon booms are bei nearby Port C them easier to oil strikes. this ploy fish i ene< clud not