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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1989)
cott McCullai evin Thomas hey! this is thP STUDENT SENATE... To fcuru. or rttoiocRiTf 4>ruprprr< at thb> tx.s>rrT. cat * J sz rone says y 2 years ado can be detected on the form of a hook,” he ■ will be a five or ten ling for a community elected on radar, but hing visual except for :loud.” said horizontal rain, a ic weather and a yellow ecessarily indications of stinguishing between a h and a tornado warn- ant. o watch means condi- orable for a tornado,” 1. “A tornado warning aado is imminent, has on the radar or is in lis means you should aid if you get caught in Idle at home, the best is to go into a sunken t covering, such aspil- ills, over the entire e lowest place you can e,” he said, “or getun- iece of furniture, such rd, or get into an inter- is important to stay lumbing and electrical anything metal, which tricity. recent research indi- •st damage is done by iot by pressure, so you ■ your windows and and stay away front ns said. you live in a trailer in a car or outside ido strikes, get into a ravine if possible, but ash flooding, ag is issued, stay tuned radio station or the onal Oceanic and At- iministration) weather ’ Scoggins said. rnor you've been receiving" nces in the Senate, dis- lat should not, under gton would allow par- lit the use of corporal anking or paddling- n waiver on or before the date on which the drew the bill after sev- it was written, saying Le wit h it.” up the bill was 20-10, jas learned later, how- he Senate Journal will =nd and, in effect, the 4.77/10 MHz XT XT 640K Bytes RAM Monochrome/Color Adapter SYSTEM Monochrome Monitor AT Style Keyboard 360K Floppy Disk Drive Parallel Printer Port MS-DOS & GW Basic Software Package $ 699 15 MHz Version $729 ICS Innovative Computer Systems 404 University Center, Suite GG 693-7115 Wednesday, April 12,1989 The Battalion Page 5 Rape victim hopes court victory sends notice to landlords • We Deliver • 846-5273 • We Deliver • 846-5273 • fs&M Steakhousc 108 College Main •crou from Klnko’a Wednesday Special (5pm - 9pm Good Thru 4-12-89) Chicken Fried Steak Dinner includes Baked Potato or Fries, Salad, Texas Toast and Iced Tea $2.99 Best Cheeseburger In Town! Call about delivery! • We Deliver • 846-5273 bring this coupon We Deliver • 846-5273 • P* Contact Lenses Only Quality Name Brands (Bausch & Lomb, Ciba, Barnes-Hinds-Hydrocurve) L i?<>e a /""»e Qff ( er 79 00 pr. *-STD. DAILY WEAR SOFT LENSES SPARE PR. $5.00 99 00 pr. *-STD. EXTENDED WEAR SOFT LENSES , $ OQ00 pr. *-STD. TINTED SOFT LENSES W DAILY WEAR OR EXTENDED WEAR SALE ENDS MAY 19,1989 and Applies to clear std. Daily Wear Soft Lenses Only \ Call 696-3754 for Appointment with purchase of 1st pr. at reg. price CHARLES C. SCHROPPEL.O.D., P.C. DOCTOR OF OPTOMETRY 707 South Texas Ave., Suite 101D College Station, Texas 77840 1 block South of Texas & University * Eye exam & care kit not included kinfars the copy center Typesetting Service: • Resumes • Letters • Forms • Flyers • Brochures • Charts/Graphs/etc. • Inventory Logs • Menu's • Miscellaneous 201 College Main 846-8721 « ODESSA (AP) — A 36-year-old rape victim who won nearly $1 mil lion in damages from an Odessa apartment management firm says she hopes landlords get the message to provide secure surroundings. The victim, who was sexually as saulted at knife point in August 1985, sued the owners and man agers of Winwood Apartments be cause her assailant entered her apartment through a patio door she says she asked the landlords as many as nine times to fix before the attack. “I really think (the jurors) sent a message to apartment managers,” the victims said. “Hopefully, this will prevent someone else from getting raped.” An all-male jury in 70th District Judge Gene Ater’s court heard four days of testimony and deliberated more than nine hours before award ing the victim $956,000 in damages Monday. “I hope it does make them aware of their responsibilities,” said the vic tim, who put her head in her hands and cried for several minutes after the verdict was read. “I think right now I’m probably more in shock than anything.” In a 10-2 verdict, jurors ruled that Benchmark Properties Inc. of Mid land failed to use ordinary care, but Landmark Properties Inc., a com pany involved in the construction of Winwood, and the victim were cleared of any negligence that may have contributed to the sexual as sault, the Odessa American re ported. Jurors awarded the victim $100,000 for past physical suffering, mental anguish, emotional distress, shame, embarrassment and humilia tion, $25,000 for future sufferings. $3,000 for past medical and psycho logical care, and $3,000 for future care. But the bulk of the award — $825,000 — came in “additional damages” designed to penalize Benchmark, which manages about 3,000 apartment units in the Odessa- Midland area. The victim said she hopes the case sets a precedent. “I really think (the jurors) sent a message to apartment managers,” she told the American. “Hopefully, this will prevent someone else from getting raped.” Benchmark defense attorney Ray Stoker Jr. would not say whether the firm would appeal the verdict. “We are satisfied with the com pensatory damages but certainly not the punitive damages,” Stoker said. The victim’s attorney, Jim Os born, said jurors worked hard “to make the world a better place to live. I hope it makes (apartments) safer.” Jurors heard from about two dozen witnesses during the trial, in cluding the victim, her husband, po lice officers, private investigators, a psychologist, former Winwood ten ants and employees, and Sandy Cox, Benchmark Properties’ president. Big Spring defense attorney Ivan Williams, who represented Dallas- based Landmark Properties Inc., said he was “obviously pleased but not surprised” that jurors cleared Landmark of charges that it failed to provide adequate lighting at the complex. Williams said the complex was constructed by Sunnyvale, which later merged with several other com panies to form Landmark Properties Inc. before the complex was fin ished. In Advance ‘Stun gun’ demonstration offered tonight A presentation on “stun guns” will be given by Nova Technolo gies Austin representative Char lotte Clemmons Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at the College Station Com munity Center. The presentation is to promote “stun guns” as a legal, non-lethal weapon for personal protection. Clemmons will present a video on their use and effects and a takedown demonstration. For more information contact local representative Gayle Brown at 776-4013. What’s Up Wednesday STUDENT Y: will have “Food for Thought” with Dr. John Koldus at 7 p.m. at Red Lobster. Sign up now in 211 Pavilion. MUSIC PROGRAM: will have a brown bag concert at noon in 402 Academic. AGGIE DEMOCRATS: will elect officers at 8:30 p.m. in 510 Rudder. UNITED CAMPUS MINISTRIES: will have an Aggie supper at 6 p.m. at A&M Presbyterian Church. TRIATHLON CLUB/PREDICT YOUR TIME 5K RUN: All are welcome to partici pate in this 5K run at 6 p.m. at the Research Park. DATA PROCESSING MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION: Gerald Wagner will speak at 7 p.m. in 710 Rudder. RECREATIONAL SPORTS: will have registration from 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. for the canoe trip and the rock climbing trip. AGGIE SPELEOLOGICAL SOCIETY: will meet and elect officers at 8:30 p.m. in 504 Rudder. PHI BETA LAMBDA: will elect officers at 7:30 p.m. in 120 Blocker. TAMU SAILING CLUB: will have elections, a skippers class and an awards cer emony at 7 p.m. in Rudder. PHILOSOPHY CLUB: will speak with Richard Stadelmann at 3:30 p.m. in 404 Rudder. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS: will meet at 8:30 p.m. Call the C.D.P.E. at 845- 0280 for more information. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: will meet at noon. Call the C.D.P.E. at 845-0280 for more information. AGGIE BLOOD DRIVE COMMITTEE: will have a blood drive through Friday at the following locations: the Commons 10 a.m. - 8 p.m., Sbisa 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., MSC 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. and the Medical Sciences Library 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. ROTARACT: will have an organizational meeting and an adoption of a constitu tion at 8 p.m. in 127 Kleberg. AGGIELAND: Staff applications are available in 230 Reed McDonald through April 19. THE BA7TAL/ON:Editorial Board and Staff applications are available in 216 Reed McDonald. Editorial Board applications are due April 13, and Staff applica tions are due April 20. Thursday WOMEN’S STUDIES/DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY: Dr. Gisela Hinkle will speak about “Post-Modernism and Feminist Theory” at 3 p.m. in 204C Sterling C. Evans Library. PHI BETA LAMBDA: will have big brother-little brother game night at 7 p.m. at Rob’s house. MACINTOSH USER GROUP: will have a MS Word 4.0 sneak preview at 7:30 p.m. in 101 Herman Heep. MSC HOSPITALITY: will have a lost and found auction from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Rudder fountain. TAMU MICROBIOLOGY SOCIETY: Dr. Tom Huber will speak about “Diagnosis of Disease from Koch’s Germ Detection to Gene Detection” at 7 p.m. in 510 Rudder. STUN GUN: will have a stun gun presentation at 7:30 p.m. at the College Sta tion Community Center. There will also be a live “takedown” demonstration. For more information call Gail Brown at 776-4013. SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL JOURNALISTS: will meet to discuss the con vention and to elect officers at 7 p.m. in 214 Reed McDonald. STUDENT Y: will have T-shirt day today. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS: will meet at 8:30 p.m. Call the C.D.P.E. at 845- 0280 for more information. ADULT CHILDREN OF ALCOHOLICS: will meet at 6 p.m. Call the C.D.P.E. for more details. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: will meet at noon. Call the C.D.P.E at 845-0280 for more information. Items for What's Up should be submitted to The Battalion, 216 Reed McDonald, no later than three business days before the desired run date. We only publish the name and phone number of the contact if you ask us to do so. What’s Up is a Battalion service that lists non-profit events and activities. Submissions are run on a first-come, first-served basis. There is no guarantee an entry will run. If you have questions, call the newsroom at 845-3315. Stu<* ent ^ & £ipecial aF , Thursday Mond rl U ru Final 3 Bryan Golf Course 823-0126 PEKING EXPRESS MAGNIFICENT CHINESE BUFFETS Over 20 Selections of Salads & Entrees, Iced Tea, Desserts ALL YOU CAN EAT 2 For Only $6.49 w/coupon Dine-ln Only Reg. $3.89 & $4.19 11:00-2:30, 4:30-8:30 Mon-Fri. 11:30a.m.-8:30p.m. Sat. & Sun. One coupon per person per visit. Valid April 12-Aprll 22,1989 Not good with any other offer. 606 Tarrow 764-8960 PARKWAY CIRCLE Apartments 401 Southwest Parkway Luxury Apartments Spacious, Modern 2 Bdrm/2 Bath Hot tub, pool, clubhouse, basketball, W/D connections & laundry, on shuttle. Now Preleasing 696-6909 PIZZA SALE! PERSONAL PAN PIZZA® pizza 4Hut READY IN 5 MINUTES.GUARANTEED. Just For One • Just For Lunch Guaranteed 11:30 AM-1:00 PM. Pemmal Pan Piaca available ’til 4 PM 5-minute guarantee applies to our 3 •election, on orders of 5 or le*. per table. 3 or lea, per carryout customer. r93< _ ^ Personal ! 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