The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 09, 1988, Image 12
Page 12 The Battalion Friday, December 9,1988 Rookie has playoff-bound Bengals doing ‘Ickey Shuffle’ HOUSTON (AP) — The Cincin nati Bengals had little reason to cele brate last season but rookie lekey Woods has shown them how this year with a dance he calls the “Ickey Shuffle.” Woods' post-touchdown dance might never have caught on had he not scored 15 touchaowns to lead the American Football Conference. "Since he’s scored quite a bit this season, it’s become a part of the event," Cincinnati Coach *Sam Wyche said. Wyche, whose Bengals finished with a 4-11 record last season, was happy to provide Woods with a stage to demonstrate after his touch downs. The dance has caught on and so have the Benjnls, 11-3, who could clinch the AFC Central Division title Sunday if they beat the Houston Oil ers in tne Astrodome. The Oilers, 9-5 after Sundav’t 37- 34 loss to Pituburgh, still could win the division if they beat Cincinnati and Cleveland ana Cincinnati loses to Washington. After Woods received a penalty for excessive celebrating in the end zone against Buffalo Nov. 27, Wyche moved the “Ickey Shuffle” to the sidelines. • “I told him well fan out and give you the stage and you do the Ickey Shuffle right there on the sidelines," Wyche said. Woods surted doing the dance early this year despite the protesta tions of his mother. “It’s just something that I created and the fans here in Cincinnati love it," Woods said. "It’s kind of taken off all over the nation." Woods says he’ll certainly give the Oiler fans a demonstration if he scores a touchdown Svinday. “I’m sure if I score in Houston the fans might not like to see it but I'm going to do it anyway for the fans at home watching on television,” he said. Woods' loose-jointed dance is not the most important part of his reper toire. He ranks third in the AFC in rushing with 880 yards on 175 car ries for a 5 yards per carry average. “There were a lot of good run ning backs that came out of that draft but we decided Ickey would be the guy that fit us best in our style of offense,” Wyche said. Woods, 6-0, 235, is a smaller ver sion of the fullbacks the Bengals have line up with in the past. But he's big enough and quicker. “He's a big guy who can cut back, he’s played so well for them that (James) Brooks is getting onlv 12 carries a game,” Oilers Coach jerry Glanville said. Brooks is fifth in AFC rushing with 875 yards and he’s second to Woods in scoring with 14 touch downs. His 5.4 yards per carrv leads the AFC. Woods still is surprised by his in stant success. “I’m kind of surprised but I’ve al ways known I’ve had the God-given ability to run the football,” Woods said. “The Bengals gave me a chance to exploit my talents. “Now I'll try to break the 1,000- yard rushing barrier and hopefully lead the whole NFL in scoring," Woods said. Brooks and Woods lead the Beng als' rushing game that ranks first in the NFL with 174.5 yards per game. Woods rushed for a career high 141 yards on 19 carries in a 27-10 victory over San Diego Sunday and got to do the Ickey Shuffle twice. Woods is pleased to see that his dance has extended even to the own er’s box. “Paul Brown does it about as well as 1 do,” Woods said. “He’s got it down pat.” "SPPWII Start practicing for the real world. s M • •< # Using an IBM ’' Personal System/2 computer to help you succeed in college can also prepare you to succeed in a career. Because chances are, after you graduate, you’ll be working on an IBM computer. So the IBM PS/2 is the perfect investment. It can help you organize your notes, write and revise papers, produce high-quality graphics, and more. And not only is it easy to learn and use, but if eligible, you'll get up to 40% off. Get a head start by working now on the computer you'll probably be working on later. FREE box of diskettes and diskette case with purchase of a PS/2. Hurry-supplies are lim ited. See the MicroComputerCenter for details. i / MicroComputerCenter Computer Sales and Supplies Mon.-Fri. 8a.m.-6p.m. Sat. 9a.m.-5p.m. Memorial Student Center Q IBM and Personal System/2 are registered trademarks of intematonai Business Macn.nesCorooratior iijjtBS » ‘INY ads, BUT REAL HEAVYWEIGHTS WHEN RESULTS REALLY COUNT. matter what you've go to say or sell, our Classi fieds can help you do the big job. Battalion Classified! 845-2611