Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1988)
Paged Battalion Classifieds - ..... .. V-, ~ lifr* * JPORSALE WHAT ARE YOU DOING OVER BREAK? Here’s a chance to earn extra CHRISTMAS MONEY and gain valuable resume-type work ex perience! If you * Are interested in great pay for temporary work. * Live in or near: Longview, Beau mont, Amarillo, Abilene, Dallas, El Paso, Austin, Fort Worth, Lub bock, Houston, Pharr, San An gelo, Waco, Wichita Falls, or San Antonio. * Are a responsible, mature stu dent. If Interested Please Call: Matt McAllister or Jack Lamkin at 845-5816. ROM O/Ofi CRUISESHIPS NOW HIRING FOR CHRISTMAS, next spring, and summer breaks. Many positions. Call (805) 682-7555 ext. S-1026. 70t02/01 Part-time T elemarketer needed for Financial Advisor. No experience Necessary. No selling involved. Excel lent Pay. 822-5330. 70t 12/09 Dynamic Corporation in wholesale electronics business is seeking December graduates in Industrial Distribu tion and Business. High energy, results oriented indi viduals required with excellent organizational and com munication skills. Training will begin in an inside sells position with opportunities for advancement based on demonstrated ability. Qualified candidates must be ma ture and demonstrate a professional image and ap pearance. Fluency in Spanish is a plus. Respond with resume to: Echosphere Corp., 4030 LaReunion Park way, Dallas, TX 75212. 70t 12/09 CHEMIST RY T UTOR NEEDED: High School level. 589-3170. Prefer male student. 68t 12/06 Part-time Accountant needed for Real Estate Firm. Prefer older student or graduate student. Hours flexi ble. Need to be in College Station area at least two more cars. Send Resume to P.O. Box 4453 Bryan, TX ^805. 58ttfn ye. 77; It’s not too late! Tutoring in Composi tion, Rhetoric, His tory, Philosophy, Term Paper Editing 776-5276 (answering machine) $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 HEADACHE STUDY Do you have a headache? Earn $40. for a 4 hour at home study with currently available medications. No blood drawn, no physical exams. Call today: Pauli Research International 776-0400 after 6 p.m. call 361-1302 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $200 $200 $200 $200 URINARY TRACT INFECTION STUDY Do you experience frequent urina tion, burning, stinging or back pain when vnu urinafev Pauli Research when you urinate? Pauli Research will perform FREE Urinary Tract In fection Testing for those willing to participate in a 2 week study. $200 incentive for those who qualify. , Call r’aull Research International 776-0400 $200 $200 $200 $200 SORE THROAT Wanted: Individuals, 18-70 years old, with sore throat pain, for 90 minute study to compare over- the-counter pain relief medication (no blood drawn). $40. incentive for those chosen to participate. CALL PAULL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 776-0400 54ttf n $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 Motorcycle and scooter storage for Christmas. Call University Cycle. 696-8222. 67t 12/08 Typing, Research papers, Reports, Education Units, etc. Near campus. 696-0914. 67t 12/07 Experienced librarian will do library research for you. Call 823-3348. 67t01/31 Typing: Accurate, 95wpm, reliable. Word Processor. 7daysa week. 776-4013. 27tl2/07 Schlotzky’s is now accepting applications for full-time day positions. Apply in person only between 2-5 p.m. Students needed from Abilene, Beaumont, Brownsville, El Paso, Midland, San Antonio, and Wi chita Falls to observe safety belt use for the Texas Transportation Institute. 3 days work, $100. minimum pay plus gas. Call 845-5274 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. for an interview. 69t 12/07 Needed: Two part-time workers, bilingual preferred, with some accounting experience. Starts Jan. 15th through tax season. Contact Willie Ramirez, 775-8980. 67t 12/09 Duck, goose 8c pheasant day hunts. Katy area. Call “ 'i(71 “ ' Butch (713)391-4381 or Randy (713)391-9332. Cal’s Body Shop-We do it right the first time! 823- 2610. 32ttfn TYPING—WORD PROCESSING—REASONABLE RATES—BEST SERVICE IN TOWN. 764-2931 33t 12/07 ON THE DOUBLE Professional Word Processing, laser jet printing. Papers, resume, merge letters. Rush services. 846-3755. 181tfn STUDENT' T YPING— 20 years experience. Fast, accu rate, reasonable, guaranteed, 693-8537. 50t01/17 Typing—589-2793 $1.50 per page double-spaced $2.00 rush jobs. 64t 12/08 * FOR RENT All Bills Paid! •2 Bedroom 1 Vz Bath • On Shuttle •Tennis • Pool • On-site Maintenance • Close to campus Rent Starts at $409 SCANDIA 693-6505 401 Anderson 1 Blk. off Jersey - W. of Texas Cotton Village Apts., Snook, Tx. 1 Bdrm,; $200 2 Bdrm.; $248 Rental assistance available! Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5pm. 4tf PLEASE HELP ME GET OUT OF MY LEASE! FREE $200. deposit. 2 Bdrm/1 Bath, $210/month. Mike 823- 2666. 70t 12/06 Female wanted to sublease duplex. Your rent $178./mo. Kim, 693-2955. 70U2/09 Why Drive? 2 bedroom, furnished duplex. Near Cam pus. $250./month. 696-2394. 68tl2/09 RECEFITON 1ST WANTED: (Part-time). Must be de pendable, able to work flexible schedule and furnish references. Good telephone voice, typing and clerical skills a plus. Apply at: CREAT ING A NEW IMAGE BEAUTY SALON, 1501 FM 2818 #15 (behind K- Mart in Business Center) in College Station. Interview ing Thursday, 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. and Saturday, 12 p.m. - 4 p.m. 764-0487. (Loretta). 69tl2/6 2BR/1BA Duplex, Fenced, Pets Okay, Bryan, $310./mo., 846-4465, weekends: 1-279-2967. 66t01/17 1 8c 2 BR Fourplex (Northgate), semester leases okay. 846-4465. Weekends: 1-279-2967. 66t01/17 1, 2 &: 3 Bedroom Duplexes Month To Month Lease. Walking Distance To Campus. From $157.50 To $247.50. $200. deposit. 779-3003. 66t 12/09 Childcare and light housework. Part-time beginning Spring Semester, but work available during holidays. 690-6380, 845-8334. 69t 12/07 2 Bedroom 4-plex 5 min. From A&M. $150. deposit, $250. Rent 779-3003. 66t 12/09 Typing, Word Processing, reasonable rates. Call Che ryl, 696-3785. 68t 12/09 Sublease 2 Bdrm./l Vfc Bath. With enclosed patio 8c stor age rm., electric appliances, fireplace, pool. Across from Tx. Hall of Fame. $365./mo. 823-0194. 67tl2//7 College Station duplex - 2 Bdrm./lW Bath, washer- /dryer, $375./mo. 8c utilities, shuttle bus. 846-4118 any time. 67t01/11 2 Bdrm studio. Ceiling fan, appliances, pool, shuttle. $360-$385/mo. Glade East. 696-9669. 58t 12/07 In Bryan- Four Plex 2 Bdrm 1 Bath extra storage/fire place, ceiling fan, new carpet. Also adorable 1 Bdrm ef ficiency. Wyndham Mgmt. 846-4384. 57ttfn ADOPT: A BABY IS OUR DREAM! Happily married, financially successful couple hope you’ll call collect. Legal. Expenses paid. Call Lynn & Martin collect. (212)362-6884. 6 4ti2/09 * ROOMMATE WANTED Prefer female, non-smoker, non-drinker to share du plex. $ 162.50/mo., l /2utilities. 696-0751. 70tl2/09 MALE ROOMMATE NEEDED - Spring 8c Summer. Great Condo! Private bedroom. Fireplace, w/d, pool, shuttle Sc more! $21 l./mo. plus bills. 696-6600, Brad. 67t 12/07 Visiting female artist seeks apartment in B/CS to share during Spring Semester. 845-0206. 8-5 daytime. 65t 12/05 1 Bdrm. apt., Lincoln Square, $290. Sublease for Spring Semester. 764-7427. 67U2/07 $45. off regular monthly rent: Very nice one bedroom studio, washer-dryer connections, frost-free refrigera tor, walk-in closets, more. Will sublease for $300. Eve nings: 846-4629. 67t 12/07 • ANNOUNCEMENT DOLLARS FOR COLLEGE: Grants, loans, schol arships. deadlines approaching. Applications invited, details FREE. P.O. Box 4466, Dept. 2377 Charlottes ville, VA. 22905. (804)971-7633 ext. 2377 24 hours a day. 66t01/l 1 RECRUIT ING TEACHERS for Texas Schools Mon day 12-5-88, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. College Station Hilton, 801 University Drive, Cotton Wood Room. TEXSERV TEACHER PLACEMENT SERVICE — 6801 Sanger Avenue # 108, Waco, TX 76710.817-776-617568t 12/05 CAR POOL: Daily, Katy, TX. to College Station 8c re turn. Student desires participants. Begin Spring 1989. (713)578-5032. Sandy. 64t01/l 1 • FOR SALE Apple lie computer. All accessories, printer, modern, monitor, disks. Must sell. 693-0830. 67t 12/07 CHOOSE THE PRICE OF YOUR BOOKS INSTEAD OF PAYING HIGH BOOKSTORE PRICES! FOR MORE INFO CALL THE STUDENT BOOK EX CHANGE AT NOTE ‘N QUOTES, 846-2255. 66t 12/06 Rolex copies plus other famous brand watch look likes. (713)973-6246. 69t 12/09 SONY 115 Watt receiver, cassette, Bose 601 speakers, $925. 776-0511, evenings only. 69t 12/09 • NOTICE RECORD STORE CHOICES — MAIL ORDER PRICES Original Artist & Labels Records & Cassettes $9.98 Compact Disks $22.98 Catalog & 20 Coupons for 2 for 1 prices No Expiration Date: Satisfaction Guaranteed Send only $12. to: AK&M P.O. BOX 447 College Station, TX 77841 Fundraising info available ‘Great Christmas Gilt! WOMEN NEEDED FOR A NEW LOW-DOSE ORAL CONTRA CEPTIVE PILL STUDY. ELIGIBLEWOMEN PARTICIPATING IN THE 6 MONTH STUDY WILL RECEIVE THE FOLLOWING FREE: •oral contraceptives for 6 months •complete physical •blood work •pap smear •close medical supervision Volunteers will be compensated. For more information call: 846-5933 G & S studies, Inc. (close to campus) DEFENSIVE DRIVING, GOT A TRAFFIC TICKET? GET YOUR TICKET DISMISSED?! 693-1322. 909 S.W.Parkway. 26tl2/09 OKp® l~-:v ■ liaSdaSf l-S'Sgg? JNYADS. BUT REAL HEAVYWEIGHTS WHEN RESULTS REALLY COUNT. >0 matter what you've go to say or sell, our Classi fieds can help you do the big job. ’87 Pontiac Firebird. Black, loaded, excellent condition. $9500./offer. 846-5345. 70t 12/09 Battalion MUST SELL! Vespa Scooter, runs great! Best offer. Call 696-6668. 70t 12/08 Macintosh SE. New 20MB Hard Disk; 800K Floppy; Imagewriter Tl Printer; some software included. $2500.774-0735. 70t 12/09 Graduating Senior Must Sell: double bed, night-stand, dresser, 3’x5’ desk with bookcase and chair. $400. Call William 764-1932. 68t 12/09 Honda Spree Special for sale. Call soon - Debe, 693- 2951. 68t 12/08 Christmas puppies! American Eskimos. Surprise Mom!! $100. each. 696-3189, after 5 p.m. 68t 12/08 Classified; 845-2611 The Battalion Tuesday, Dec^rr>": Sheriff seeks information about assault What’s Up S Tuesday The Brazos County Sheriffs Department and Crime Stoppers are looking for any information regarding a recent sexual assault. The suspect is described as a 25- year-old white male, 5-foot-7, 145 pounds, with shoulder length blond hair. The suspect was last seen wear ing a red or blue flannel shirt and blue jeans, driving an older model green Ford truck with standard transmission. A brown baseball cap with “A Bad Day on the River is Better Than a Good Day at Work” CO-OP STUDENT ASSOCIATION: will elect officers for the summer at 7 p.m,in 103 Zachry. SADDLE AND SIRLOIN CLUB: will meet at 7 p.m. in 115 Kleberg. TAMU SAILING TEAM: will meet at 8 p.m. at David Heibert's apartment. BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION: will tour the college of medicine at? p.m. in 201 Veterinary Medicine Complex. TAMU ROADRUNNERS: will meet at 7 p.m. in 407 Rudder. STUDENT Y ASSOCIATION: will have a yuletide party at 10:30 a.m. onlhe second floor of the Pavilion. ON CAMPUS CATHOLICS: will have an ice cream social at 9 p.m. at 31 Treats. CATHOLIC STUDENT ASSOCIATION: will have a Bible study at 9:30 St. Mary's Student Center. SPEECH COMMUNICATION SOCIETY: will meet at 7 p.m. in Blocker. Wednesday The Texas A fwimming lean he weekend at lional Dual-Me paloosa, Alaba The womei fcompetition wi Illinois Univer: jiext two days Ida and Clemsc The men we fcity of Iowa, I and Florida. Bmzos County STOPPER 775-TIPS STUDENT Y: FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Bill Kilber, associate director of Student Affairs, will speak about “The art of cramming for finals" at 7 p.m. at Red Lobslei Sign up in 211 Pavilion. AGGIE ALLIANCE: will have a Christmas Party at 7 p.m. in 167 Read. OFF CAMPUS CENTER/OFF CAMPUS AGGIES: will have a roommateses sion at 5 p.m. at the Off Campus Center. AGGIE SPELEOLOGICAL SOCIETY: will meet at 8:30 p.m. in 404 Rudder CATHOLIC STUDENT ASSOCIATION: will present the ninth annual Ai Christmas mass at 7 p.m. at St. Mary's Church. printed on the front was found at the site of the incident. The incident occurred Satur day, Nov. 11 at 12:30 a.m. The victim, a 24-year-old white fe male, was forced off Highway 30 approximately three-quarters of a m m Bird Pond Road. The suspect then forced her, at knifepoint, to drive his truck about half a mile east on Highway 30. He then forced her from the truck, across a barbed wire fence and into a pasture where he sex ually assualted her. The suspect was last seen flee ing east on Highway 30 in his truck. This week the Brazos County Sheriffs Department and Cri- mestoppers need your assistance in identifying the person respon sible for this aggravated sexual assualt. If you have any information regarding this assault, please call Crime Stoppers at 775-TTPS. You will be assigned a special coded number to protect your identity. If your call leads to an arrest and a grand jury indictment, Crime Stoppers will pay you up to $1,000. Crime Stoppers also pays cash for any information regarding a felony crime or the location of a fugitive. Items for What’s Up should be submitted to The Battalion, 216 Reed McDonald, no later than three business days before the desired run date. We only publist. the name and phone number of the contact if you ask us to do so. What's Up Is a Battalion service that lists non-profit events and activities. Submissions are m on a first-come, first-served basis. There is no guarantee an entry will run. have questions, call the newsroom at 845-3315. Despite thei nen kept it clc only two poini |A11 three team: |top 10. Once again. Iforfeit all div Inents. The women iwicz and Cour Wojtowicz lagainst Southi ■second agains [second against She also po Itime in the 1 Bakker, aides indictediCoJ for fraud, tax evasion CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) —PTL founder Jim Bakker, forced to quit his multimillion-dollar television ministry after admitting a sexual en counter with a church secretary, was indicted Monday along with three former aides on charges of fraud and tax evasion. A federal grand jury charged Bakker, 48, and former aide Rich ard Dortch, 57, in a 24-count indict ment with mail fraud, wire fraud and conspiring to defraud the public through the sale of lifetime part nerships in the ministry’s Heritage Village theme park in Fort Mill, S.C., south of Charlotte. If convicted, they could face up to five years in prison and $250,000 fines on each count. Bakker’s wife, Tammy, also a tar get of the grand jury, was not in dicted. “There is no statement made right now," said a mam wouldn’t give his nameatjir Tammy Ministries, the Bakkers’ii(| organization, in Pineville,N.C. A second, 11-count indicir| charged David Taggart and 1 brother, James, with tax evasioni conspiracy to impede the Intern Revenue Service in the collect^ taxes. David Taggart is former PTL id president and special assistant! Bakker; James is a former inteno designer for PTL. U.S. Attorney Thomas Ashcnl| declined to comment or say whelk other indictments were possible, “There has already been much publicity on this alreadyi we don’t want any more,” he said, The defendants were ordered appear in federal court Dec. 15. Still recov football seas retrieving th really a kind since my fav indoor foot! But I am i that a sport 1 my interest. First of all I consists of h team, nume watching col even with su ! to notice tha some giant c The easie been the do of play betw Association always been POTHER’S BOOKSTORES 5 TOP DOLLAR FOR USED BOOKS We buy ALL Books! Open Late During Finals (/) $ (0 CASH PLAY BOTHER’S SHOOT TO WIN 340 Jersey Across from Univ. Police' 1 901 Harvey Woodstone Shopping Center •Free T-Shirts • Discount Coupons • More Cash on Your Books • Free Merchan dise or • A Chance to regis ter for the LAS VEGAS trip • Every Roll A Winner! j: ;; ■, 'V.. y - tSis ROTHER’S BOOKSTORES