Page 6 The Battalion Tuesday, December 6,1988 Football star: Schizophrenia ‘cost me everything Warpe NEW YORK (AP) — Lionel Al dridge, a 6-foot-4, 225-pound for mer Green Bay Packer, was afraid to go home. He believed his wife was a witch. Once part of NBC’s television sportscasting team, Aldridge was driven from job to job in city after city by imaginary voices. He now sorts mail on the 3:30 p.m. to mid night shift in Milwaukee. . Schizophrenia cost him a career, a marriage and “just about every per son I had in my life at that time.” “I figure,” he said recently, “it cost me everything.” Such are the stakes in schizophre nia. That’s why research advances, such as recent evidence that a single gene may cause some cases, are more than just nifty science. They are another step in under standing a devastating disease that strikes perhaps one in every 100 people at some point in their lives. Schizophrenia usually begins with an apparent personality change that may include social withdrawal, diffi culty in communicating and leth- argy. Later, in its more active phase, it can make victims see hallucinations and hear voices. They may feel controlled by invis ible agents or believe their thoughts are being broadcast to others. They may adopt new identities. Nobody knows what causes the disease. Scientists have long sus pected an inherited influence, and the new study provided biological evidence for a gene in a few families. But that gene is not a factor in other families, sui supporting ; suspicion of multiple factors, maybe a longstanding environmental and genetic. The voices and hallucinations are gone now for Aldridge, 47, thanks to daily medication that keeps his ill ness at bay. “I’m enjoying relatively good health now,” he said, but nothing is guaranteed to him for the future. Aldridge’s battle began in 1974, after he retired from athletics and turned to sportscasting. He had trouble concentrating, he couldn’t get his work done on time, and as a result his broadcasts often ran shorter than planned. “I became very suspicious of peo ple, especially the people I worked with,” he said. “The workplace be came very difficult, a very unhappy plac^.” Aldridge sought psychotherapy. But later that year, he began to have bouts of psychosis, with imaginary voices and hallucinations. While his behavior on the air ap peared normal, his life was bizarre. He feared that his wife was a witch. He ran barefoot through the snow in wt:;‘ 2 ed s therapisi "I knew I needed help,’],, But the medication he took f couple years “zombied meoml 1 couldn t work.” He gave ! medication. b .Looking back at what schbpL n.a cost him, he said, “I'm try ' find out what good it brought “I can’t think of any ^ where I can be intimidated be & the worst already has hapte How much more can youloTI everything? Waldc ill: •!*Xn<x*Xv And now fo ste. so\ ft-oitf the n “Vo.mpi>€ Scrair •.•.•>.«.«>X*Xn«.nsv«»nnsnnn«*n*.n%nnnsnnnnn>n%«.v Start practicing for the real world. Using an IBM® Personal System/2® computer to help you succeed in college can also prepare you to succeed in a career. Because chances are, after you graduate, you’ll be working on an IBM computer. So the IBM PS/2 is the perfect investment. It can help you organize your notes, write and revise papers, produce high-quality graphics, and more. And not only is it easy to learn and use, but if eligible, you’ll get up to 40% off. Get a head start by working now on the computer you’ll probably be working on later. INYADS, BUT REAL HEAVYWEIGR1S WHEN RESULTS REALLY COUNT. matterwhat you've go to say or sell, our Classi fieds can help you do the big job. Battalion Ex- for ton legal tion thosi she \ two She Ira- the! anc dal FREE box of diskettes and diskette case with purchase of a PS/2. Hurry-supplies are lim ited. See the MicroComputerCenter for details. M icroComputerCenter Classify 845-2611 ComputerSales and Supplies Mon.-Frl. 8a.m.-6p.m. Sat. 9a.m.-5p.m. Memorial Student Center TberesSowirf** for Every***'” Everywhere" ••j**^* CLASSIFIED 5 Affirmative are program" iskctw you the jjBmg o(data for buylnS'*^ f're'l'Check *«*' IBM and Personal System/2 are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. The Battalion 845-2611 Off. Hover