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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1988)
TIME FOR A RESUME Kinko’s can help you prepare for your future. We have a wide range of papers and envelopes to give your resume the professional look it deserves. kinkcrs Great copies. Great people. 201 College Main 846-8721 Pages The Battalion Thursday, November 10,1988 UT museum Warped by Scott McCul Brazos Valiev Crisis Pregnancy Seivice We’re Local! 3G20 E. 29th Street (nm to Merit).'s ci ^ } hr. HotCine ^3-CAJRE BRYAN 823-012 6 . aOLF WITH CART RENTAL counse , Monday-Ft'day 0 e,o ' e ^ • Excluding Holidays •Expires. • two Person Minimum • Must Bring Coupon •With Student ID Switch-Off for Kick-Off -IVov. 19-TCU Game Ladies, here is your chance to take the man of your choice to the game! Boutonnieres will be on sale in the MSC Nov. 14-17 sponsored by S. G. Traditions Council MSC STUDENT CONFERENCE ON NATIONAL AFFAIRS MSC SCONA 34 PRESENTS "Japan: The Power of a Changing Economy" February 8 to 11,1989 MSC SCONA will be having an informational meeting for students interested in representing Texas A&M University during the February conference. Monday, November 14,1988 8:30 PM. 224 MSC Texas A&M Vs Arkansas 1pm Saturday -Fly There Flight Time: One Hour: 45 minutes Air conditioned-Fressurized Refreshments served on Board Seating Capacity 7 passengers Get Your Group Together and Call: EASTERWOOD AIRPORT College Station, TX AIRCRAFT CHARTER FLY SMARTER. THINK CHARTER. Call For Quotes & Additional Information 409-846-1987 1988 CHINESE ■ MOVIE FESTIVAL ip-;• ENGLISH SUBTITLED :• SPONSORED BY P«^erht3on qf Chinese Stadebt Assoc. hi tJSA ;CG<^INATED'BT'j TEXAS A & & UNIVERSITY - : I|III 'j# •«r : f '• CHINESE STUDHJNTASSOCIATION NOVl2« 7’00pm (SAT) 9:00pm NOV 13« 1:00pm (SUN) msc 201 3:00pm THANK YOU ?SIR ROUGE OF THE NORTH CHOPPER and THE SIX FRIENDS PEOPLE BETWEEN TWO CHINAS ADMISSION IS FREE ! gives home to statue WE'VE JVST RECEIVED WORD OF A WAT0R WEAK AT THE V0RFVILLE D06P0UHD... ...SO WE'RE 60IWG LIVE TO OUR WRPP REPORTER PAUL STORM ON THE SEE/VE. a UM... NO, MERRITT, I'M PRERECORDED AUSTIN (AP) — A plan for a Univer sity of Texas museum to exhibit the orig inal Goddess of Liberty statue could be carried out next year. Officials said if enough private funds can be raised the project will go on as planned. The statue stood atop the Capitol for 97 years. State and university officials said last spring that the 15-foot, 7-inch zinc statue soon would be displayed at the Texas Memorial Museum. I AUSTIN ( |||nd George B Bellow Texan: |liation for De Overcome, But moving the statue from its tempo rary home at an airplane hangar and in stalling it at the museum will take $40,000 to $50,000, said Bonnie Camp bell, curator of the Capitol. Waldo by Kevin Thou The statue is cracked in several places. It was removed from the Capitol in 1985. The original Goddess was replaced atop the Capitol with an aluminum rep lica. The State Preservation Board, which has custody of the statue, has received a pledge of about $25,000 from Chevron USA and is negotiating with other poten tial donors for the rest of the funds, Ms. Campbell said. Company honors Texas woman with award for aiding homeless SAN ANTONIO (AP) — Morning sunlight filtered through trees onto the roofs of shabby houses and government- subsidized apartment complexes in the city’s west side as Juanita Valdez ran af ter a bearded man in soiled, tattered clothing. Valdez could only speak to the man in a hoarse whisper because the removal of a tumor from her throat has made speak ing almost impossible. But she didn’t need words — the pair of pants that she thrust at him was communication enough. Valdez had noticed the man’s torn pants as he sat in Inner City Devel opment Inc.’s bright-green wood-frame headquarters on Chihuahua Street eating a free meal of mashed potatoes, beans and hot sauce. While the man ate his meal, she had walked out to the small metal trailer behind Inner City and sorted through piles of donated clothing to find him a better pair of pants. “I always just have to guess at their sizes,” she said. Valdez, 36, is supporting five children on food stamps and Social Security bene fits, and sometimes is too sick to leave the modest wood-frame home built for her by a San Antonio community pro ject. Nevertheless, she often spends six days a week cooking meals for as many as 150 of the city’s homeless and helping needy families fill out the necessary pa perwork to receive food and clothing. death,” Inner City volunteer Pat Bone. 42, said. “A bunch of kids and support ers went out to the airport to meet her with a bunch of balloons. ’ ’ Although Valdez met celebrities, such as actress Shari Belafonte Harper, who presented her with the award, and was interviewed by reporters, she maintained her laid-back style. Wednesday. | ‘Tn our his I n incumben umbent (Pre omething we eorge Chri nd former p .yndon John “ “We do h i‘We have tarted. The p as created a nd I think umption tha ar. Reaganor Both Repu aid Dukakis ponding to ) nd they sail uccessful in ;ovemor as a: Not even lomination a: 11 that. Final electi ecretary of si publican ticki defeating the to 43.4 perci 3,028,528 vo “Electing And my kids say, 'Mom, do you bring them home?' One time n? said, ‘We’re going to have to pul apartment house.’” Rod Radle, a social worka serves as director of Inner City Mi have talked af It was her dedication to the 20-year- old, non-profit organization that prompted her fellow volunteers to nomi nate her for the 1988 J.C. Penney Golden Rule Award, which honors indi viduals for their volunteer efforts. Val dez was selected for the award from 3,600 nominees and was honored re cently during ceremonies in Washington. ‘‘Everybody was just tickled to “At the airport in Dallas, she met with reporters and her slip fell down,” Bone said. “I said, ‘Juanita, what did you do?’ and she said, T just reached down and picked it up. ” ’ But Valdez’s down-to-earth personal ity at times has gotten her into trouble. Her habit of bringing Inner City clients home with her has sometimes annoyed her children and boyfriend. help of his wife, Patty, said Vi seemed the perfect choice as a no: for the award ‘‘Juanita typifies that spirit of ra to give back to society,” he said Valdez, who often walks the blocks from her home to Inner shops for groceries, cooks meals,« sels clients, sorts clothing and help needy fill out applications forassisus “I get into trouble because of that,” she said with the help of an interpreter “My boyfriend says, ‘What’s going on?’ ‘‘I do everything from socialwai cleaning the toilets,” she said. On a recent fall morning, sheuseii. nals and whispers to instruct void on how much soap and food to gM man who had come in asking for si AUSTIN (y a little schizoj Or, maybe, tl that elusive tv But one th day’s vote: B losers, gains a Texans de vote to adopte jected native : president. They still overwhelming fourth term in Republican first — eleci Texas Suprerr Democrats tance. 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