The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 20, 1988, Image 8
Page 8 The Battalion Thursday, October 20,1988 World/Nation Classifieds Hieh school’s prison simulation -■ ^ attacked by parents as too harsh ♦ HELP WANTED • SERVICES -Airline Jobs-Klighi Attendants, all other occupations. (409)828-3434 ext. A-21. 35tl0/20 Cal's Body Shop-We do it riaht the first time! 823- 2610. 32ttf'n Part time Job. 20-30 hours measuring carpet in homes, taking care of warehouse and misc. duties. Transporta tion needed. Call for appt. 822-6619. 36tl0/21 • NOTICE mmtmm FREE SPRING BREAK VACATION IN' CANCUN! Become a college Tours Representative on your cam pus & get a free trip to cancun. It’s easy & we'll provide everything you need. Absolutely nothing to buy. 1-800- 727-0005 for information. 36tl0/20 TACO CABANA is now hiring shift managers and as sistant managers. Send Resume To: 701 Texas Ave. South 77840 or call 693-1904 or 1 -(405)321-7150. 33t 10/25 Retail chain in Post Oak Mall opening two new stores. Now hiring 12-15 p/t employees. Also interested in two asst. mgr. or mgr. trainee positions-N'eed at least lyr. retail experience for all positions. Call Kimberly 764- 8726 or come by Benetton. 38t 10/24 Full and Part-time positions available. Apply in person at College Station, Longjohn Silvers. 37tl0/24 • FOR RENT TANGLEWOOD SOUTH APTS. All utilities paid, 1,2,& 3 Bdrms. 2 pools, exercise room, party room, & 2 laundry rooms. Shuttle bus. Pre-listing for spring semester 1/2month rent off in Dec. 411 Harvey Rd. College Station, Texas. 36111/21 Near Campus ' Luxury 1-2 Bedroom Units > Pool • Laundry * Shuttle • On-site Security '24-Hr. Maintenance > Shopping Nearby Rent starts at $273 SEVILLA 1 Blk. South of Harvey Rd. 693-2108 194tfn All Bills Paid! •2 Bedroom 1 Vz Bath • On Shuttle • Tennis • Pool • On-site Maintenance • Close to campus Rent Starts at $409 SCANDIA 693-6505 401 Anderson 1 Blk. off Jersey - W. of Texas Cotton Village Apts., Snook, Tx. 1 Bdrm,; $200 2 Bdrm.; $248 Rental assistance available! Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5pm. 4tf SERVICES $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 HAY FEVER STUDY Wanted: Individuals with nasal congestion/ blockage/runny nose to participate in a 5-7 day study (no blood drawn). $100 incentive for those chosen to participate. CALL PAULL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 776-6236 28ttfn $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 URINARY TRACT INFECTION STUDY Do you experience frequent urina tion, burning, stinging oi back pain when you urinate? Pauli Research will perform FREE Urinary Tract In fection Testing for those willing to participate in a2‘ week study. $200 incentive for those who qualify. Call Pauli Research International 776-6236 $200 $200 $200 $20 ESSAYS & REPORTS 16^278 to choose from—all subjects Order Catalog Today with Visa/MC or COD ffFTSFi 800-351-0222 KBSBxBr in Calif. (213)477-8226 Or, rush $2.00 to: Essays & Reports 11322 Idaho Ave. #206-SN, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Custom research also available—all levels SKIN INFECTION STUDY G&S studies, inc. is participatingin a study on acute skin infections.If you have one of the following con ditions call G&S studies. Eligible- volunteers will be compensated. * infected blisters * infected burns * infected boils * infected cuts * infected insect bites * infected scrapes ("road rash") G&S STUDIES, INC. 846-5933 WOMEN NEEDED FOR A NEW LOW-DOSE ORAL CONTRA CEPTIVE PILL STUDY. ELIGIBLEWOMEN PARTICIPATING IN THE 6 MONTH STUDY WILL RECEIVE THE FOLLOWING FREE: •oral contraceptives for 6 months •complete physical •blood work •pap smear •close medical supervision Volunteers will be compensated. For more information call: 846-5933 G&S studies, inc. WHEATON, Ill. (AP) — A teacher who wanted to show what life could be like under despotic rule staged a 27-hour mock lockup for students, including strip-searches and a meal of fish-head soup, but the exercise was attacked by parents as too harsh. The voluntary field trip over the Co lumbus Day weekend was intended to give juniors and seniors at Wheaton North High School a taste of criminal- justice systems, including — for volun teers — that of an imagined Third World country. school administrators to re-evaluate the program, arranged by American govern ment teacher David Oliphant, and report back by Nov. 14, board President James Carr said Wednesday. Many of the students and some parents praised the experience. But one parent said she hadn’t realized when she gave her son written permission to participate that he would be hog-tied and left alone in a room for 2.5 hours for refusing to eat fish-head soup. “This is not anything I would have signed a consent for,” said Connie Northrop at a school board meeting Monday. Her son was among the 34 students who participated in the mock 27-hour lockup at Wheaton College. “This is an outrage,” said another parent, Kay McKeen, whose teen-ager didn’t participate but whose concern prompted her to address the panel. “The intent of the program was to have the young people learn and gain an appreciation for our system of democ racy and our system of laws,” Carr said. “Also to give them somewhat of an understanding of what it would be like to be in prison other than perhaps in Du Page County. Example: a Third World situation,” he said. “I believe conceptually it’s a very good one (program), but we certainly can improve on our communication on some of the specifics” of what students were to be subjected to. Among those specifics were strip- searches, handcuffs, fish-head soup and chants of “you’re the scum of the earth’’ and “you’re dirty.” Other high school students have gone through it, and it has been the topic of feature stories in the Chicago Tribune and the Chronicle of Higher Education. School Superintendent Richard Short said of Oliphant. whom he and Carr both described as an outstanding teacher. “The objectives that he had were all sat isfied. My concern, and that of the par ents, was that he went beyond experi ences reasonable for high school students. Particularly when the parents were not fully aware of what was going to happen.” But student most ununimons who participatedweiej tkr.j r prake “I’m shaking. I'm so angry atiIkj parents,’’ senior Kelly Kyler, IS.saiJj a recent meeting on the exercise. “It’ not that 1 ever wanted 10504 prison. But now 1 have a view of these (incarcerated) people »t ( through. I learned about myself,"j|g said. “I think it’s very unfair Mr.Oliplm has got to go through this." Kylersaii 164 presumed dead in Indian air disasters The simulation was held on the fifth floor of the Billy Graham Center in con nection with the Christian college’s Insti tute for Prison Ministries. “The word ’outrage’ doesn’t even be gin to touch how I feel,” she said. The Board of Education has asked It was supervised by Institute Director Don Smarto, who acted as “warden,” and two Wheaton College students, who acted as “guards.” Students from the college have partici pated in simulated lockups through the sociology department since 1983, AHMADABAD. India (AP) — A Boeing 737 jetliner and another Indian passenger plane crashed in bad weather within two hours of C3C h other Wednes day, and authorities said 164 people are believed dead. The Indian Airlines jet was trying to land in heavy fog at the western city of Ahmadabad when it slammed into a tree, hit a power line and crashed. All but five of the 135 people aboard were killed, and three of the survivors were in serious condition with bums and broken bones. allegedly failing to maintain preflij safety procedures. OAKL/ even by gi the sevent Angeles D and movir champions The crip first since in Game 5 lead in the Howell, run in the time. He r seventh ah McGwii pitch fastt Tracy Wo ballpark w he pitched He ende seco, who with the t; foul pop tc The D01 by the hon way, with able to sta forced to 1 The cause of the crash was noli® diately known, but one airlineoffc who spoke on condition of anonwi said the airline suspects the crashn caused by a technical malfunction tis plicated by bad weather. rung. Oaklanc Patil said he did not rule out sabot and ordered an investigation headed' high court judge. DEFENSIVE DRIVING. GOT A TRAFFIC TICKET? GET YOUR TICKET DISMISSED?! 693-1322. 909 S.W.Parkway. 26tl2/09 A recording between the piloi Hurry! Available space for A&M skiers is filling fast, on Sunchase Tours’ Seventh Annual January Collegiate Winter Ski. Breaks to Steamboat, Vail, Winter Park and Keystone, Colorado. Trips include lodging, lifts, parties and picnics for five, six or seven days from only il56! Round trip flights and group charter bus trans portation available. Call toll free. 1-800-321-5911 for more information and reservations TODAY! 21110/24 — HAPPY BIRTHDAY! DOROTHY JUDGE From all your Aggie Friends! Rob, Rene, Julie, Velia, and Inky! 38110/20 FAA to pass order for more complete inspection of jets 30-y< Id About 1.25 hours lati Fokker Friendship propeller plane leasee by Indian Airlines to the domestic carriei Vayudoot hit the side of a hill in casterr India during a severe rainstorm, and al 34 people aboard were feared dead, off! cials said. ADOPTION A BETTER FUTURE FOR YOUR BABY Happy, financially secure, educated couple will give newborn love and life’s best opportunities. Expenses paid. Legal. Call collect Lynn and Martin (212)362-6884. 36tio/28 If you are pregnant and unable to keep your baby, please consider adoption: Happily married couple seeks baby to share our hearts and home. Will provide every opportunity for happy, healthy life. Confiden tial, legal, expenses paid. Call collect (213)543-4942. 32t 10/25 WASHINGTON (AP) —The Federal Aviation Administration said Wednes day it was speeding up an order for more thorough inspections of aging Boeing 737 jetliners after a row of cracks, in cluding one a foot long, was found on a Continental Airlines plane. But FAA and industry officials said the cracks, discovered by Continental workers on Oct. 5 while the plane was being repainted, may have been caused by the improper patching of the plane more than two years ago and not by stress from aging. Fourplex in Bryan. 2 bdrm/1 bath, extra storage, new carpet throughout. Wyndham Mgmt. 846-4384. 5tfn • FOR LEASE Duplex in Bryan. 2 bdrm/1 bath, fireplace, ceiling fan, new carpet throughout. Wyndham Mgmt. 846-4384. Sublease IBdrm./Bth. Bryan Apartment. $175./mo.,close to campus. Shuttle. 823-5735. 35tl0/20 Federal authorities are asking Conti nental for records of the repair work, which apparently took place when the plane was operated by now-defunct Frontier Airlines, to determine whether the 50-square-inch patch had been at tached properly. Continental absorbed Frontier in 1986. this week, probably Friday. FAA spokesman Bob Buckhorn said. The inspections, aimed at older Boe ing 737s with 40,000 or more landings, are not likely to interfere with normal op erations because the FAA will allow the checks to be conducted during routine maintenance. Some air carriers with older 737s likely already have begun the inspections in anticipation of the order, officials said. It was not clear how many 737s would be subject to the inspection order. According to the Boeing Co., about 225 of the twin-engine jets have had close to 40,000 landings, although some of those probably are foreign-owned. The Aloha plane had more than 89,000 landings. Indian Airlines Flight 131. was flying from Bombay with 129 passengers and six crewmembers when it crashed at 7:40 a.m. on its final approach to Ahmadabad airport, about 500 miles southwest of New Delhi. Federal Aviation Minister Shiv Raj Patil said the death toll of 130 was the worst in the carrier’s 26-ycar history. It was the airline’s 16th major acci dent. The govemment-run airline, which flies to 73 airports in India and to nine other countries, has come under fire for exas A& ad Saturc to pull off a \ \ In i vonirol tower gave noiMoncomini L .1(1011 of trouble I Nearly 33 Kv-s^iR' workers tound the (lighiitjH Aggies s and cockpit voice recorders in smelt Bed Rice ing wreckage and bkxxfstameddctn Bl Owls, I he fokker Friendship cnshdr lKe ganies I 4ix) toot hill near GuwahaC mpiB’et, Coue about 960 miles cast of NewDehlB to put w as nearing the end of a flight &oinsB as A&M -har. about 112 miles to the soulhcK Blswinles' I Down 12-' I he plane, made in 1958, itjiinB8 amc xro visibility to air-traffic contit(hB ouc ^' lV '- and then lost contact with the Gpu control tower two minutes befoiti 8:55 a.m. crash. C. Das. the top chit for Guwahati district,sa»i ato All 31 members \ engers and three a eared dead, he said The crash site, in a dense forest,ra not be reached because of rain World Briefs Room & bath, util, pd., 1 block to campus, private en trance. $ 170/mo. 764-7363-or 693-5286. 38t 10/25 • FOR SALE 8-month-old Vittus racing bike. Light metallic blue, 56cm. French rnadealuminum frame, 20 lbs. entire weight. Paid $1300, sell $875. Call 9p.m.- 11p.m. 822- 7542 38t 10/26 *83 KZ-550 Kawasaki low mileage good condition best offer. Call after 6:00p.m. 823-4525 39tl0/26 1979 Camaro loaded low : sell. Archie 260-2875 lileage. $2500 O.B.O. Must 37t 10/24 Car FM Digital Cassette Auto Reverse. ‘Sharp’, New $90. 696-0464 or 845-3759. 37tl0/24 The older Boeing 737s have been the focus of attention since last April, when a 20-foot section of the roof of an Aloha Airlines plane tore away at 24,000 feet. A flight attendant was swept to her death, but the plane landed safely. The new FAA-directed inspections have been under review for months, but were ordered sped up after the discovery of the crack on the Continetnal plane. The order is expected to be issued later According to the Air Transport Asso ciation, 570 Boeing 737s were being op erated by U.S. airlines at the end of 1987, but many are newer models that likely would not be subject to the surveillance. The planes are widely used by Continen tal, United Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Piedmont Airlines, USAir and South west Airlines. Under the order, airlines must conduct the inspections in some cases, within 500 landings or when the plane reached a to tal of 40,000 landings and use sophisti cated electronic equipment to detect small cracks in some areas of the air craft. Eureka Timberline 2-person tent. $45. Call 845-7201. Ask for Charlie. 37tl0/20 ’84 Honda Aero 125. Red, 2,300 mi. Excellent condi tion, new battery. $675. 822-5090. 36tl0/21 1985 Red Nissan 300ZX Turbo, T-tops, like new. Brett. 764-0682. 38t 10/25 Bill limiting advertising threatened by Reagan veto Suicide car bomb kills 7 at Israeli border A sui- dm MFTULLA. Israel (AP) cide car bomb exploded W near Israel’s “Good Fence" border crossing in south Lebanon, killing seven Israeli soldiers and wounding eight others and two Lebanese civil ians. the military command said. In Beirut, the Islamic Resistance claimed responsibility. The same co alition of pro-Iranian fundamentalist groups claimed responsibility for a car bomb that wounded three Israels in August. The military wing of HezbolM the Party of God militia based in Be: rut. also claimed responsibility according to Middle East Television, a Christian run station. Hezbollahte- longs to Islamic Resistance. The TV report, monitored in Me- tulla, said, “The car bomb toreapm a minibus full of soldiers." District judge shot by estranged husband Time's Running Out! WORD PROCESS IN G- Papers, resumes, theises, dis sertations. Rush services. Call Becky. 822-2118. 16t9/19 Permanently disabled man wants to work at home. I type, own a Word Processor computer program, & let ter quality printer. I will stuff envelopes, do mail-outs, 8c phone work. Please call Bill at 846-2678. 38t 10/26 TYPING/WRITING SERVICE by professional. Desk top publishing, graphics. Cindy 696-9622 37t 10/24 ON THE DOUBLE Professional Word Processing, laser jet printing. Papers, resume, merge letters. Rush services. 846-3755. 181tfn Typing: Accurate, 95wpm, reliable. Word Processor. 7days a week. 776-4013. 27tl2/07 TYPING—WORD PROCESSING—REASONABLE RATES—BEST SERVICE IN TOWN. 764-2931 33t 12/07 Experienced librarian will do library research for you. Call 272-3348. 26U0/31 BETTER GRADES! PHD develops learning/test-tak ing skills-aids in term-paper research subjects: English composition & rhetoric, ESL, History, Government, German. Call: 776-5276 38tl0/28 WASHINGTON (AP) —The Senate sent a bill to President Reagan on Wednesday reimposing time limits on advertising during children’s shows and requiring stations to provide informative programming for children, but there were signs that Reagan may veto the measure. Supporters called the bill a victory for America’s children, but the administra tion has labeled it inappropriate, ill-ad vised and inimical to the spirit of the First Amendment, which guarantees free speech. The Justice Department has rec ommended that Reagan veto the bill on constitutional grounds. limits abandoned by the Federal Com munications Commission four years ago. The FCC had said commercials would be best regulated by the open marketplace. FCC Chairman Dennis Patrick said the measure was both unnecessary and ill- advised, particularly because the FCC has been considering taking action re lated to the commercialization of chil dren’s television. The Senate approved the bill on a voice vote. The House had passed it June 8 on a vote of 328-78. Rep. Edward J. Markey, D-Mass., a co-author of the measure, said the bill is the most important congressional statement on children’s television in a generation. He said it would challenge broadcasters to educate children crea tively rather than to exploit children commercially. The bill would reimpose advertising Children’s TV advocates who pressed for the bill said the FCC’s philosophy of deregulation was harming children. They said since 1984, stations have increased advertising during children’s shows and the quality of children’s programming has deteriorated as toy manufacturers have become heavily involved in devel oping shows based on their products. The bill would limit commercials in children's programs to lO’/z minutes per hour on weekends and 12 minutes per hour on weekdays. Stations would have until Jan. 1, 1990, to comply with the advertising limits. The FCC would be authorized to modify the time standards after Jan. 1, 1993. GRAND RAPIDS. Mich. (AP) A district court judge was shot and killed Wednesday in her chambers by her estranged husband, an off-duty police officer, who fired at other offi cers before surrendering, police said. District Judge Carol Irons, 40, the county’s first female judge, was pro nounced dead moments after her hus band went to her chambers to discuss personal matters. Grand Rapids Po lice Chief William Hegarty, said. “Judge Irons came out of chambers bent over with her hand: reaching for her throat, asking ‘Please, help me,”’ Hegarty said Clarence Ratliff, 53, a 21-year'ft cran of the police force, followed^ and fired at least two or three m® shots. Ratliff then exchanged gunfe briefly with three police officers fore surrendering. Fraud tied to one-third of bank dosings WASHINGTON (AP) — Fraud and misconduct play a part in nearly one-third of all commercial bank closings and more than three-quarters of all savings association failures, according to a congressional report released Wednesday. The study was conducted by a panel of the House Government Op erations Committee. The study comes during the worst year for failures of both types of in®' tutions since the Depression and®** congressional debate over whed*' taxpayers will be required to bail® 1 the fund insuring S&L deposits. Federal regulators say it u 1 $45 billion to $50 billion to the savings industry to hea Private analysts put the high as $100 billion. Idaho to ban importation of toxic wa^ BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Gov. Cecil Andrus on Wednesday banned further shipments of low-level radioactive waste into Idaho until the federal gov ernment opens a permanent reposi tory for that waste. “Any of this waste will be stopped at the border,” Andrus declared, ac cusing the government of welching on promises to begin moving millions of cubic feet of temporarily stored waste out ot the state. Andrus notified Energy Sectf |£l John Herrington of the banafK f[i turning from a one-day tour of 15 proposed Waste Isolation Piloi l’ t ject repository in New Mexico. The facility, in the desertneaff ; Isbad, was to open this month ^ permanent repository for more if'’’' million cubic feet of radk# 1 waste brought into Idaho. - ^ Call Battalion Classified 845-2611 ■§■ AM/PM Clinics P H M CLINICS Minor Emergencies Weight Reduction Program Stop Smoking Program 10% Discount With Student ID College Station 845-4756 693-0202 779-4756 Villa Maria EANERS ■■Ouality (Service" One-Hour Dry Cleaning (On Request) One-Day Shirt & Jean Service ■’It) Villa Maria Road Brvan, Texas 822-3^ 4 nu