The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 20, 1988, Image 18

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Around Town
Live Music
If your club has live music that you would like listed,
call At Ease at 845-3312.
Brazos Landing
Brazos Landing is at Northgate. Everyone is admitted. Beer
and wine are served. For more information call 846-3497.
Thursday — Progressive music with About 9 Times. $4 cover.
Friday — Brazilian music with Quizumba. $5 cover.
Saturday — Rock with Trout Fishing in America. $4 cover.
Children’s matinee performance at 2:30 p.m. $1 cover.
Cow Hop Annex.
Next to the restaurant at Northgate. Those 18 and older
admitted. Alcohol served to legal drinkers. Call 846-1588 for
more information.
Thursday — Rock with Patio Furniture. $2 cover.
Friday — Rock ’n’ roll the Flesh Harvesters. $2 cover.
Saturday — Rock ’n’ roll with Neue Regal. $2 cover.
Wednesday — Singalong with Sneaky Pete. $1 cover.
Eastgate Live
On Texas Avenue across from the east entrance of campus.
Those under 21 admitted. Legal drinkers can purchase wine or
beer. Call 764-2095 for more information.
Thursday — Reggae with Michael E. Johnson and the Killer
Bees. $5 cover.
Friday — Local music with the Change, 13th Floor, Patio
Furniture and the Monads. $5 cover.
Saturday — Original rock with the Kerouacs. $4 cover.
Tuesday — To be announced.
Wednesday —Lippman Jam. Open stage for musicians. No
'The Immigrant' depicts
Texan settler 's plight
By Staci Finch
Immigration has always
been the backbone of the
diverse American culture
that exists today.
Immigrants came to this
country for economic
reasons, religious reasons or
simply for a change of
Many older Americans
who immigrated tell stories
of coming to the United
States on boats from
Germany, Scotland or
Ireland, or of crossing the
Rio Grande from Mexico.
Often those stories
include the first sight of the
Statue of Liberty, or of the
first feel of American soil,
and are accompanied by a
tear of nostalgia at the
remembrance of an eventful
The Missouri Repertory
Theatre is bringing such a
tale of immigration to Texas
A&M Thursday night with
‘The Immigrant. ’’
The play tells the story of
Haskell Harelik, a Russian
Jew who immigrated to the
United States in search of
religious freedom. However,
instead of entering the
country by the usual New
York City route, Harelik
immigrated via Galveston,
Texas and eventually settled
in Hamilton, Texas to open
Harelik’s Department Store.
Written by Harelik’s
grandson, Mark Harelik, the
play is based on fact. It
follows the life of Harelik as
he adjusts to the American
people and their way of life,
and it shows how he leams
to deal in the department
store business.
The repertory company,
sponsored by the Mid-
America Arts Alliance, is
celebrating it’s 25th year of
existence. Patricia Meilrath
started the company in
1964. It’s now under the
executive directorship of
James E. Costin. The
Kansas City based company
has performed such diverse
works as Shakespeare’s
timeless “Hamlet” and
“Othello,” the classic “Glass
Menagerie” and “Nicholas
Nickelby” and the
contemporary “One Flew
Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, ”
among others.
The performance is
tonight at 8 in Rudder
Theater. Tickets are
available at the MSC Box
In Bryan at502 W. 25th Street. Those 18 and older admitted.
Beer and set-ups served. Call 775-9539 for more information.
Friday — Latin and Spanish with Jimmy Edwards. $6 cover.
Frank’s Bar and Grill
In College Station at 503 E. University Drive. All ages admitted.
Beer, wine and liquor are served to legal drinkers. Call 846-
5388 for more information.
Saturday — Jazz with Don Pope and Friends. $2 cover.
Hall of Fame
In Bryan on FM 2818 north of Villa Maria. Those 18 to 20
admitted on selected dates. Alcohol served to legal drinkers.
Call 822-2222 for more information.
Thursday — Nightlife. $2 cover.
Friday — American Sunrise. $4 cover.
Saturday — Texas Fever. $4 cover.
Kay’s Cabaret
At Post Oak Mall. Those 18 and older are admitted. Beer, wine
and liquor are served to legal drinkers. For more information,
call 696-9191.
Friday — Rock V roll with the Band With No Sleep featuring
Don Overby. $2 cover.
Saturday — Progressive country with James Shilling on guitar.
No cover.... ,.
Page 6/At Ease/Thursday, Oct. 20,1988
All movies and times are provided by the theaters,
and are subject to change.
Cinema Three
Cinema Three is at 315 College Ave. Call 693-2796
for more information.
The Last Temptation of Christ. Rated R.
Showtimes are 5:30 and 8:30. Ends Friday.
Pumpkinhead. Rated R.. Show times are 7:10
and 9:10
Gorillas In the Mist. Rated R. Showtimes are
7:00 and 9:25.
Halloween 4. Rated R. Showtimes are 7:15 and
9:15. Opens Friday.
Post Oak Three
Post Oak Three is at Post Oak Mall. Call 693-2796
for more information.
Die Hard. Rated R. Show times are 7:00 and 9:30.
The Accused. Rated R. Showtimes are 7:05 and
Alien Nation. Rated R. Showtimes are 7:15 and
Schulman 6
Schulman 6 is at2002 E. 29th. For more
information, call 775-2463.
Big. Rated PG. Show times are 7:20 and 9:50..
The Great Outdoors. Rated PG-13. Show times
are 7:15 and 9:30.
Young Guns. Rated R. Show times are 7:10 and
9:35. Opens Friday.
The Dead Pool. Rated R. Show times are 7:10 and
9:35. Ends Friday.
Big Business. Rated PG. Show times are 7:15 and
Nightmare On Elm Street 4. Rated R.
Showtimes are 7:00 and 9:40.
The Presidio. Rated R. Showtimes are 7:05 and
Plaza Three
Plaza Three is at226 Southwest Parkway. Call 693-
2457 for more information.
A Fish Called Wanda. Rated R. Show times are
7:10 and 9:35..
Imagine: John Lennon. Rated R. Show times are
7:15 and 9:40. Ends Friday.
Punch Line. Rated R. Show times are 7:05 and
Memories of Me. Rated PG-13. Show times are
7:15 and 9:40. Opens Friday.
Manor East Three
Manor East Three is at Manor East Mali. Call 823-
8300 for more information.
Heartbreak Hotel. Rated PG-13. Show times are
7:25 and 9:50.
Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Rated PG. Show
times are 7:05 and 9:35.
Eight Men Out. Rated R. Showtimes are 7:15 and