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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1988)
Page 6 The Battalion Tuesday, October 18,1988 Battalion dassmeds Nominees still Warped plan to battle for Texas votes by Scott McCullar AND NOH, A WKPP SPECIAL BULLETIN WITH MERRITT JELWA/IA/GS teff • HELP WANTED Safeway Stores Inc. has immediate temporary hostess po sitions for new Safeway Grand Open ing. Must be personable & neat in appear ance. Pay rate $4-5hr. depending on expe rience. Temporary two week positions, flexible hours. Interview & apply at Safeway lo cated at corner of Hwy 21 and Texas Ave. Wednesday Oct 19, 6:30-8:30:p.m. E- O-E M/F/H/V 3500/19 WENDY’S NOW HIRING Enthusiastic workers needed. Part-time, flexible hours, all positions. Two locations: 202 S.W. Parkway, College Station 693-4951. 3216 S. Texas Ave. Bryan 775-0183. Apply between 3&5pm. 33110/1; COLLEGE REP WANTED to distribute ‘Student Rate* subscription cards on campus. Good income, no selling involved. For information an application write torCAMPUS SERVICE, 1024 W. Solar Drive, Phoenix, Az. 85021 37tl0/18 Full and Part-time positions available. Apply in person at College Station, Long John Silvers. 37t 10/24 TACO CABANA is now hiring shift managers and as sistant managers. Send Resume To: 701 Texas Ave. South 77840 or call 693-1904 or 1 -(405)321 -7150. 33t 10/25 OVERSEAS JOBS®*®Summer, year-round. Europe, South America,Australia, Asia. All fields. $900-$2000. monthly. Sightseeing. Free information-Write IJC, P.O. Box 52-TX04, Corona Del Mar, California 92625. 29t 10/18 Part time Job. 20-30 hours measuring carpet in homes, taking care of warehouse and mi sc. duties. Transporta tion needed. Call for appt. 822-6619. 36t 10/21 FREE SPRING BREAK VACATION IN CANCUN! Become a college Tours Representative on your cam pus 8c get a free trip to cancun. It’s easy 8c we’ll provide everything you need. Absolutely nothing to buy. 1-800- 727-0005 for information. 36t 10/20 -Airline Jobs-Flight Attendants, all other occupations. (409)828-3434 ext. A-21. 35t 10/20 • FOR RENT Cotton Village Apts., Snook, Tx. 1 Bdrm,; $200 2 Bdrm.; $248 Rental assistance available! Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5pm. 4tt • TRAVEL * FOR LEASE • SERVICES $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 HAY FEVER STUDY Wanted: Individuals with nasal congestion/ blockage/runny nose to participate in a 5-7 day study (no blood drawn). $100 incentive for those chosen to participate. CALL PAULL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 776-6236 28ttfn $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 • FOR SALE 1979 Camaro loaded low mileage. $2500 O.B.O. Must sell. Archie 260-2875 37tl0/24 Car FM Digital Cassette Auto Reverse. ‘Sharp’, New $90. 696-0464 or 845-3759. 37tl0/24 Eureka Timberline 2-person tent. $45. Call 845-7201. Ask for Charlie. 37tl0/20 • NOTICE Fourplex in Bryan. 2 bdrm/1 bath, extra storage, new carpet throughout. Wyndham Mgmt. 846-4384. 5tfn Duplex in Bryan. 2 bdrm/1 bath, fireplace, ceiling fan, new carpet throughout. Wyndham Mgmt. 846-4384. 5tfn 2BDRM, 1 bath all appliances, ceiling fan, trees. $370- 395 a month. 693-1723. 17ttfn TEXAS COLLEGIATE SKI BREAK. In Steamboat. Deluxe ski in/ski out accommodations, lift tickets, six different parties, and many activities -please compare this trip to any-inforrnation. Call 693-7526. 28U0/18 Sublease IBdrm./Bth. Bryan Apartment. $175./mo..close to campus. Shuttle. 823-5735. 35t 10/20 $200 $ 2 0 0 $200 $200 URINARY TRACT INFECTION STUDY Do you experience frequent urina tion, burning, stinging or back pain when you urinate? Pauli Research will perform FREE Urinary Tract In fection Testing for those willing to participate in a 2 week study. $200 incentive for those who qualify. , Call Pauli Research International 776-6236 $200 $200 $200 $200 SKIN INFECTION STUDY G&S studies, inc. is participatingin a study on acute skin infections.If you have one of the following con ditions call G&S studies. Eligible- volunteers will be compensated. * infected blisters * infected burns * infected boils * infected cuts * infected insect bites * infected scrapes ("road rash”) G&S STUDIES, INC. 846-5933 WIN MILLIONS IN THE $ <fc ^ cp cp cp ^ ^ cp FLORIDA LOTTERY Write for more Information ^ ^ ^ ^ Cp Cp Cp vp vj> BIG TIME ENTERPRISES P.O. Box 320313 Tampa, Florida 33679 AUSTIN (AP) — Democratic presi dential candidate Michael Dukakis hasn’t written off Texas and continues cam paigning vigorously for the state, his Texas staff said Monday. “Mike Dukakis was in the state on Saturday, Lloyd Bentsen is in the state today (Monday) and Bentsen will be back at the end of the week. We are not pulling out,” Missy Mandell, spokes man for the Democratic campaign in Texas, said. Republican campaigners, meanwhile, said Vice President George Bush will continue to emphasize his adopted home state in the campaign’s final three weeks. “Texas is an absolute No. 1 priority for the Bush campaign and there is no scenario for a national Bush victory without us winning Texas,” Reggie Ba- shur, deputy campaign manager for Bush in the state, said. Their comments came after newspaper reports that the Dukakis campaign in Texas was being downgraded. A Washington Post story on Sunday said Dukakis would concentrate his ef forts on 18 states and the District of Co lumbia, with 272 electoral votes, two more than needed to win. WOMEN NEEDED FOR A NEW LOW-DOSE ORAL CONTRA CEPTIVE PILL STUDY. ELIGIBLEWOMEN PARTICIPATING IN THE 6 MONTH STUDY WILL RECEIVE THE FOLLOWING FREE: •oral contraceptives for 6 months •complete physical •blood work •pap smear •close medical supervision Volunteers will be compensated. For more information call: 846-5933 G&S studies, inc. (close to campus) • PERSONALS ADOPTION A BETTER FUTURE FOR YOUR BABY Happy, financially secure, educated couple will give newborn love and life’s best opportunities. Expenses paid. Legal. Call collect Lynn and Martin (212)362-6884. 36tto/28 Problem Pregnancy? We fasten, We core, We fietp •Free Pregrmmy Tests S •Concerned: Counselors Brazos Valley Crisis Pregnancy Service We’re Local! 3620 E. 29th Street (next to Medley's Gifts) 24 fir. hotline 623-CARE Time's Running Out! TYPING/WRITING SERVICE by professional. Desk top publishing, graphics. Cindy 696-9622 37tl0/24 Typing: Accurate, 95wpm, reliable. Word Processor. 7days a week. 776-4013. 27tl2/07 Experienced librarian will do library research for you. Call 272-3348. 26tl0/31 TYPING—WORD PROCESSING—REASONABLE RATES—BEST SERVICE IN TOWN. 764-2931 33tl2/07 ON THE DOUBLE Professional Word Processing, laser jet printing. Papers, resume, merge letters. Rush services. 846-3755. 181 tfn Gal's Body Shop-We do it right the first time! 823- 2610. 32ttfn WORD PROCESSING-Papeis. resumes, theises, tits sertations. Rush set t ices. C'.all Bee k\. 822-2118, I6t‘.t 10 • FOR SALE Call Battalion Classified 845-2611 OH, FOR PETE'S SAKE, WHATSO inPokTANTTHAT... § t sun goes D0VW?PILM.) fit ioacm[ Waldo by Kevin Thomas DEFENSIVE DRIVING, GOT A TRAFFIC TICKET? GET YOUR TICKET DISMISSED?! 693-1322. 909 S.W. Parkway. 26t 12/09 I lurry! Available space for A&M skiers is filling fast, on Sunchase Tours’ Seventh Annual January Collegiate Winter Ski. Breaks to Steamboat, Vail, Winter Park and Keystone, Colorado. Trips include lodging, lifts, parties and picnics for five, six or seven days from only >156! Round trip flights and group charter bus trans portation available. Call toll free. 1-800-321-5911 for more information and reservations TODAY! 2 It 10/24 MSC Council discusses A&M issues By Melinda Eddleman Reporter A new computer system is being con sidered to replace the existing system in the MSC, the MSC Council decided in a meeting Monday. James Reynolds, director of the MSC, said if the present computer systems go down, they remain down longer because two of the four components serving as part of the main frame are obsolete. Because parts cannot be purchased for the components, if the system went down, it would take 10-12 weeks for the MSC to regain computer capabilities. Several other issues were discussed in the meeting. Reynolds said President Mobley has provided divisions of the University the opportunity to meet with him for three hours per division to inform him of their activities. Dr. John Koldus, vice-presi dent of student services, will use one hour of the time alloted student services to share specific information with Mob ley. Twelve minutes will then be alloted for each of the student service divisions to make a direct presentation to the presi dent, he said. The council executive offi cers will meet this week to discuss how the MSC might make its presentation to Mobley. The Council also approved the MBA- /Law Symposium titled, “Destined for Success,” which is scheduled for Nov. 9 and 12. The symposium will host school representatives from most of the South west Conference schools, as well as some Ivy League schools including Har vard, Notre Dame and Cornell on Nov. 9. The symposium will emphasize grad uate programs in business and law and will have more than 18 speakers give presentations Nov. 12. Registration will be from Oct. 31 to Nov. 11, and will have a pre-registration cost of $5, or $8 at the door. The sympo sium is targeted at those students inter ested in earning law or business degrees. The council approved the Association of College Unions International regional conference next October, which will consist of schools from Arkansas, Loui siana and Texas. Reynolds said there are about 60 member schools in the three states that comprise the ACUI in Region 12. Be tween 30 and 50 educational sessions would be produced over a thrcc-day pc riod. About 250 students and faculty would attend the conference from mem ber schools. The Program Review Committee rec ommendation to increase the price of All Night Fair tickets from 10 to 20 cents also was approved. Barry Hoggard, executive vice presi dent for programs, said the All Night Fair has not broken even the last two years. He said this year the price of the tickets will be higher, and there willu be an admission fee. 'Hie council also approved the (ofc. ing: • Town Hall Coffee House held: Rumors Snack Bar Oct. 28, whidni include a guitarist and aone-aetplav • Political Fonim’s Election Aw ness Day/Mock Election for Nov. 2, • Political Fonim’s program Oct. J at 7 p.m. in 701 Rudder with Ba Boulter, who is running against Sa Lloyd Bentsen for the state Senate. State seeks felony on DWI charges If you are pregnant and unable to keep your baby, please consider adoption: Happily married couple seeks baby to share our hearts and home. Will provide every opportunity for happy, healthy life. Confiden tial, legal, expenses paid. Call collect (213)543-4942. 32t 10/25 BALCH SPRINGS (AP) —Balch Springs police said Monday they would seek felony driving-while-intoxicated and involuntary manslaughter charges against a Dallas man whose truck crashed into a station wagon, killing a 3- year-old girl. The accident occurred Saturday night after Balch Springs police attempted to stop a pickup driven by John Edward Ward. A high-speed chase ensued. Felicia Maurry died of injuries she suffered when the truck hit the back of the station wagon her father was driving at an intersection in East Dallas. The po lice were not involved in the accident. The girl’s father, Rodney, 25, was treated at Parkland Memorial Hospital and released. Her brother, Jeremiah, 4, was listed in serious condition Monday in the hospital’s trauma unit. Her mother, Rhonda, 22, underwent surgery Sunday and remained in serious condi tion. Ward, 33, underwent surgery Sunday and was listed in critical condition. Lt. Scott Ankrum of the Balch Springs Police Department said a blood sample taken from Ward at the hospital showed Ward had an alcohol content of .20, twice the acceptable level under Texas law. Ankrum said that because Ward had two prior DWI charges, the charge auto matically is a felony. He also said the Balch Springs office would work with the Dallas Police Department in seeking involuntary manslaughter charges. ACLU files suit for dying inmates HOUSTON (AP) — A class-action lawsuit pending in federal court here accuses the state prison system of in stituting a policy that denies inmates with AIDS and other deadly diseases access to pre-parole programs. The suit was filed by the Houston chapter of the American Civil Liber ties Union on behalf of an unnamed inmate infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. It claims that the Texas Department of Corrections discriminates against inmates with deadly diseases by de nying them access to pre-parole half way-house programs run by state of ficials. Such access, said ACLU attorney Bruce Griffiths, may mean an addi tional six months of freedom at a crit ical time in an inmate’s life. “Six months is clearly a long time,” Griffiths said. “Especially when he’s got a shorter life expec tancy.” T.J. Daughtery, director of the TDC Pre-Parole program, said the policy is not designed to discriminate against AIDS victims but was insti tuted solely as a matter of controlling medical costs. If inmates are on medication or un der a physician’s supervision, he said, they arc not put into the pro gram. “If we have to provide medical care. wc arc going to do it where itt the cheapest,” he said, adding to place is in prison. According to documents filed u the pending case, the inmate con sented to a blood test to detenraneif he was HIV positive in April whenli was in a prison hospital for a sin® condition. A month later, he was transfemi to Huntsville for orientation in th pre-parole program and then asst® to a halfway house in Houston. Ba less than two weeks later, he wastoii to return to TDC and there was toli he had tested positive for exposure!; HIV. Griffiths claims his client wasuM by prison medical authorities that lie was returned to prison because ike hallway houses are not equipped! care for someone with a “chronicdis- case.” But he said his client has not contracted AIDS and is stiff®; none of the symptoms. By removing his client from k halfway house. Griffiths said, TDC deprived him of a great deal of free dom afforded halfway house rtsi dents. But Griffiths said the lawsuit! most important goal is to stop ih state from allegedly discrimnutu against certain inmates and jaife them past the date they should beti leased. o MSC Political Forum ‘ECection 88: ‘Terris Candidates Series presents Will Davis vs. Dorothy Chandler for State Board of Education Tuesday, October 18 7:30 p.m. 701 Rudder Free Admission Reception to follow This program is presented for educational purposes, and does not constitute an endorsement for any speaker. AC WATCHES Mens & Ladies Texas A& Texas A&M SEIKO $32. 50 Compare elsewhere at $59. 00 Mens or Ladies $225 CHARMS Small $14. 95 Large $19. 95 We also carry a large selection of loose diamonds TEXAS COIN EXCHANGE 404 University, CS 846-8905 Go With Battalion Classified 845-2611 ’84 Honda Aero 125. Red, 2,300 mi. Excellent condi tion, new battery. $675. 822-5090. 36tl0/21