The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 10, 1988, Image 8
Battalion Classifieds HELP WANTED on the line Now that you’re completing your education, it’s time to think about your future. And as one of the most innovative compa nies of its kind, DSC Communications Corporation, can offer you more than just a place to start your career. You see, we’re without the red tape of a huge corporation or the growing pains of a small company. And that means you can put your education to work by really contributing to proj ects, while learning new technologies. For example, we're a recognized leader in the area of digital switching systems, signal transfer point and transmission and digital cross-connect technology, with a very diverse customer base. Which means challenging opportunities in high speed digital communications systems for invidividuals with a BS/MS, CS or EE and an interest in Software/System design development. So if you’re looking for the right company—and environ ment—to start a career in, look into DSC Communications Corporation. We'll be on campus October 14 for interviews. Or, if you are unable to see us, please send your resume or letter of interest with background history to: DSC Communications Corporation, Dept. TXAM1014, 1000 Coit Road, Plano, TX 75075. We are an equal opportunity employer M/F/H/V. SAFEWAY, INC. is accepting applications for part- time (15-24 hrs. per week) check ers, produce clerks and night Stockers ($3.80-$5.75 based on experience) and sackers ($3.50). Apply at Safeway store located at 1805 Brlarcrest Equal opportunity employer M/F/H/V * NOTICE MQM House work vacuuming, dusting, mopping, change beds. $5hr. 822-0592. Mrs. Hill SltlO/14 Delivery Drivers. Unlimited income. Flexible hours. Own car. License 8c insurance. Apply in person. 2406D, Texas Ave. 23t9/30 Assemblers. Earn money assembling musical Teddy Bears. Materials supplied. Write: J0-E1 Enterprises, 1\0. Box. 2203, Kissimmee, Florida. 32742-2203J4tl0/l4 wim ADOPTION If you are pregnant and unable to keep your baby, please consider adoption. Happily married couple seeks baby to share our heart & house. Will provide eveiy opportunity for happy, healthy life. Confidential, legal, expenses paid. Call Collect (213)543-4942. PROFESSORS Cash Paid For nPQIC OOPIFQ Call 268-4218 M-F 8:00-Noon for confidential Appt. After hours leave message HELP WANTED DRIVERS & CASHIERS PART- TIME, FATBURGER. COLLEGE STAITON. 846- 4234. 30U0/11 • 1 SERVICES Ideal Job!! Flexible hours & great pay. Need scorn or mktg majors interested in sales. 696-1151. 30tl0/l 1 OVERSEAS JOBS»««Summer, year-round. Europe, South America,Australia, Asia. All fields. $900-$2000. monthly. Sightseeing. Free information-Write IJC, P.O. Box 52-TX04, Corona Del Mar, California 92625. 29tl0/18 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 HAY FEVER STUDY ♦ TOR RENT Near Campus • Luxury 1 -2 Bedroom Units • Pool • Laundry • Shuttle • On-site Security • 24-Hr. Maintenance • Shopping Nearby Rent starts at $273 SEVILLA 1 Blk. South of Harvey Rd. 693-2108 ic All Bills Paid! •2 Bedroom 1 Vs- Bath • On Shuttle • Tennis • Pool • On-site Maintenance • Close to campus Rent Starts at $409 SCANDIA 693-6505 401 Anderson 1 Blk. off Jersey - W. of Texas Cotton Village Apts., Snook, Tx. 1 Bdrm,; $200 2 Bdrm.; $248 Rental assistance available! Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5pm. 4tt Wanted: Individuals with nasal congestion/ blockage/runny nose to participate in a 5-7 day study (no blood drawn). $100 incentive for those chosen to participate. CALL PAULL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 776-6236 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 URINARY TRACT INFECTION STUDY Do you experience frequent urina tion, burning, stinging oi back pain when you urinate? Pauli Research will perform FREE Urinary Tract In fection Testing for those willing to participate in a 2 week study. $200 incentive for those who qualify. Call Pauli Research International 776-6236 $20 0 $2 0 0 $200 $200 Fourplex in Bryan. 2 bdrm/1 bath, extra storage, new carpet throughout. Wyndharh Mgmt. 846-4384. 5tfn Duplex in Bryan. 2 bdrm/1 bath, fireplace, ceiling fan, new carpet throughout. Wyndham Mgmt. 846-4384. 5lfn • FOR SALE 2 Bdrm. Studio, ceiling fan, appliances, pool, shuttle. $360.-385.693-1723. lltfn 2BDRM, 1 bath all appliances, ceiling fan, trees. $370- 395 a month. 693-1723. I7ttfn rVlNOTiCE WOMEN NEEDED FOR A NEW LOW-DOSE ORAL CONTRA CEPTIVE PILL STUDY. ELIGIBLEWOMEN PARTICIPATING IN THE 6 MONTH STUDY WILL RECEIVE THE FOLLOWING FREE: •oral contraceptives for 6 months •complete physical •blood work •pap smear •close medical supervision Volunteers will be compensated. For more information call: 846-5933 G & S studies, inc. (close to campus) TUTORING PhD develops learning/test-taking skills-aids in term-paper research sub jects: English composition & rhetoric, ESL, History, Government, German. CALL: 776-5276 (Answering machine) NEED A HOUSEPLANT? We have many varieties-3types of palms, 3 sizes of ficus, dwarf schefflera, giant ivy, century plant, airplane plant, dracaena, and more-prices start at $6. Call 846-8908 Aggie Special-6ft. braided ficus $15. 30110/10 DEFENSIVE DRIVING, GOT A TRAFFIC TICKET? GET YOUR TICKET DISMISSED?! 693-1322. 909 S.W.Parkway. 26tl2/09 Hurry! Available space for A&M skiers is filling fast, on ~ s’ Se Sunchase Tours’ Se\ enth Annual January Collegiate Winter Ski. Breaks to Steamboat, V’ail, Winter Park and Keystone, Colorado. Trips include lodging, lifts, parties and picnics for five, six or seven days from only $156! Round trip flights and group charter bus trans portation available. Call toll free. 1-800-321-5911 for more information and reservations TODAY! 21tl0/24 • TRAVEL Page 8 The Battalion Monday, October 10,1988 Pontiff: Anti-Semitism opposes Christian ideals STRASBOURG, France (AP) —Pope John Paul II on Sunday condemned anti- Semitism as being opposed to the prin ciples of Christianity during a pilgrimage to northeastern France. John Paul made his statement to the Jewish community in this historic city on the second day of a four-day visit to the region. His journey to France is his 40th foreign trip since becoming pope in 1978. The speech occurred at a time of ten sion in France over anti-Semitism and racism. Ultra-conservative Catholics count heavily among the followers of right-wing politician Jean-Marie Le Pen, who campaigns on an anti-immigrant platform and has been accused of making anti-Semitic remarks. Also Sunday, the pope saluted Mos lems and called on Protestants to be pa tient with efforts to unify the Roman Catholic church and other Christian churches. John Paul took a cruise on the Rhine River to talk to shipworkers, said Mass for the diocese of Strasbourg and helped celebrate the city’s 2,000th anniversary, addressing thousands of citizens in French and in their Alsatian dialect. The Jewish community of Strasbourg sent a letter to the Vatican several months ago protesting continuing in stances of Catholics blaming the Jewish people for the killing of Christ and asked the pope to recognize the state of Israel, WORD PROCESSING-Papers, resumes, theises, dis sertations. Rush services. Call Becky. 822-2118. I6t9/19 Jean Kahn, president of the Strasbourg Jewish Community, said. In a meeting at the residence of Stras bourg’s archbishop, the pope told the Jewish representatives the two religions honored the same God and had a com mon heritage and values. “It is, therefore, in deep fidelity to the vocation to which the God of peace and justice calls us — and with us, all the Eu ropean peoples — that I repeat once again with you the strongest condemna tion of all anti-semitism and of all rac ism, which are opposed to the principles of Christianity and for which there exists no justification in the cultures that would be tempted by them,” the Polish-bom pope said. Experienced librarian will do library research for you. Call 272-3348. 26t 10/31 “For the same reasons, we must dis card any religious prejudice that history has shown us as inspired by anti-Jewish stereotypes. ’ ’ The pope spoke to about 30 men in skullcaps who listened solemnly to his speech, then presented him with a book titled “Jews in France” and a painting of the Strasbourg synagogue built to replace one destroyed by German soldiers who occupied the city during World War II. kaway Archishop Marcel Lefebvre, have rejected the teachings of the 1962-65 Second Vatican Council that state the Jewish people are not responsible for the death of Christ. Lefebvre was excommu nicated last summer for elevating several followers to bishops in defiance of church authority. The Jewish community of Strasbourg, now with 15,000 members, was sub jected to massacres and expulsions in the 14th century and persecution during World War II. Germans who occupied the city in 1940 destroyed the synagogue and 800 Jews were shot or deported. The pope praised the Jews’ witness to their faith, which he said "went as far as martyrdom, that survived the long shad ows of incomprehension, of the horrible abyss of the Shoah (Holocaust).” He did not discuss Israel. Vatican offi cials have cited Israel’s unsettled borders and the status of Jerusalem as obstacles to the Catholic Church’s recognition of the Jewish state. The Vatican also says Palestinians are entitled to a homeland. The pope in turn presented the Jewish delegation with papal medals. Some arch-conservative French Cath olics, particularly those inspired by brea- Earlier, the 68-year-old pope heard a challenge from the leader of Strasbourg’s Protestant community, Michel Hoeffel, who said churches were moving too slowly toward unity, causing true suffer ing among the faithful, especially cou ples of mixed marriage who wanted to receive the Eucharist together. Woman has sextuplets in Rome ROME (AP) — A 26-yeai-old woman gave birth to sextuplets all Rome hospital, but one baby did Sunday and one was in guarded® dition, doctors said. The other four infants were it- ported doing well. The four boys and two girls m born Saturday in Gemelli Hospitalt Lucia Soma, who was reported in good condition. Dr. Costantino Romagnolisaidlhi 1-pound, 7-ounce boy whodiedsif- fered from underdeveloped lungs as: had been kept alive with a respirator He said another boy was jj guarded condition. The babies, who were bomprenu turely after seven months, mustsar vive at least 96 hours before they in considered out of danger, Romagm said. The mother, who had taken ferti- ity drugs, had been pregnant seven babies, but one died in lit womb four weeks ago, according:: Lorenzo Sommella, vice direclot if health services at Gemelli Hospila The father, Saverio Catapano, said he is a worker who earnsaliltlt more than $700 a month andthaiit and his wife share one room ini house owned by his in-laws. Agents scrutinize Bakkers’ finances CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — While Jim and Tammy Bakker have been asking for money to regain control of PTL and set up a new television min istry, federal agents have been keeping a close watch on their fund-raising tactics. “I imagine they’re checking very carefully to see what he’s doing,” said Hendersonville lawyer Jim Toms, one of Bakker’s attorneys. He said federal au thorities have questioned him about the recent fund-raising. “They’re looking at it critically, but are keeping an open mind,” Toms said. “They’re giving him room to see what he is really going to do.” The focus on the latest fund-raising ef fort comes in the midst of a 14-month- long federal grand jury investigation into possible wrongdoing by the former PTL president and founder and his top aides. Bakker won’t disclose how much his latest efforts have raised. But Toms said he is keeping federal authorities posted on Bakker’s activities and has offered to let Internal Revenue Service agents in spect Bakker’s financial records. In a fund-raising campaign launched last month, the Bakkers mailed about 200,000 packets to potential donors across the nation. Cards in the packets spell out their in tentions: “Your gifts are used to support Jim and Tammy and all their ministry. They have the discretion to allocate your gift where needed. Jim and Tammy have a nonprofit ministry. New Covenant Partners and Church, and are proceeding to apply for tax exemption, but your gift is not tax deductible at this time.” Charles Alexander, the Justice Depart ment prosecutor heading the grand jury investigation, declined to say if agents are asking about the Bakkers’ latest fund-raising techniques. “I have no comment at all,” Alexan der told the Charlotte Observer. “I don’t even acknowledge the existence of an in vestigation.” Les Witmer, an IRS spokesman in At lanta, said: “Obviously, based on pre vious activities, the Internal Revenue Service would be very interested in the fund-raising activities of the new cor poration.” The IRS in April revoked PTL’s tax- exempt status on the ground that Bakker operated it mostly to make money — not to minister. Bakker resigned as PTL president in March 1987 after admitting a one-time sexual encounter with former church sec retary Jessica Hahn. Three months later, PTL filed forib ganization under federal bankw; laws, and a bankruptcy judge has se ordered the ministry to sell its assets the Heritage USA Christian retreaia theme park, the PTL satellite TV * work and 1,700 undeveloped acres land. Bakker’s bid to buy the assets:: through last month. Last week. Memick, a Toronto businessman.w the bidding for PTL with an $115 million. Soviets report first AIDS death MOSCOW (AP) — : The Soviet Union on Sunday reported its first AIDS death, that of a pregnant prostitute from Lenin grad, and authorities may publish her photograph to alert her sexual partners. The 29-year-old woman died Sept. 5 of pneumonia follow ing a 26-pound weight loss, chronic tonsillitis and bronchitis and a serious decline in the count of her immune system’s T- cells, the labor newspaper Trudreported. All are common symptoms of aquired immune deficiency syndrome, and the newspaper noted that epidemiologists were incensed that the woman’s doctors failed to diagnose AIDS before she died. authorities are considering publishing the womans graph to alert her partners, the paper said. She was registered as a night school student andasawerb at a factory, but police said she earned her living as apis tutc for foreigners. Soviet officials say they have identified 83 AIDS car; but only one person who has developed the deadly disease However, they say other cases may have been diagnose! correctly. AIDS is caused by a virus that damages the body'simiB system, leaving victims susceptible to infections andcantet They are now trying to locate the victim’s sexual partners to determine who else might be infected with the disease, and It is spread most often through sexual contact, syringes shared by drug abusers, infected blood or ucts, and from pregnant women to their offspring. Renaissance Festival (Continued from page 6) Typing: Accurate, 95wpm, reliable. Word Processor. 7days a week. 776-4013. 27tl2/07 CAL’S BODY SHOP. 10% discount to students on 1 Tor. Precise color matching. Foreign & Domestics. . y /ears experience. 823-2610. Ill tfn son said. “We have nine types of banners with pictures of griffins, dragons, castles and unicorns on them, which run for $20 each. Our tents are popular, too.” Daw son said they make five kinds of tents, which sell to both individuals and other Renaissance festivals around the coun try. “Our most common style is a closed tent with a teardrop-shaped entry and 16- foot peak,” Dawson said. “But we sell many open tents, too.” The average price for the hand-made tents is about $1,000 to $1,500, he said. If the 225 shops can’t hold the visi tors’ interest, they can watch plays, mu sical groups, magicians and other per formers on any of the many stages on the festival grounds. Michael Kaufman, also known as “Magical Mystical Michael,” presents a unique mixture of magic and humor. “My great-great-grandfather handed these magical secrets down to my great grandfather,” Kaufman said during a performance. “My great-grandfather handed them down to my grandfather. And my grandfather sold them to me.” Kaufman is one of many professionals who work the Renaissance Festival “circuit,” including about 30 festivals nationwide. The festivals start in April in Florida and end in November in Texas. “1 started doing Renaissance Festivals in 1978 in California, and then went to Minnesota and Texas,” Kaufman said. “I used to do street shows in California, but I prefer doing the festivals. There’s more money in them, for one thing, and they’re more controlled. You don’t have to worry about getting run off of the road.” Kaufman’s show is about half an hour long. “One thing I really like about the festi val here in Texas is that there’s 30 min utes between each show,” Kaufman said. “It’s a great idea. If you really get caught up in your act, it gives you a few extra minutes to go over without running into the next performer’s time. It’s also a nice break for the audience.” Less structured events take place all over the festival site. James Ellis, known as Deante Fettucci, does a tightrope act in the middle of town that even includes juggling cooked pasta. “I’ve been working the circuit for seven years now,” Ellis said. “This is my first year here at the Texas festival, and I think it’s going to be great.” Ellis joined his first testival in children's coin? when he was 12. In addition to plays, shows and to visitors can enjoy many games, irf ing dart tosses, dunking games climbing Jacob’s Ladder. They als watch chariot races and joist! matches. Food is also a major attractioni many guests. Turkey legs, sausage# stick, com on the cob, steak-on-a© apple dumplings and Italian ictsJ common fare. New this year are btsii a Cajun-style sausage, seafood! and fish and chips. The festival, which runs weeiS through Nov. 13, is locatednearCoa'' six miles south of Plantersville oik 1774. Tickets are $12 for adults for children 5 to 12 years old. Clt under 5 are free. ON THE DOUBLE Professional Word Processing, laser jet printing. Papers, resume, merge letters. Rush services. 846-3755. ISltfn of. 1 L his qu 71 aft NISSAN 300ZX, TURBO, '86, MAROON, LEATHER, AM/FM STEREO, CASSETTE, 4 SPK., T-TOP, DIGITAL INST. PANEL, LOW MILEAGE, EXCELLENT CONDITION, 696-4358 3U10/14 HP-41C calculator with 2 memory modules, math pac; $85. Lin 823-0701. 31tl0/10 Vespa scooter, P200E, red, good condition, price nego tiable, 696-3337 Sean 29tl0/10 TEXAS COLLEGIATE SKI BREAK In Steamboat. Deluxe ski in/ski out accommodations, lift tickets, six different parties, and many activities -please compare this trip to any-information. Call 693-7526. 28tl0/18 MSC Political Forum IT S NOT TOO LATE. to GET INVOLVED m POLITICAL FORUM GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12 7:00 PM 4^ ^Tr MSC 226 4^ p ■ M CLINICS AM/PM Clinics Minor Emergencies Weight Reduction Program Stop Smoking Program 10% Discount With Student ID College Station 845-4756 69b-0202 779-475! PIZZA (•FACTORY) Call 76-GUMBY “The Pizza Factory will BEAT THE HELL outta competitors prices” Monday Special 12” Pepperoni: $4.20 plus tax i i i i i i i i Tuesday Sped $1 00 off The Deal 12” 1-item plus soda for $4.65