The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 07, 1988, Image 11
Friday, October 7, 1988 The Battalion Page 11 12th Man Scoreboard Fencers maul opponents in own Open tourney The A&M fencing team hosted the Heavy Metal Open at DeWare Field House last Saturday and gouged the opposition with a strong team perfor mance. Fencing club President Daniel Hermes led the team with a second place finish in the mixed foil compe tition and a fourth place showing in men’s epee. Matt Stewart was sev enth in men’s epee behind teammate Tom Champney who was fifth. Ge off Horn contributed a sixth place fin ish in sabre competition. Ann-Marie Walters had a fourth place showing in the mixed foil event 12th Man Sports to lead the Aggie women. The team opened the season with competition in the Bragging Rights Open two weeks ago in Calvert. The team competed as part of a larger team representing the Gulf Coast division of the Texas Fencing League. A&M’s division swept the competition as Walters, A&M's team instructor, and Janet Harkness placed third and eighth, respectively, in the women’s foil event. Hermes was fifth in men’s foil and Stewart was fourth in men's epee. Aggie men’s rugby has high hopes for season Men's Rugby A perennial powerhouse hopes to regain some prestige this year as the Texas A&M men’s rugby team kicks off the 1988 season with a road game against the Houston Strikers. After rebuilding the last couple of years the team hopes to return to the National Collegiate Championships after a three-year absence. “We’re all fired up and ready to go,” club spokesman James Good man said. “Our aim is to win the col legiate championship this year.” A&M won the championship four teen years in a row from 1972 to 1985, Goodman said. The team fields two teams, one for experienced play ers and another for beginners. It is part of the A&M rugby club which is 45 members strong this year. The club practices every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the Polo Field on the A&M campus. Anyone interested in joining the club only needs to come to a practice to join. Men’s lacrosse team exhibits skills Saturday Texas A&M’s men’s lacrosse club plays it’s first matches of the fall ex hibition season this weekend at the Simpson Drill Field. Saturday at 11 a.m. the club takes on a group of former club members who are now playing with other clubs around the state. Sam Houston comes to town Sunday for a noon match. “It’s a chance to get our skills back sse in shape and introduce some of our rookies to game conditions,” said Bob Lenzen, chairman of the club. Lenzen said the club has around 40 players now and is looking for more. Anyone interested in playing can come to Simpson (north of the M.S.C.) for evening practice. Aggies bowl over opponents in first tourney A strong performance by Susan Evans led the way as the Texas A&M bowling team struck into the 1988 season at a tournament in Lafayette, La., last weekend. Evans took second place in the women’s singles and all-around events as the Aggie women finished in third place in the team standings and third in the team overall event. Bowling The men’s team finished second in team play and 4th in the overall team competition. Teams representing Memphis State, Houston, Grambling, South east Louisiana and New Mexico State participated against A&M. .obinson could join Spurs In time for season opener SAN ANTONIO (AP) —- U.S. Olym- | basketball player David Robinson, San Antonio Spurs top draft pick in 87, will ask the Navy for an early re- se him from his two-year commit- , Robinson’s father has told the San \ntonio Light. Sources quoted by the newspaper in a iry Thursday said the 7-1 center could in a Spurs uniform as early as the |ov. 5 opener against the Los Angeles Jeers. “You’re ready to see him in San An- ffinio. I’m ready to see him there and he s ready to go. We’re going to see if he in be released; we’re going to ask,” [mbrose Robinson said. “That doesn't mean they will approve lomiii is is* enes i (Continued from page 9) iMet’s style. They take aim and go for it. ■ On the other coast, the Dodgers are gjjpst the opposite of the Mcts. HThey have an image like the Dallas jowboys had a few years ago — the Ihite knights of the sports world. Like le Cowboys, the Dodgers are a “love 'em or hate ’em” team. [Most fans around here don’t like ’em fcd they usually give the same reasons, rings like “They always win,” and “La- Irda just gets on my nerves,” or even jhose guys look like they should be playing beach volleyball, not hard ball.” What the complaints usually boil .COIH®:' ardee lemei >cial ssizen nes all 1 12-31-h |(Continued from page 9) Chough he had a timeout left, Bryant [darned a game-winning field-goal at- ipt, a decision that cost the Aggies a feet season. C'On fourth down Osborne rolled out to to left with Crow and Pardee ahead of i, but was thrown for a 6-yard loss by [ddy Boek (who had come into the just prior to this play). f’Crow and I were out there to block Tim but Roddy got in front of us and Js tackled in the backfield, ” Pardee V. “From there just about any play ^ild have worked, but we didn’t Houston ran one play and came away pjoyed with the tie. A&M dropped to i in the next Associated Press poll. Jhe Aggies played TCU at Kyle Field la tornado and won 7-6. Pardee played [in but wasn’t supposed to play at all |iinst Baylor. Tie didn’t start the game but after two lesBryant put him in, saying later that [got tired of Pardee walking up and ^nthe sideline with me”, i what Crow, Conrad, Goehring and Idee all said was one of the toughest games they ever played, A&M defeated Baylor 19-13. Capping a spotless 6-0 SWC record (the last time A&M has gone undefeated in conference play) A&M defeated Texas 34-21 in its first win ever in Me morial Stadium. After taking an early 21-0 lead, Bry ant pulled his starters in the second quar ter after which Texas, led by quarterback Joe Clements, rallied for two touch downs. Pardee ended any Longhorn hope of a comeback by taking the second-half kickoff 97 yards to the Texas 2 where Clements tackled him. “I told him in the huddle that he should have let me have the ball and 1 would have scored,” Crow said Wednesday. ”1 probably wouldn’t have, but Jack was breathing hard when he got back to the huddle.” A&M scored the game-breaking touchdown, winning what Crow called “likely the biggest win of our careers for most of the guys on our team. Pardee looks forward to playing the Aggies, saying that “You don’t ever want to be embarrassed in front of your friends — and I have lots of Aggie friends.” • We Deliver • 846-5273 • We Deliver • 846-5273 • (fi&M Stcakhousc! 108 College Main Announces a Steak ’n Eggs Breakfast Special! $2.99 ► 1/4 lb Char-grilled »- 2 Morning Fries Sirloin Steak ► 2 Toast or Biscuit ► 2 Eggs any style > Coffee • We Deliver • 846-5273 • We Deliver • 846-5273 • ff> AM/PM Clinics CLINICS Our New College Station location « * offers Birth Control Counseling Women’s Services Female doctors on duty Student 10% discount with ID 693-0202 it, but we’re trying to sort everything out,” he said. “We really don’t know what it’s going to take for it to happen. ” Robinson, who signed a reported $26 million, eight-year contract, is com mitted to the Navy through next summer and previously has said he would not ask the Navy for an early release. Spurs owner B.J. “Red” McCombs and Assistant to the Owner Bob Bass said they hoped Robinson would be re leased after the Olympics. “We certainly hope it comes true and he gets here, ...” Bass said, “but right now we’re not familiar with the whole situation.” down to are that the Dodgers are in first place again and that people are sick of it. And their fans. They look like they came straight to the game from the bal let. Only in L.A. Frankly, I don’t know how the Dodg ers win so many pennants. They don’t have any of the big names they used to win with. Guys like Steve Garvey are gone. Even Pedro Guerrero is out of Dodger blue, and Fernando Valenzuela is out for the year. Still they win. For Astro fans, it’s not a lot to choose from. But Astro fans can’t be in the choosy market right now, either. THE PASS WORD IS AVANT Pass indeed! Studies show that more than 85 % of the purchasers of Avant CPA Review software have passed their CPA exam. They pass because Avant is actually fun to use. 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