The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 11, 1988, Image 6

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    Page 6/The Battalion/Thursday, August 11,1988
"EJ a t n f >B 1 TH W~%
■jBimmr %*m %« JH Ji
IMlii -1 4m«P M m JI
• Briar Oaks Townhomes
• Briarcrest 4-Plexes
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• Wilde Oak Circle Apts.
• Wilde Oak Duplexes
3002 S. Texas Ave.
College Station
• Brazos House-693-9957
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Std. 1 BR as low as $318
One Check Pays All At
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1 Blk. South of Harvey Rd.
693-6716 1
All Bills Paid!
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Rent Starts at $409
401 Anderson
1 Blk. off Jersey - W. of Texas
Near Campus
• Luxury 1-2 Bedroom Units
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• Shopping Nearby
Rent starts at $262
1 Blk. South of Harvey Rd.
Cotton Village Apts.,
Snook, Tx.
1 Bdrm,; $200 2 Bdrm.; $248
Rental assistance available!
Call 846-8878 or 774-0773
after 5pm. 4t1
Private room & bath. Country home close to campus.
Nonsmoker. 776-8552. 19U8/29
clothes in our Huge Closets. Pool, shuttle route; $305
up. SAUSAL1TO APTS. 693-4242. 178tfn
DON’T GET WET Park at your door. 1 & 2 bdrms, hot
tub, pool, shuttle route; $269 up. EASTGATE APTS.
696-7380. 178tfn
SMART MOVE Graduate/Couple Community near
campus, W/D connections; $321 up. ANDERSON
PLACE APTS. 693-2347. 178tfn
Sublease: 1 Bedroom apt. August thru May; $295 +
elec. Call 846-6281. 189t8/12
Valley View 4-plexes. Washer & dryer or connections
' ' - Bdrt _
available. 2 Bdrm/1 !4> bath. Up or downstairs units.
Open for fall leasing. $325-$350. Wyndham Mgmt.
846-4384. 174tfn
CLOSE TO EVERYTHING Tennis court, pool, bike
to campus. Efficiency, 1 & 2 bdrms; $260 up. VIL
LAGE GREEN APTS. 693-1188. 178tfn
House near campus. Need nonsmoker male; $175, no
bills, 696-3884. 189t8/12
G & S studies is participating in a nation
wide study on a medication recommended
for night leg cramps. If you experience any
one of the following symptoms on a regular
basis call G & S. Eligible volunteers will be
’ restless legs * rigid muscles
' muscle spasms * weary achy legs
' cramped toe * Charley horse
G&S studies, inc. is participatingin
a study on acute skin infections. If
you have one of the following con
ditions call G&S studies. Eligible-
volunteers will be compensated.
* infected blisters * infected burns
* infected boils * infected cuts
* infected insect bites * infected scrapes
(“road rash")
Unfit males 18-25 free fitness assessment. Volunteer
for research on vitamins and performance. 822-1734.
ON THE DOUBLE Professional Word Processing,
laser jet printing. Papers, resume, merge letters. Rush
services. 846-3755. 181tfn
Experienced librarian will do library research for you.
“all 2 1
Call 272-3348.
Accurate, fast reasonable typing. Call Pat 696-2085 af
ter 5:30 p.m. 177t8/16
CAL’S BODY SHOP. 10% discount to students on la
bor. Precise color matching. Foreign Sc Domestics. 30
years experience. 823-2610. I 1 Itfn
Landscape Maintenance
Team member
Full-time or Part-time
Interview Mon-Thurs
from Sam - 9am
1512 Cavitt, Bryan
The Houston Chronicle
is taking applications for immedi
ate route openings. Pay is based
on per paper rate & gas allowance
is provided. The route requires
working early mornings, 7 days a
week. If interested call: James at
693-0016 for an appointment.
or Julian at 693-2323 i86t8/3i
Kitchen aide Sc wailperson needed. Apply at 701 Uni
versity E. 10-11 a.m. or 8-10 p.m. 19U8/17
“C” programmer for IBM PC and/or Macintosh. Con
tract work through spring. Experienced only need ap
ply. Full or part time. Very good wages. Call 846-3294
afternoon. 182t8/ll
Part-time student w/sales experience Sc computer
knowledge. 20 hrs. plus. Call 693-8080, ask for Sharon,
Experienced general service man needed in auto
motive garage Sc tire store. Call 693-0616. 187t8/l 1
Full Sc part-time cashiers needed at self-service gas sta
tion for 3-10 p.m. shift. Call 693-0616. 187t8/l 1
Schlotzsky’s is now accepting applications for p/t eve-
Ts. Apply
ning Sc weekend shifts. Apply in person only between
2-5 p.m. 190t8/31
Part-time delivery/clerical person needed. Approx. 20
hrs. per week. 779-2998. 190t8/24
Loving Sc energetic person to care for 3 month old in
our home in College Station starting in Sept. Five hrs.
per day M-E. Personal and/or work references re
quired. 693-3033. 190t8/12
Interiorscaping p/t position, mornings, horticultural
experience preferred. Apply at The Greenery; 1512
Cavitt, Bryan. 190tfn
Leasing agent needed. Neat, good personality, sales ex
perience a plus. Apply in person 505 Harvey Road.
2 Bedroom Studio, appliances, shuttle, jogging trail,
creek, $295/$325, 693-1723. 184tfn
Looking for Pre-Law graduate student to do research
p/t. Contact Buck Buchanan 846-3069. 188t8/12
>* r> TOR SALE
Prices As Low As
Roll Inns 12x9 = $48.00
Roll Inns 12x12 = $64.00
Roll Inns 12x15 = $80.00
Across from Bosier Dodge
1426 S. Texas
779-1618 19019/2
1986 Red Yamaha Jog. Must sell, $475. 846-3739 leave
message. 19U8/12
1984 HONDA SPREE! Runs great. Only $265 negotia
ble. Call 260-5009. 189t8/17
1983 Honda CB 125 motorcycle. Perfect condition,
400 mi.; $475, 775-7658. 188t8/12
NOW OPEN Country Boy’s New and Used f urniture;
402 N. Texas. ,187t8/29
tibles. Lowest prices. 693-7599. 15 Itfn
1987 Trek 670 Racing Bike, like new, campagnole
equipped, Avocet computer; $450 firm. 696-8205.
T YPING; Accurate, 95 WPM, Reliable. Word Proc
essor. 7 days a week. 776-4013. 85t2/30
by Scott McCuiiar Pastor resigns
Have a news story or photograph suggestion? Call
THE BATTALION at 845-3315. 155tfn
(His roc# caf broKe-
down outside of VorP
City o-md he hiked
here to the station to
u*e the phel*£).
Tell me, Ruul, is it
any ho.rdeV' actirw in
a. black and whife.
movie than tx. coloR
you guys really gotta
after members
lock church
Police videos of prostitute
prompt department inquiry
LIBERTY (AP) — A pastorwt,
lias been locked out his
church while a judge determine
whether his ouster was legal haste
signed, making the results of
court-ordered election moot, anai
torney said.
Mike Fielder, an attorney rt[;
resenting Trinity Valley Missionat
Baptist Church members opposu,
the Rev. Melvin Lewis, said
tor resigned late Monday beforetls
of p
ballots could be counted. fijlhci
Lewis, pastor of the church sitia |a ,K)U
FORT WORTH (AP) — Several Fort Worth police
supervisors and vice squad officers are being investi
gated in the filming of a teen-age prostitute in a down
town hotel, the police chief said.
“An allegation was made that police officers working
that operation went beyond the scope of their responsi
bility and took some inappropriate photographs and vi
deotapes of the subject,” Fort Worth Police Chief
Thomas Windham, said.
Police reports indicate the sixteen-year-old girl was
videotaped and photographed by undercover officers
who told her they were giving a bachelor party. The
teenager had placed a classified ad saying that she was
willing to do anything for one thousand dollars.
“It doesn’t look good,” Windham told the Fort Worth
Star-Telegram when asked what the internal affairs in
vestigation had turned up so far.
“At this point it’s only a small number of officers and
several supervisors involved,” Windham added.
The chief declined to specify how many officers were
The report filed after the teen-ager was arrested and
identified two sergeants and four officers.
The inquiry could be wrapped up within a week,
sheriffs spokesman Doug Clarke told the Associated
Press, adding that it could be longer.
Shortly before the teen-ager was arrested July 27, she
stripped, danced around the hotel room and fondled
herself, the report said.
Internal affairs officers were seen carrying several
boxes of videotapes, documents and other materials
from the vice squad office the day after the undercover
investigation, the Star-Telegram reported.
Police supervisors removed and replaced the locks on
lockers belonging to vice officers later that day, the
newspaper reported.
The teen-ager was paroled from a Texas Youth
Commission facility after being charged with juvenile
delinquency-prostitution, police said. Police records
also show that Martin Vinson, 21, who showed up at the
hotel with the teen-ager and reportedly negotiated a
deal for the officers to have sex with her.
1986, would not confirm or d® r
Fielder’s claim Wednesday.
“1 don’t care to comment on
Lewis said when contacted by tel(.
phone at his home in nearby Hm
hie. He said he may make
statement on the matter next week
Fielder said Tuesday that Hou
ton attorney Fd Peine, whoisLenii
attorney, called him and saidthairt
gardless of the vote, Lewis haddt
t ided to resign
“He said Lewis wanted to pula;
end to the strife and conflict ant
confusion going on in the churtl
and the community,” Fieldersaid.
About 50 church members unait
mously voted Feb. 28 to fire Lew
and changed the locks on the dot®
of the 1 18-year-old church.
But Lewis declared the vote it
gal, saying it wasn’t properly post#!
then broke the locks and reclaimt: Rant
the church, according to a law
filed | ul\ 1.1 In church memfe lead
seeking his permanent ouster,
State District Judge Clarentt
Gain, who had restricted Lewis't Sun
Texas family branches out,
opens home to foster youths
cess to the church to a half horn
BELTON (AP) — A houseful of
three sons is a lot to handle. How
about adopting eight more sons on
top of that?
Welcome to the South family of
Belton. Larry and Pam South had
three sons of their own before
branching out and opening their
home to foster children. Many of
their foster children — eight, to be
exact — became the Souths’ chil
“Our goal is to be an emergency
shelter as foster parents,” Pam said,
which means they would briefly take
in children from dangerous situa
tions at any hour of the day or night.
But foster children who come to the
South house have a tendency to stay.
All of the Souths’ adopted chil
dren were classified as “special
needs” children with the adoption
agencies, Pam said. One child is
emotionally disturbed, one is men
tally retarded, three have a learning
disability called attention deficit dis
order, one has cerebral palsy and
one has epilepsy. Four of the chil
dren, who are bi-racial, are biologi
cal brothers, Pam said.
“When we were married, we
wanted a large family,” Larry said.
After having three children, the
Souths decided that there were “lots
of kids in the world that need
homes.” So they began serving as
foster parents and adopting.
“When you get married and think
about having a large family, you
don’t think about how it will be,”
Larry said. “We talked about it, and
now we’re gradually getting there. I
didn’t think there’d be as much ac-
pecially with the older and hard-to-
place children.”
“Children need to have a place to
go, a permanent family,” Larry
Pam said there are lots of children
available for adoption in this county
but most are special needs children.
The state pays a subsidy to the
adoptive parents of special needs
children for their therapy, medica
tion and other special expenses, Pam
said, so they usually don’t have any
problems making ends meet.
Two sons, Phil, 20, and Ryan, 19,
are at Texas A&M University. Paul,
17, will be a senior at Belton High
School this fall, and hopes to attend
college. That will leave eight. And
25-year-old Scott, who is mentally
retarded, may eventually live in a
trailer in back of their home, which
is on an acre of land outside of Bel-
Larry says it is a problem to find
silence at home, except in the middle
of the night. Larry, who works for
the Army Corps of Engineers at
Lake Belton and Stillhouse Hollow
Reservoir, usually gets 10 minutes to
himself when he first gets home
from work before being bombarded
with “six or eight kids who want to
tell me something or show me some
thing or play ball,” he said.
To get away from it all, the Souths
square dance. When they go, they
take one child with them.
twice weekly while determiniiii
whether his ouster was legal, lui
called for an election Monday ani
Tuesday to allow church members!:
decide Lewis’ status.
But Lewis’ resignation now make:
the election moot, Fieldersaid
The attorney said 43 votes ha£
been cast as of 4 p.m. Monday ami
that no votes were cast Tuesday,
the votes will not be tallied offidalli
in light of the resignation, he said.
Critics of Lewis claim hehasdi?
rupted the church by dismissin;
many leaders; lambasted member
from the pulpit; and refused to
low funerals at the church whet
other ministers were asked tom
duct the services.
But his supporters say he has beer
an honest, dedicated pastor
took out a personal loan to keeptke
church going.
Office halts recovery
of cruise ship fares
Pam says she gets names mixed up
sometimes, like any mother will, but
her problems are compounded.
There are Bobby, 5; Robert, 3; and
Albert, 6. Then, there are James, 11;
Charles, 11; and Charles James, 7.
But Bobby’s birth certificate lists his
name as Bobby and not Robert, and
Charles James is now known as CJ.
“We’re not confused, but the Scott
and White health plan is,” Larry
said. The youngest at home is 3-
year-old Tim, who the Souths took
in when he was 6 weeks old. The
adoption proceedings for Tim were
~ il ii
final in April, Larry said.
Both Pam’s and Larry’s parents
“think we’re absolutely crazy,” Pam
said. “My mother told me she
thought I was the last person in the
world who would have this many
Larry said his parents told him
they love him. But both sets of par
ents say they love to see them come,
and they love to see them go, Pam
“Why we’re doing this is because
we’ve seen the need,” Pam said. “Es-
Pam admits things can get a little
crazy around the house. The day be
gins between 6 a.m. and 6:30 a.m.
and doesn’t end until around mid
night* “Before coffee or anything
else, the laundry goes in,” said Pam,
who does laundry “all day, every
Everyone helps out in the morn
ing. One packs lunches, another
makes breakfast, another cleans the
bathroom, and so forth. The chores
change weekly, Larry said. Every
night, Pam lays clothes out for the
younger children for the next day.
The whole family eats dinner to
gether at the same table.
AUSTIN (AP) — A plan to seize
the cruise ship Galaxy and recover
fares for passengers who apparently
got mutiny instead of luxury has
been halted by the Texas Attorney
General’s office.
Hundreds of passengers com
plained earlier this year that they
paid more than $2 million for a Cen
tral American cruise and found mu
tiny and miserable conditions
aboard the ship.
In midcruise, the passengers were
forced to leave the Galaxy after the
captain informed them he could no
longer guarantee their safety be
cause there was no food or water,
they said.
About 50 of the Galaxy’s crew
members, described by the agent’s
brochure as a “friendly, attentive
crew . . . always ready to cater to
your every need,” apparently be
came enraged over working condi
tions and pay arrangements.
Some of the crew members were
arrested at a port in Costa Rica after
a knife fight.
Assistant Attorney General Raul
Noriega said he received nearly 800
complaints from passengers and
would-be pasengers from across the
United States, asking for $2.2 mil
lion in ref unds from Golden Cruist
tours Inc. of San Antonio, ikf
agency that booked the tours ands
no longer in business.
L.ast month, the state received)
judgment against the company and
its owners, hut Noriega said Tuesdi'
there are millions of dollars in lien:
against the ship that would ktff
Texas from receiving anything from
its possible auction.
The owners of the ship neverap
peared in court to dispute thealleg!
“It’s basically a lost cause,” NV
riega said. “I’m really upset thl
these people walked out of thesiait
of Texas with all of this money.
“It kind of sticks in my throat,bi
there’s nothing I can do about it.”
Some passengers said Fernand
Inigo, a part-owner of Golden Cm
setours and the ship, wasaboardlkf
ship during the ill-fated cruise,b(
left at a Guatemalan port and nev#
A travel agent in Seville, Spaii
told the Houston Chronicle in a tele
phone interview in May that I
had come by her office with
chores touting the Galaxy asa$
a-night floating hotel.
>ut t
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Binding •Transparencies • Blueline Paper
Call Battalion Classified 845-2611