The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 03, 1988, Image 4
M m Battalion Classifieds * FOR RENT GRASPING FOR THAT SPECIAL APT. & COMING UP EMPTY? College Main Apts, wants to help you get a hold of the Apt. that suits your needs. No Utility Deposit Water, Sewer, Garbage Paid Ceiling Fans Quarterly Pest Control- All Adult Community Swimming Pool, Club, Picnic Areas Emergency Maintenance $50.00 off first full month’s rent by bringing in this ad College Main Apartments 846-2089 4302 College Main, Bryan PLANTATION OAKS 6 Floor Plans No Utility Deposit Shuttle Bus-Tennis Courts 1501 Harvey Rd., C.S.,Tx. 693-1110 TIRED OF HIGH UTILITIES? Come to Tanglewood South Great Location • Party Room/Study Room 2 Pools • 2 Laundry Rooms Exercise Room/Fitness Center • Covered Parking • During orientation we are open until 8:30 p.m. All Utilities Paid 411 Harvey Road, C.S. 693-1111 Pre-leasing for fall 2 Bdrm 1 Bath Pool, laundry On shuttle bus route 1/2 mile from campus Casa Blanca 4110 S. College Main 846-1413 DOUX CHENE 6 Spacious Floor Plans Ask about Ninfa & Barbara specials for a REAL DEAL! 1401 FM 2818, C.S., TX 693-1906 All Bills Paid! • Luxury Redecorated • 1-2-3 Bedroom Units • Ceiling Fans • Dishwasher • Patios • Pool • Saunas • Tennis • Near A&M Campus • On Shuttle • Security • 24-Hr. Maintenance Std. 1 BR as low as $318 One Check Pays All At VIKING 1601 Holleman off Texas 1 Blk. South of Harvey Rd. 693-6716 Near Campus • Luxury 1-2 Bedroom Units • Pool • Laundry • Shuttle • On-site Security • 24-Hr. Maintenance • Shopping Nearby Rent Starts at $275 SEVILLA 1 Blk. South of Harvey Rd. 693-2108 All Bills Paid! • 1-2 Bedroom Units • On Shuttle •Tennis • Pool • On-site Maintenance • Close to campus Rent Starts at $310 SCANDIA 693-6505 401 Anderson 1 Blk. off Jersey - W. of Texas Cotton Village Apts., Snook, Tx. 1 Bdrm,; $200 2 Bdrm.; $248 Rental assistance available! Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5pm. 4tf All bills paid. 1 bdrm. furnished, $275. Walk to cam pus. Also looking for student couple to manage small apartment. 779-8239. 186t8/10 clothes in our Huge Closets. Pool, shuttle route; up. SAUSAUTO APTS. 693-4242. 178tfn 11 your e; $305 DON’'!' GET WE T Park at your door. 1 & 2 bdrms, hot tub, pool, shuttle route; $269 up. EASTGATE APTS. 696-7380. 178tfn SMART MOVE Graduate/Couple Community near campus, W/D connections; $321 up. ANDERSON PLACE APTS. 693-2347. 178tfn 2 Bedroom Studio, appliances, shuttle, jogging trail, creek, $295/$325, 693-1723. 184tfn 2 Bedroom 1 Bath Condo. All appliances, fireplace, $375/$410,693-1723. 184tfn 3 bdrm/lki bath, $350 mo. SW Parkway, iiinit) Apts. Call 693-5177 after 5 p.m. 179t8/10 Valley View 4-plexes. Washer & dryer or connections ‘ ‘ ‘ ~ idrt available. 2 Bdrm/lld! bath. Up or downstairs units. Open for fall leasing. $325-$350. W'yndham Mgmt. 846-4384. ' 174tfn Luxury large 2 bdrm/11/2 bath 4-plex. Washer & dryer connections. Appliances, $325. Close to campus, 774- 7970,693-0551. 62tfn CLOSE TO EVERYTHING Tennis court, pool, bike to campus. Efficiency, 1 & 2 bdrms; $260 up. VIL LAGE GREEN APTS. 693-1188. 178tfn ROOMMATE WANTED 2 Bedroom house, all appliances, trees, use of pool, $370/$395,693-1723. 150tfn Attention Grads. . . Female Christian nonsmoking roommate wanted for fall. $140 plus utilities. Call Ye- vette 696-3779. 186t8/5 * WANTED Student seeking Student Organization for money mak ing project. No Investment. Great Opportunity. Jimnn 846-8611. 17()t8/12 • HELP WANTED SAFEWAY, INC. Is accepting applications for part- time checkers, sackers, and night stockers (15-24 hrs. per week). Pay rate begins at $3.80-$5.75 based on experience. Apply at Safeway store located in Culpepper Plaza (Hwy. 30) Equal opportunity employer M/F/H/V The Houston Chronicle is taking applications for immedi ate route openings. Pay is based on per paper rate & gas allowance is provided. The route requires working early mornings, 7 days a week. If interested call: James at 693-0016 for an appointment, or Julian at 693-2323 18618/31 Part-time Choir director and/or organist for A&M Presbyterian Church. Send resume to 301 Church Ave. N., College Station. Attn: Worship Committee. 18U8/12 “C” programmer for IBM PC and/or Macintosh. Con tract work through spring. Experienced only need ap ply. Full or part time. Very good wages. Call 846-3294 afternoon. 182t8/ll Part-time student w/sales experience & computer knowledge. 20 hrs. plus. Call 693-8080, ask for Sharon. 182tfn Leasing agent needed. Neat, good personality, sales ex perience a plus. Apply in person 505 Harvey Road. 185t8/12 Babysitter needed every other week. Mother works nights. Must be extremely reliable, 776-0581 before 8 p.m. 185t8/9 K-Bob’s is now hiring part & full time cooks and food prep. Inquire in person 9-11, 2-4 p.m. No phone calls. 809 University Drive East. 185t8/5 Occasional babysitter for 9 month old. Call 696-3626 183t8/5 The Costume Connection needs male dancers for Par- tygrams. Call 693-3004. 179t8/3 * NOTICE SKIN INFECTION STUDY G&S studies, inc. is participatingin a study on acute skin infections. If you have one of the following con ditions call G&S studies. Eligible- volunteers will be compensated. * infected blisters * infected burns * infected boils * infected cuts * infected insect bites * infected scrapes (“road rash”) G&S STUDIES, INC. 846-5933 NIGHT LEG CRAMPS G&S studies is participating in a nation wide study on a medication recommended for night leg cramps. If you experience any one of the following symptoms on a regular basis call G&S. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. restless legs * rigid muscles ’ muscle spasms * weary achy legs ' cramped toe * Charley horse G&S STUDIES, INC. 846-5933 Unfit males 18-25 free fitness assessment. Volunteer for research on vitamins and performance. 822-1734. 186t8/12 iliJFORSAue Good condition full size waterbed. Must sell! $75. Call 822-1839. 183t8/4 MOBILE HOME for sale. 2 bdrms. Power, water, & phone already connected. $1100. 823-1948 please leave message. I86t8/10 Graduating must sell 1984 blue Yamaha CA50 scooter. Great condition, $350. Call 846-0516. 186t8/5 Have a news story or photograph suggestion? Call THE BATTALION at 845-3315. 155tfn TRS 80 Model 3, 2 disk 8c printer, and lots of software, $300, 693-1813. 184t8/5 ’71 Triumph 500 motorcycle, runs fine, best offer, 693- 1813. 184t8/5 Motorcycle; ’81 Red Yamaha 1100 cc, excellant condi tion, 27,000 mi. Call Susan 260-4907. 185t8/9 COMPUTER DISCOUNT XT/286AT/386AT compa tibles. Lowest prices. 693-7599. 151 tfn AGGIE WORD PROCESSING - Close to campus. Theses, Dissertations, LaserJet printing, competitive prices. . 178t8/2 Typing, word processing. Reasonable rates. Call Ber tha 696-3785. 180t8/4 Need help getting in-state tuition? Call Sgt. Jeff Har- relson, Texas Army National Guard at 779-0943 today! 182t8/10 TYPING: Accurate, 95 WPM, Reliable. Word Proc essor. 7 days a week. 776-4013. 85t2/30.. Professional Word Processing, Resumes. Guaranteed Error Free. PERFECT PRINT 822-1430. 162t8/10 TYPING: Rush jobs, research papers, education units; near campus. 696-0914. 185t8/9 CAL’S BODY SHOP. 10% discount to students on la bor. Precise color matching. Foreign 8c Domestics 30 years experience. 823-2610. 11 Itfn Accurate, fast reasonable typing. Call Pat 696-2085 af ter 5:30 p.m. 177t8/16 Experienced librarian will do library research for you. “all 27 Call 272-3348. ON THE DOUBLE Professional Word Processing, laser jet printing. Papers, resume, merge letters. Rush services. 846-3755. 181tfn Page 4/The Battalion/Wednesday, August 3, 1988 Survey: Seatbelt use jump! up to 60 percent in Texas By Kelly Chapman Reporter Six out of 10 Texans have added a step to their driv ing routine by buckling up when getting behind the wheel, a recent survey revealed. The Texas Transportation Institute for the highwav department reported an increase in safety-hell usage within the past six months. The institute conducted a survey of 1S cities and found an increase f rom f)4.1 per cent in January to 59.2 in June, a gain of 5.1 percent. A law mandating seat-belt use took effect Sept. I, 1985, but tickets were not issued until Jan. 1, 1986, said Gary Trietsch, safety and traffic operations engineer with the highway department. After the law went into effect, seat-belt usage aver aged 66.1 percent but dropped to 55.7 percent by Jan uary of this year. Over the past six months the average has increased to 60.6 percent, a 4.9 percent rise. “We attribute much of the rise to stronger law« forcement efforts,” Trietsch said. “Without policen there writing tickets, some people just won’t taketin to buckle up. “We’re very encouraged by the increase in safetv-lx use. Public education is important in getting peoplej understand why they should use seat belts, but it seen some people have to believe they really might fjei ticket before they’ll change their behavior." The city showing the highest usage rate wasCni], Chisti with 88.3 percent, followed by Austin witharai of 72.5 percent. However, Laredo showed the higlic increase in percentage of seat-belt use between Jam® and June with an increase of 17.7 percent. El paso was next with a 17-point rise, lollowedli Tyler with a 14.3 percent increase. AIDS victim sues lawfirm for prejudice Unhappy custome points rifle at stylis AUSTIN (AP) — In the first case of its kind in Austin, a man with AIDS has sued one of the city’s larg est law firms, alleging job discrimi nation. Gilbert R. Nieto filed suit in state District Court against the law firm of Clark, Thomas, Winters & Newton, contending that the firm discrimi nated against him by firing him after he was diagnosed with AIDS-related complex in August 1987. Barry Bishop, a partner with Clark, Thomas, Winters Sc Newton, denied that Nieto was fired because of his disease. AZLE (AP) — A woman who hated her short-in-front, long-in- back haircut returned to the salon with a refund demand and a rifle. The unsatisfied customer then drove off in her battered orange pickup truck, and Parker County deputies were having trouble find ing her. “AIDS had nothing whatsoever to do with that decision,” Bishop said. In the lawsuit filed Monday Nieto seeks reinstatement to his job as a paralegal with the firm, restoration of his insurance benefits, back pay, attorneys’ fees and an unspecified amount of damages for “severe mental and physical anguish.” ‘‘They (deputies) said, ‘You wouldn’t believe the number of orange pickup trucks in Azle and Springtown,” said Melinda Free man, owner of The Hair and Tan ning Salon between Azle and Springtown, just northwest of Fort Worth. Freeman said the woman ited the salon once before, come hack Saturday toaskthauli ched home haircutting attempi improved. “She said she couldi men’s hair hut not womenVFi man recalled Monday. Displeased with the repairjotj unidentified woman returned^ day morning and got w hat sheas! for — a cut that was “short up(rs long in the back,” the beaut said. The customer, still dissatisf; became outraged when herdeit: for an $8 refund was rejected, “That’s when she pulled thenl Freeman said. Wednesday His attorney, Phil Durst, said the lawsuit was filed after the Austin Human Rights Commission ruled in Nieto’s favor in July on a complaint he had filed with the agency about his lost job. “They made a finding that there was cause to believe that discrimina tion had occurred,” Durst said. EUROPE CLUB:Will meet at 10 p.m. at the Flying Tomato. CATHOLIC STUDENT ASSOCIATION/NEWMAN CLUBrWill meet at 7:30pm at St. Mary’s Student Center, 103 Nagle Street, for mid-week study break. Items tor What's Up should be submitted to The Battalion, 216 Reed McDonat no later than three business days before the desired run date. We only public the name and phone number of the contact if you ask us to do so. What's Upis a Battalion service that lists non-profit events and activities. Submissions arm on a first-come, first-served basis. There is no guarantee an entry will run. Ilyou have questions, call the newsroom at 845-3315. \ Be pa SOI ag tio bo jot Fit id; (Jt to Be g a mi A* Ke Gr qu; qui for ve) ter yez fid far L fot Stc “W CHECKING • NO Service Charge • NO Per Check Fees • NO Minimum Balance •NO Gimmicks *ur promise is simple: Take advantage of our FREE checking ac count program when you direct deposit your Texas A&M University payroll check with Commerce National Bank We’ll make available to you a personal checking account with no service charge, no per check fee, and no minimum monthly balance as long as you are a full-time TAMU employee and use direct deposit. This FREE checking account will also return all of your cancelled checks. I f you are considering a banking change, try out the best deal In town...the FREE checking account at Commerce National Bank. We are your home town, independent, community bank. Come in and see how easy it Is to open your FREE checking account today. Commerce National Bank 2405 Texas Avenue South College Station, TX 77840 (409) 693-6930 Member FDIC