The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 28, 1988, Image 4
■ t MEAT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CENTER DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL SCIENCE LAMB LEG ROASTS (4-7 lbs.) $2.49 per lb. CURED & SMOKED HAMS BONE—IN (15-20 lbs) BONELESS (3-8 lbs.) $1.98 per lb. $3.29 per lb. Other Beef, Lamb, Pork, Sausage, Dairy products and Farm Fresh Eggs are available. Prices effective through April 3,1988. We are open for business Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. We are located on the West Campus between the Kleberg Center and the Horticulture/Forest Sci ence Building. (Phone 845-5651). BEAUTIFUL SAVIOR LUTHERAN CHURCH 1007 KRENEK TAP RD. C.S., 693-4514 Rides Available for Students on Sat., April 2, 2:00 p.m. MAUNDY THURSDAY-7:30 p.m. “Jesus Prepares People For Communion" (John 13:1-17) GOOD FRIDAY -7:30 p.m. “Jesus Died" (John 10:30) EASTER SERVICES- ° u,c)oorSer '' ice7;30 Festival Service 9:30 “HE IS RISEN INDEED” $39 THE TEXAS BODY AEROBICS 5 months or 6 months freeze til Fall $49 846-3095i 3608A Old College, ALL BA TTALION READERS PLEASE FILL THIS OUT AND RETURN TO OUR OFFICE BATTALION READER SURVEY The Battalion is conducting a survey to see what you, our readers, think of the paper and what you think the paper should be like. Results will be used as guidelines for adjusting cov erage and for possible changes in the look of the paper. ■ Is The Battalion readily available in your area of campus? yes no Please indicate your level of interest in the fol lowing RaffaVioii features and types of cover age: Ilf not, where would a newspaper rack better | serve you? street or [building How often do you read The Battalion? once every two weeks once every week once every 2-3 days daily other (please indicate) If you read the paper less often than daily, is there a particular day or days which you see it I more often? 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If you rated any features as uninteresting, how do you feel they could be improved? Or should they be dropped? (name it) If you feel coverage is poor in an area, please suggest ways to improve it. Please include the following information about yourself: Are you: a student? a faculty member? a staff member? Page 4AThe Battalion/Monday, March 28, 1988 What’s Monday Year of graduation (students only): Academic rank or administrative title (faculty and staff only): Number of years at A&M: Do you subscribe to a daily newspaper? lo cal Houston D/FW Austin other Please return this survey, in person or by cam pus mail, to The Battalion, Mail Stop 1111 216 Reed McDonald Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-1111 not interested Thank you for your time and interest. The Advantage is yours with a Battalion Classified. Call 845-2611 MSC CAMAC: will present conferences on the Mexican-American impaclonf politics. "The History of Politics’’ will be discussed at 1:30 p.m., "Women in Pot | tics” at 3 p.m., and “The Future of Politics" at 7:30 p.m. All discussions willb«iif 206 MSC. McFADDEN HALL: will meet at 7 p.m. in 601 Rudder to discuss its Bratosl County Juvenile Center big brother/little sister program. MSC AGGIE CINEMA: will meet to discuss film programming for Fall 1988al!| p.m. in 504 Rudder. COLLEGIATE 4H Club: will meet at 8 p.m. in 123 Kleberg. NUTRITION CLUB: will have a display set up to promote good nutrition fromll | a.m. to 2 p.m. in the MSC. GREEN EARTH SOCIETY: will meet at 8:30 p.m. in 504 Rudder. AGGIE HOSTESSES: Applications for new hostesses are available throughF[>| day on the ninth floor of Rudder Tower. STUDENT GOVERNMENT: will have a debate for the candidates runningl»| student body president at 8:30 p.m. in 607 Rudder. Tuesday TRI-BETA BIOLOGICAL HONOR SOCIETY: Dr Mike Manson willspeaklfj the Audubon Society at 6 p.m. in 109 Heldenfels. BAPTIST STUDENT UNION: Shawn Shannon, associate BSU directoralE lor University, will speak at Hullabaloo at 7 p.m. in 228 MSC. PHYSICAL THERAPY CLUB: Dr Morri Fields from Texas Tech will speakal!| p.m. in 164 Read. WRITING OUTREACH: will present “Persuasive Introductions and Conclusions’! in 131 Blocker. TEXAS A&M FLYING CLUB: will meet at 7 p.m. at the clubhouse to discuss weather briefing. AUSTIN HOMETOWN CLUB: will have officer elections at 7 p.m. in 402Rud-| der. WATER SKI CLUB: will meet at 8:30 p.m. in 502 Rudder. PEER ORIENTATION PROGRAM: will have an information session for pro| spective orientation leaders at 7 p.m. in 225 MSC. TAMU SAILING CLUB: will have a general meeting at 8:30 p.m. in 206MSC TAMU SURF CLUB: will meet to elect officers and discuss the next party at 8:3(| p.m. in 407 Rudder. MSC CEPHEID VARIABLE: will have a general meeting at 8:30 p.m. inffi] MSC. INTRAMURALS: Handball doubles and pickleball doubles entries close in 1SE Read. Items for What's Up should be submitted to The Battalion, 216 Reed McDom no later than three business days before the desired run date. We ontypuMti the name and phone number of the contact if you ask us to do so. What's Ups a Battalion service that lists non-profit events and activities Submissions arev : on a first-come, first-served basis. There is no guarantee an entry wilt run. Ilf. | have questions, call the newsroom at 845-3315. In Advance Soviet space program to be discussed I Thre lented ( light h lored b Club. A Ivere ck Ibre, wl The MSC Political Forum will sponsor a program Tuesday on “The Soviet Space Program: Past, Present and Future." Alexander Kharkovsky, who has worked in many aspects of the Soviet space program, will be speaking in 212 MSC at 7 p.m. Admission is free. “He has been working with the Soviet space program for 25 years,” said Luba Diangar, who has worked with Kharkovskyancj will lie his host. “He has met cosmonauts ant| designers and knows everytl that has happened in the Sovietl space program,” she said. Diangar said the prograirj should be fun and interestinekp cause the speaker is personable, | “He wants to push the Amen] can space program forward, "shfj said. lessiom The Ivandte Tleinbi Bing)” a Ipp Hot Pot/,),” Bents it Ivere pi And gvas pro lletailin |)f actio ■nan lii tor and Judy’s to perform at A&M Thursday Ibermai 1 Fom ihe am The Judy’s are back. MSC Town Hall is bringing The Judy’s to DeWare Field House Thurs day. The Judy’s, whose albums include “The Wonderful World of Appliances” and “Moo,” play a minimalistic, new wave style of music. The band also is well known for its stage antics; the song “(iuyana Punch” is oftenatj companied by band membenl dousing the audience with piteki ers of water. Songs sure tobeitj chided on this “Girl of Smells” tour are “Watching Mil TV,” “All the Pretty Girls” anil “Milk". Tickets are $4.50 andart( available at the MSC Box Office. OPAS brings Frankenstein adaptatior bnage. | “Die lured < (nights, land V [Hasslei lyorable [Max S< jwho is i I Expe [any me shockei Inch’s si By Richard Tijerina Senior Staff Writer The Opera and Performing Arts Society will present the Guthrie Theatre’s adaptation of “Frankenstein,” based on Mary Shelley’s novel, to Rudder Audi torium Wednesday at 8 p.m. Adapted by playwright Bar bara Field, this version of the story of the giant but gentle monster addresses the dynamics of the relationship between cre ator and creation. “More than an adaptation, Field said, “this play is a respon# to the novel. The heart ofikt book is the dialogue betweel Frankenstein and the creatnrt and one in which I’m focusinf this script.” A f ree lecture will be held k' Guthrie Theatre workshop artist! in Rudder Theatre Wednesday!’ 6:15 p.m., prior to the peifot mance, to discuss the adaptatioi of Shelley’s novel for the and the mechanics of their M tional tour. Garrett her ne [Edwin the coi Iweddin iei Suspect kills self after surrounded by police officers DALLAS (AP) — A murder sus pect — released by mistake after he exchanged ID bracelets with another jail inmate — fatally shot himself in the head as police surrounded an apartment where he was hiding, au thorities said. Derrick Greene, 18, described by authorities as a hit man, was found dead at 5:30 a.m. Saturday in a sec ond-floor apartment about three miles northeast of downtown Dallas. A police tactical squad sur rounded the apartment about 1 a.m. Saturday after being tipped that Greene was hiding in the apartment, investigator D.A. Watts said. Off icers saw a man climbing out a back window of the apartment, but he went back inside after officers called to him with a bullhorn, Watts said. They continued calling but got no response and then threw a tear-gas canister into a window. Watts said the tactical squad, with out knowing if anyone else was in the apartment or if Greene was alive, finally broke through the door and found Greene lying dead on the floor just inside. A .45-caliber hand gun was beside him. The Dallas County medical exam iner’s office estimated that Grt® died about 1 a.m. of a self-infli gunshot wound in the mouth. Officers fired no shots and 1 not hear the shot that killedGred Watts said. Greene, a Jamaican who also" 1 by the alias of Johnathon Crow,* arrested March 15 and held in mum security at Lew Sterrettjusi Center on charges of two murdd an attempted murder and anaj vated assault on a police officer. Police suspect the killings onf' 1 20 and Dec. 16 were related todi trafficking among Jamaican officers said. Jail officials said they beli f Greene escaped by offering ward to inmate James Arthur,’ exchange for Davis’ prisoner i lie at ion bracelet. Davis was to have been releai from jail Wednesday after a SI, : bond was posted for him on a vated assault charges. Instead, Greene, wearing I ID bracelet, was released. WAS teases en. Lie o allow arked “If yc he estir lege wo 200,00 “And ow ma sked d elevisio “The .end th< ^entsen In Officials said Davis remained' jail over the weekend, and an ad 1 tional charge of aiding a felony f cape was filed against him.