yrndt— Alcohol in Aggieland 8 Alcohol is as much a part of college life as textbooks, scantrons and bluebooks. This week we looked at how alcohol affects students and how they can straighten themselves out if the get in too deep. Discussing Drugs 9 Drug abuse, and the fight against it, has entered all aspects of our society, even at A&M. We talked to local law enforcement people as well as people involved in treating and studying the problem. Responsible Partying 10 So you want to have a party and not worry that your guests will drive home drunk and get hurt? We looked into ways people can have safer parties and have offered specific suggestions that could keep your guests alive for the next party. Profile 7 This week we have a double treat as we talked to a dynamic drug debating duo. These students spend their free time encouraging their fellow students to make responsible decisions about drug and alcohol use. Aggienizing Answers 7 The recent “Just Say No” campaign has brought much attention to the problem of peer pressure to use drugs. We asked A&M students what they thought about these messages, and most approved. Movie Reviews_ 4 Matt took a look at D.O.A. and said it fulfills the expectations of an action-thriller. We also have a review of “Vice Versa” which, despite the overly popular theme, is said to be quite entertaining. Album Reviews 5 This week Shane looked at the albums “Dan Reed Network” by Dan Reed and “Will and the Kill” by Will and the Kill. He said “Network” was a bad metallic Prince imitation while “Kill” featured some impressive guitar work. Cover photo: Battalion File Photo Thursday, March 24,1988/At Ease/Page 3 Dear Readers: When you turn on your television set to watch your favorite program, more than likely you’ll see quite a few commmercials. And chances are, at least one of those commercials will be about drugs and alcohol. It might feature a famous person telling you drugs are dumb, a kid saying no to drugs, a random person asking you not to drink and drive or someone encouraging you to get help for your problems. Regardless of the form of the message, we are constantly reminded of the drug and alcohol abuse pregram that plagues the nation. Our two main stories this week deal with these concerns, but on the local level. For our alcohol story, we looked into the places Bryan- College Station residents can turn to for help in comabating drug and alcohol addictions. The drug story concentrates on the extent of the problem in the area, both in the high schools, where much attention is focused, and in the streets, where much pressure has been We've also included a story suggesting ways to be a more responsible host when throwing a party. Following some of these tips might help some of your guests stick around until your next party. Our profile subjects this week are a pair of undergraduates who felt called upon to talk with their fellow students about drug and alcohol abuse. They say studen ts prefer to listen to them than to adults. But they stress that they don’t preach; they only tell their peers the facts. Finally, our Aggienizing Answers column asks students what they think about the popular just Say No ” campaigns. Most students feel that they target the right age groups, butr some feel that more could be done. At Ease Staff Editor Assistant editor Senior staff writer Staff writers Movie Reviewer Music Reviewer Photographers Lydia Berzsenyi Lee Schexnaider Staci Finch Leslie Guy Lawson Reilly Matthew Stewart Shane Hall Fred Joe Eric Roalson