The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 21, 1988, Image 8
Battalion ♦ NOTICE SKIN INFECTION STUDY Persons needed with skin in fections such as infected cuts and scrapes, boils, infected burns, infected insect bites, in fected blisters, etc. Eligible volunteers will be paid for time and cooperation. G & 8 Studies, Inc. 846-5933 ESSSiy^uuei ACUTE DIARRHEA STUDY Persons with acute, uncom plicated diarrhea needed to evaluate medication being considered for over-the- counter sale. G&S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 NIGHTTIME LEG CRAMPS Do loeg cramps wake you at night? Call now to see if you are eligible to be treated with one of 4 study medications. You will need to be followed for approximately 3 weeks. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. Call today! G&S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 „„„ $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 COLD STUDY 18 & Older If you have recent onset of cold symptoms you can earn $75 by participating in a short at home study using over-the-counter cold medications. Call Pauli Research International 776-6236 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 COLD-FLU-FEVER Individuals with fever of 101° or higher to participate in an at home study. We will come to your home to start you in study. $100 incentive for those chosen to participate. Call Pauli Research International 776-6236 110H $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 HEADACHES We would like to treat your tension headache with Tyle nol or Advil and pay you $40. CALL PAULL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 776-6236 23t10/2 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 How to get a loan. Need money for a car . appliance, trip, or clothes? Find the answer in the helpful tips. Get results! Don’t let the lender turn you down. Rush $2.00 for Specific details to LAR-AMY P.O. Box 8995 Dept. 123 Corpus Christ: Tx. 78412 Typing and editing by PhD. Rush Jobs 846-6501 Professional Typing, Word Processing, Resumes. ^Guaranteed error free. PERFECT PRINT 822-1430. 8U5/4 Experienced librarian will do library research for you. Call 272-3348. 106t3/31 WORD PROCESSING: Dissertations, theses, manu scripts, reports, term papers, resumes. 764-6614. 106t4/5 LAWNBUSTERS COMPLETE LAWN CARE SERV ICES, Quality Work, Reasonable Rates. 696-0318. 112t3/30 ♦ ANNOUNCEMENT * HELP WANTED • HELP WANTED OPPORTUNITY ALASKA SUMMER JOBS ALASKA OFFERS NUMEROUS WELL PAYING SEASONAL POSITIONS IN TOURISM, SEAFOOD PROCESSING, PARKS & RECREATION. WE HAVE COMPILED A PRECISE GUIDE. TO STATEWIDE SUMMER EMPLOYMENT SEND NOW! For a complete information packet, sent $7 to: Prospector Publishers PO Box 1402 Soldotna, Alaska 99669 TYPING: Accurate, 95 WPM, Reliable. Word Proc essor. 7 days a week. 776-4013. 85t2/30 NATIONAL CAMP ASSOCIATION: Summer Camp job clearing house - HIGHEST salaries paid - QUICK and efficient job placement - a FREE service - Call us for an interview 1-800-752-CAMP. 113t3/23 « FOR RENT WAKE UP AGGIES! Luxury 4-plex 1,000 sq. ft. 2 bedroom, Hollywood baths washer/dryer shuttle bus Call WYNDHAM MGMT 846-4384 Across From A&M Walk to Campus •Quiet •New Paint *New Carpet •Large 1,2 & 3 Bedrooms Now leasing & Preleasing University Terrace 1700 Jersey #101 693-1930 Cotton Village Apts., Snook, Tx. 1 Bdrm,; $200 2 Bdrm.; $248 Rental assistance available! Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5pm. 4tf ALL BILLS PAID!! 1 & 2 Bdrm units Deluxe Apartments Newly Decorated 1 Bdrm as low as $292 2 Bdrm as low as $402 Call 693-6716 (8am-5pm) , 1 4, fn 2 Bdrm. 1 bath large windows & tall trees. Normandy Square Apts, in Northgate 846-4206. 99tfn ‘ Bryan location 2 Bdrm - 1 V?. Bath Tow nhome with deck and enclosed garage. Must see to appreciate. 823- 8153 or 779-2326. 112t3/22 CONDOMS ULTRA THIN, RIBBED Order 24 hrs. a day 1 doz ..$ 8.00 Orders doz $24.00, get 1 doz. free. 12 doz $60.00 Next day FREE SHIPPING in un marked mailers. Place your confi dential order now! 1-800-545-4141 Ext. 300 Mastercard/Visa accepted or mail your order with check or money order to: LAKE MEDICAL PO BOX 17517 Milwaukee, Wi. 53217-0517 10713/2 ♦ FORSALE Can you buy Jeeps, Cars 4x4's Seized in drug raids for under $100? Call for facts today, 602-837-3401 Ext. 942 Tame 31/2 fL Boa. Aquarium, Cover, Heating Rock $175.00 846-7585 A Luxury 2 Bdnfi/1 Mi Bath 4-plex. Washer & Dryer. All Appliances. $325/$250. Manual Dr. 693-0551,696- 0632. 1 13tfn 85 Alliance Convertible. 1.7 1.. I owner. 25.000 miles. $5105. 822-9013/774-4953. l08t3/ , >5 86 Cavalier Z-24. 2.8 I I. loaded, nice, automatic onh. $6750. 823-8444. 776-0778. 10Xi3/25 PC/AT 286 CLEARANCE! 1.2MB drive. 512KB RAM, 10MH7. turbo, keyboard, monitor - $795. 693-7599. 113tfn • TRAVEL Lowest Air fares to East and West Coast. Discounts to Hawaii, Europe, Caribbean, and Mexico. [214] 985-8528 • MISCELLANEOUS Licensed R.E. Salesman Parttime for Apartment Locator Todd. 696-1967 • WANTED Urgently Need Gostwritcr for four page Philosophy Papei $$$ Call 817-939-8270 after 6:00 p.m. $$$ BINDING low cost • fast service kinko's* Great copies. Great people. 201 College Main College Station, Tx 846-8721 Pre-leasing 3 BR/2 BA Duplex near Hilton. 846- 2471/776-6856 6St/indef. • FORSALE SPRING BREAK 12 EXP. ROLL;: 15Ssc*2.69* :24&a s 3.99@i 136^*5 ™ Good on a single set of standard size prints from your 35mm, Disc, 110 or 126 color print film (C-41 process only). No roll limit. Offer expires 3/24/88 PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICES IN GOODWIN HALL and THE TEXAS A&M BOOKSTORE IN THE MSC VERSATILE WORD PROCESSING - BEST PRICES FREE CORRECTIONS. RESUMES, THESES, PA PERS, GRAPHICS, EQUATIONS, ETC. LASER 'QUALITY. 696-2052. 163tfn Mobile home for SALE. 12 x60’, quiet convenient loca tion close to shuttle K- University. 846-3728. 109t3/?4 CAL’S BODY SHOP. 10% discount to students on la bor. Precise color matching. Foreign & Domestics. 30 years experience. 823-2610. 111 tfn Defensive DRIVING, TICKET DISMISS, Insurance DISCOUNT, FUN CLASS! Call 693-1322. 95t5/13 TAMU VOLLEYBALL- Any female (freshman or sophmore) 6’0” or taller & interested in trying out for varsity women’s volleyball team contact Coach Al Givens 206 GRW or call 845-3266. 113t3/21 NEW ENGLAND BROTHER/SISTER CAMPS - (Mass). Mah-Kce-Nac for Boys/Danbee for Girls. Counselor positions for Program Specialists: All Team Sports, especially Baseball, Basketball, Field Hockey, Soccer, and Volleyball; 25 Tennis openings: also, Ar chery, Riflery and Biking: other openings include Per forming Arts, Fine Arts, Yearbook. Photography. Vi deo, Cooking, Sewing. Rollerskating, Rocketry, Ropes, and Camp Craft: All Waterfront activities ( Swimming, Skiing, Small Craft). Inquire Action Camping (Boys) 190 Linden Ave., Glen Ridge, NJ 07028; (Girls) 44 Center Grove Road, H-21, Randolph, NJ 07869. Phone (Boys) 201-429-8522; (Girls) 201-328-2727. 110t3/25 Fiscal fitness. The best thing about Plantation Oaks isn’t the $10/month membership to Aerofit. Or the on-site facilities like jacuzzi, two pools, men’s and women’s weight rooms (each with a sauna), tennis courts, basketball and volleyball courts. The best thing about Plantation Oaks is that you get all this and more for as little as $170 a month this summer. That’s fiscal fitness. ** N Hwy h Byp.iss T FMNTITION Post Onh Mali OAKS 0 c £■ .., ' I To«as» Ave im. PLANTATION OAKS Page 8/The Battalion/Monday, March 21, 1988 B Street by Jon Cate HONDA ELITE Scooter, won in contest. You can drive it home from the dealer, save $$$. 693-1163, 696- 6730 for details. 11U3/21 Oft. COOL in H/S sovno-up mo, CRUISING CHICKS. m HCGETS/1 Mb£ h h/s stem RND H£ G0£S IN FOR THLPKKUP KAYPRO 4, Protable CPM Computer complete with TTX letter quality printer, with programs MSBasic, WordStar, Perfect Writer/Speller, Perfect CALC, dust cover, cables and spare ribbon. $750. Phone 693-6376. 11113/21 xTTTTTT x a TO SHOD HER LiHRT. \ KIND OF cum cm \ Small banks, critics say regulators use selective salvation Wildfires cha ranchlandof West Texan WASHINGTON (AP) — Emer gency action by federal regulators to stabilize two big banking companies hit by deposit runs is sure to revive Analysis charges of a double standard for dealing with ailing financial institu tions. While small banks are closing at a rate unseen since the Great Depres sion, the government, in effect, has declared large banks too big to fail, the critics say. The best known example of the “Too-Big-To-Fail Syndrome” is Continental Illinois Corp., which in 1984 required $4.5 billion in the largest-ever government bailout. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., the agency that insures de posits in commercial banks, hopes to recover all but $1.7 billion of that by selling its stake in Continental. But nearly four years after the bailout, the FDIC is still the major stock holder in the bank. Two government moves last week to prop up other large institutions are renewing concerns. The FDIC on Thursday pumped $1 billion into First RepublicBank Corp. of Dallas, the nation’s 13th largest commercial bank holding company, which has lost nearly $2 billion in 1988. The agency also promised to protect all depositors and general creditors of the compa ny’s 73 subsidiary banks. The Federal Home Loan Bank Board, which regulates savings insti tutions, made a similar pledge Fri day regarding the $33.7 billion Fi nancial Corp. of America, owner of the Stockton, Calif.-based American Savings & Loan Association. The second largest thrift holding company in the country, FCA lost $493 million in deposits in January and February. Its request for $1.5 billion in assistance is under review. The promises made by the FDIC and bank board go beyond the agen cies’ normal practice. Usually, de posit accounts are protected only to $100,000, and creditors are not pro tected at all. When smaller banks fail, as 184 did last year, the FDIC pays off de positors up to the insurance limit or arranges for the accounts to be transferred to a solvent institution. Big banks, with their extensive ties to other banks, present a more com- C licated problem. The failure of a irge institution could cause a chain reaction of insolvencies at smaller banks and end up costing the FDIC more than the amount needed to keep the big bank operating. But that logic doesn’t make it any easier for executives who watch their small banks go under while their col leagues at large institutions stay in business. : state, ALBANY (AP) — Ragingm fires that charred vast expait of West Texas prairie turnedt! 1,200 acres of ranchland fai by Ruth Blackburn and her into wasteland. The land is acreage thatBlae burn and her son, W.H, Blaci burn III, have tended since:, death of her husband. Despite the loss of the gra land iti the brush fires,that«e I brought under control lastkkI after burning for four dir Blackburn considers hew lucky. She was able to save her’ head of cattle. But she is now among the ens of farmers relying on doi tions of hay and feed from ranchers throughout the The contributions have pouring in since hundreds firefighters, volunteers and^i tional Guardsmen finally trolled the wildfires thatem valuable prairie. At least 30 acres were blackened. “You don’t feel sorry foryi self,” Blackburn said. “The way to get it fixed is to get up go after it.” No one was injured in blaze, hut flames destro; fences that will he expensive replace, torched many ram and killed livestock. Patti Fulton of the Albany Conservation Service estiiM 200 cattle perished in the and others could die from pi monia. i mamm Lots of new and exciting things are starting to happen right now at yourTexas Aggie Credit Union. Our recent remodeling and expansion has made taking care ot your credit union business much taster and easier, Soon you will be able to take care ot almost all your credit union needs over the telephone with our new TOUCH TONE TELLER service, Watch tor more intormation in the next tew days,.. Also, ask us about THE DIRECTORS’ CLUB, another new service exclusively for members ot the Texas Aggie Credit Union! TEXAS AGGIE CREDIT UNION Insuiva Ly the Nut.or. t Ur.ior. Admit jjtrutu. 301 Domimk Dr College Slalion. TX 77840 (409)696 I<140 rail n.irw\ i>9 r uiu