The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 29, 1988, Image 12
1. Class of ’61 ELECT RANDY SIMS County Commissioner Precinct 3 March 8-Republican Primary Proven. Effective Leadership Political Advertisement Paid For By Committee To Elect Randy Sims; Randy Sims, Treasurer. BE4CH BRE4K IN Y pou and 3 friends-Just $75 for a whole week on the Gulf!* Private con dominium. Sleeps 4. Kitchen. Color TV. Pools. Reserve your space on the Gulf at Galveston today. In Texas call TOLL FREE -1-800-392-1205. Outside Texas-409-740-2431. Casa Del Mar Galveston's Gateway to the Gulf at 61st and Seawall *per person, 4 per condo at $300 weekly rate does not include applicable taxes You and three friends-just $82.50 for the whole week!* Private condominium. Sleeps four. Kitchen. Satellite TV. Stereo. Pools. Spas. Reserve your place on the beach today. In Texas, call TOLL FREE-1-800-242-3291 Villa Del Sol The only Hotel/Condominiums on Corpus Christ! Beach 3938 Subside Blvd., Corpus Christi, TX 78402, (512) 883-9748 ‘Per person, four per condo at S330 weekly rate • Does not include applicable taxes. Pokes’ White may retire after 12 NFL years TEMPE, Ariz. (AP) — Dallas Cowboys quarterback Danny White, bothered more by off-the-fleld crit icism than by his lingering wrist in jury, says he is thinking of retiring after 12 NFL seasons. “It’s not an easy decision,” White said Saturday at a football clinic here. “The wrist is fine. It’s not a question of anything having to do with me physically. I’ll never be able to bend it. “Pathologically, I’m having a problem. Emotionally, I’m fine. I’ve gotten about 90 percent of the strength back and I can still improve that a little bit. It’s merely a matter of adapting. “It’s not a physical question. It’s more a psycological question,” added White. “It’s just a kind of beating you take off the field. That, for me, is something I’ve grown kind of tired of. It takes a little fun out of the game.” White, 36, has played for Dallas since 1976 and has been blamed by some fans for not leading the Cow boys to the Super Bowl like his pre decessor Roger Staubach. “At some point, it’s going to get to the point where the game’s not as much fun for me as it once was. And that’s when it’s going to hit me. . . that it’s time to retire,” White said. He said he still is bothered by the wrist injury on his throwing hand. His right wrist was broken on Nov. 2, 1986, when he was sac ked by New York Giants defensive lineman Carl Banks and ha s not healed p rqperly. enough of Steve to kno White said the wrist ren going to Ik* the type of qu and bothers 1 lim primarily w hen he he wants. They've goi t throws on tl le run or vs then soft who’s going to lx* their qu “touch” passe s are required lor the next 10 years. Still, White said his curr ent plans “But I’m not going toe are gearing up for the Cowboys* anybody at this point (and training canq > in July at 1 housand I 'll Ik - t here' or ‘No, I won'!. Oaks, Calif . thing hap[>ens between i “Physically, right now I n i ready to then to change my mind,! go. I’ve been working out and I'm going to continue to work out. I’m planning to go hack to camp and he* ready to play. I think (Dallas Coach Tom Landry) obviously would like to have me there. “As far as the sea Tom must decide whetl Steve Pelleur is ready o he’ll be ready and il is concerned, backup) >t. when my mind. 1 think it wouldbefi because too many things could pen. 1 just want to keepmvf open.” Should White decidetokeef ing, one of the Cowboys’finl games could he here at Sun Stadium, where the St. LouisCi nals hope to relocate an home games. m ■McDonald's ® ® I® BREAKFAST EVERY MORNING MCDONALD’S INTRAMURAL HIGHLIGHTS At University Drive Post Oak Mall Hwy 21 Texas and S.W. Parkway At Manor East Mall nn M McDonald's 1*1 DRIVE-THRU WINDOW ^ Ax \M GAMEPLAN ENTRIES CLOSE: TUE, MAR 1 TABLE TENNIS DOUBLES: PLAY BEGINS: Tubs, Mar 8. ENTRY FEE: FREE!!! SCHEDULES: Posted outside the IM-Rec Sports Office, Thurs, Mar 3, after 3:00 PM. LOCATION: 304 Read Bldg. DIVISIONS: Men’s, Women’s, & Corec will be offered in classes A, B & C. All classes will play single elimination tournaments.RC/LES;! Intramural rules are available in the IM-Rec Sports Office, 159 Read Bldg. EQUIPMENT: Paddles and balls may be checked out from the super visor. ENTRIES CLOSE: FRI, MAR 4 WRESTLING: ENTRY FEE: FREE!!! MATCHES BE GIN: Tues, Mar 8. CLASSES: A- Highly skilled; B- Moderately skilled. WEIGH-IN: Everyone must weigh- in on Mon, March 7 at 4:30 PM in the Men’s locker room, 173 Read Bldg. Mandatory!!! MATCH TIMES: Will be posted in the IM-Rec Sports Office the day following the weigh-ins. RULES: NCAA. WEIGHT CLASSES: Upper limit- 118, 126, 134, 150, 158, 167, 177, 190, & ENTRIES OPEN: MON, FEB 29. ENTRIES CLOSE: TUE, MAR 8. INNERTUBE WATER POLO: ENTRY FEE: $20 Per Team. PLAY BEGINS: Mon, Mar 21. DIVISIONS: Men’s, Women's & Corec. Class A, B and C. RULES: A copy of the rules may be obtained in the IM-Rec Sports Office, 159 Read Bldg. EQUIPMENT: Innertubes and caps will be provided at the game. ELIGIBILITY: One TAMU Water Polo player is allowed perteam. No TAMU Swimmer may compete in this sport. VOLLEYBALL TRIPLES: ENTRY FEE: $20 Per Team. PLAY BEGINS: Mon, Mar 21. DIVISIONS: Men’s, Women's & Corec will be offered in Classes A, B and C. ELIGIBILITY: One TAMU Volleyball Club Member or former varsity letter winner is permitted per team. That team must compete in Class A Competition. RULES: USVBA Rules with IM exceptions. Rules may be obtained fn the IM-Rec Sports Office, 159 Read Bldg. BADMINTON SINGLES: ENTRY FEE: FREE!!! PLAY BEGINS: Tues, Mar 22. SCHEDULES: USBA rules apply. Pick up a copy of the IM rule modifications in the IM-Rec Sports Office. LOCATION: 351 G. Rollie White. COMPETITION: Classes A, B and C will play single elimination tournaments. EQUIPMENT: Partici pants are asked to provide their own racquets; but, a limited number may be checked out from the sports supervisor at the courts. GOLFSINGLES: CONTESTDATE: Sun, Mar27. Tee off will begin at 7:30 AM. Participants can sign up for a tee time at registration. They must sign up for a tee time within their class. GREEN FEES: Students- $5; Fac ulty/Staff- $6, payable at registration. Anyone holding a membership card to the TAMU Golf Course does not have to pay the green fee; however, they must have their card with them at the time of registration. TOUR NAMENT TYPE: All classes will play an 18 hole scratch tournament. DIVISIONS: Both men’s & women's divi sions will be offered. EQUIPMENT: Participants must furnish their own equipment. ENTRIES OPEN: FRI, FEB 26. ENTRIES CLOSE: TUE, APR 12. PENBERTHY SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT: ENTRY FEE: $40 Per Team (double elimination tournament). DIVISIONS: Men's A, B, & C; Corec B & C (Due to limited number of teams, no Corec A division will be offered. Corec B teams will be allowed a maximum of 2 Class A players per team. AWARDS: Penberthy T- Shirts and team trophy to champions in all classes. Men's Class A champions will receive a gift certificate to C.C. Creations good for 15 team t-shirts with a 2 color screen and 2 color 10" numbers with one hour of artwork; a $200 value. RULES: A.S.A. rules with IM and Penberthy exceptions will apply. Divisions must have 8 teams or more in order for the division to make. T-shirt awards will be limited to 15 per team. EXTRAS: All homerun hitters will receive a free food coupon com pliments of McDonald's. Most valuable player of each game receives a Penberthy player of the game koozie compliments of C.C. Creations. TOURNAMENT DATE: April 15-17. The Outdoor Soccer Tournament finished last Monday night with the conclusion of the Men's Finals. Congratulatons to all participants in the Soccer Tournament but especially to the Champi ons. Class A: Men's - Strikers; Women's - Grass Stains; CoRec - CL 105's Class B: Men's - Internation; Women's - Mexico; CoRec - Hoof & Mouth Class C: CoRec - Hysteria T-SHIRT DESIGN CONTEST This contest is to determine a potential design for the Intramural-Recreational Sports All-University Champion T- Shirt. All entries must be received no later than 5:30 PM, Tuesday, March 22. Each participant may enter up to 3 designs. All entries become the property of Texas A&M Intramural-Recreational Sports Department. Drawings should be no larger than 12" by 12". All entries must be black ink on white paper. Color recommendations may be made as well but will not be considered in judging. (Colors must be limited to 2 on the design). The winner will be notified by Mon, April 18 and will be awarded a $50.00 prize. For more information , contact Tom Reber, 845-7826. DRIVING RANGE HOURS The Driving Range located at the Intramural Sports Center is now open for operation Mon-Thu, 4 PM - Dark, Fri, 12 PM - 6 PM and Sat-Sun 12 PM - Dark. In dividuals with student ID orTAMU Recreational ID may purchase a large bucket of balls for $3.00 and a small bucket of balls for $1.50. Without an ID individuals may purchase a large bucket of balls for $4.00 and a small bucket for $2.00. Club rental is also available. For more information, contact the IM-Rec Sports Office, 159 Read, or call 845-7826. TAMU OUTDOORS MOUNTAIN BIKING TRIP Lake Sommerville State Recreation Area Sun, March 6 REGISTRATION: Feb 15-Mar 2. We will explore the trail between Birch Creek Unit and Nails Creek Unit on Lake Somerville. The $8 fee for this adventure includes park permits and trip leaders. You must provide your own mountain bike. Sign-upinthe IM-Rec Sports Office, 159 Read. The trip is limited to 10 participants. For more info, call Patsy at 845-7826. BASKETBALL PLAYOFFS SB LAST WEEK. LOOK FOR SOI EXCITING GAMES IN THE MONTH!! KAYAK ROLL SESSION REGISTRATION: Feb29 - Mar21. Learn howto master the eskimo roll in a controlled environment. Experienced guides will be on hand to instruct and assist you in the Outdoor Pool. The $8 ($10 non A&M) fee covers instruc tion, kayaks and pool time. Limited to 10 participants. The roll session will be held on Mar 24 from 6:00-8:30 pm. For more information contact Patsy at 845-7826. FOOTNOTES - There will be a Sports Club Meetingoi# 7 PM in 167 Read. - All-university racquetball tournament be# 29. Participants should check schedules^ outside thelM-Rec Sports Office. - Team bowling play-off schedules will be Mon, Feb 29. - Tennis doubles tournament begins Tues '; Participants should check the schedulesP\ outside the IM-Rec Sports Office to see#’ play. - Table tennis schedules will be - The Lift America Contest will be Contact James Welford for more i 7826. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: McDonalds Pj Highlights is sponsored in the Battalion by )K>' McDonald’s Restaurants at University Drive,Ma^ Mall, Hwy 21, Texas Avenue and Post Oak Mall-; are written by P.J. Miller, graphics are by Pan# photos are by Mark Figart and Sarah Cowan.ini; Recreational Sports is a department in the Div- Student Sgrv/iripg