************************ Page 8/The Battalion/Thursday, February 18, 1988 BattaiionCiassifieds rvs, Fish Drill Team represent Ta ^ Br n £ faced discipline and they really, into trying to make us smile orlo; around.” Both groups got out toseetheti while thev were at Mardi Gras,Hj said. "T he highlight of the trip is4 annual cons Bourbon St over the piano igregation at Pat O’soffiB 1 it reel when the RYst f/ 1 >ar,” Hall said. '!■ strange how 70 Aggies can chanaB' New Orleans landmark bar intorB 1 s Dixie Chicken. We sang ‘The A;B War Hymn’ twice,‘Up Against:B M ! Wall You Bedneck Mother’and l f , 1 Never Lven Call Me By Ms Nans • ■ Hi 1 hose piano players love us. K ^ Cheap plastic beads gain ness nificance it Mardi Gras, Hallsaid B' 1 ^ "The reveler than th< ne goal of every Mardi fcf n ii i ii is to collect beads thro: i from the floats,” he said. “Ofco;. j " the RVs like the Rex beads most ’ K a ( lose second are the varying!): of pearl necklaces. fed,,., “During March Gras youcania ^ , the beads in a sort of barters)St with the other partiers, andtradd: other heads, maybe a kiss orv.qh thing along those lines.” be I he party atmosphere can Idl trouble, though. Mark Andress, nior aerospace engineering ifflyj said Mardi Gras was anotherwoiil “The place is wild,” he said/ is my second year down there,a couldn't believe it was actuals way I remembered it.” Agents raid wrong house hiis for narcotics k oi the med ABILENE (AP) — Narcotio agents mistakenly raided a ister’s home after couniinj houses from the wrong end of lie block, officials said. “1 thought they were robbers, said Hector Sanchez, whost daughter, Noemi, woke him :o say three men were in the bad yard with crowbars and guns. Sanchez, a minister at tht Spanish Assembly of God Church, said he found threemeii in the yard early Sunday who told him to freeze or be shot. “When he (one of the officers), told me he was from thestatep. lice, I was relieved,” Sanchez said] “But I was still frightened.” His wife and twodaughterssai in the living room whilethemea went through the house and oul front, where they ran intotheresi of the raiding party — learned of their mistake. Sgt. Don Bush of the De ment of Public Safety narcotics division said human error wasm blame for the mix-up. The department had assigntd men to two groups, Bush said One group was supposed to enl« the targeted home from tk front, and the other — the group that raided the Sanchez home- was supposed to guard the rear, Because the houses don't ha* numbers on the back, the group in the rear was instructed» count houses from the cornet Bush said. The problem, he said was that they started countingiij t he wrong end of the block. Later Sunday, the agenis, found the house they initially ii tended to raid down the bl« and arrested seven people. aid havi fcriiian pendir fhe h categories: Collage, Drawings, Paintings, Pastel, Miscellaneous (no photographs) entries will be accepted in the MSC Gallery from 11:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m., February 22-24. Entry fee is $3.00 per piece, limit 4 pieces. judging: hebruary 25, 1988. 4^ MSC VISUAL ARTS