Tuesday, February 16, 1988/The BattaSion/Page 5 B Street by Jon Caldara 'geofMei i and i I mit it I DID ITT / US£D TOUR PL fly BOY nmim tor mim miTRIRL BUT / FOm IT SO miLEcmuy simmci I COULDN'T HELP FIISTLF. TWf ARTICLE ON H l L J r °L TROTIC HOOD (wcblth* ommTs urs DlUCIOUS. ier 9 Animai Pictures »i >leberg, at noon» Waldo by Kevin Thomas Blocker, ivilion Iron I those plarr | the lota- 3ton, Class WYLBUR 50UND5 LIKE- HE'S DYING A HORRIBLE DEATHS NO, HE'S OKAY. WYLBUR HAS BECOME A SINGING COWBOY EVER SINCf HE'S LOST AT LOVE! / IN THE TOILET BOU/L OFLO-OVE, T'V£~ ^ BEEN rm-USHFb rj AWA'AY V ^ larped by Scott McCullar Islam pro [ Jlocker selt,’anl its. 5CUSS Wtl) n at 12a II speaks ails willte Goldman and to- > from fe: be by lie School, churdial led by tie and diifs ' break ai | iday sen- reeling at excuse: m\e.,sir, is this PICTURE. FOR SALE? Possibly, miss... X’LL GIVE YOU ms TOAD FOR XT. X BEUEVE IT TO BE A PICTURE WORTH A TH0U5ANP WARTS. - TAKE IT. TAKE IT j ANP GET OUT. i i • ax coating protects food aintains attractiveness t "Sme| azosVai- lide slw cker, IcDonili iy publish al'sUpis is affirm un. Ifyw :e isapK; led in ;• oeres, * ree aw m’tbfH day-But ;ed.W ell | rsaid- By Jerry Bolz Reporter The wax coating on supermarket hits and vegetables may be the best juarantee for freshness of produce, Is well as increasing its attractive- less. “The two main purposes for the ise of wax are for attractiveness and letention of moisture,” said Sheryl Jaylor, Food and Drug Administra tion consumer affairs officer in | Houston. Many kinds of substances are used Bomake the coatings, from food sub- Itances to oxidized polyethylene. All paxes are covered under FDA food bdditive regulations for safety, whether produced in the United plates or abroad, Baylor said. Marilyn Haggard, Texas A&M Agriculture Extension Service nutri tion specialist, said Garnauba wax, a Highly refined and edible palm wax, Is used to keep fruits and vegetables fresh. “The wax is most noticeable on hcumbers and peppers, things that lend to lose a lot of moisture,” Hag gard said. Common fruits, like apples and oranges, also receive an application of wax, she added. Larry Medearis, manager of Kroger at 2412 S.Texas Ave., said the wax basically presents a better looking product. A common misconception is that grocery stores are responsible for applying the wax. Tom Longbrake, Extension Serv ice vegetable specialist, said the wax is added before the produce is pack aged. “The producers wash, grade and size it, then wax the good produce and package it,” he said. Since the wax keeps quality high, it probably keeps the price down, Haggard said. Longbrake said if the produce doesn’t have the wax, it’s hard to sell, especially if it travels long distances. For instance, fruit shipped from an orchard in the Texas valley to an Eastern state can travel for about 9 days, he said. By the time the produce reaches its destination it is wilted. The con sumer sees an inferior piece of pro duce. “If we grew everything next door, I Faculty will discuss finals schedule ■ envWj ;|assn»'1 was^l Faculty members will have the I opportunity to discuss an alterna tive finals schedule at an open | hearing Wednesday from 4 p.m. to5 p.m. in 206 MSC. The Faculty Senate Executive I Committee scheduled the hear- I ing after the Student Senate ap proved a compromise finals ! schedule that was hammered out in a meeting of Faculty Senate and Student Senate officers. The students’ compromise will be presented for endorsement consideration at the next regular meeting of the Faculty Senate on March 7. The speakers of both Senates still hold out the hope that there might be time to change the finals schedule now in place. The proposal would move fi nals this semester to May 9-13 for undergraduates and to May 7, 9 and 10 for graduating seniors. Graduation ceremonies still would be held May 13 and 14. C. Richard Shumway, speaker of the Faculty Senate, said he does not know how many faculty members will participate in the open hearing. However, he said he invited Student Senate representatives to attend to answer questions on the alternative Finals plan. there wouldn’t be any need for the wax,” Longbrake said. Some products that lose moisture quickly, like cucumbers and bell pep pers, receive/a heavier coat of wax. “They are very tender and they’ll just desiccate and wrinkle up,” Longbrake said. Gonsumers may find the wax an noying but it can be rinsed off easily with mild soap and warm water, he said. Officials say super collider not a threat DALLAS (AP) — The proposed “super collider” project .would be a good neighbor to Ellis County resi dents who could feel safe about its operation, energy officials said Mon day as they prepared for a hearing on the Texas site. Ira Adler, leader of a U.S. Depart ment of Energy team that will con duct today’s public hearing in Waxa- hachie on the 53-mile circular atom smasher, said community activities would be unaffected over portions of the underground facility. The hearing will focus on envi ronmental impact of the project, of ficials said. , Seven states, including T exas, are vying for the $4.4 billion research laboratory, to be used to study the basic components of matter and en ergy. Texas’ site is about 25 miles south of Dallas. Other sites are in Arizona, Colo rado, Illinois, Michigan, North Car olina and Tennessee. Adler said about half of 16,000 acres necessary for the project will be reserved for the campus-like fa cility, but businesses and farms can remain on the rest of the land. He said a preferred site will be designated in July and the winner will be officially selected next Jan uary. UNIVERSITY HONORS PROGRAM MERIT AWARDS TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY For Juniors and Seniors, Fall 1988 DESCRIPTION: Stipend of $1,500. One year to be used Fall 1988-Summer 1989 • Academic scholarships, awarded on a competitive basis • Financial need not considered • This schol arship is for students without major scholarship assistance ELIGIBILITY FOR COMPETITION: 3.5 GPR • Junior or Senior standing during tenure of award • Not currently holding a President’s Endowed Scholarship, McFadden Scholarship, Lechner Fellowship or equivalent major academic scholarship TIMETABLE: Application must be submitted by 1 March 1988 • Awards announced approxi mately late April For further information and application forms, contact the University Honors Program office, Room 103 Academic Building Texas ASM Flying Club ^Teaching tfie CBest to DFfy ( ^ est Interested people are urged to attend our meeting February 16,1988 at the Airport Clubhouse For information Call Julie Scott 846-1279 7:00 p.m. LOCK IT UP OK LOSE IT 1 YOU Cm PREVENT BEING THE NEXT VICTIM OF CRIME f WdMCfgia® [Ml©.fd¥ WEDNESDAY ,FEBTLyARY,JZ^Z^^^.M^aq!^2_01,Mg-C This program will focus on the whole issue of theft as it applies to Texas A&M University, Students, Faculty, and Staff. The speakers are : BOB WIATT BERNIE KAPELLA JIM KUBOVIAK ROY KELLY TONY TAYLOR UNIVERSITY POLICE DEPARTMENT- COLLEGE STATION POLICE BRAZOS COUNTY ATTORNEY CRIME STOPPERS NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH SECURITY EXHIBIT FAIR ROOM 212 MSC. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18 4 P.M. -10 P.M. 10 A.M.-3 P.M. TM PRESENTED IN CONJUNCTION WITH WIHSiC PEBFSy^FSV IB = 1© Sponsored by Off Campus Aggies ^ 151? *1*1*1? © OUR MEMBERS The following departments are moving to new offices directly adjacent to our current location: Si Customer Service m Loan Department m New Accounts All our offices will be closed on Monday, February 15, 1988 for President's Day, but, on Tuesday, February 16, you will find us in our new location. Our teller operations, bookeeping and collections department will remain in their present locations. In the coming weeks we will be adding new services and looking for even more ways to better serve our members. Thanks to our members we are growing for the future based on a proud past. Ask About Our New Preferred Membership Package TEXAS AGGIE CREDIT UNION 301 DomintkDr CoileQe Slalion TX 7>840 (409X’V6~ 1440 Insured by National Credit Union Adminislration (NCUA; khi MSC OFAS W FOCUS ON THE PERFORMING AMTS "IMPROMPTU” and "KALEIDOSCOPE SCENES FROM THE MODERN THEATER" presented by .A&M Consolidated, and Bryan H.S. Wednesday, February 17 8:00 p.m. Rudder Theater FREE ADMISSION