The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 28, 1988, Image 7
Street amcm m ^mcs \ BfflRy nmiou p/M FLOYD \ \ Thursday, January 28,1988/The Battalion/Page 7 by Jon Caldara CHOOSING f) STM IS TH£ FIRST STEP IN 0 ROCK SHOD Ton jom ft j /r) \ \ Jose’s 4004 Harvey RdL 119:45 Closed Mondays ^ X. Zarape’s ^ A 17^ A f-r 308Maln s IJowntown Bryan « 779-8702 9:30-8:45 Closed Mondays Buy one entree and get the second at 1/2 price Buy one entree at regular price and get a second entree of equal or less value for 1/2 regular price Serving the Finest Mexican Food in Bryan-College Station Coupon good Tuesday thru Thursday Jose’s 5-9:30 p.m. Zarape’s 5-8:30 p.m. Expires 3/ J 7 Must present coupon when ordering AN A MAX I A/6 upset IN THE LOCAL TOP-TEV MUSIC VIDEOS FOR THE WEEK HERE W V0RP CITY... V #1 Play Um #2 Bfrcauoo Of You 03 It's Impossible 04 Csnsdisn Sunset 05 Moody River ...BY AH AMAZIW6 COINCIDENCE, KIPS... ALL THE NEW TOP TEN... HAPPEN TO BE ... MY PERSONAL... FAVORITES... by Scon Mccullar #6 Ring Of Firs #7 DesiiW 00 Rocky Mountsin High #9 Sterry Starry Night #10 Walk On Water A^kVANT 1 OF *fio% b Towy C C>MNV\. loo.' nr test krs show ' NED WIU- BACK INTO/ TANT/ YOU MEAN HIS female BODY IS ONLY temporary? V :S(F| SES WEAB OR by Kevin Th 0 olice arrest cab driver fter murder of ex-wife STIN (AP) — An Austin cab , on probation for threatening x-wife, has been arrested in York and charged with tracing ;o that state and stabbing her to , authorities said, omas L. Wright, 37, was ;ed with killing his former wife, y Ann Wright, 33, whose body found in the Lockport, N.Y., tment she had shared with the ’ two children and her boy- sincejan. 1, Lockport police Sights’ end ing l-d< held without second-degfee murder irge in the Niagara County Jail, Sorities said. pggy Wright’s boyfriend, James ker, 44, found her last Friday af- ikingher 16-year-old son and 9- year-old daughter to school that morning, Lockport police Lt. Robert Laforest said. He said investigators have not pinpointed a motive. “We’re not too sure,” Laforest said. “We think he was upTiefe to get* the kids back. That evidently re sulted in some argument, resulting in her death.” Wright received permission from his Travis County probation officer for a 30-day leave to visit his parents in Tonawanda, N.Y., a Buffalo sub urb about 30 miles from Lockport, authorities said. Wright served two years’ proba tion in Austin after pleading not guilty to a charge of aggravated as sault with a deadly weapon in the case involving his then-estranged wife in 1984. He pleaded guilty and received five years’ probation on the same charge involving Decker, said Assistant Travis County District At torney Ashton Cumberbatch. Jerry Millsapps, director of the I ravis County Adult Probation De partment, saidvWrigltt had been fol lowing terms of his probation and that Wright’s request for leave was routine in such cases. Laforest said Peggy Wright and their two children moved to New York four months ago. She and her ex-husband went to school in the area near Niagara Falls. Decker ar rived later from Austin. She was stabbed several times in the chest and back, apparently dur ing a struggle, police said. Several broken objects were found in the apartment. parents of lurder victim iffer to pay irosecutor IRICHMOND (AP) — The par ts of a murder victim want to help pay a special prosecutor, ffiowas picked to help put an ac- :oniplice to the crime in prison. |Helen Mejia, 30, was put on abation for 10 years for her role in the Jan. 8, 1979, shooting lath of Kimberly Ann Strick- ■But the Fort Bend County dis- jjet attorney’s office has filed a Dtion to revoke Mejia’s proba- 3n, alleging probation viola- fcns, including drug and alcohol jOn Monday, Robert Bennett, a [|rmer chief of the special crimes Bvision in the Harris County dis pel attorney’s office, was named to a co-counsel position in the against Mejia after Strick- id’s parents asked to hire Ben in as a special prosecutor be- ise of his experience. Police pursue car through two states in hour-long chase EL PASO (AP) — Two men in a stolen sports car led police in two states on an hour-long chase Tues day morning before stopping and pushing the vehicle over a cliff, au thorities said. Two suspects were arrested a few hours after the chase, Texas Depart ment of Public Safety Sgt. Robert Collins said. Charged with, burglary of a business was Jimi Fonseca, 19, of El Paso, police spokesman Mike Murphy said. Charges were pending against the other man, he said. The chase started after 1 a.m., when DPS trooper Luis Carrillo spotted a speeding Chevrolet Cam- aro on Interstate 10 in El Paso and pulled it over. When Carrillo got out of his patrol car to issue the ticket, the Camaro sped away, Collins said. Carrillo chased the suspects 23 miles into New Mexico before losing sight of them. Las Cruces, N.M., police spotted the car in the city a few minutes later and tried to pull it over, but the Camaro headed hack into Texas, eluding its pursuers, police said. Carrillo and units from the El Paso County sheriff and the An thony police department chased the car up Transmountain Road, which traverses a 5,500-foot-high pass in the Franklin Mountains that bisect El Paso. El Paso police set up a roadblock shortly before 2 a.m. at the east end of Transmountain Road, but the car never showed up. Instead, Collins said, the suspects had enough of a jump on pursuers to allow them to stop the car and push it over a 200- foot cliff. Then they ran away. One man was arrested about 4 a.m. and the other was arrested about three hours later, Collins said. T.V. For Sporting Events. IVe use only 100% Real Mozzarella Cheese Real East Coast Style Pizza NEW” Lunch Buffet 11-2 pm Monday - Friday ALL YOU CAN EAT! Pizza, Pasta, Breadsticks, Cinnamon Rolls, Salad Bar lours 1-10 M-Thur 11-12 Fri-Sat 12-10 Sunday *3.89 Thursday is Student I. D. Night! MAMA’s PIZZA 1037 Texas Ave. College Station @ the East Gate 696-0032 JITTERBUG Please note the, date changes Sunday Feb 28, March 6, 27, April 3, 17 6:00-7.T5pm $ 14/student $ 16/nonstudent Sunday Feb 28, March 6, 27, April 3, 17 7:30-8:45pm $ 14/student $ 16/nonstudent Registration Begins February 1st bias For further information, phone 845-1631. SIGMA NU Spring Rush 9 88 Rush Party Date Party Pandemonium Date: Thursday, Jan, 28 Time: 8:00 P.M. Place: Sigma Nu House Invitations Only Date: Saturday, Jan. 30 Time: 7 P.M. Place: On Invitation Invitation Only Date: Monday, Feb. 1 Time:7 P.M. Place: On Invitation For info call: Ed 268-0580 Warren 764-1869 Starring: Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey Director: Emile Ardolino, Soundtrack to be given away at each showing. Courtesy of Record Bar. Friday and Saturday 7:30 and 9:45 Rudder Theatre S2.00 w/ID MSC Aggie Cinema Starring: William Shatner, Leonard Nemoy and Ricardo Montalban Midnight, Friday and Saturday, $2.00 w/ ID Rudder Theatre -S1AR TRGKX. THJE WRATH OP KHAH pJkM 0/7/V y A Camp ^9gie COUNSELOR APPLICATIONS Open: Jan. 19 Close: Feb. 1 ★ Pick up applications-213 Pavilion return applications to 2nd floor Pavilion-Fish Camp Secretary’s desk on 2-1-88-return by NOON on 1st floor of Pavilion