The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 28, 1988, Image 12
Page 12/The Battalion/Thursday, January 28,1988 Battalion Classifieds Dispute anseg about litigation • MOTICE $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 COLD STUDY WANTED: Patients who are suf fering from a cold to participate in a 5 day at home study. $40 in centive for those chosen. Call Pauli Research International 776-6236 83Mn $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 Frequent Aches & Pains WANTED: Individuals with back pain, menstrual cramps, headache or joint pain who regularly take over-the- counter pain relievers for back pain, menstrual cramps, headaches or joint pain to participate in an at home study. $40 incentive for those chosen to participate. Please call: Pauli Research International 776-6236 sawn NIGHT TIME LEG CRAMPS Do loeg cramps wake you at night? Call now to see if you are eligible to be treated with one of 4 study medications. You will need to be followed for approximately 3 weeks. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. Call today! G&S Studies, tnc. 846-5933 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 HEADACHES We would like to treat your tension headache with Tyle nol or Advil and pay you $40. CALL PAULL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 776-6236 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 Cold-Flu-Fever Study wanted individuals with fever of 101° or over to partici pate in short term study with an over the counter medication $75. incentive for those cho sen to participate. Call Pauli Research 776-6236 ACUTE DIARRHEA STUny Persons with acute, uncom plicated diarrhea needed to evaluate medication being considered for over-the- counter sale. G&S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 FREE AEROBICS Females aged 20-50 needed for 8-week aerobics study Julie Cocklin Student Counseling Service 764-8205 or 845-4427 2 for 1 Russell sweatpants $10 sweatshirts Thurs., Fri., Sat. TEXAS AGGIE BOOKSTORE 201 Dominik location only. WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT BEFORE SPRING BREAK? CALL CARRIE 778-1100. 82t2/2 • HELP WANTED AGGRESSIVE ENTREPRENEURS Our company has grown from 5,000,000 in sales in 1984 to 75,000,000 in 1987! 1988 (200,000,000-projected) will be the year to be in the booming water treat ment business! Stable 18 yr. old, 3a Dunn & Bradstreet rated company ex panding in Bryan/College Station. Our associates may earn in access of $10,000/mo. Successful national marketing director based in Bryan- /Coiiege Station seeks aggressive entrepreneurs who understand that timing creates wealth. Investment S2500 backed up by inventory. This is an excellent opportunity for stu dents, as it can be done part-time. Call Eddie Norman Monday thru Friday Sam to 5pm 409-696-3786 sats/s • HELP WANTED » FOR SALE in Texaco case Graduate students needed for notetaking for spring se mester. Must type & be dependable. Excellent oppor tunity for T.A.'s. Please call 846-2255 or come by 112 Nagle.S t for interview. 75U/29 HELP! Rudder Theatre Complex Needs student workers For stagehand and spotlight work To Apply Come To: Rudder Auditorium Tues. Feb. 2: 7:00pm COME SIGN UP!! Futon Bed $200. Bunk bed f rame $.‘H). neg. Diane 840- 6556 83t2/3 12 ft. Catamaran sailboat MUST SELL! 846-6532. vith trailer. Good condition. 8St2/3 Riva Razz Scooter '87 I.ike New Call after 5:30 322- 4854. 80t 1/30 Sofa, loveseat. dinette, coffee table. 2 endtables $450. Will negotiate on individual pieces. D-779-7770/N-832- 5070. 80tl/30 14’xl5' light green carpet, w/pad, good condition. $60. 774-4201. 80tl/29 Red Heeler Puppies, eight weeks. Males $50. Great s. 774-0817. 8U2/1 workers, pets. Computer- IBM Clone, monocrome monitor, built-in modem, 640K RAM, 20M internal drive, keyboard, some soft-ware. $1000 or best offer. 846-4023. 82t2/2 COMPUTER’S ETC. 693-7599. LOWEST PRICES EVER! IBM-PC/XT COMPATIBLES: 640KB-RAM. 2-360KB DRIVES, TURBO, KEYBOARD, MON ITOR: $599. PC/AT SYSTEMS: $899. Itfn • I LOST AND FOUND GREAT PART-TIME OPPORTUNITY! Gain experi ence and earn money by working on Fortune 500 Com panies’ Marketing Programs on campus. 3-4 FLEX1- " * . Ca ‘ ■Ml ♦ SERVICES REWARD! LOST 6 month 50 lb. black male Lab. 774 0527. Family distraught. 82t2/2 BLE hours each week. Cali 1-800-821-1540. 83tl/28 ARE YOU LOOKING TO MAKE EXTRA POCKET MONEY? CA1 ECO INC introduces Europe’s leading fashion catalog to your University. We are looking for highly motivated individuals to market our catalog. For more info call (817) 554-3133. 83t2/3 ODD Jobs, hours flexible, $4.00/hr. 764-7363. 693- 5286. 83t2/3 COUSNELORS - Boys camp in Berkshire Mts., West. Mass. Good sal., room & bd., travel allowance, beauti ful modern facility, must love children & be able to teach one of the following: Tennis, W.S.I., Sailing, Wa- terski, Baseball, Basketball, Soccer, LaCrosse, Wood, A&C, Rocketry, Photography, Archery, Pioneering, Ropes, Piano, Drama. Call or write: Camp Winadu, 5 Glen La., Mamaroneck, NY 10543. (914) 381-5983. 64U2/2 COUNSELORS - Girls camp in Maine. Good sal., room & bd., travel allowance, beautiful modern facility, must love children Sc be able to teach one of the following: Tennis. W S L, Sailing. Waterski, Softball. Basketball, Soccer. LaCrosse, A&C. Photography, Horseback. Dance, Piano, Diama, Ropes, Camp Craft, Gymnastics. Cali or wiite: Camo Vega, Box 1771. Duxbury, Mass. 02332 (617) 934-6o36. 64U2/2 THE COSTUME CONNECTION PARTYGRAMS NEEDS MALE DANCERS, SINGERS. 693-3004. 75H/29 STUDENT LOANS AVAILABLE GSL, SLS, and PLUS Loans (still making loans tor this semester) In Addition To Making Loans, We Offer: •3 to 4 week processing time in most cases •No credit check for SLS loans if a full-time student •Loan consolidation •Graduated repayment •Debt management •Scholarship search service For More information Call 696-6601 First Venture Group 7607 Eastmark Dr. College Station, Tx. 77840 75H INSTRUCTORS needed foi University Plus workshops in areas of AUTO MECHANICS, JEW ELRY CASTING, YOGA, COLOR DARK ROOM, WEDDING PLANNING, ORAL GERMAN AND FRENCH, PAINTING Sc MORE. 845-1631. 78t2/2 Resumes. Best quality and prices. 696-2052. Professional Typing, Word Processing, Resumes. Guaranteed error free. PERFECT PRINT 822-1430. 8H5/4 Full or part time job for self-starting person in a local product development research lab. Minimum require ment two years (analytical) chemistry with experience in organic analysis of water helpful hut not required. Contact Allen Vickers, O.I. Corporation 690-1711. 82tl/28 What, do jellybeans. Tati Kappa & the Kaplan Educa tion Center have in common? Find out at the Tau Kappa booths. (MSC & Blocker) Jan. 25-28. 79tl/28 Test preparation classes begin 2/3 for GRE exam (4/9/88). Kaplan Center 696-PREP. 80t 1/29 Delivery man. Must have own cat. Evenings 5-10 p.rn.. Chick-Kil-A 764-0049. 79U/28 l est preparation classes begin 3/7 for GMAT exam (6/18/88). Kaplan Center 696-PREP. 80t ] /29 * FOR RENT Luxury 4-pIex apts. on shuttle bus with washer/dryer. $350/mo Call WYNDHAM MGMT 846“4384 _ Cotton Village Apts., Snook, Tx. 1 Bdrm,; $200 2 Bdrm.; $248 Rental assistance available! Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5pm. 4H VERSA LIFE WORD PROCESSING - BEST PRICES. FREE CORRECTIONS. RESUMES, I HESES, PA PERS, GRAPHICS, EQUATION'S. ETC. LASER QUALITY. 696-2052. , I63tin Experienced librarian will do library research for you. Call 27 Call 272-3348. 75tl/29 SCHOLARSHIPS, undergraduate aiid postgraduate. MILLIONS $$$ available. No income limitations. Re sults guaranteed, full refund. FREE information. Call 1 -800- US A-1221 Ext. 7470. 75t2/2 lest preparation classes begin 1/28 Sc 1/30 lot MCA I exam(4/30/88) Kaplan Center 696-PREP. 80t 1/29 TYPING BY WANDA. Forms, papers and word proc essing. Reasonable. 690-1 1 13. 80t2/26 Test preparation classes begirt 3/22 for LSAT exam (6/13/88). Kaplan Center 696-PREP. 80U/29 • TRAVEL Sub-Lease: 3b/2b townhouse, fireplace, covered ga rage, spacious lots. Private. 823-0497/ 693-5955. 79tl/28 Nice brick home near TAMU. 3BR/B, large den, fenced. Child/pet welcome. Nice neighborhood $475./mo. Available March 1.696-6657. 80tl/30 ■c .. J» '. apt. A/C Sc Heat. Wail to Wall carpet. 512 • .i L> Nonhgare / First St. 409-825-2761. No Pets. I40tfn Bargain 2 b/r, some bills paid. $225, $250. Jan. rent free. 779-3550, 696-2038. 76U/29 2 Bdrm, 1 Bath large windows Sc tall trees. $410./mo. Normandy Square Apts, in Northgate. 764-7314. 69tfn Pre-leasing 3 BR/2 BA Duplex near Hilton. 846- 2471/776-6856 63t/inclef. ROOMMATE WANTED 2br/lba. duplex, fireplace, backyard, dryer furnished. 73 bir - • • • $100 + l/3bil!s. Shuttle bus. 693-9514. South Padre Island North Padre/Mustanc Island s 156 Davtona Beach s 99 DON'T DELAY TOLL HtEE SPRING BREAK INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS 1-800-321-5911 To share 2 bdrm, 2 bath Timbetcreek Apartment. Lease through May. Call 846-2195 male/fcmale. 83t2/3 • BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Roommate to share 2Bd, 2Ii house. 5 acres, 1 stall barn, 10 min., from T AMU. Non-smoker must like horses. 845-0739, 268-3023. 80tl/29 Unhapppy with your roommate? 1 still need one! Please call Larissa 696-ST AR. 80t 1/28 $$$$$ PROFIT S IN DONUTS. No franchise fees. As sistance available for equipment financing, supplies, and training. Write: Paradise Donuts, Inc. 21 1 Thomp son Blvd .Sedaita Mo65301 Phone: (816)826-8981. 82tl/29 Male- nonsmoker needed. 2-2. $1T.“ on shuttle bus rt. 696-9244. plus utilities, 80t 1/30 mmrnwr**. • WANTED $170./m<>. utilities paid. 2BR/1B mobile home with w/d. 779-2555/823-3122. 80il/30 Female to share furnished townhome. W/D., fireplace, shuttle bus. Bills paid. $250./mo. Diana 696-2394. 75U/29 TUTOR NEEDED FOR I HERMO, FLUID POWER. DIGITAL DESIGN 823-1963 evenings. 80t I '29 Male to share 4-Plex. 2br. fireplace. $ 155 plus half bills. Own bedroom. Phil 779-7899 evenings. 79tl/28 • PERSONALS tyeed roommate $262.50 Treehouse Village Apts. Washer and dryer, use oITBM computer. 696-3488. 82t2/l • SERVICES ESSAYS & REPORTS ADOPTION Happily married financially secure California couple want to adopt white newborn. Expenses paid. Confidential. Call Gale collect (213) 791 -8616 8312/10 16^78 to choose from—all subjects Order Catalog Today with Visa/MC or COD ADOPT- Childless, loving couple wishes to adopt white chit WfflSeb 800-351-0222 BUramTm-T hi Calif. (213) 477-0226 Or, rusk $2 00 »u: Assays & Reports 11322 Idal^ w><3. /?06-SN, Los A.igeles. CA 90025 Cuj’r'v research aL r avcilafcle—ail levels someone to love. Medical Sc legal expenses paid dential. Call collect Sherry Sc Bob (718) 743-3795 : special . Conft- 77t2/3 ♦ FOR SALE TYPING: Accurate, 95 WPM, Reliable. Word Proc essor. 7 days a week. 776-4013. 83t 1/28 Like New Yamaha Maxim X, water cooled, 1600 miles. 1 -348-2886. Great buy. 83t2/3 CASH FOR COLLEGE- Loans, Grants, Scholarships. There is still plenty of money available. Rush self-ad dressed, stamped envelope for more information to: COSMICORP, PO Box 20129 Oakcreek. Az 86341. 83t2/3 YAMAHA QT50 MOPED. Low miles! Great shape! Must sell! $250. non-negotiable. Cal! Jarrod 260-6898. 83t2/3 1987 Yamaha Razz Scooter. Like new. $500. Call 846- 5243 anytime leave message if no answer. 79tl/28 Lost dark grey Sc white male cat, short-haired, TAMU 1173 Vet. Tag # 1173. Reward. South Knoll Elem. area. 845- 4821/693-8975 eve. 76t2/2 LOST! Canon AE-1 Camera after Cotton Bowl. Please return to Association of Former Students on campus. 82t2/2 CASH for gold, silver, old coins, diamonds Full Jewelry Repair Large Stock of Diamonds Gold Chains TEXAS CO!N EXCHANGE 404 University Dr. 846-8916 3202-A Texas Ave. (across from El Chico.Bryan) 779-7662 WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. (AP) — An angry dispute erupted in federal bankruptcy court Wednesday over whether litigation against officers of Texaco stemming from the Texaco- Pennzoil battle should be terminated without comment. More than a dozen so-called “de rivative actions” have been filed in New York, Texas and Delaware, the state of Texaco’s incorporation, stemming from the $10.3 billion judgment awarded Pennzoil by a Texas jury which had found Texaco guilty of interfering with Pennzoil’s planned merger with Getty Oil. The actions seek to recoup from the company’s officers some of the money lost in litigation and charge officers with mismanagement. Ending the derivative actions was part of an amended financial disclo sure statement submitted to the court by Texaco Monday as part of the oil giant’s effort to emerge from Chapter 11 of the bankruptcy laws by April. But the attorneys for the plaintiffs demanded to know why the end of those actions was included in the package, which requires approval of two-thirds of the company’s share holders before it can be accepted. “We have grave concerns over the credibility of the disclosure statements,” said Mel Weiss, one of the attorneys for a plaintiff. “I think they have a hidden agenda. They want to get out of this without any exposure.” Weiss said Texaco never made any effort to settle the derivative ac tions while Texaco attorney Harvey Miller accused the derivative action attorneys of never approaching the bankruptcy court witn its concerns. The two oil companies have been working to hammer out an agreement, which was reached at the end of last year. The agreement, contingent on ap proval of two-thirds oi Texaco’s shareholders, gives Pennzoil $3 bil lion, piays off other creditors and al lows the company to emerge from Chapter 11. Tne plaintiffs’ attorneys de manded to know if the $3 billion deal with Pennzoil hinged on the ter mination of the derivative actions. Pennzoil attorney Kenneth Klee said the reason Pennzoil and the general creditors committee of Tex aco insisted on the derivative action clause was based on what he called the "financiability of the settlemeni and “local peace." “The case means nothing if Pen nzoil doesn’t get its money,” Klee said. “We were concerned if Texaco management is under fire, lenders might view the company as a risk.” Lawsuits were nuisances, Klee said. Pressed by U.S. Bankrupto Judge Howard Schwartzberg as to whether the derivative action lan guage was “an absolute condition"of Pennzoil’s agreeing to the set tlement, Klee said, “Pennzoils agreement is a package.” Another attorney in the derivative actions, Arthur Olick, said the stock holders had a right to know if Pen nzoil wouldn’t go along with the set tlement unless the actions were ended. Klee again said the package in cluded both the dismissal of thede rivative actions and payment of the $3 billion. Otherwise Pennzoil was prepared “to litigate to the end," be said. Replied Daniel Krasner, another derivative action lawyer, “He hai been blackmailed! The question is, are shareholders being held hostage by Texaco management?” * m Families, friends mourn for victims S ONLY m M of mine explosion m PITCHER OF BEER 6 Daily Lunch Specials Served with Chips & Hot SauCe MTV & Sports in Aggie Room Approved Checks-Credit Cards 3109 Texas Ave., Bryan 823-7470 LAS ESPERANZAS, Mexico (AP) “It’s my brother who’s inside — Grieving friends and relatives We’re family. We want to know gathered at cemeteries and churches what’s happening,” said Augustin in northern Coahuila state’s Carbon Aredondo Alfaro, whose brother, region Wednesday to mourn the 37 Juan Hilario, is one of the six miss- miriers who died in a fiery explosion, ing. Aredondo, also a miner, said the Efforts to recover the remaining six buried deep inside the mine shaft continued as their families, waiting since Monday for news, kept a vigil outside the gates. “Have you heard anything about my son?” one crying woman asked all who passed through the gates. In this town of 10,000 about six miles from the mine, mass was held for all 16 local residents who died in Monday’s explosion at “Mine 4 1-2,” operated by Hullera Mexicana. Church bells rang, the miners union flag flew at half staff, and school was canceled as this commu nity mourned its dead. explosion has made him think twice about hisjob inside the mine. “Now I’m afraid. The moneythev pay us isn’t sufficient to risk our selves for this,” said Aredondo, who earned about 10,000 pesos, or jus! over $4.50 a day at hisjob in another area mine. “For me, mining was the best Now I feel very undecided. This just isn’t working.” “The bells are ringing sadly,” said schoolteacher Rose Irene Campos. “Almost everybody is touched by this. So many people died.” Maria Herrera, whose cousin, En rique Ramirez Herrera, died in the blast, said, “It affects us all because we’re all like brothers here.” The 33-year-old Ramirez, presi dent of the local P EA, left behind a wife seven months pregnant and two other children. His body, recovered late Tuesday, was buried following funeral services here. “The community lost a responsi ble man and an affectionate father,” Ramirez’s brother said at his funeral. “The only consolation for our suf fering is that other people also are suffering,” he said. Aspirin cuts risk for having heart attacks WYADS, BUT REAL HEAVYWEIGHTS WHEN RESULTS REALLY COUNT. o matter what you've go to say or sell, our Classi fieds can help you do the big job. Hipolito Chavez Vaquera, a me chanical engineer at another mine, said his father was one of the 17 men hospitalized after the blast. “Every job has its risks and here there’s not anything but the mines. What else can you expect?” he said. Still, Chavez said the explosion was not just an accident, as mine of ficials said. Authorities say a trans former inside the mine short-cir cuited, causing an explosion and fire that burned throughout the day Monday. 845-2611 “This really was an accident,” Hugo Garcia Beanda, spokesman for the government steel company Sidermex, said Tuesday. “It didn’t have anything to do with neglect or lack of prudence.” Hugo Garcia said the mine com pany planned to establish an inde pendent commision to investigate the explosion “so this doesn’t hap pen again.” Relatives who waited outside the gates of the mine pleaded with au thorities for news of the missing. BOSTON (AP) — People have taken aspirin since ancient times,but the ubiquitous white tablet has be come a glamour drug of modern medicine, good fora growing list of seemingly unrelated ills. “It’s an absolutely amazing drug, says Harold J. DeMonaco, directs of pharmacy at Massachusetts Gen l eral Hospital. Impressive enough are its best known attributes — aspirin’s poweil to ease pain, lower fever and relieve inflammation. But that’s just thebe | ginning. In its latest and perhaps most dra matic incarnation, aspirin turns oui to be a potent weapon against hear:! attacks. A study published in Thursdays New England Journal of Media'-1 shows that healthy men who take as pirin every other day can cut their risk of heart attack almost in half. The Aspirin Foundation, a trade organization, says Americans take more than 80 million aspirin tablet' a day. Because aspirin is so common many people don’t take it seriously, said Dr. Arthur Jacknowitz ol Wesi Virginia University’s School of Phar I macy. “Aspirin has gotten a bad rap,”be said. “It’s an old drug. Worse than that, it’s an old, inexpensive drug Inexpensive drugs are not supposed to work. “You’re supposed to spendalotof money to have a drug that’s a pretty color and comes in a nice container And aspirin continues to surprise I It is being studied as a treatmentfo:I cataracts and diabetes. Scientists also are exploring itspo-1 tential for stimulating the immune I system.