The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 22, 1988, Image 8
■ wsBm Battalion Classifieds • NOTICE SKIN INFECTION STUDY DIAGNOSIS OF ABCESS OR CELLULITIS? Patients needed with skin infections such as ab- cesses, impetigo, traumatic wound infections and burns. Make money compensatory for time and cooperation. All disease treated to resolution. G&S STUDIES, Inc. 846-5933 $100 $100 $100 $100 Wanted: Women 18-40 yrs. old, who suffer from monthly cramps, to parficipa'te in an at home pain relief study, $100 In centive offered to those cho sen to participate. Please call: Pauli Research International 776-6236 Cold-Flu-Fever Study wanted individuals with fever of 101° or over to partici pate in short term study with an over the counter medication $75. incentive for those cho sen to participate. Call Pauli Research 776-6236 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 WANTED: Individuals with back apin, menstrual cramps, headache or joint pain who regularly take over-the- counter pain relievers for back pain, menstrual cramps, headaches or joint pain to participate in an at home study. $40 incentive for those chosen to participate. Please call: Pauli Research International 776-6236 75tfn $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 NIGHT TIME LEG CRAMPS Do loeg cramps wake you at night? Call now to see if you are eligible to be treated with one of 4 study medications. You will need to be followed for approximately 3 weeks. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. Call today! G&S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 75tfn $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 HEADACHES We would like to treat your tension headache with Tyle nol or Advil and pay you $40. CALL PAULL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 776-6236 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 pO $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 WANTED: Patients who are suf fering from a cold to participate in a 5 day at home study. $40 in centive for those chosen. Call Pauli Research International 776-6236 75tfn $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 WEIGHT CONTROL STUDY Females 20%-40% overweight 12 week behavior modification program Darrell Turner Dept, of Psychology 846-9265 or 845-2096 etg/i a NEEDED! Someone to share a ride from Houston Monday thru Friday. Call Donna (713) 937-9172. 76tl/25 NOTICE: NEW CREDIT CARD!:! NO ONE RE FUSED!!! ALSO INFORMATION ON RECEIVING VISA.MASTERCARD WITH NO CREDIT CHECK. FOR DETAILS CALF:(602)248-0779 EXTENTION 305. 74tl/25 ill PERSOffALS • LOSTANDFOOHCI Lost dark grey Sc white male cat, short-haired, TAMU Vet. Tag #1173. Reward. South Knoll Elem. area. 845- 4821/693-8975 eve. 76t2/2 • HELPWAm'EO The Houston Chronicle Has Spring route carriers. Car rier positions require working early morning hours delivering papers and can earn $400. to $600. per month plus gas al- lowence. Call Andy at 693- 7815 or Julian at 693-2323 for an appointment. CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING. M/F Summer & Carer Opportunities (Will Train). Excellent pay plus world travel. Hawaii, Ba hamas, Caribbean, etc. CALL NOW: 206-736-0775 Ext. 466H i9ttn Drivers, cooks 8c cashiers. Part 8c full-time. Apply burgers. 846-4234. 77t Fat- 7tl/26 Are you talented in calligraphy? Do you have an imagi nation? Do you need extra cash? Then we need you. Call Sarah @ Post Oak Mall 764-0060. 77t 1 /22 COUNSELORS - Girls camp in Maine. Good sal., room 8c bd., travel allowance, beautiful modern facility, must love children 8c be able to teach one of the following: Tennis. W.S.L, Sailing, Waterski, Softball, Basketball, Soccer. LaCrosse, A8cC. Photography. Horseback, Dance. Piano. Drama, Ropes, Camp Graft, Gymnastics. Call or write: Camo Vega, Box 1771, Duxbury, Mass. 02332 (617)934-6336. 64U2/2 Delivery man. Must have own car. Evenings 5-10 p.m.. Chick-Fil-A. 764-0049. 79tl/28 INSTRUCTORS needed for University Plus workshops in areas of AUTO MECHANICS, JEW ELRY CASTING, YOGO, COLOR DARK ROOM, WEDDING PLANNING, ORAL GERMAN AND FRENCH, PAINTING & MORE. 845-1631. 78t2/2 Student needed to make deliveries 8c answer the phone. Must be able to work l-5pm Mon.-Fri. Please call 779-2998 for info. 76tl/25 HELP WANTED: Seeking Actors,Dancers,Singers 8c Fechnicians for paid positions with ‘TEXAS’ Musical Drama. On Saturday January 23, audition at Univer sity of Texas in Austin, Noon to 4 (Dancers at 3), Ballet Room #1172 in Drama Building. Performances out door in Palo Duro Canyon near Amarillo,Texas, June 15-Aug. 27, 1988. Rehearsals begin May 22. For infor mation call (806) 655-2181 in Canyon. 74tl/22 THE COSTUME CONNECTION PARTYGRAMS NEEDS MALE DANCERS, SINGERS. 693-3004. 75tl/29 WANTED: STUDENT TO DO VIDEOTAPING AND EDITING. EXPERIENCE HELPFUL. COME BY 159 READ BLDG, TO FILL OUT AN APPLICA TION. CALL 845-7826 FOR MORE INFORMA TION. 75tl/22 Graduate students needed for notetaking for spring se mester. Must type 8c be dependable. Excellent oppor tunity for T.A.’s. Please call 846-2255 or come by 112 Nagle for interview. 75tl/29 “C” Programmer with PC experience in any of: AI, Simulation, Graphics. Pay based upon skill and avail ability for minimum 4 month contract. ACSI 846-3294. 75tl/22 .* FOR RENT NOW HIRING DRIVERS • great pay •flexible hours • loads of fun Call or come by 1702 S. Kyle, Suite 101 (next to Thomas Sweet) 764-8629 must have own car & insurance 29110/16 THF GOLDEN RULE Spring Openings for Men Ciinstian-iiKc. non-smoking Telephones in Deluxe Apts. UTILITIES AND CABLE PAID Free Laundry, Storage, Bus CALL/ASK: 693-5560 After 4pm $150./mo. Share B/B, $250./mo. Own B/B 319/4 Luxury 4-plex apts. on shuttle bus with washer/dryer. $350/mo Call WYNDHAM MGMT 846-4384 _ Cotton Village Apts., Snook, Tx. 1 Bdrm,; $200 2 Bdrm.; $248 Rental assistance available! Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5pm. 4tfn Townhouse for rent. Seperate restroom, cable, tele phone, covered parking, bus stop, extremely nice $250./mo., V6 utilities + deposit. Male TAMU student 693-9883. 76tl/22 Only One Left! 2 bdrm, 1 bath 4-plex. Only one block from campus! $195. per month. Call 822-2188. 76tl/22 ADOPT- Childless, loving couple wishes to adopt white chi: newborn. Our hearts are reaching out for that special someone to love. Medical 8c legal expenses paid. Confi dential. Call collect Sherry 8c Bob (718) 743-3795. 77t2/3 2 Bdrm, 1 Bath large windows 8c tall trees. $410./mo. Normandy Square Apts, in Northgate. 764-7314. 69tfn 1 & 2 bdrm. apt. A/C Sc Heat. Wall to Wall carpet. 512 & 515 Northgate / First St. 409-825-2761. No Pets. 140tfn • FOR RENT 1 Bdrm house, $250./mo. fenced, app., near TAMU 764-7363,693-5286. 77tl/26 Sub-Lease: 3b/2b townhouse, fireplace, covered ga rage, spacious lots. Private. 823-0497/ 693-5955. 79tl/28 • | ROOMMATE WANTED • SERVICES TYPING: Accurate, 95 wpm, Reliable. Word Proc essor. 7 days a week. 776-4013. 79tl/22 What do jellybeans, Tau Kappa 8c the Kaplan Educa tion Center have in common? Find out at the Tau Kappa booths. (MSC 8c Blocker) Jan. 25-28. 79tl/28 Resumes. Best quality and prices. 696-2052. COUSNELORS - Boys camp in Berkshire Mts., West. Mass. Good sal., room 8c bd., travel allowance, beauti ful modern facility, must love children 8c be able to teach one of the following: Tennis, W.S.L, Sailing, Wa terski, Baseball, Basketball, Soccer, LaCrosse, Wood, A&C, Rocketry, Photography, Archery, Pioneering, Ropes, Piano, Drama. Call or write: Camp Winadu, 5 Glen La., Mamaroneck, NY 10543. (914)381-5983. 64t 12/2 Experienced librarian will do library research for you. “ail 27 Call 272-3348. • FOR SALE FRATERNITIES FOR SALE 2 FOURPLEXES Large yard, extremely close to TAMU. Call 764-9162 between 5-7 p.m. ask for Jim SNAKE for sale. 9ft. Bumeere Python with aquarium. $125. Steve 693-0455. 77tl/26 83 Honda Nighthawk 450. Less than 10,000 mi. Excel lent condition. $1000. o.b.o. Brian @ 260-1697.77tl/26 1987 Yamaha Razz Scooter. Like new. $500. Call 846- 5243 anytime leave message if no answer. 79tl/28 PEUGOT TOURING 10-speed bicycle 27-inch. New: $300 Asking: $180. 764-8228. 76U/25 COMPUTER'S ETC. 693-7599. LOWEST PRICES EVER1 EBM-PC/XT COMPATIBLES: 640KB-RAM, 2-360KB DRIVES, TURBO, KEYBOARD, MON ITOR: $599. PC/AT SYSTEMS: $899. Itfn Guitar, Applause cutaway electric acoustical, volume ntrols. $ 1 tone controls. $175. neg. Mike 693-6576. 76tl/25 • BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Bargain 2 b/r, some bills paid. $225, $250. Jan. rent free. 779-3550, 696-2038. 76tl/29 Pre-leasing 3 BR/2 BA Duplex near Hilton. 846- 2471/776-6856 63t/indef. Speed Reading Free one hour lesson! We will double your speed. Only money back guarantee course in Texas will: increase comprehension improve retention teach study skills Get assigned reading done in less than half the time. Holiday Inn College Station Mon., Jan. 25 Tues., Jan. 26 Wed., Jan. 27 4, 6, and 8 p.m. Power Reading 713-320-9671 Page 8/The Battalion/Friday, January 22,1988 FAA asks airlines to pai pilots more responsibly Male to share 4-Plex. 2br, Fireplace. $ 155 plus half bills. Own bedroom. Phil 779-7899 evenings. 79tl/28 Female to share furnished townhome. W/D., fireplace, shuttle bus. Bills paid. $250./mo. Diana 696-2394. 75U/29 House near campus. 3 bedroom, 1 bath. $ 197/month plus to utilities. Call Teresa: 845-4043. 78tl/27 VERSATILE WORD PROCESSING - BEST PRICES. TREE CORRECTIONS. RESUMES, THESES, PA PERS, GRAPHICS, EQUATIONS, ETC. LASER 'QUALITY. 696-2052. 163tfn WASHINGTON (AP) — The Federal Aviation Administration called on airlines Thursday to avoid teaming inexperienced pilots in the cockpit, citing concern about the ex perience level of the pilots in the crash of a Continental Airlines jet in November. The agency also announced tighter restrictions on aircraft main tenance and released year-end statis tics showing a 26 percent increase in the number of near-collision reports — 1,056 compared with 840 the pre vious year — Filed by pilots in 1987. Reports of near-collisions involving at least one commercial aircraft — jetliner or commuter —jumped 40 percent from last year. Of about 900 incidents investigated, 18 percent were found to have been “critical,” with the aircraft having flown within 100 feet of each other, FAA officials said. FAA Administrator Allan McAr- tor discussed the issue of pilot expe rience, airline maintenance and the near-collision statistics at a meeting with reporters. Later, during a speech to the Na tional Aviation Club, he said “we are witnessing a crisis in public confi dence in flying” but maintained that the airways are “safe and healthy” despite some areas of concern. McArtor told reporters that the FAA has asked the airlines “to stress the importance of not pulling two pilots in the same cockpit if they both have relatively little experience in the airplane they are flying.The warning, which McArtor suggested could turn into a requirement if not heeded, grew out of the Continental accident Nov. 15 at Denver’s Sta pleton International Airport that killed 28 of the 82 people aboard a DC-9, including both pilots. The accident attracted FAA con cern over how airlines team their flight crews because both crewmen had relatively little experience living DC-9s — 198 hours for the captain and 36 hours for the 26-year-old co pilot, who was at the controls The FAA advised air carrj schedule their flight crewsto teaming pilots with little (li[ on an aircraft. Furthermott agency said airlines shouldn the senior officer to fly tab poor weather if the co-pilot In than 100 hou i s of flying time: plane. Meawnhile, McArtor said FAA has directed airlines k steps that would reduce then of deferred maintenance one by making repairs promptly FAA officials said they recall recent airline accident thatc traced to failure to repairaniti the so-called “minimum eqti list” — an item where maintt; can be deferred. Some safety experts have suggested carriers are deferring work: many such items in order n planes aloft. The FAA’s tighter rules i such repairs to be madeprom] Neglected child 77tfn Secret grade point increasing techniques revealed. Re sults guaranteed! Free details for Dean’s List Dream ers. Write: Report Card Ramboing Zephyr Press PO Box 351-TAM, San Anselmo, Ca. 94960. 77tl/26 GUITAR LESSONS for adults or children by a finnish kindergarten teacher. Folksongs, pop, basic classical. Call 589-2348. 76U/25 receives money from community 75U/29 SCHOLARSHIPS, undergraduate and postgraduate. MILLIONS $$$ available. No income limitations. Re sults guaranteed, full refund. FREE information. Call 1 -800-US A-1221 Ext. 7470. 75t2/2 GARY, Ind. (AP) — Stuffed ani mals, balloons and money poured in Thursday for a 9-year-old girl with severly frostbitten feet and ankles, while her mother was charged with felony neglect for locking the child in a freezing attic. The child, Darlwin Carlisle, has been hospitalized since she was dis covered Sunday by a construction worker. “The phone is ringing off the hook this morning,” said spokesman Mary Fetsch of Chicago’s Wyler Children’s Hospital, where the girl was scheduled to undergo surgery to amputate her legs at the midcalf Thursday afternoon. “They want to know how she’s doing and where they can contribute.” Addie Goudeaux, principal of Daniel Webster School, where Darl win attended third grade, said call ers there had offered clothing, toys and cash. Lake County Prosecutor Jack F. Crawford filed a formal felony charge alleging neglect of a depen dent against the mother, Darlwin Britt, 24, of Gary. Court Commis sioner T. Edward Page said prosecu tors believe the child’s life may still be at risk. Britt was scheduled to appear in Lake Superior Court Friday. If con victed, she could face a prison term ranging from six to 20 years. The principal said pupils at the school were shocked by the news of their classmate. ‘They’ve been so quiet and so un said. “Toda usual,” she said. "Today the children have been coming up to me in the hall and they say, ‘Oh, have you heard what happened? They're going to cut her legs off,’ is the way they put it.” Patients brin soap to raise hygiene leve BKI.(»RADE, Yugoslavia — I here is a serious shortaal medical supplies in Belgrade ics, and patients have sta: bringing their own soaplc the level of hygiene, a newsj Mik< re po rted Wed nesday. ih< \ '<■< rt njr Xowsti , s.mi thr sin >1 t.tgcs were cat' j^ a) , a financial squeeze afFectkragi (1 city’s^ state-run health v “The lack of drugs and i < supplies, including . . . soap.i t hei tergents and alcohol, hasalrdj^ ox affected the work <>l den; Joe v som<- \ i.i\ Kirp.mment' w paper said. out | " H \ ijlrnr I .dim to tin rol ,,; est possible level, and evend:®/ ‘‘ [ sable items to he sk! . U p f or multiple use." the reportJ S j[j ( |, With a 170 pen cm mllatioi tirci i a $19 billion foreign debu/pf ,Vj sharp drop in living stands Thui Yugoslavia is sufleiingtlit fool, e< onomit < i isis in its historv K ” | ALL CASH BUSINESS- Local condom distributorship available to qualified individual. No selling involved. Service company owned accounts with automatic ex pansion program. Will net $ 1,080 per month based on only 6 vends per day. Requires approximately 4 hours per week and investment of $10,360 cash for equip ment. Call toll-free 1-800-782-1550. Operator 3-M. Anytime. 79U/22 ALL CASH BUSINESS- National company seeks self- motivated person to own and operate their own busi ness. Census reports show average profit of $1,370.63 per month expanding to $3,289.50 due to company’s participation. No selling involved. Service company owned accounts currently handling Frito-Lay® and other name brand food products. Requires approxi mately 8 hours per week and investment of $15,000 cash for equipment. Call toll-free 1-800-782-1550. Op erator 4-S. Anytime. 79tl/22 SPRIN H ’88 JAN. JAN. RUSH PAR-FY White Rock HdfP^OOTiqo SMOKER at PARTHENON P-.inhcnon'r-— ‘SrOO-K-OO Parthenon:- 5:00-8:00 I l!|l!ii: lil,,,,, sill! til!!! 1 - A ■ri? .. r’hLnO*’ 1 Till! 1 PIG ROAS-L TreehouseCApts; Phase I -j- 12:00-3:00 BETA CONJHiRHNCE ^Rudder lliTower JAN. 28 i till* USH PARTY Rock Hall 9:00-1:00 JAN. 30 ^7 ‘ Fafthen JAN. 31 ON Double Dave’s, Bryan b © rt * Invitations Only For Information Call: WHITE ROCK HALL (Eastgate) Across from main entrance NR of the university ~ next to bus station BRANCH WARD Rush Captain 693- 7 479 ^ CHARLIE WERTH President 696-6757