The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 22, 1988, Image 6
HOT PIZZA $4 99 846-8268 Lunch Special 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Daily 12” 3 topping pizza FREE DELIVERY Emilio’s Pizza Dinner Delight 846-8268 12” two topping pizza $5" 16” two topping pizza $7" FREE DELIVERY Emilio’s Pizza Putt rHLATRF.S THEATRE GUIDE GCP TEX S n/e / s. S A & ! Position FUDENT TNMENT I UNiVERSITr' Spring ’88 Vacancies Seats Available Ward II 1 Ward III 1 Ward IV 5 University Apartments 1 Agriculture Graduate 1 Business Administration 1 Graduate Education: 2 A. Junior B. Graduate Engineering Graduate 1 Geosciences and Sciences 1 Graduate at-large Liberal Arts and General Studies 1 Graduate Applications in The Student Government Office, 2nd Floor Pavilion Available Jan. 25-29th Show Your TAMU I.D. and Receive 1* inn 111. 20% OFF any Dinner Entree (Dine-ln Only) • good thru Feb. 10,1988 • not applicable for Sunday Dinner Buffet, Specials or Delivery Pacific Garden Chinese Restaurant 700 E. University Betw. Hilton & Bowling FPiE DELIVERY: 846-0S2B Disney World Representatives will present an in- formatin session on the Wait Disney World College Program on Jan. 25,1988 at 7:00 p.m. in room 108 Harrington Classroom Bldg. Attendance of this presentation is required to in terview for the Summer or Fall College program, Major considered: MKTG, MGM, SCOM, THAR, JOUR, For more information, contect Co-op office, 845-7725 altHfiisneii World AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Page 6/The Battalion/Friday, January 22,1988 Parts of Texas report increase of illegal aliens Throw Mama From The Train PG 3 Sat & Sun 2:05 4:20 7:20 9:20 Post Oak III RAW Sat & Sun 2:05 4:05 7:05 9:05 Cinema III Batteries Not Included (PG) Sat & Sun 2:10 4:20 7:00 Cinema III Broadcast News <R) Sat & Sun 1:05 3:45 7:10 9:50 Post Oak III Return of The Living Dead II w Sat & Sun 9:00 Cinema HI Empire of The Sun (PG) Sat & Sun 1.00 4:00 7:00 9:45 Pest Oak III Braddock Missing in Action Part ii (R) Sat & Sun 2:00 4:00 7:10 9:10 Cinema ill AMARILLO, (AP) — Authorities this week seized 74 illegal aliens in four days, marking an increased level of activity in the South Plains and Panhandle area of Texas, immi gration authorities said Thursday. Four busts — three outside Am arillo and one near Dickens, about 60 miles east of Lubbock — netted the aliens, all of whom were bound for Florida and jobs picking toma toes and fruit, authorities said. “We’ve been up to our eyes this week,” said Border Patrol agent Gene Dickson, an anti-smuggling agent from Marfa. In the latest arrests, charges were to be filed Friday against two aliens arrested Wednesday night on Inter state 40 near Vega driving 13 other aliens from Baja California and Oax aca, Mexico, Dickson said. The group had traveled from Madero, Calif., he said. Dickson said Thursday that au thorities suspect that at least two of the suspects arrested in the busts are part of the same smuggling ring. Reyes Hernandez-Pineda was charged with six felony counts of transporting illegal aliens after a van carrying 19 aliens from Guerrero, Mexico, was stopped on 1-40 for weaving and being overloaded, the Border Patrol said. The following day, agents ar rested Hernandez-Pineda’s brother, Raul Hernandez-Pineda, driving a van with 14 aliens, also from Guer rero, aboard. One of the 14, Enrique Villa-Torres, was charged along with the driver with transporting aliens. Agents in Lubbock Wednesday charged Marcelo Solis Romo of Du rango, Mexico, with transporting il legal aliens after a van driven by him crammed with 23 aliens was seized, officials said. The van’s occupants, including a 15- and 16-year-old, were from Du rango and had crossed the border at El Paso, Border Patrol Capt. Don Vaughn said. The group was headed for Flor ida and had arranged to pay $400 to $500 each for transport, Vaughn said. Border Patrol agents said the number of aliens apprehended was unusual but that the Panhandle and South Plains area had long been a heavily traveled area for alien smug glers. “We have a lot of aliens that tra verse this area from El Paso and west because the large numbers that seek employment in the Southeast,” Vaughn said. Self-defense plea leads to acquittal in TDC stabbing ANGLETON (AP) — A black in mate who admitted killing a fellow prisoner but said he did it to save his own life has been acquitted of mur der. Jurors deliberated less than two hours before deciding Wednesday night that Wilbur Jones, 27, was not guilty of murdering Richard Hord. The 29-year-old inmate was stabbed to death Aug. 8, 1984 at the Texas Department of Corrections Ramsey I Link in Brazoria County. “I was paranoid, angry and fright ened. I was frightened enough to kill him,” said Jones, who is serving a life sentence for a Jefferson County ag gravated robbery. Jones said the fatal stabbing was a case of self-defense, but prosecutors had argued Hord was stabbed while asleep in his bunk and presented no threat to Jones. Hord, who was serving 10 years for robberies and check forgeries in Johnson, Hood and Tarrant coun ties, was a member of the Aryan Brotherhood, a white supremacist gang whose alleged activities include contract murders, male prostitution and racketeering. Jones said he believed Hord was contracted to kill a black inmate that night. “I felt I had no choice but to strike at Richard Hord and render him completely harmless,” Jones said. “Once I touched him, there was no turning back because he was (AB) Aryan Brotherhood. “Whatever it was that I reacted to, I realize now that by my actions I perhaps saved my own life.” When Hord approached the area of the prison dormitory where the black inmates slept, Jones said he kicked him and then chased Hord to the white section, where guards later found his body. The defendant also testified he had previously angered the Aryan Brotherhood because he had re jected some members’ advances to recruit him as a male prostitute. Prosecutor Tom Watson asked Jones why he did not report his problems to prison officials, but Jones replied that doing so would have assured his death. “You just didn’t go out there and say, ‘I need to talk to the warden or a supervisor because I’ve been threat ened,’ ’’Jones said. “You wouldn’t live long like that.” Inmates who testified Wednesday described a prison caught in racial violence the night Hord was killed. Several other inmates were stabbed in a series of retaliatory measures by both black and white convicts. Highway fraud victims may receive $280,000 ■ 1985 WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS HOUSTON (AP) — A proposed settlement of a lawsuit filed by mo torists who claimed they were victim ized in a highway robbery plot or chestrated by a former sheriff would provide $1,500 to each plaintiff. San Jacinto County would pay up to $280,000 to settle the class action lawsuit filed in 1982, according to a proposal released Wednesday. If the proposal is approved, the county will compensate people whose civil rights were violated by former Sheriff James C.. “Humpy” Parker or his cohorts in a trap set for motorists on U.S. 59 in San Jacinto County. U.S. District Judge Norman Black set a March 25 hearing to determine whether to approve the proposal. The 1982 suit was filed on behalf of people who were the victims of sheriffs deputies, bondsmen or wrecker drivers in the highway trap. Parker and his deputies, the suit alleged, operated a lucrative “mari juana trap” to stop motorists without legal cause, steal drugs, weapons and other belongings, jail the motorists and charge them an average of $400 for their release. Parker was convicted in 1983 of using water torture to violate prison ers’ civil rights and is serving" a 10- year term in a federal prison. In 1984, he pleaded guilty to depriving motorists of their civil rights and was given a five-year sentence.Prosecu tors claimed Parker reaped at least $50,000 in bond fees and perhaps an additional $50,000 in court fines he pocketed. According to the proposed set tlement, San Jacinto County will pay $40,000 per year for up to seven years or until each member of the class has received $1,500, whichever Chinese Fighting Arts Won Hop Loong Chuan Demonstration & Registration Friday Jan. 22 5:30 pm Rm. 267 Read (East Kyle) FIJI Spring Rush Parties All Parties are Invitation Only. 1/23 Sat Party: South of the Border Attire: Sombreros/Ponchos 1/27 Wed Party: Ski Hawaii Attire: Hawaiian/Ski Wear Fiji House: 1414 S. College * Bobby McGoldrick: 696-9132 * Keith Smith: 822-3008 ’ Get Hooked on MSC Freshmen Leadership Dvnamics PICK UP APPLICATIONS Room 216 MSC It s Twice As Fun Drive in to SONIC ard treat the whole family witli Brown Bag Specials. They're only $3.99 each. And they’re only at SONIC. 2 Regular Burgers 2 Orders of Fries 2 Medium Cokes* comes first. Class action plaintiffs ate all those arrested between Au gust 1977 and August 1982 on U.S. 59 in San Jacinto County who were victims of the alleged plot. It is not certain how many people are enti tled to receive money in the case. In addition, the county will try to expunge the arrest or conviction re cords of the plaintiffs and not en gage in “any scheme to illegally de tain, arrest, incarcerate, deny counsel, extract illegal fines or deny right of trial to motorists traveling on U.S. 59 in San Jacinto County.” Jury convicts baby sitter of killing girl FORT WORTH (AP) — Jurors convicted a baby sitter of killing a 2- year-old girl 4 hursday and sen tenced her to 70 years in prison. Sheila Arthur, 46, pleaded inno cent by reason of insanity, and her attorney, Charles Baldwin, said Ar thur was having a seizure when the child was injured. But authorities said Anna Smith suffered at least six blows to the head while in Arthur’s care Aug. 22, 1986, and died two days later at a Fort Worth hospital. The jury heard final arguments in the four-day trial Thursday and be gan deliberating about 11 a.m., said court bailiff Yvette Johnson. They handed up the conviction at about 5:30. PHI KAPPA SIGMA January 22,198? 418 College Main 846-1838