The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 22, 1988, Image 4
P Home Made Hot Tamales Benefit Sale Sat., Jan. 23 from 12 to 6 p.m. at Emiliano's Night Club dance following 502 25th Street next to W. 25th Cleaners Proceeds will go to the Ugly King Scholarship Fund Friday: D.J. Night $3°° Cover Charge For more info call Roy Lopez '82 775-9539 Page 4/The Battalion/Friday, January 22,1988 500 OFF WAFFLE SUNDAE OR LITE BITE BELGIAN WAFFLE. Please present this coupon before ordering. One order per coupon per customer per visit. Customer must pay any sales tax due. Not good in combination with any other offers. Offer good only at partici pating “TCBY.” stores. Cash value: 1/100 of a cent. Offer expires: February 15.1988 u TCBY” The Country’s Best Yogurt 404 University Dr. f5_M. ITS TOURS & TRAVEL V 1055 Texas Avenue/College Station, Texas Acapulco Aspen Banff London Las Vegas Only 52 Days Until Spring Break Book Now 764-9400 Nassau Rio New York Ft. Lauderdale San Francisco SHOP HOURS: Mon thru Fri 8 am-6 pm Free estimates on all bodywork $ 100 OF The MAACO URETHANE SUPREME Paint Service REG. $499. 95 NOW $399. 95 Provides the finest preparation and materials. Polyurethane Enamel—the ultimate in durablity, gloss retention and chemical re sistance. • Chemical Cleaning • Thorough Surface Sanding • Machine Sand Most Chips and Scratches • Prime and Block Sand Feath ered Areas • Full Coat of Primer Sealer • Refinish with Polyure thane Enamel—Unequaled for Gloss Retention and Durability • Oven Baked Finished Offer Expires: January 30,1988 BRYAN 1300 South College Ave. (1 Block Behind Gallery Nissan) 823-3008 MAACO Auto Punting & Bodyworks are mdopondcnt franchises of MAACO Enterprises* Prices and hours may vary UL CHUN KING ^ CHINESE RESTAURANT DAILY LUNCH SPECIAL $2 95 Different Special Each Day. Combination Dinners Served with soup, egg roll, and fried rice. SUNDAY BUFFET $ 4 25 All You Can Eat Menu Changes Weekly 11:30-2:00 5:00-8:00 11:30-2:00 5:00-8:00 We serve beer and wine. 1673 Briarcrest Drive At Ardan Crossing Across From Steak and Ale 774-1157 Open 7 Days a week Lunch 11-2 Dinner 5-10 PTA’s request may lead to ban of ‘dial-a-porn’ AUSTIN (AP) — The Public Util ity Commission on Wednesday or dered Southwestern Bell to show why Dial 976 phone services, includ ing “dial-a-porn,” should not be banned in Texas. The order came after the presi dent of Texas PTA called on the commission to abolish dial-a-porn. Also Wednesday, the commission approved an agreement in which Southwestern Bell customers in Dal las, Fort Worth, San Antonio and Houston would have 60 days in which they could request, at no charge, that their phones be “blocked” from making calls to 976 services such as dial-a-porn. That order goes into effect Feb. 20. After the 60-day period, it will cost $7 to block the calls. Currently, Southwestern Bell charges $21.65 for blocking. The 976 lines are leased by South western Bell to companies that pro vide a variety of recorded informa tion. “I think we have to take a look at whether all of the kinds of prob lems that are surrounding 976 as it is being offered now truly makes this service in the public interest,” Com missioner Jo Campbell said. She said she would prefer a sys tem in which 976 service would be available only to customers who pay a fee to have access to it instead of the current system of having to pay for blocking. “You cannot always control, as an example, at a business, who happens to walk in the door of their business or which employee happens to pick up the phone,” Commissioner Marta Greytok said. “You’re asking them to be jailers with their own employees,” Both commissioners said they have concerns about all 976 services, not just dial-a-porn. The commission has fielded com plaints from Texans who said their children had made calls to the dial-a- porn services. Kathryn Whitfill of Houston, president of the Texas PTA, told the commission her 750,000-member group is concerned about the growth of dial-a-porn services in Texas. “We feel very strongly that such material should neither be readily available to everyone, and especially children, nor should telephone sub scribers have to pay to keep the ac cess to this unwanted pornography out of their homes,” she said. EMS arrival times lag in major cities throughout Texas SAN ANTONIO (AP) — Acci dent victims in Houston and San An tonio had to wait longer for an am bulance than victims in three other large Texas cities, emergency re ports indicate. In Houston, victims had to wait an average of 10 minutes and in San Antonio the wait was between six and eight minutes, the San Antonio Tight reported. Bexar County Medical Examiner Vincent DiMaio said the ambulance delays could prove fatal. “Ideally, it should be three to five minutes,” DiMaio said. “The prob lem becomes especially acute when people go into heart arrest — any one who is arrested more than four to five minutes is not going to come back.” Houston, with 37 ambulances cov ering 669 miles, averaged the 10- minute response rate 74 percent of the time. In San Antonio’s city limits, 70 percent of the calls were an swered within 10 minutes. In Bexar County, 30 percent of the calls were answered within 10 minutes. The av erage response time was 6.7 min utes, the Light study showed. David Eaton, a professor at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin, also has studied ambulance response times. “Compared to Austin and Dallas, there’s more risk (in San Antonio),” Eaton said. “That’s clear with 70 per cent of the calls in Bexar County made after 10 minutes.” Officials said annexation and in sufficient emergency vehicles to serve the expanding city are to blame. But Deputy Fire Chief Curtis Franz said annexation didn’t slow re sponse time because EMS served those areas before annexation. There are 19 ambulances that are dispatched from area fire stations to cover 1,250 square miles in the city and county, he said. In Dallas 74 percent of the calls were reached within five minutes. Dallas, which has 22 ambulances to cover 380 square miles, averaged 4.92 during survey period. In Austin and Travis County 98 percent of the calls were answered within 10 minutes. Austin has 13 ambulances to cover 1,044 square miles. The average response time in the city was 5.95 minutes, while in the county it was 12.42 min utes. In El Paso the average response time was 6.32 minutes. The city’s seven ambulances cover 139 square miles. Dallas bank stalls probe of SMU scandal AUSTIN (AP) — A Dallas bank where former Southern Methodist football coach Bobby Collins is a di rector has stalled an inquiry into the school’s football scandal because it’s taking too long to release related bank records, officials from the state attorney general’s office said Wednesday. “It’s reaching the point where we might have to take legal action to get the bank records,” said Elna Christo pher, a spokesman for Attorney General Jim Mattox. In December, Mattox subpoenaed the records of an SMU athletic de partment account at Capital Bank in an investigation into possible theft of at least $ 10,000 in school funds. On Wednesday, the bank notified Mattox that it would take another six weeks to comply with the subpoena. “This is a big job,” W. Leonard Payne, vice president and cashier, told The Dallas Morning News. “They want us to drop everything. . . and just do their’s (records).” What’s Up Friday DELTA SIGMA PI: will have a happy hour at 5 p.m. at InterurbanEatinc- All business students welcome. TAMU BADMINTON CLUB: will meet and practice at 7 p.m. in 35K; White. UNITED CAMPUS MINISTRIES: will have a peanut-butter fellowship; a.m. at Rudder Fountain and a Bible study at 6:30 p.m. at A&M Pies; Church. STUDENT GOVERNMENT: is now accepting comptroller applications tion and applications are available in 219 Pavilion or call 845-3051. INTRAMURALS: Basketball and pre-season basketball entries areava ; 167 Read. For more information contact P.J. Miller at 845-7826 BRAZOS COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY: will meet at 8 p.m. at the Hit gan Brown will speak on “prescription for happiness.” ir Sunday TAMU INTERNATIONAL FOLK DANCERS: will meet at 8 p.m Check the monitor screen for the room number. Beginning and exps dancers are welcome. A&M TRAP AND SKEET: will have a shooting practice at 1:30 p.m a:; Valley Gun Club. Itiou Monday UNIVERSITY ART EXHIBITS: will present eighteenth century views: naletto Thursday through Feb. 20 in Rudder Exhibit Hall. TAMU CHINESE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP: Dr. Joseph Wanglror; Theological Seminary will speak at 7:30 p.m. Friday through Sundi Faiths Chapel in a series of lectures exploring the question “which way 7 PHI THETA KAPPA ALUMNI: will meet at 7:30 p.m in 507 A-B Rudde ALPHA KAPPA PSI: will have an informational rush meeting at 7pjj Kyle Field press box. TAMU JAZZ BAND: will rehearse at 7:30 p.m. in the Commons* room. New members are welcome. HIGH SCHOOL PUBLIC RELATIONS AND RECRUITMENT: will mee; p.m in 225 MSC to turn in brochures from the high school trip. AGGIE CINEMA: will have a new-members meeting at 7 p.m. in 510F DATA PROCESSING MANAGMENT ASSOCIATION: will meetatlpa Ramada Inn penthouse suite for an Exxon presentation on careersinds essing. INTRAMURALS: team bowling and racquetball singles entries areav; 167 Read. Items for What's Up should be submitted to The Battalion, 216 ReedNti no later than three business days before the desired run date Wemii the name and phone number of the contact if you ask us to do so. Wfa: a Battalion service that lists non-profit events and activities. Submission; on a first-come, first-served basis. There is no guarantee an entry nilr: ' have questions, call the newsroom at 845-3315. Weather Watch “ - Fog ★ ★ -Snow - Rain Shower - Thunderstorm - Drizzle - Freezing Rairi Sunset Today: 5:52 p.m. Sunrise Saturday : 7:20 a.m. Map Discussion: High pressure will continue to dominate the Eastern Pac the Western United States while a low pressure trough aloft from NewEngla: Texas will rule the remainder of the nation. The system coming out of the Canadian Rockies should bring another taste of cold air to the Northerntac states; however, with cold air already in place, much of the Central and Wes? United States will remain quite cool. The Eastern Pacific high is showings^ weakening which will once again allow frontal systems inland. Forecast. Today. Fair and cool. High of 42 degrees with northeast winds at lOmph. Tonight. Increasing cloudiness and cold. Minimum temperature Saturday™" of 25 degrees, winds light and variable, with some light rain along the Centra Texas coastal areas. Saturday. Increasing cloudiness and continued cool with a maximum tempera in the mid 40s. Weather Fact. Orographic lifting — The lifting of an air current caused bypass up and over elevated terrain. Prepared by: Charliec 7 Staff Meteo'? A&M Department of Metecs AXEL FOLEY IS BACK. BACK WHERE HE DOESN’T EDDIE MURPHY ^ 0|r^|r|2| ULi \aggie BELONG. #1 MONEY MAKING MOVIE OF 1987 FRI. RUDDER THEATRE 7:30 & 9:45 pm SAT. - RUDDER AUDITORIUM $2.00 Don’t miss any of our remaining International Features. Buy your International Series Pass at the MSC Box Office through Tuesday. Only $14.00! SCHULMAN THEAU 2.50 ADMISSIOI 1 Any Show Before 3 PM 2. Tuesday - All Seats 3. Mon-Wed - Local Students* Current ID s 4. Thur - KORA "Over 30 Nile DENOTES DOLBY STESi MANOR EAST 3 Manor East Mall 621 three men & a baby PG ‘WALL STREETr R Sx Elmo’s Fire FRI. - RUDDER THEATRE SAT. - RUDDER AUDITORIUM MIDNIGHT $2.00 SCHULMAN 6 2002 E. 29th 775-2JJ FOR KEEPS pg-13 PLANES, TRAINS & AUTOMOBILES r ^ $ DOLLAR DAYS! Big Bad Moma 1! J DIRTY DANCING pg-is baby boom PRINCESS BRIDEpg