The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 11, 1987, Image 7

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Friday, December 11,1987/The Battalion/Page 7
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Beer-y Christmas
Garren Hill and Brian McCallister cram for finals
in front of a Christmas tree that they constructed
from 284 beer cans. The pair collected cans all se-
Photo by Robert W. Rizzo
mester with the idea of building a bonfire rep
resentation, but had to settle instead for a
Christmas tree.
Fire chief
(Continued from page 1)
specific grievances against Jenkins.
The firefighters refer most ques
tions about the situation to Pappas,,
but he will not comment while on
duty because of department regula
Pappas said Jenkins has made
such statements as, “When he learns
how to burn down a building and
make it look good, then he’ll be a
deputy chief,” and “The best way to
learn is to learn while you burn.”
Pappas said, “We have a problem
with statements like that.
“We get the feeling he’s not chan
ging. Jenkins said he is going to go
around to talk to everybody and
apologize for the communications
problem we have, but he is not apol
ogizing for the other things. We feel
he should at least apologize for the
grievances sustained.”
The document released by Pappas
states Jenkins:
• Used racial slurs in referring to
department members.
• Told citizens that drug use was
rampant in the Bryan Fire Depart
• Told department members
they could be replaced by 150 Mexi
can illegal aliens.
• Cursed at an off-duty fire
fighter on a fire scene in front of
that firefighter’s children.
• Said the drivers could be re
placed by trained monkeys.
• Publicly discussed an internal
department investigation.
Mobley wouldn’t say whether he
still had faith in Jenkins and his abil
ity to do his job.
“Let’s see what the end result is
going to be before we start giving
opinions like that,” Mobley said.
(Continued from page 1)
opposition to the resolution. Dr.
Harrison T. Meserole, a distin
guished professor of English and a
smoker, says he thinks the resolution
at face value is a good idea, but not if
it infringes on the private office
space of faculty members.
“I second this motion on three di
mensions,” he said. “One, I don’t
think there should be smoking in
classrooms, and second, I don’t
think there should be smoking in the
buiMings But T do think that the in
dividual member of the faculty in his
individual office can make that deci
sion for himself. And I do not think
that a legislation that is a simple
blanket of the entire University is
the way to go.
“No other, or at least very few
other, institutions make it such a
sweeping blanket prohibition. And
so I think those of us who do smoke
and who have individual offices in
which we do our reading, thinking,
research and so on should have that
decision to make for ourselves.”
Rapes recognizes people’s right to
smoke in their private work areas,
but said most of the ventilaton sys
tems on campus don’t facilitate that.
“Certainly there’s a privacy issue
that says,‘Tnis is my office,’ ” Rapes
said. “But my right to swing my fist
stops where your chin begins.
“The point is, if I smoke in my of
fice, my smoke air is going to be re
circulated to the other offices. The
ventilation systems in most buildings
simply cannot handle that.”
The resolution says, “for smoking
to be permitted in any building, it
will be necessary to establish desig
nated smoking areas which have sep
arate ventilation that will prevent re
circulation of smoke to non-smoking
Storey said windows in dorms
without air conditioning and single
room ventilation in the Corps dorms
alleviate the sidestream smoke recir
culation problem in these buildings.
But he said a majority of the build
ings on campus are not designed
with individual ventilation systems.
Rapes said that enforcement of
the ban will be a sticky issue but will
have to be dealt with.
“Enforcement is a problem,” he
said. “And we, in our own dis
cussions, thought that it probably
needs to be enforced at the depart
ment level.”
In addition to the resolution on a
smoke-free environment, the Fac
ulty Senate also will consider a reso
lution Monday that proposes a thor
ough review of fire safety at A&M.
The resolution cites “concerns that
there are not adequate provisions for
and implementation of fire safety
procedures on campus.”
Storey said the resolution is de
signed to support the people work
ing on fire safety problems.
“If you just look around, there are
all kinds of safety violations,” he
said, adding that the worst problems
are in the older campus buildings.
The Faculty Senate meeting is
scheduled for 3:15 p.m. Monday in
601 Rudder Tower.
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