The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 11, 1987, Image 1
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Both leaders put a positive spin on a summit that produced no break throughs but Gorbachev also at tacked the president’s stand on nu clear testing and chemical weapons and took a hard line on would-be Jewish emigrants. But the two sides committed themselves to another summit, sometime in the first half of next year, in Moscow. Reagan said, “this summit has lit the sky with hope for all people of good will,” and Gorbachev said, “I think we trust each other more.” In an apparent concession, a U.S. official said Gorbachev had dropped his insistence for restrictions on star wars testing as a condition for cuts in strategic arsenals. Gorbachev, at a marathon news conference, skirted the question that snagged the Ice land summit last year. Asked if the summit had done anything to slow the arms race in space, he said, “I don’t think so.” But he held out the hope they could sign a treaty in Moscow next year to reduce long-range nuclear weapons by half. “Differences still exist,” the Soviet leader said, “and on some points those differences are very serious in deed.” However, “We do not regard them as insurmountable,” he said. Seventy-six hours after his arrival on American soil, Gorbachev was given an elaborate sendoff at rain- drenched Andrews Air Force Base near Washington. He got a trumpet fanfare and a 21-gun salute. Ending his first-ever visit to the United States, Gorbachev was bound for East Berlin for talks with Warsaw Pact allies. However, in an apparent conces sion, Gorbachev dropped his insis tence for restrictions on star wars testing as a condition for cuts in strategic arsenals, a senior U.S. offi cial said. The United States also preserved the right for broad testing of the star wars program, the official said, even though Congress has imposed some restrictions. In exchange, the United States agreed to adhere to the 1972 Anti- Ballistic Missile Treaty for a period of time yet to be negotiated, the offi cial said. However, the official said it would not constrain the program. Although a huge crowd of reporters attended the official’s briefing, he insisted that his identity remain a se cret. Scaling the walls Physical plant workers Virgil Hartfeld, Terry Perry and Jake McGough apply waterproof mor tar to the Pavilion as part of repairs the building Photo by Lucinda Orr will undergo to correct leakage problems. This type of repair to buildings is just one of the few jobs that the plant workers encounter daily. Faculty Senate to consider ban against smoking By Karen Kroesche Staff Writer A resolution to be considered by the Faculty Senate Monday calling for a smoke-free environment on the Texas A&M campus undoubt edly will spark lengthy debate. If passed, the resolution will be sent as a recommendation for action to President Frank E. Vandiver. The resolution proposes “that smoking be banned in all buildings on the Texas A&M University cam pus, including classrooms, dormito ries, eating places, student and fac ulty lounges, lavatories, hallways and athletic facilities (including seating areas in Kyle Field and Olsen Field).” It also calls for the removal of all cigarette vending machines from campus, the establishment of a Uni versity committee to implement and enforce the ban, the placement of no-smoking signs at building en trances and the creation of a “smoke-stopping program” to be made available to A&M students and staff at minimal or no costs. The resolution, proposed by the Personnel and Welfare Committee of the Faculty Senate, cites evidence from the American Cancer Society linking “passive smoking” — expo sure to others’ cigarette smoke — with lung cancer and heart disease. “The risks posed by involuntary smoking may be smaller than those of active smoking, but the potential number of affected individuals is much, much greater,” the report said. Dr. Benton Storey, professor of horticultural sciences and chairman of the Personnel and Welfare Com mittee, also emphasized this hazard. “We know that sidestream smoke can kill people,” he said. The committee also relied on in formation from a random poll of 198 A&M faculty and staff members this summer, in which 68 percent strongly favored a ban on smoking in all buildings on campus. The survey was prompted by que ries made to the Faculty Senate by faculty members concerned about second-hand smoke, said Dr. Jerome T. Rapes, professor of industrial, vo cational and technical education/e ducational psychology. “There were several faculty who said, ‘We need to address this prob lem at A&M. It’s a serious prob lem,’ ” said Rapes, a co-author of the resolution. “They had heard complaints from people who are subjected to smoke in their working places, and so we were asked to study it.” Rapes designed the questionnaire, and said he was surprised at the re sults of the survey. Only 10 percent of the faculty and staff who re sponded to the survey said they are smokers, while the national average is 27 percent. Predictably, there is some strong See Smoke, page 7 4 2 Bryan council members unaware of Jenkin’s past By Richard Williams Staff Writer Some Bryan City Council mem bers said Thursday they were un aware Fire Chief Claude Jenkins III had been involved in litigation when they approved his hiring, but Dep uty City Manager Marvin Norwood said he knew of the litigation. Council members John Mobley and Helen Chavarria said they didn’t know until informed fcy a Bat talion staff writer that Jenkins had been named in a $1.1 million lawsuit filed by a former firefighter in Al bion, Mich. Jenkins formerly was fire chief in Albion. Both Mobley and Chavarria were on the council when Jenkins was hired in January 1985. Jenkins cur rently is on six-month probation re sulting from grievances filed by Bryan firefighters. Albion City Manager George Kolb said Thursday that Jenkins was named along with the city in a $1.1 million lawsuit filed in 1981 by Fen ton M. Prewitt, a former Albion fire fighter. Prewitt claimed his civil rights had been violated when he was denied a promotion. Kolb said the city settled the suit out of court, and the settlement pre vented him from divulging the amount awarded. However, Blair Bedient, publisher of the Albion Re corder, said Prewitt received about $100,000. Jenkins could not be reached for comment either at his home or at the Central Fire Station. But in an inter view with The Battalion last week, Jenkins was asked if he had ever been involved in litigation resulting from his performance as fire chief in other cities. Jenkins responded, “I can’t get into that stuff, babe. You have to bear with me.” Chavarria was asked if the suit, which was filed and settled before Jenkins was hired in Bryan, both ered her. “To be told some of these things,” she said, “a person’s first re action would be to be bothered.” Chavarria also said she wasn’t sure why the information didn’t turn up before Jenkins was hired. A&M fails to meet recruitment goals of minority students despite efforts “We believe that if you increase the pool of minority students who are prepared and are intending to go to college, some will come to A&M and some will go to the University of Texas. ” —Jerry Gaston, associate provost of academic affairs. By Tracy Staton Staff Writer Since Texas A&M began to dust off its welcome mat for minorities, a higher percentage of minority stu dents are remaining enrolled in the University, recent figures show. But in spite of increased minority recruitment efforts, minority stu dents still make up less than 10 per cent of total enrollment. Texas Higher Education Coordi nating Board figures released Dec. 2 show that A&M’s minority retention rate has been the state’s highest for three consecutive years. Of the 544 undergraduate black students who enrolled at A&M in Fall 1985, 473 — or 86.9 percent — returned for Fall 1986. The retention rate for under graduate Hispanic students was 88 percent — of the 1,573 who en rolled, 1,385 returned. Though the percentages are the highest in the state, the numbers don’t show that A&M is falling be hind in the total number of minority students enrolled. Although mi nority enrollment increased from 3,042 students in 1986 to 3,678 in 1987, The Battalion reported in Jan uary that the University was not meeting its minority recruitment goals. And the 3,042 undergraduate minority students in 1986 still rep resented only 8.3 percent of total en rollment. In 1987, that percentage increased to 9.4 percent. A&M’s most recent effort to in crease minority recruitment is an outreach program co-sponsored by the University of Texas. Outreach offices — located in San Antonio, Houston, Dallas-Ft. Worth and the Rio Grande Valley — will be used to help minority high school students prepare for college enrollment. Dr. Jerry Gaston, associate pro vost for academic affairs, said the program was designed to increase the pool of minority students going to college. Students helped by the program will not be required to at tend either A&M or UT, he said. “We believe that if you increase the pool of minority students who are prepared and are intending to go to college, some will come to A&M and some will go to the Uni versity of Texas,” he said.“We’ll both be better off, and so will the state of Texas.” To keep the program institution- neutral, the offices will not work di rectly with high school students. “The offices will act as resources to the public schools in these areas,” Gaston said. “We won’t be doing in dividual counseling.” The stations will be used to assist and reinforce the processes used by high schools to prepare students for college admission. The program will help sponsor workshops, distribute scholarship information and offer curriculum counseling. Gaston said A&M officials came up with the outreach idea, and UT asked to join. The A&M Board of Regents created a committee on mi nority recruitment this summer, and the outreach program was outlined and approved after the fiscal year began Sept. 1. Of the four offices, A&M will be called the “lead institution” in Hous ton and San Antonio; UT will have junior status in these cities. In Dal las-Ft. Worth and the Rio Grande Valley, UT will be the lead institu tion. The San Antonio office is al ready open; the other offices are in the process of organizing. Another minority program will be implemented next summer with the help of a $50,000 grant ARCO gave to A&M’s Minority Engineering Pro gram. A Summer Bridge Program will prepare incoming minority fresh men for enrollment in A&M’s Col lege of Engineering. It is designed to increase the minority retention rate for the college, Jeanne Rierson, pro gram coordinator, said. “We want to let the students know what A&M offers,” Rierson said. A&M is second nationally in bach elor’s engineering degrees granted to Hispanics, according to figures re leased by the American Society of Engineering Education. “I would suspect those things were not known,” she said. But Norwood said he knew about the suit before Jenkins was hired. Norwood said he didn’t know if council members were told about the suit or why they wouldn’t have been told. Bryan City Manager Ernest Clark could not be reached for comment because of a death in the family. As city manager, Clark is respon sible for hiring the fire chief. His de cision must be approved by the city council. Clark announced Dec. 1 that the city would hire a consultant to re view fire department operations at a cost of about $15,000. Chavarria said the expense was justified. “I think it is a considerable amount (of money),” she said, “but in light of what the problem is, I think it will be well worth it.” Mobley said he is unhappy with the situation but wishes the prob lems had not been fought out in the media. “I wish it had not happened; I’m sorry that it happened,” Mobley said. “I hope it’s settled and every body’s happy. We’ve got to move on and create a better image.” The decision to hire a consultant came after a group of Bryan fire fighters told city officials they had “lost total and complete confidence in Chief Jenkins’ ability to be an ef fective administrator and Fire Chief.” A grievance committee, how ever, found two of the firefighters’ complaints were nonactionable. For three of the four that were actiona ble, the committee said, insufficient testimony was given to support the allegations. One grievance was sus tained. The firefighters, saying they were dissatisfied with the committee’s findings and feared for public safety, formed the Bryan Firefigh- teres for Public Safety. Nick Pappas, a spokesman for the firefighters, on Wednesday released a list of more See Fire chief, page 7 AIDS hospital shuts after losing millions HOUSTON (AP) — An empty white building beside a busy free way is all that remains of the na tion’s first private hospital for AIDS patients, which is closing after losing $8 million in its 14 months of operation. Hailed at its opening in Sep- tembei^l986 as a marketplace so lution to a growing health prob- lem, the Institute for Immunological Disorders buckled under the load of caring for indigent patients needing ex pensive treatment. There will be little or no cere mony when the hospital closes, said Anne Wheeler, spokesman for American Medical Interna tional Inc., the institute’s parent. All patients have been trans ferred to other facilities, and em ployees spent most of last week closing out the institute’s affairs. In its first few months, the in stitute handled about 1,000 pa tient visits a month, medical di rector Dr. Peter Mansell said. The hospital had 150 beds, but most people were treated as out patients, and federal funds were used to test experimental thera pies, he said. By March, the amount of care the institute gave to the indigent far outstripped the $250,000 set aside for that purpose in its first year.