The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 10, 1987, Image 20

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inals are finally
over. You drop your books on
the floor, heave a sigh of relief,
get in your car and head for...
Yes, work. More and more
college students are working
their way through school, and
just because classes end it
doesn’t mean work does too.
Many students who hold jobs
will stay in College Station over
the holidays.
Don’t despair. Just because
you have to stay in town for the
holidays doesn’t mean you
have been assigned a four-
week tour of hell. Actually,
there are some advantages to
staying in College Station over
the holidays; you just haven’t
thought of them yet. That’s why
you are reading this aricle.
First of all, you have to
change your way of thinking.
So what if you have to stay here
when every other person you
know is going home. That’s
really not such a bad thing.
Now no one will call you and
want to chat just when you are
sitting down to your favorite
television program. No one will
borrow your favorite sweater
without telling you. And the
drive-thru line at McDonalds
and Burger King won’t be long
at all. See? You’re probably
feeling better already.
The important thing is to
keep busy. If you spend your
spare time moping on your
couch, all you will accomplish is
added pounds and an extreme
case of homesickness, neither
of which is at all beneficial. You
don’t have classes to attend,
and you probably aren’t
working a full day, so you have
lot§ of spare time to fill. Let’s get
JL ou studied day
and night for your finals. In
order to keep awake, you filled
your body with all sorts of
fattening food. Pizza, twinkies,
cookies your mom sent, candy
bars, etc. Those calorie-laden
foods have now turned into a
new layer of fat. Now is the
perfect time to work out in the
gym. Everybody’s gone, so
there won’t be long lines at the
You will also get a head start
on that shapely spring break
body, and there won’t be
anyone at the gym to make you
feel self-conciousness about
that extra inch on your thighs.
Senior economics major IviarR
Lang said he is taking this
“I will probably rent and go
to a lot of movies, ” he said.
“But I am going to spend a lot
of time lifting weights. ”
Speaking of movies, the
holiday break is a great time to
catch up on those movies you
were too busy to see during the
semester. A lot of the early fall
hits are coming back as $1
movies, so head for the theater.
If you are too self-
conciousness to go to a
movie by yourself, then
renting is for you. Maybe
you’ve always wanted to rent
all the gory horror movies
a mess einci really need
cleaning. ”
Although the prospect of
cleaning your room could be
frightening, Christmas break is a
time to make all those
improvements you’ve been
wanting to get to. First, empty
all your drawers onto the floor,
and put everything back one
article at a time. You will end up
with your clothes nicely
arranged and you will probably
find socks you thought were
gone forever.
The same goes with your
desk. You’ve been afraid to
open those drawers for months,
but gather your courage and
face the junk monster. Tackle
those papers that have
accumulated over the semester.
around, but no one in your
house could stand them.
Now’s your chance, if you
have enough nerve to watch
them by yourself.
You may not want to watch
movies until evening, and you
have lots of afternoon or
morning hours you don’t know
what to do with. Don’t worry,
we can find plenty of things to
fill that time. Look around you.
Although your apartment,
house or other dwelling may be
neat, is it really clean?
Christmas break is a great time
to do your between-semester
“I am going to clean up my
room and my desk, ” Amy
Peebles, a junior parks and
recreation major, said. “They’re
They are just waiting for the
trash can. You have to be
ruthless. You don’t need the
syllabus from your first semester
English class.
Besides, neglected drawers
have a way of accumulating
lost-but-important articles. You
might find your fall fee slip
which will enable you to pick up
your student directory. You
might find the jacket you swore
your old roommate ran off with.
You might find a map leading to
buried treasure. You never
While you are improving the
looks of your apartment, why
not improve the looks of your
transportation? Your car or
truck probably didn’t get a lot of
attention during finals week,