The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 10, 1987, Image 1
$ Mu iidk'8 ithtlii endii; [uerti Framt hef«. Frana ary aid id I® aMa. i “Hi onorei calld ly dti led i) d,aSa uo da »t (In nr*'B Texas ASM - - V • The Battalion Vol. 87 No. 71 USPS 045360 12 Pages College Station, Texas Thursday, December 10,1987 Inside A College Station Christmas Powers discuss Afghanistan, nuclear arms WASHINGTON (AP) — President Rea gan and Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev grappled with differences over Afghanistan and cutbacks in strategic nuclear arms Wednesday in a summit meeting that ended “on a very optimistic note” but failed to produce any breakthroughs, U.S. offi cials said. One administration source, speaking pri vately, said it was unlikely there would be any progress on withdrawal of Soviet forces from Afghanistan but it was possible there could be some movement “at the margins” on arms control. Gorbachev himself told Reagan at a din ner at the Soviet Embassy Wednesday night, “In some areas we remain far apart,” although he said he felt “we have made headway on a number of important issues and this is cause for optimism.” Reagan, in his toast at the dinner, spoke of “differences that reach to the core values on which our political systems are based.” “Even so, we can make progress,” Rea gan said, adding that “perhaps in this Christmas season we should look at an even deeper and more enduring realism. ... It is the reality that binds each of us as individ ual souls.” Gorbachev, in his toast, as translated by his interpreter, said, “Bombs and missiles cannot think. . . . Those devices have nei ther souls nor conscience and so they are more dangerous than any madman.” Earlier, at the conclusion of the leaders’ lone negotiating session of the day, a two- hour meeting, presidential spokesman Marlin Fitzwater said, “This was a day of heavy lifting.” Secretary of State George P. Shultz told ABC News, “We see a little progress here and there, but they are tough issues.” Reagan, in an interview with columnists, noted Gorbachev has said publicly he wanted to pull troops out of Afghanistan. Without revealing details of the talks, Rea gan said the two sides have people “working on that particular question right now as to when and how.” \ Reagan and Gorbachev are to wind up their discussions with an Oval Office session and a working luncheon today. The White House said Reagan will address the nation at 9 p.m. EST today from the Oval Office, just hours after Gorbachev sums up the meetings at a Soviet Embassy news confer ence. : Iran- iducttE ns ik il, wett ihKk it tii the ta lereik e wit ousel izaPiif Y Jil al prices lay as could nt on iniste- tria. :antilt nuan erme- crudt Mon- i, con- ng od on to ,vhole- sed at i OJ ilystat urities ie sell- [uidat- :ad o( he 1* Petro- :s con- risking r post- lal Fn- pessi- iceting have a them.' d 227-5 dy f* jnvol't* .5 tO ^ anal' 13 jes a'* j mah 1 r ma^ into* ket’ste arrief- Funds marked for cyclotron, A&M research By Richard Williams Staff Writer The Department of Energy has earmarked more than $2 million in 1988 for operations of facilities and research in nuclear and chemical physics Texas A&M. David Hendrie, director of nu clear physics at the department’s Of fice of Energy Research, said the de partment has earmarked $1.34 million for research and operation of A&M’s new superconducting cy clotron. The department earmarked $700,000 for research in nuclear physics by A&M scientists involved in projects that will not necessarily use the cyclotron, and $1 10,000 for capital equipment. A majority of the funds for capital equipment will go toward a proton spectrometer, which will measure the energy and angles of protons to some of the reactions occurring in A&M’s cyclotron. However, the budget is subject to the approval of the U.S. Congress and President Reagan. Helmut A. Merklein, administra tor of department’s Energy Infor mation Administration, said these figures are not cast in stone yet. “The entire budget is open to question right now,” Merklein said. “Nothing in the budget is definite. However, my gut feeling right now is that this budget item is not going to get hit.” Hendrie said if an agreement on the budget is not reached soon, the budget proposal currently in front of Congress could come under pro visions of the Gramm-Rudman law. Hendrie said he estimated funds to A&M from the department would be cut by about 8.5 percent if the Gramm-Rudman deficit reduction act goes into effect. That could mean a loss of around of $180,000 in funds to A&M from the department. “This would be the most terrible thing that could happen,” Hendrie said. The department is pleased with the progress of the superconducting cyclotron, one of only three in the world, he said. The cooperation be tween private, state and federal offi cials it took to make the project hap pen also pleased the department, Hendrie said. The cyclotron puts A&M in the forefront of nuclear research and is bound to attract the best people from around the world to A&M, Hendrie said. “Anytime you have the best equip ment you are going to attract the top people,” he said. Students complain about dorm’s use as holiday housing By Kimberly House Staff Writer The Interim Housing Program at Texas A&M is causing some Keath- ley Hall residents’ tempers to flare. Tom Murray, assistant director of student affairs, said the program — which provides housing over the Christmas break to students who do not have anywhere to go for the holi days — has been opposed by resi dents since its beginning 10 years ago. But, he says, there have been more complaints this year than be fore. “The Interim Housing Program is nothing new, but we have PR (public relations) problems with it every year,” Murray said. People who sign up and pay for interim housing during the Christmas break will be assigned a room on the first floor of Keathley. The students who live in these rooms — most of whom were re quired to sign a two-semester lease or lose their $200 deposit — must ei ther move completely out of the room or trust the interim resident not to steal or damage the belong ings they leave behind. The residents’ primary complaint is that they were not notified at the beginning of the semester that their dorm would be used for the pro gram this year. “If I would have known earlier that someone could be assigned to live in my room, I would have tried to move to another floor or a differ ent dorm,” said Denise Thompson, a sophomore journalism major and first floor Keathley resident. Murray said that because students don’t pay to live in the room during the holidays, the possible interim ar rangement is not in the housing con tract they sign upon moving in. The Central Area Coordinator’s office notified all campus residents about the program in a Nov. 19 memo stating that the interested stu dents would stay in Keathley Hall. The particular dorm used in the in terim housing program is rotated ev ery three years among the balcony- style halls, Murray said. Those halls include Hughes, Keathley, Fowler, Mclnnis and Schuhmacher. All interim residents are put on the first floor of one dorm, he said. Some rooms already will be vacated because their residents are graduat ing, withdrawing from the Univer sity or leaving to co-op — the only exceptions to the two-semester con tract requirement. If not enough rooms are vacant, fall residents’ rooms must be used to house stu dents during the interim. Keathley residents were notified in a Nov. 23 memo that students will live in the first-floor rooms. “It has never been apparent to us that we need to communicate to the residents earlier about the pro gram,” Murray said. He said the program usually houses fewer than 10 students dur ing the holidays. But many residents who signed nine-month contracts were unhappy about the situation. “We pay all this money to live he re,” asked Cindy Larson, a freshman speech communications major and first floor Keathley resident. “Why should we have to move out between semesters?” Although residents now are re quired to sign a nine-month resi dence hall contract, Murray said stu dents are not paying for their room over the Christmas break. He said See Residents, page 7 Faculty Senate: Senior finals will further A&M excellence By Kimberly House Staff Writer For the first time in Texas A&M’s history — May 1988 — graduating seniors will take final exams. method of trying to further aca demic excellence,” said Tom Black, academic affairs chairman of the Student Senate and senior engi neering major. “Besides, it is in the best interest of Texas A&M if we are to become a world-class university,” he said. The Student Senate has been fighting the Faculty Senate and the Texas A&M administration for al most three years on the issue of se nior finals. Now, Black said the stu dent organization has accepted the fact of senior finals but is opposed to the schedule. Today some members of the Stu dent Senate will present a resolution to a few members of the Faculty Sen ate in an informal meeting. The res olution passed by the Student Senate proposes a new schedule that sets graduating seniors’ finals on Thurs day and Friday of the week preced ing dead week and on Monday and Tuesday of dead week. This proba bly would require faculty members to make two exams if a class included both graduating seniors and under classmen. Black said with the now existing finals schedule — exams on Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday — the tradition of having graduation the Friday and Saturday of dead week with a full campus will suffer. “You want your parents to see A&M the way you have seen it for the last four years; an empty school doesn’t convey the same warmth and friendliness as does one full of life,” See Finals, page 7 “Instituting finals at A&M was a Finals Schedule Dec. 11 (Friday) Classes meeting MWF 8 a.m. will have final 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. Classes meeting MWF 1 p.m. will have final 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Classes meeting TR 8 a.m. will have final 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. Classes meeting MWF 9 a.m. will have final 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. Dec. 12 (Saturday) Classes meeting MWF 2 p.m. will have final 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. Classes meeting TR 9:30 a.m. will have final 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Classes meeting MWF noon will have final 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. Classes meeting MWF 10 a.m. will have final 5 p.m. -7 p.m. Dec. 14 (Monday) Classes meeting MWF 3 p.m. and MW 3 p.m. will have final 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. Classes meeting TR 11 will have final 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Classes meeting TR 3:30 p.m. will have final 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. Classes meeting MWF 11 a.m. will have final 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. Dec. 15 (Tuesday) Classes meeting TR 2 p.m. will have final 8 a.m. - 10 a.m. Classes meeting TR 12:30 p.m. will have final 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Classes meeting TR 5 p.m., 5:15 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. will have final 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. Classes meeting MWF 4 p.m. will have final 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. Classes meeting MW 4 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 5 p.m., 5:15 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. will have final 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. Fish Camp site hit by tornadoes; $2 million in damages reported By Todd Riemenschneider Staff Writer The site of Texas A&M’s Student Y Fish Camp was not spared the brunt of Mother Nature’s wrath on Nov. 15, when tornadoes ripped through central Texas, said Jo Hudson, Student Activities Office ad viser. Lakeview Conference Center in Palestine —where Fish Camp is held each year — suffered at least $2 million of damage, she said. “Seventy-five percent of the buildings had some damage,” Hudson said. “Some was minor, but some of the buildings had significant damage.” Hudson, who visited the site a few weeks ago, said there was a definite path that at least one of the tor nadoes took. “It looks as if it started on one side of the lake and went across into the cabin area,” she said. By the way the area looked, Hudson said, she be- lives there must have been more than one tornado. “I imagine there were several, because one of the maintenance people said one touched down behind the cafeteria and completely destroyed one of the classrooms,” Hudson said. However, the buildings are not the only things that were damaged. Mother Nature also took some of her own cre ations with the high winds; large numbers of trees were destroyed in the rampant sweep of the area. “The real damage is to the trees,” Hudson said. “Huge trees, completely uprooted. There is tree rubble everywhere. There is one area where none of the trees have tops.” Hudson said the foresty service is trying to help in the area by salvaging any trees it can. Melvin G. Brinkley, a campus minister with the Wesley Foundation at A&M, hopes to gather groups This is one of many buildings hit by tornadoes. that use the site into a team to help with the cleaning. “There are three groups that use the site — Lake- view, Fish Camp and the Wesley Foundation — and we are trying to coordinate a date when we can all go and aid in the clean-up process,” Brinkley said. See Fish Camp, page 7