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BUY ONE GET ONE FREE Large size $1.29 Small size 390 All Flavors '(Scrt/tA LIGHT COMEDY COMMANDOS 4* MSC Town Hall Presents A Live Night Before a Dead Week Featuring Tim Settimi and David Naster Friday, Dec. 4,1987 8 p.m. Rudder Theatre Tickets $2 9 ° Available at MSC Box Office 845-1234 Spark Some Interest! CJse the Battalion Classifieds. Call 845-2611 Page 4AThe Battalion/ Wednesday, November 18,1987 1/3 lb. ■ HAMBURGER I WITH FRIES I State and Local + i LARGE | SOFT DRINK B Bush’s son visits CS to kickoff dad’s Brazos County campaign By Carolyn Kelbly Reporter Presidential candidate George Bush’s son, George Bush Jr., kicked off the Brazos County “Bush for President” campaign at the Cafe d’ Amerique in College Station Tues day morning. had in his political career have been here on the A&M campus.” The vice president is uncertain whether his travel plans for the pres idential campaign will include a visit to College Station, Bush said. I “Vice President Bush is a Texan,” the younger Bush said. “He under stands this state and he built his busi ness in Texas. The Bush family is not going to take Texas for grant ed.” The older Bush was impressed with the spirit he saw at A&M when he visited the campus once in 1980 and again in 1984, his son said. “He loves A&M,” Bush said. “Some of the best events he has ever “But if he needs an uplift he will come to the A&M campus because it has the most energetic crowd,” Bush said. “Bush wants to be known as the education president.” Bush spoke about the organiza tion and financial strategies of the vice president’s campaign to a room full of people, including regional coordinator and steering committee member Richard Smith and College Station Mayor Larry Ringer. “The campaign is organized at a grassroots level to turn out the votes,” Bush said. The financial strategy of the cam paign is to have enough cash on hand to carry out a successful cam paign, he said. Bush estimates that his father will have about $9 million in cash on hand by Feb. 1 — a month and a half before the primaries on super Tues day. The senior Bush advocates strong education and strong defense. “(The senior Bush supports) increase in income taxes and a a tal gains differential that saysit’si portant to encourage savings and vestment in the United Stai through the tax code,” Bush said A strong defense will help to keep the Soviets at the negotiating table, Bush said, and this is important be cause for the first time in history there is about to be an entire class of nuclear weapons eliminated. Bush’s dedicated family support the spirit behind his campaign,Bus! said. While the vice president’s wifi Barbara Bush, and his eldest son at campaigning in Texas, he is can paigning in New Hampshire. Bush also will campaign for a clean and healthy environment as well as some fiscal and tax issues. Although Bush is director of Hs ken Oil and Gas Inc. of Dallas, moved to Washington D.C. tovwi closely with his campaign directon Lee Atwater and Rich Bond,onili overall strategy for the carapaif and budget control. A&M official says Soviets falling back in technology, may lose power status By Alan Sembera Reporter The Soviet Union’s policy of perestroika, or restructuring, is the result of the gap in techno logical progress between the Soviet Union and the United States, said Dr. John Thomas, direc tor of Texas A&M’s Center for Strategic Tech nology. “The Soviet Union is in rather serious diffi culty because it is falling behind economically and technologically,” said Thomas, who traveled to the Soviet Union in October. “That last issue is very important because modern economies are based on technology,” Thomas said, “and technology comes from scien tific research. And their research establishment is a very overbureaucratized, unproductive opera tion.” Perestroika, led by Soviet leader Mikhail Gor bachev, is an attempt to restructure almost all as pects of Soviet society in order to make the econ omy more efficient. Thomas said that if perestroika doesn’t show success soon, the Soviet Union will lose its super power status over the next 30 to 50 years. Thomas said that at the conference he at tended in the Soviet Union, several of the Soviets indicated a great sense of urgency about the re structuring efforts. “(There was) a feeling that Mr. Gorbachev has to do two things,” Thomas said. “He has to show some benefits from perestroika, and he has to convince a bunch of nervous bureaucrats that it is nothing to fear. The general feeling that came through was that they have about 18 to 24 months in which to do the Another aspect of perestroika, Thomas said, the Soviets’ claim that they are revising theirmt tary doctrine to reflect a new view of future perpower status. This doctrine would indude nuclear-free world, the elimination of chemia and biological weapons and sufficiency—ead nation would have just enough weapons to fend itself but not enough to attack somebodi else, Thomas said. lat. The reason many Soviets are nervous about Gorbachev’s policies, Thomas said, is that many people understood the old system and made it work for them. They have become successful un der the old system and Gorbachev wants to change the rules, he said. Thomas said he doesn’t think Gorbachev can succeed the way he’s going now. “The kind of changes required in the Soviet Union to make them competitive are so perva sive, so extensive, that I think it would destroy their system to make those changes,” he said. There isn’t enough substance coming out the Soviet system to make any judgment on sincerity about this, Thomas said. He said he bothered by the Soviets’ insistence that United States join them. While in the Soviet Union, Thomas spoke wit Valentine Falin, a Soviet historian running press service who went into a long discussio: about the interdependence of the economies nations. Thomas said he remembers oneofFi lin’s major statements: “Technological developments that occur it one nation must in the future be transferred quickly to other nations,” Falin said. “If thisisnu done, it causes imbalances, which can lead toil- stabilities.” O M U Sj ir o o FI 0 El M S( It — Civil defense coordinator offers tips to help residents survive tornadoes By Richard Williams Reporter Following a few simple instruc tions before, during and after a tor nado could save lives, the Brazos County civil defense coordinator said. Coordinator Jake Canglose said people shouldn’t wait for a tornado warning to start preparing. “A lot of times the only time you’re going to get that warning is when it hits the ground and some body sees it,” Canglose said. “It could be a little too late for you.” Before a tornado strikes, families should make sure a battery-powered radio, a flashlight and a first-aid kit are available, he said. The radio should be able to receive the Na tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad ministration (NOAA) weather broadcast, he added. Before the threat of a tornado, lo cate the best available shelter and make sure each member of the fam ily knows where to go, he said. Small rooms, bathtubs, closets and hall ways often provide excellent protec tion, Canglose said. “A lot of dines the only time you’re going to get that warning is when it (a tornado) hits the ground and somebody sees it. It could be a little too late for you. ” —Jake Canglose, Brazos County civil defense coordinator “When there are tornado watches for the area keep a close lookout on the weather,” he said. “Look for se vere weather headed for you. If you hear a sound like a freight train or a bunch of airplanes — even if you can’t see a funnel and there is no warning out — protect yourself.” • Stay away from windows, doors and outside walls. If underground shelter is not available go to an inte rior hallway on the lowest floor pos sible. Canglose said since most tornado injuries and deaths result from fly ing debris it is important to remem ber to protect one’s head. Getting underneath a mattress in a hallway or getting in the bathtub and covering one’s head with a pil low are two good methods of protec tion, he said. NOAA recommends the follow ing procedures: • Get out of mobile homes or ve hicles and go to the nearest substan tial structure. • Do not try to outrun a tornado in a vechile. In 1979 half of the deaths in the Wichita Falls tornado occurred when people tried to es cape in automobiles. • Stay away from electrical appli ances. • Do not open windows. It was once thought opening a window would lessen the damage by allowing inside and outside atmosphericprs sures to equalize — NOAA doesn recommend this because opening window might cause more damagf than leaving it closed. • If outside, a person shouldgi to a ditch and lie flat on the groutt and cover his head with his hand! Stay away from high or conductivi ‘ objects because lightning kills mori people each year than tornadoes Even if these measures are lowed the danger is not over ate the tornado hits. Those in the area should listen® a local radio or television station® receive instructions on what to d( and should watch for downed powe lines, leaking gas lines and unsaff buildings, he said. Those not in tin area should stay out. Children should be kept awg from drainage ditches, sewer pipf lines and creeks, Canglose said. “These creeks and drainage ditches can be death traps if a W falls in one, so they should kee| their kids away from those,” hesaii Pamplets containing more into mation can be picked up on the 12t floor of the O&M Building. Retirees to share Thanksgiving with students By Marie L. McLeod Reporter Many Texas A&M students — es pecially those from areas in the United States far from College Sta tion — are unable to return home for Thanksgiving with their families. But this year, some of those students have a chance to share a “Feast of Thanks” with a retired person from their home state or region. The staff at the Walden Retire ment Community in Bryan is looking for 20 to 25 A&M students to share a traditional Thanksgiving dinner with some of the residents, Mary Turner, the activities coordi nator, said. “We’re trying to establish geo graphical bonds,” Turner said. The residents are from various areas of Texas and other states such as Illinois, Virginia, Michigan and Iowa. They also have one resident from France and one from Puerto Rico, she said. The Walden staff would like to pair each out-of-state resident with someone from the same state. They would do the same for residents from the major areas of Texas. The “Feast of Thanks” will en courage resident-student interac tion, which benefits both students and residents, Turner said. “The key is intergenerational,” she said. “It’s a chance to come to gether and share.” A common hometown helps es tablish a bond important to both the old and the young, Turner said. “Even in just an evening meal, you can get to know someone,” she said. “The people here are fascinating.” and ran it for 23 years. The society attracted many world-famous com posers, which enabled her to meet many of them, she said. Throop said she and many other residents frequently attend perfor mances sponsored by the MSC Op era and Performing Arts Society. Th coo iaff 1 at 8 Contrary to the stereotype, re tired residents at Walden don’t sit around all day, Turner said; they continue to do the things they did before moving to the community — plus much more. “They are risk takers,” she said. “They enjoy life.” Francis Throop, from Ann Arbor, Michigan, was one of the first resi dents of the Walden community. She and her husband, who has since died, moved to Walden at the urging of their niece, who attends Southern Methodist University, Throop said. Throop enjoys living at Walden, but said she gets homesick some times, expecially in the fall when she knows that in her Michigan home town the trees are yellow and the roads are carpets of yellow leaves. Another of the residents, Faye Routh from El Paso, compared mov ing to Walden with moving from a small town to a college. “I felt like a freshman going back to college,” she said. The couple met while both at tended the University of Texas, where she earned a degree in En glish, Throop said. They moved to Michigan where her husband was a professor of Renaissance at the Uni versity of Michigan. Inspired by a love for music, she started the Society for Musical Arts Her youngest son and his family, who live in Bryan, discovered Wal den. With a little encouragement, she and her husband moved there, she said. Her husband has since died. Her husband was a brigadier gen eral in the Army National Guard and fought in two wars, she said. Af ter he retired in 1965, they moved from Oklahoma City to Austin where he was a computer program mer for six years. During this time, Routh was high school teacher for three yea 1 ) be 1 and a high school librarian for years. They both retired at the s; time so they could travel, she sail They moved back to El Paso, whf® We they had been college sweetheart cun while attending Hardin-Simmon ligl- College before eventually marryinj She said it was exciting dating' man in the service. It allowed tte to attend military functions, whitl most people were not able to do. At Walden, Routh helped stall group called “Sew What,” she said The group gets together to work® 1 various projects. Routh said she enjoys living Walden. They have a lot of excW things to do, she said, such as on trips, participating in group act' : ities and attending exercise classes “My sister wants me to come visit Routh said with a smile, “but I dort want to miss exercise class.” Turner said, “It (Walden) built with older adults in mind we want them to be happy.” Good communication with t* 11 residents ranks high in priori® Turner said. They have a reside 11 council meeting once a month. “We are very open to chang £i Turner said. 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