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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1987)
’rison officials: warped mirror set rapist tee years early Thursday, November 12,1987/The Battalion/Page 5 by Scott McCullar A HfljVE COME FOR you, 7ENHIHGstirs HE, THAT PILLOW BEAT UP ON AT HOME*\ YOU THOUGHT I'PFORSOm BUT / 'VE BEEN IN TRAINING, LIFTING WEIGHTS, PUNCm THE BAS, SPAKKING I'VE CCWE ALL THE WAY FROM HOME TO FINALLY GIVE YOU THE BEAT/MS OF YOUR hOUSTON (AP) — A convicted ipist who was on parole when he charged with aggravated sexual [oilton Oct. 12, was released from exas prison several years too y because of a record-keeping r, officials said. bonald Eugene Dutton, 38, ofja- p City, was arrested again in Oc- pr, but the error involving his re- p from prison for a previous pal assault wasn’t discovered until Isday. bavid Singer, a Harris County as- knt district attorney, said he was Ling through Dutton’s parole pa- s that stated the man had been irstoms ased after serving six years of a Lear sentence. He actually had p sentenced to 40 years, button also may face six other M-ges in connection with a series Bapes in west Houston that began KlS. pe was released from the Texas artment of Corrections June 16, Singer said the parolee should |e served at least another six years rison before being considered [parole. t’s a pretty bad mistake, espe- By because the seven women had Bo through what they did,” Singer I- 42 ■ fter Dutton pleaded guilty to ag- ated rape and burlgary with in- ® to commit rape in August 1980, Be District Judge Charles Hearn Benced him to two consecutive Bear sentences. Since Dutton Bl a weapon, he was required to Be a third of his 40-year sentence :fore being paroled. |ut prison officials apparently co- fd his sentencing information in- ectly and their records said the pj rer .. ^ sentences ran concurrently, not Waldo by Kevin Thomas SIR WALDOIC HAS BEGUM HIS QUEST TO RE-FLAG THE EASTERN CARAVAN3 SO THEY MAY PASS SAFFLY THROUGH THE WAR BE TWEEN THE HUMS -eNORMANS ARE YOU THE ] man-eating, DRAGON 2. g Rain armucti ;to ;ystem ver THE BALROfi? NONSENSE! I’M IN A ROCK BAND/ V Joe Transfer EAT DEAD PUPPIES J] i- SUCK THEtk BLOObi X NEEOfr POISON/ APPLE"/ SNOW KICKS butt; /)'\ yflowo* high the ;nt d these orologis! eorologt m ecutively, TDC spokesman Da- Junnelee said. by Dan Barlow M A5MAMET) of YOU! WlWDOWPEEPWe! ^That's awnst tHelaw ! It violates t privacy! ItSrude.! 1 . It'■s...It's, )r. Ruth will answer Aggies’ questions about sex at first A&M appearance By Elisa Hutchins COMM Staff Writer ternatioi Sex therapist Dr. Ruth West- irther taBmer will make her first appear- me at Texas A&M Friday at 2 p.m. made praRudder Auditorium, lal organ] Westheimer will give a 45-minute favorabijeture called “Sexually Speaking,” |p will answer previously sub- im is d|itted questions from the audience ;ds of el a program sponsored by MSC hods, 1* teat Issues, ers exp« ollegean dichelle DeVoe, a senior psychol- ire. major and chairman of Great Is- not dose s , said the organization asked ow, we’i stheimer to speak at A&M be lie eduoiise she is the most popular lec- irerin the country. |Vestheimer, syndicated radio w host and author of “Good Sex,” has been chosen as the out standing speaker of the year since 1986 by the National Association of Campus Activities. “MSC Great Issues wanted to bring Dr. Ruth here because the University environment seems inter ested in sexually related issues, like safe sex,” Devoe said. Part of the promotion of West- heimer’s lecture has included the distribution of condoms by Great Is sues and MSC Political Forum. The condoms, donated by Planned Par enthood, were distributed Wednes day in front of the MSC and the Blocker Building. DeVoe said their distribution is an effort to publicize both Westheim- er’s visit and an AIDS symposium Wednesday, which is sponsored by Political Forum. After the lecture, Dr. Robert Hurley, a health and physical educa tion professor, will read the audi ence-submitted questions. Hurley teaches Health Education 342, a human sexuality class. In the past few years, he said, sex has be come a topic people talk more openly about. “Dr. Ruth is popular because a lot of people have questions and don’t know who to ask, and by calling in to her radio program, they can get an answer without giving a name,” Hurley said. He said Ruth serves a purpose be cause she stresses communication between the sexes. “Many females would like to be more aggressive, and many male stu dents have expressed the same de sire for them to be, but to a point,” Hurley said. “It comes down to com munication, and that is the void that Dr. Ruth is filling.” Wendy Stock, an A&M assistant professor of psychology, agrees. “Dr. Ruth is not a trained psychol ogist, but I agree with her advice about 90 percent of time,” Stock said. “She has been a positive influ ence on our sexually repressed cul ture that is still shrouded with guilt in our modern world.” Westheimer earned her doctorate in interdisciplinary study of the fam ily from Columbia University. She has a private practice in New York City. Tickets for the lecture are $4 for students and $5 for non-students. •olice suspect band of women in purse thefts mber of] M2 m ODESSA (AP) — Store clerks who keep an eye it for shoplifters might be watching for the rong thing, says a police official who believes a g of young women is specializing in snatching ts’ purses. Many of the 400 purse thefts since last Decem- 5r were committed by a group of about 20 icn varying in age from 16 to 25, Odessa po- Cpl. Bianca Brister said. “This is a group that totally and completely support themselves on purse thefts,” she said. The women operate in groups of two to four, according to autnorities. One goes into the back room of a business, where the purses usually are kept, on the pretense of using the restroom or a pay phone. The partners distract the clerk with questions. “Any type of small business in Odessa that has one to two clerks is a pc Brister said. “Clerks watch customers to shoplifting because shoplifting is some thing they’ve been taught to be more afraid of than losing their purse.” At the end of 1986 and the first few months of this year, Odessa police received 50 purse theft reports a month, Brister said. Midland also had a slight increase in purse thefts, though the rate in both cities has gone down since, she said. litional er. -11-12 m as ATTENTION These codes are not in your registration schedule Know Your Options for Registration To add fee options, enter Drop Star Fee Pound Coda Key Option Key litional er. 11-12 1! [AL M2 H VIDEO AGGIELAND-VHS 25 VIDEO AGGIELAND-BETA 26 To drop fee options, enter Rdd Star Code Key EQ Fee Option Pound Key # Video Yearbook $47.93 Yearbooks are refundable during the semes ter the payments are made, but thereafter they are not refundable. 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College From Tom’s B-B-Q 9- THE cATVTS XN XT^LL) TWO LECTURES By Tvt01.0 B^'RUCCHTERT Professor at La Poggerina T^TMU s Italian. Sturfy Center Giotto. UJftzi, Florence Dante & Giotto: Literary Space & Pictorial Space Friday Nov. 13 2:00 pm Room 402 Rudder The Medieval City as a Contemporary Solution Friday Nov. 20 2:00 pm Room 402 Rudder Study Abroad Office 845-0544 161 Bizzell West S DIAMONDS Largest Stock in Area ROUND Our Price Our Price 2.87 $8275 .78 $1095 2.05 $7280 .75 $950 2.04 $4850 .75 $1145 2.03 $4785 .73 $1175 2.02 $7650 .72 $1145 2.01 $5675 .71 $1045 1.83 $2900 .71 $895 1.55 $3675 .70 $775 1.26 $2525 .69 $760 1.17 $1395 .67 $815 1.16 $1345 .65 $975 1.10 $2250 .63 $715 1.08 $1975 .62 $775 1.06 $2375 .61 $715 1.02 $2685 .59 $930 1.00 $1950 .57 $695 1.00 $1345 .55 $865 .96 $896 .54 $695 .87 $1275 .50 $795 .84 $1025 .48 $695 .80 $995 .20 $165 .10 $63 .05 $35 This is only a partial listing. 30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE (excluding iay-a-ways, labor & mounting) 1 Since 1958 one of Texas’ oldest Rare Coin Deolers Store Hours:Mon-Frl9&m-5:30pm Set 9-3prii