The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 03, 1987, Image 1

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The Battalion
m. 87 Mo. 46 CJSPS 045360 10 pages
College Station, Texas
Tuesday, Novembers, 1987
American ship fires
at boats in gulf area
1 MANAMA, Bahrain (AP) — An
■hnerican frigate escorting a re-
jueling tanker fired machine guns
lo chase off three small vessels that
ppproached “by surprise,’’ U.S.
Inilitary officials said Monday.
I The boats may have been Ira
nian, the officials said.
Pentagon officials said a dhow
-asmall slow-moving fishing ves-
| el — and two speedboats ap-
ecretary Caspar W. Weinberger in-
lends to resign his post this week and
lill be replaced by President Rea-
lan’j national security adviser,
frank Carlucci, sources said Monday
I The sources, who spoke on condi-
ion of anonymity, said Reagan ap-
rroved the appointment of Clarlucci
n recent days.
The sources said Carlucci’s ap-
wintment to the Cabinet would be
innounced Thursday.
Carlucci will be replaced by his
leputy at the National Security
Council, Lt. Gen. Colin L. Powell, it
vas learned.
Sources have said Weinberger’s
lecision to step down after seven
rcars came for personal reasons
;-ather than any dissatisfaction with
he prospective arms-control treaty
he United States is woking on with
he Soviet Union.
The sources also said Weinberger
lid not have any other policy dis-
igreement with the president.
proached at about dusk Sunday.
The Navy ships were passing a
Persian Gulf island that Iran has
used as a speedboat base for its at
tacks on tankers shipping oil — es
pecially Kuwaiti vessels, including
those reflagged and under protec
tion by the United States since
Iran claims Kuwait is an ally of
In his years as Secretary of De
fense, Weinberger has been an
unyielding supporter of the defense
buildup pushed by the Reagan ad
And in the early years of the ad
ministration, Weinberger presided
over an enormous buildup in the na
tion’s military.
Carlucci has been national secu
rity adviser since December 1986.
He was named to the post in the
wake of the Iran-Contra affair,
when National Security Adviser
John Poindexter resigned under
Carlucci once worked for Wein
berger at the Pengtagon.
Neither Weinberger nor Carlucci
would comment on their reported
White House officials, however,
did not dispute the reports.
NBC Nightly News, quoting top
administration and congressional
sources, said Weinberger’s wife Jane
is known to be seriously ill.
Iran and Iraq have been at war
for seven years.
Dhows are fishing and freight
vessels that have plied the gulf for
Pentagon spokesmen said the
USS Carr fired .50-caliber ma
chine guns at the three vessels,
which were “suspected” to be Ira
Whether any of the three vessels
were hit is not known.
But all three vessels left the
American officials in the gulf
said privately it was not certain
whether they were Iranian craft
threatening the American ships or
fishing boats of another national
“We’ve seen these types of boats
before but it’s the first time that
one ever came that close to Ameri
can ships,” one official said.
“We’re not sure they were Ira
nian, but the U.S. ships were taken
by surprise,” the official said.
“The only things that make this
incident different is that it was
night, and the boat came as close
as it did,” the official said.
The official estimated the clos
est approach by the vessels at
about 500 yards.
The officials indicated there
had been other occasions when
U.S. warships fired warning shots
to ward off vessels that apparently
were innocent, but would not give
Only one previous shooting in
cident has been made public,
according to records available
That incident involved the
American destroyer USS Kidd,
which fired a warning shot Aug.
24 at a slow-moving fishing vessel
in the gulf area.
Weinberger makes
plans to resign post
Photo by Jay Jaimer
Hang it up
Grace Riggin, a senior environmental design
major from LaPorte, hangs a cardboard sculpture
as an offering at an altar in the College of Ar
chitecture Gallery. Monday was the day of the
dead and all students could bring handmade of
ferings to honor dead friends or family members.
Kremlin leader denounces critics of reform plan
Gorbachev attempts to deal with haunting Stalin legacy
| MOSCOW (AP) — Mikhail S.
jGorbachev accused his Kremlin
pities Monday of being either too
imid or too impatient about the
)ace of reform, and advised “revo-
utionary self-restraint” in the drive
o modernize the Soviet Union,
j. The Soviet leader said Josef Sta
in committed “enormous and un
forgivable” crimes and announced
resumption of a campaign to reha-
lilitate the dictator’s victims. He
ilso praised the communist state’s
second leader, however, for collec-
ivizing agriculture and industri-
ilizingthe country.
Gorbachev’s nationally televised
speech was part of the 70th anni-
rersary observance of the 1917 rev
olution that brought the commu-
lists to power.
MOSCOW (AP) — In a bold at
tempt to deal with the legacy of Josef
Stalin, Mikhail S. Gorbachev on
Monday condemned Stalinist re
pression but praised the former dic
tator’s success in industrializing and
defending the country.
The legacy of Stalin still haunts
Soviet life and politics 34 years after
the dictator’s death, and Gorba-
It was his first address since the
disclosure last week of a top-level
fight over the pace of “perestroika,”
Gorbachev’s program aimed at im
proving the quality of life by
streamlining bureaucracy, encour-
chev’s statement was the frankest yet
by a Soviet leader on the man who
ruled the country for nearly three
In a Kremlin speech, Gorbachev
said a candid assessment of Stalin’s
role in Soviet history was an essential
part of the drive to overhaul the So
viet economy and society.
“If at times we scrutinize our his-
aging individual initiative and
boosting production of consumer
In a mention of his visit to Wash
ington next month for his third
tory with a critical eye, we do so only
because we want to obtain a better
and fuller idea of the ways that lead
to the future,” the general secretary
of the Communist Party told a meet
ing devoted to the 70th anniversary
of the Bolshevik Revolution.
Gorbachev said a new assessment
of Stalin “is something we have to
summit with President Reagan,
Gorbachev pledged to seek a “pal
pable breakthrough” leading to re
ductions in long-range nuclear
weapons and a ban on weapons in
“The more so that even now,
there are some attempts to turn
away from painful matters in our
history, to hush them up, to make
believe that nothing special hap
pened,” he said.
To be silent, Gorbachev said, is
“disrespect to the memory of those
who were innocent victims.”
Signing a treaty to ban interme
diate-range nuclear missiles “is very
important in itself,” he said in his
first public comment on the matter
since the announcement Friday
that he would meet Reagan on Dec.
7 and plan for a return visit by the
“The world expects the third and
fourth Soviet-U.S. summits to pro
duce more than merely an official
acknowledgment of the decision
agreed upon a year ago, and more
than merely continuation of the dis
cussion,” the 56-year-old Commu
nist Party chief told an audience of
Soviet leaders and international so
cialist figures.
“That is why we will work unre
mittingly at these meetings for a
palpable breakthrough, for con
crete results in reducing strategic
offensive armaments and barring
weapons from outer space — the
key to removing the nuclear
TCLU sues Clements
for denying professor
funds for conference
AUSTIN (AP) — The Texas
Civil Liberties Union sued Gov.
Bill Clements Monday on behalf
of a Pan American University
professor who was denied state
money to go to a health confer
ence in Nicaragua.
“It’s pretty clear that this is a
very blatant effort on the part of
the governor to control political
thought and political views of the
people on the faculties of the uni
versities throughout Texas,”
TCLU Legal Director Jim Har
rington told a news conference in
front of the Governor’s Mansion.
Sociology Professor Harold
Nelson was notified by Bob Davis,
budget director for Gov. Bill
Clements, that he had been den
ied $527 allocated by the Edin
burg University as travel ex
penses to the conference.
Davis, who also is named in the
lawsuit, cited political circum
stances in Nicaragua as the rea
son for denying the money. The
governor oversees state travel al
locations for professors going to
foreign countries, other than
Mexico and Canada.
Nelson, outspoken in his oppo
sition to U.S. aid for the Contras,
said he believes Clements denied
funding because the governor
supports aid to the Contra rebels.
“When the governor attempts
to impose his political views on
the faculty of Texas, we must
challenge him,” said Nelson, who
added that he plans to go to the
conference that begins Nov. 5
even without state funding. He
said former Gov. Mark White ap
proved his expenses for a Nicara
guan trip last year.
Reggie Bashur, the governor’s
E ress secretary, said the travel al-
>cation was denied because of
concern about the safety of
traveling in Nicaragua and the
possibility of state liability if any
thing happened to the professor
on a trip that was partially state-
“We’re concerned about the
professor’s safety in a country
that is involved in a civil war,” Ba
shur said.
However, Bashur said, Clem
ents is not restricting Nelson’s
right to travel.
“If he wants to go to Nicara
gua, he’s free to go as far as we’re
concerned,” he said. “Texas tax
payer money isn’t going to go to
(paying for) it.”
Harrington, who said the law
suit was filed in state district court
in Austin Monday, questioned
whether Clements’ concern about
safety is real. He said the gover
nor has approved money for pro
fessors to travel to other possibly
dangerous countries, including
Chile, Guatemala and Honduras.
Former A&M student called to Dallas
to await suitable donor for transplant
By Janet Goode
Staff Writer
John Stone, the former Texas
A&M student who in one month
raised $25,000 of the needed
$120,000 for a deposit on his own
liver transplant, was called to Dallas
by the Baylor College of Medicine
Monday to wait for his liver trans
Scott Donahue, chairman of the
John Stone Liver Transplant Fund
said because of all the publicity
Stone received and how quickly he
has been raising money, the Ameri
can Transplant Association decided
to go ahead and put him on the wait
ing list without the full deposit.
“They were so impressed (with
the support Stone has received from
A&M) they just said, ‘Come on in
and let’s do it while he’s in good
health,’ ” Donahue said.
Stone will be put on the computer
waiting list and will live with his
mother in Richardson, Donahue
He will be given a pager to carry
at all times and will have to be within
minutes of the hospital. When a suit
able liver donor comes in, Stone will
immediately report to the hospital
and undergo the transplant opera
tion, he said.
Stone, 25, graduated from Texas
A&M in 1984 and went to the the
University of Texas Medical Branch
in Galveston to pursue his studies in
Stone suffers from Alpha-1-Anti-
Trypsin Deficiency, which keeps his
body from controlling digestive en
The enzymes digest his liver,
which in response tries to repair it
self. Scar tissue builds up, keeping
the blood from filtering properly.
Stone’s diabetes and the antitryp
sin together have caused this liver
Persons wishing to donate should
write the American Transplant As
sociation, Box 822123, Dallas, TX.
75382-2123, or the American Trans
plant Association, care of the John
Stone Fund, Post Oak Branch of
First State Bank in Caldwell, P.O.
Box 10130, College Station, TX
Zhao named Communist Party chief in China
BEIJING (AP) — Premier Zhao Ziyang took
over as chief of the Communist Party Monday in
a major leadership reshuffle that brought
younger, reform-minded pragmatists to power
in China.
The new lineup is the result of Chinese leader
Deng Xiaoping’s plan to replace an aging party
leadership with officials willing to continue his
market-oriented reforms and open-door policy.
Deng, 83, stepped down from three top party
posts Sunday at the conclusion of the 13th Com
munist Party Congress, but he was reappointed
chairman of the powerful Central Military Com
mission, ensuring that he will play a major role in
China’s political future.
In retiring from his posts, Deng forced leading
conservatives, most notably President Li Xian-
nian and economist Chun Yun, to follow suit. Li
and Chen, both 82, had opposed the pace of
Deng’s reforms.
1 he way is now open for Deng and his
proteges to continue decentralizing the economy
and further open the nation to the West.
The major surprise of the congress-was the po
litical survival of Hu Yaobang, the former party
chief who lost his post after student demonstra
tions for democracy last December.
Hu, a liberal by Chinese standards, will not re
turn to the Politburo’s Standing Committee, the
core decision-making group in the party. But he
retained his seat on the Central Committee and
on the Politburo itself.
It had been expected that Hu would be
pushed from the Politburo.
Zhao, 68, further solidified his leadership po
sition by being named vice chairman of the mili
tary commission. The appointment is significant
because Zhao, whose power base lies in govern
ment ministries, has sought to expand his influ
ence into the military.
Zhao said Monday he would soon step down as
premier but refused to disclose his successor.
The acting party chief since January, Zhao was
the only member of the five-person Politburo
Standing Committee to be re-elected Monday by
the 175-member Central Committee, which gov
erns the party.
The average age of the Standing Committee
dropped from 77 to 63 with the appointment of
the new members — vice premiers Li Peng, Qiao
Shi and Yao Yilin, and party Secretariat member
Hu Qili.
The vitality of the new leadership was evident
Monday when the five Standing Committee
members, all in Western-style suits instead of
Mao jackets, joined foreign and Chinese report
ers at a reception in the Great Hall of the People.