The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 29, 1987, Image 4
1 DAVE’S LIQUOR SilverBullet $9 99 a case 24—12 OZ CANS iZo&lA. 16 GAL KEG *^099 )imW includes cups & ice ^ ^ A 2 Liter Coke 99 C 696-4343 524 University Dr. East NO CREDIT CARDS ON SALE ITEMS ..says stop by DAVE’S for mysterious in store specials! Chimney Hill ^sBowling Center Inc. 'A Family Recreation Center" Phone: 260-9184 Open Bowl With Us On Weekends Mon.-Fri. 9 am-5:30 pm Saturday 10 am to Close 8:30-Close & Sunday 12pm to Close Contact Lenses Only Quality Name Brands (Bausch & Lomb, Ciba, Barnes-Hinds-Hydrocurve) $79 00 " STD ' DA|LY WEAR SOFTLENSES $99. 00 -STD. EXTENDED WEAR SOFT LENSES $99.' 00 -STD. TINTED SOFT LENSES DAILY WEAR OR EXTENDED WEAR Call 696-3754 For Appointment Same day delivery on most soft contact lenses ★Eye exam and care kit not included CHARLES C. SCHROEPPEL, O.D., P.C. DOCTOR OF OPTOMETRY 707 South Texas Ave., Suite 101D College Station, Texas 77840 1 block South of Texas & University I 1 EASTGATE IVE HAiioween O V XX \J> CO Z5 WITH n *0 m ^ o SATURDAY OCTOBER 31 st -JBsr Page 4/The BattalionAThursday, October 29, 1987 Texas court rules lie detector tests unconstitutional AUSTIN (AP) — The Texas Su preme Court ruled unanimously Wednesday that mandatory lie de tector tests of public employees are an unconstitutional invasion of their privacy, a decision quickly hailed by civil libertarians. “This case today, I think, is the death knell of polygraph testing of public employees,” said Jim Har rington, legal director of the Texas Civil Liberties Union. “There’s no doubt about that. They just buried polygraphs of public employees.” Harrington called the 9-0 opinion written by Chief Justice John Hill a resounding vindication of Texans’ ehts. privacy rigt “This case shows that the Texas courts are not willing to subject (state) employees to intrusive and humiliating techniques, which Sen. Sam Ervin had appropriately labeled 20th century witchcraft,” he said. Harrington said that while the de cision applied only to public employ ees, it may affect both drug- and polygraph-testing of workers in pri vate business as well. “The question is going to be the extent to which this logic is really going to flow over into the private sector,” he said. Although the opinion does not apply to private employees, Har rington said, he expects that private litigation will be based upon it. The court made its decision in a lawsuit filed against the Texas De partment of Mental Health and Mental Retardation. The court also ordered that the department pay $18,000 in legal fees and $800 in costs for the Texas State Employees Union, which had sued MHMR offi cials over the policy. Jim Pearson, a union official, also praised the ruling. “This decision today is a hallmark of building a Texas state employees’ bill of rights,” he said. The union and several of its mem bers filed suit against the mental health department in 1983 after it decided to begin mandatory lie de tector tests. Under that policy, employees were subject to “adverse personnel action” if they refused to take the exam during an investigation of sus pected patient abuse, Pearson said. But the Supreme Court said such mandatory testing violated rights of privacy. Although the Texas Constitution contains no specific guarantee of a right of privacy, it does include seve ral provisions relating to an individ ual’s privacy, the court said. The provisions include protection against arbitrary deprivation of life and liberty, the right to speak, write or publish freely and protection from forced self-incrimination. “We do not doubt, therefore, that a right of individual privacy is im plicit among those ‘general, great and essential principles of liberty and free government’ established by the Texas Bill of Rights,” Hill wrote. “This right to privacy should yield only when the government can dem onstrate that an intrusion is rea sonably warranted for the achieve ment of a compelling governmental objective that can be achieved by 170 less intrusive, more reasonable means.” Although the mental health de partment argued that it was trying to maintain a safe environment for pa tients, the Supreme Court said man datory polygraph examinations went too far. It noted that such tests require “control questions” on subjects not related to the job to provide the ex aminer with an example of a lie. “Control questions are not job-re lated and ordinarily require the dis closure of matters personal to the employee,” the court said. “We hold that the department’s polygraph policies impermissibly violate pri vacy rights protected by the Texas Constitution.” Weather Watch Kxy. { — Lightning S’ - Fog A - Thundentnrrj s •• — Rain « Snow n - Driide — Ice Pellets » Rain Shower CT\J “ Freezing Rain , alcoh 845-5' >050130 “Pune Block 10CIET discus iSC J( AWA helpir ’HE A! will m NTERP locale Sunset Today: 5:40 p.m. Sunrise Friday: 0:37 a.n Map Discussion: The central and southeastern states willcontinuen enjoy summer conditions undet the influence of high pressure.whl the low-pressure system that has lx*cn stationary for days off the California coast begins to move inland, spreading rain intotheweji central Rockies. The storm system over New England hasmovedi® eastern Canada, and a series of low pressure impulses aloft will prod: scattered rain and snow showers over the northwestern Great Lain region. Forecast: Today. Partly cloudy and mild with high temperature diinbinginioii mid-HOs and southerly winds near 10 mph. Tonight: Fair and mild with light the south. Friday: Increasingly cloudy and warm with a high in the upper-8^ south winds of 8 to 14 mph and a low morning temperatureof69 degrees. Weather Fact: Applied Meteorology — the application of current :t: A PP weather data, analysis and/or forecasts to specific, practical problei is distinguished from applied climatology, which deals with the ski' application of long-period, statistically-treated weather datasuchas means, extremes, probabilities, etc. Prepared by: Charlie Bren: Staff Meteortfe A&M Department of Meteotoh SCIEI Watch chiteo 10LLE( Matto sions 1 the Cc DULT in 145 SC PA in 216 LPHA Volun 6:30 p out “I bags f reside Btudep and cc floor c AGGIE 1 I setting 1 Quadi ■ at 8 p. 0FF-CA p.m. a UDY matioi NITEE 6:30 p butter COLLEC Matto: at 7:3C Voters to face confusion election day AUSTIN (AP) — Fourteen percent of Texas’ 7.34 million registered voters will go to the polls next Tuesday to face a ballot that will “sound like a bunch of le- galese gobbledygook” to many. Secretary of State Jack Rains pre dicted Wednesday. A 14 percent turnout would be slightly higher than the 10-12 percent usually recorded for con stitutional amendment elections. The Nov. 3 ballot includes 25 proposed constitutional amend ments and referendums on pari mutuel gambling and whether the State Board of Education should remain an appointed panel. There are no statewide offices on the ballot. “I know a lot of people might think the constitutional amend ments sound like a bunch of le- galese gobbledygook, but what it’s really about is $3 billion in bond debt and the future of our state,” Rains said in making his turnout prediction. Many of the proposed amend ments deal with issuance of state bonds to pay for various projects, including prisons. Also on the ballot are proposals for the sale of bonds to raise money for the su percollider that Texas is trying to lure. Duval ranchers say land lease to Bullock looks like 'inside job’ HOUSTON (AP) — Ever since Texas Land CommissioQ/pt; Garry Mauro leased 1,880 acres of state land to Comptroller Bob Bullock, some Duval County ranchers have been calling it a sweetheart deal, the Houston Chronicle reported Wednesday. Both Mauro and Bullock said there was nothing wrong or unusual about the 10-year lease. They also said Bullock is paying more than anyone else offered. However, the Chronicle reported, “Skeptics question how Bullock could have wound up with what turns out to be one of the state’s few hunting leases in South Texas — without having received special con sideration from Mauro’s office.” The newspaper also said that Bul lock has fenced in the land, closing off a road through the property that once provided neighboring land owners easy access to their own property. Rancher Leroy Hardcastle of Freer, who grazed cattle on the property for more than two decades before the state leased it to Bullock, said,“I think that he has caused con siderable trouble out there,”. Hardcastle said,“I think it’s an in side deal, but I have no way to prove it. I’m sure it had to go through the land commissioner.” George Taggart, a Rockport busi nessman who owns land in the area, told the Chronicle he also believes Bullock was given special treatment by the General Land Office. The newspaper said the lease ac tually is in the name of George Gar land, a former associate deputy comptroller for tax and administra tion m Bullock’s office, who has been working as a lobbyist since January, according to Bullock. They split the lease cost, Bullock said. Items fo. 216 R fore d lalli “Skeptics question how Bullock could have wound up with what turns out to be one of the state’s few hunting leases in South Texas — without having received special consider ation from Mauro’s of fice.” — the Houston Chronicle Bullock said he and Carte heard the land was available® ter the state decidedhottotej castle continue to lease the pr| Ix i auNe of alleged overgraziitj I The Chronicle reportedttt j office officials admittedthevi place advertisements aboutdj hut said that was not unusual Hardcastle, however, state “just up and took’ tlij away after he had spent vtis| considerable money D building fences and dertt| grassland. 1 larde astle said, ‘Theysai(il| abusing it.” He put the 1 severe drought that lastedfoi'*] three years. “George and I have been hunting down there for years,” Bullock said. “Normally, we hunt on (Clinton) Manges’ place.” Manges, a Duval County rancher, long has been a fig ure in Texas politics and is a long time acquaintance of Bullock. Mauro said no special deal was made. “He’s not getting any special treat ment, period,” Mauro said. “But he did come in and offer the state the best deal available.” Mauro said the lease wash at staff level. Apparendyato'I castle had abused that land ribly, the staff recommerfj renew that lease. Sothestaflsj checking around to findffJB who would lease and spend/fflRjs-pQ^ cant amount of time to biii§L rt . , fars to be lhe r } and - , , h Houstor I aggart, who prepared a ^ some s< plication that would have pra state $1.50 per acre for i® mire rights and S 1.50 an acreforftfe.f rights, said the property didt* be rested because it was in s® shape. Taggart said he never® application because hewastf land office employee that une mavo over, and that the the land'slick” Dimon Mary known a: in the noi ile the 11 for a ch 1? says I ter. to Bullock. KAPPA ALPHA AND HE&e Ultimate ©auntelt Jjouse 7pm-t2 milr ©CTC. $0 St 31 02 - •Betiefitittjj Douse 4400 ©13 College JUr. Study Abroad Fiftaticfel Aid Ittf ormational Meeting Friday, October 9 2:00-3:00 604 Rudd D Study Abroad Office 845-0544 161 Bizzell \lt Battalion Classified 845-2611!